Monday Mar 1 THT DAILY NEWS llf. AND MRS, J. VV. COLLirn k CRIPPLE FOR CELEBRATE SILVER VVEDDINQ On evenintr. Mr. and Mn Jilin Willi r, .. THREE YEARS brated the twenty.flfib annlvM-. ary of Iheir wedding day. A v"T Ktltiered at their U Bed Willi Rbawmati'tm iiome on tue waterfront i..r. i IS M. T-k TRUIT-A-TIVE5-. honor of (he occaalon. which wai ullably observed. Twentv.fh. yeans ago, John William Collar married Mite Mary Ellen Iluck. Ingham al gt. ieira r:h.,i. Illndley, Kngland. Of their fam-' lly, which numbered Ave. tiuir till iurvive and are i.. Prince Ilupert. The fifth. Jam. Arthur Collier, gave his life for hi King and country on Novem. ber 7lh, 1816. In France Mr. George Arter. Mlts Pearl ani Mi. Olive, and Mr. John William Collier comprise the remaining mem-bera of the family, and are all MUNRO well known In town. Mr. and lira. MR. ALEXANDER Collier were presented with 5 tt Ko. 1, liora, Ont, many oeautirul plecee of silverware Tor orw thre years, I u from the guests to mark the oc to bed with Ktatlm, cob. casion, and one and all spent U I b treatment r x -t most enjoyable time. Afler a caoslMY of doctors, and tried supper, dancing began, and was kept cre-vtfunr I Hf adfertiaed to jmauan, without reeriring up until the early hours, and r. everyone present voted the pro t ceedlngs to have been F. I dpckied to try FnUVa-tirci among the I.fore I Lad used JjxII a box, best and most enjoyable. Itemed as luproTewent; the pain vu t. t to fTerr, and the swelling FLAVELUC TOO STRONG ftc - to fo down. EVEN FOR LLOYD QEOROE ' yntiiutd Uiimf Uisrmif mt. iicit unprorinr all the time, and Toronto, May 22. Three SJILL INCREASING tow I na walk about two mile and times I cabled Lloyd George ask. io lifht eborr about the place". ing hun li give instructions to ALEXANDER MUXRO. Sir; Joseph Flavelle, the devoted e a box,6 or t2J0,trial site 55e. head of the Imperial Munitions lit aS dealen or Ktt poet paid oa Hoard, to co-operate with the Do. The ever increasing demand for "Staff Beverages" itceipt el price by Fmlt-a-tlrca minion Trades Congress in the Limit!,OtUwa. interest of the Canadian workers. We were turned down and then is evidence that its superiority is recognized by hUSERAI. ACT. upon my advice and request Pre mier Itorden cabled twice. Again xtvtVAit or ixriovtxtiiTi. be waa turned dbwn, I have said discriminating users 50T1CX that Lloyd George is the trickiest tart tntiim Mineral CUim. aiiaaia la politician who ever masqueraded S Ma MiBiar DlrUloa of Caatiar DU as a statesman, and I repeat It," r.n Vf located; Sra raltet treat declared J. C. Walters, president imm : m the nortawMl branch f re imk. of the Dominion Trades Congress HAVE YOU USED IT IN YOUR HOME? "Ill a TICE thai I, Wo, T. Kerrta. to a convention of labor men who - s m C. aeuar at arrai for met on Saturday to devise and -3rr SuJre r M. L . llt, and wa. draw up a constitution for a To. Better Order a Dozen or a Case from Your Dealer TODAY I i4r M L : llfllC. tad for a,-w." CMt atiiy ear fra tha date ronto Labor party. irk t irt'tr u u Miatac Krcarett He made this attack upon Pie- DO IT NOW! .rait of Inprv enroll, far U mier Lloyd George to explain to r?aae J juinJ a Crow a Oraat of tbt the convention thai Canada re. Mi And rartbrr laka aoUc thai coder secuoa it, aott te rum ceived Us instructions from t-- 4 t -se Um iMaanca of tack Car---an Downing Street. Mr. Wallers also T lnr jhum-pu, attacked Maekentie and Mann. Sir MM tsta ear f April, A. D. till Joseph Flavelle and Sir Clifford iS.E WATERS rROTtCTIOM ACT SifOon. ft i charter tti.i lie expressed tbe opinion thnt if the German workers had been St fnH A.1ADU.1 LLMSLR COR-f,T : , UMtTLD brrrbr t1'e hot as strongly organised industrially tSPARKllSG cadrr MUM T of the aaid a I as politically this war would! a:ia Um Minuter of ntlK never have occurred. Vat tl luai tad fca Um cCflrw ef the t1 Reruuar of Um Ua4 Reentry LAND REGISTRY ACT taaict u rnwrw Rupert, ft. C, a dcri(-M NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended Into a drink of CSvCUob IS aad UM f ta all aa4 tha plaa af wturf. taMariu rv wpMd M to txMII oa rare deliciousness and flavor; clear as crystal, "H tsirt Orafcaa UUa4, la front of I ApoJMatiea Koa. IISI-L Stil t, tll-L rfi-i list TMOmt Li era lllir sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full TAaE 50TJCX that appUcatloa hat beta '-a ! 3 Qwrn Caartoiw lUaadJ tU a. bmm to rcsuier rrank W Han. of frtaca bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected hutwrt. I. C at owner ta faa aadar four AM tf uu aouca Uwi aTter the ttptn-a at Sm rxd! rruoi Um Collector or um ripe fruit. Try a glass of Applestaff today: order mm atueih from Um data f uw of rnaca kaptrt. bcaiiac ia um CUT a takUrtUM af tali mum Tbr ftrtuak ttlfe dar of tcaar, 1 1 If, aad oea Tat oca case for the home. ataa Ltmitvr CorporaUne, LUUU4 will, S sal bred dtwd ttad dar of September, 'gH at rua ttfitt aald Act, arrtr o ... APPLESTAFF EVERYWHERC lit. f A IX AD St.nOl.LAR Uat crruls, -r j Oiuwa, for arpcwvU at Um lrcl or tract of laad aad prcmiaea altiMM. Ua aa4 for trttt la ra-tb Mie wharf, bulldiar. lie Iru aad btux la Um OH M rrwca na- rt. Btort parUCwJarl taowa aaa oa-crUwd Vtr.romrr. B. C Out laid oay at Lou setea (f aad tfteea (ll. "SI WnH TATIAOIAX IXMHtn con-Ttf.'.' Block iwelrt till. Lot twtJra (it), Bloc Richest brew of good cheer and health; essence four elrM Hh and LeU UUrtj-lArr UMtTtD. br Ihrtr arrtit r a 4fvUb4, artl r-Bflnrtr and (II) and UUrij-or il. Blue nru m of golden grains, rendered into a matchless beverage 1 iT lilt, aU la Socuoa Clfbl (tt. Map lit. Vaacoetrr. B.C. on ar rMulrrd u conicti Um class or for young and old snappy, invigorating, stimulating ut wttbia It dart from um UM pwrchatcr Adtertiae in tbe Dally Newt. daw or Um amtca of una nouco wWch to body and nerves, Llfestafl is foamy, may ba affocud by pubUcaUoa la Um creamy, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come Print Rapart bally ftt. ana your at-IrotUo la called ta taction IS of Um again P In popular priced bottles. STEEN & LONGWHL Land Krstttry Art" with amrmlmml. aoa LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. Ut um fwUowins cttracl Uterefrvca; and in deltall of a caveat or caruocai S&NITAHY AND HCATINQ of Ut pendent beU( Bled before Um reru- irauoa at owner or um iwraon rouum CNQINECRS under inch tat tala. aU penona ao tarrad IUI do lice. . . . and Uuae ciaanini Good old fashioned Bask brew, sacra tasty and lbrs or ander then, anr au perwiu AgenU for claiauns any laieratt la Um land by virtue creamy than ever; rich and dark mt color, foaming NcOLAKY FlHHIAeCt anmuwrad Inttnunet ana au pertons any cUUuiaf any lateral! U. mm " with spirit and life, Bockstaff is the "Hit of the PLUMBINO by oaaoMil wbuM uua u not iitrw ba Town' wherever it has been introduced. It is the under Um protuiont of this Act, ahaU and lor ever etopped and debarred irwu pleasing, sn3ppy drink you have been waiting for, tetunr P any cUUn to or ta retpeci of 8HCET METAL. WORK. Um land ae sold for taiea, ana um iki-trar with an after taste that makes you smack your lipa "houe 5, 831 Becond Avenue. abaU rcrtier the peraon aauUad un with der tuch ut tala at owner w w joy. Klht phonra 57o to aoid fur taiea." BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERC and IHue 270 mn wilLAtAS iPDUcauB nat vera Th rloht ,auJe for a Ceruncate of IndeltuibM Title work, at the right um unit u Uoda. u"", nd at the right priocw ta um rran aboea-aaeoUooed W. Hart. We are pleased ta announce that we have been named distributors of "staff lieveeagss for Northern AND WHEREAS on ueaturauna tills II aptrt inti pnor wu Ilrltlsh Columbia, for the llemrlch'a Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment of October. tSIS (UM otM on "-- tald landt were told for oeerou placus, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and other dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phone the undersigned if Seeds! you were Um rciUlerad and auaaaad own- Seeds! trt at titled below. you can't get Applestaff, Lifestaff or Bockstaff; we will see that jour order is promptly fllleet. ri'HTIICH TAkI OTlCt " im 1 ahall tBecl rert"'" ' Wt until and Utut a ruaoca of tach at pUcaUon "nnls'a, lndefeaaibla Tula lo tha tald Ferry'a and Btaala Ctruoeata of "8fls Garden lauds in tha naina of rran w. n "" and Flald Um prvper pro-mediate da. M Ukt and prosecute rwUIUlr and Worm Ds- to UM tald to laodt.attabUth or w your prerm claim. If wy. F. G. DAWSON, Limited poat aclioa on my part " "' ' Palad tl W Lan . Grain and Mill Faad. huparw B. C. InU llth dty of rtbruary. Distributers Poultry ' Reoulalor. tl. W. MACLEOD. JJNi F-d a spac,.,t,. . Dlttrtcl Besltuar of Tlttat.C, License No. 142 Priata Rupar t, B.C. Phone 77 and 72 v w ri.v&nn. rnaoa nuiwti. " aUr Allans. U. sfMttrd owner of Lola II and II, Btock II. Charles Nanus, Eomonwo. '-' Lterad and attetaad owner of Ul II, feeder! Feed Co. Block 41. and sold fi Uiet on lit djy of teplHuber. (fill airsubj P O. Bl SSS B. foweU SU, Vaucoattr, owner of UU f and l. C!