VriaJ The Da ily news MINCE RUPERT, n.C, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1918. PRICE FlVK CENT i.i ii 'ii iiiiiuiiiiuiiiuiiiiiii 1.1 V7 ACIS OF ENEMY REPORTS FROM WAR AREA VERY BRIGHT-EXPECT SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE SOON GERMAN ADVANCE IN WEST EXPECTS OF SETTLEMENT SHIPYARD STRIKE MARRIED HAVE MEN BEEN WOULD CALLED UP AMERICANS HOLD ON TO THEIR SLACKENS VERY APPRECIABLY isfmui to rtw ttuj Proposal was Put up by Govern-ment, POSITIONS AT CANTIGNY Ottawa, May 31. In a telegram But Rejected received at the Labor Department By Caucus. from Senator ilobertaon, it is HCr PR0ORE3S BEING RESISTED TENACIOUSLY FRENCH auggealed that SAVAGE GERMAN ASSAULTS FAIL TO SHAKE GRIP OF UNITED gZSERVES CONTINUE TO ARRIVE AT THE FRONT-ENEMY a satisfactory Kdmunlon, May 30 That It has STATES TROOPS ON RECAPTURED TERRITORY-GERMANS settlement of the Pacific LOSSES PUT AT OVER HALF coast been the intension of the govern CLAIM GRCAT CAPTURES A MILLION MEN shipyards strike may be reached ment lo call up Class 2, which OF WAR PROVISIONS this evening. Senator Robertson would have meant married men, tfptfMl S Tb DOf ..) German trenches littered Uh stales that a satisfactory argree. was the information given to the (Special to Tbe Daily mtnt hit beta .igned betweea Ui board of trade II. A. Paris, May 31. Increasing vlo-koee German dead and wounded from employeea of the Cough Ian yards member foi; East by Edmonton.Mackie,The PRINCESS MAY AND Parjs, May 31w The American narki the progress of the the artillery fire- and the owner, which it is hoped idea, however, received such opposition THE PRINCESS SOPHIA forces, who captured the village SAIL SIDE SIDE Ifblinf to the south of the river The Battle Continues. wi" exert a good influence.on the when discussed in caucus BY of Cantigny in Picardy have bent-en Aitae, and while the momentum Paris, May 31 An official equation. Only one point ap- by the government members, that off attack after attack by the tat enemy machine haa not yet atatement Issued by the war of- Pear 10 b in dispute in the gfn. it was abandoned, and the gov Both vessels leaving Vancouver Germans. Large forces of the flee here aaya that French troops eral HuaUon, and Senator Rob- ernment created another special at 9 p. m- Wednesday evening, P"i dself, there haa been enemy have been detailed to retake fcM have reUrded the enemy progress ertson seems confident that an class by calling up men between the Princess May and the Princess slackening in Ha ad. the village, and they have I ratable on the western outskirts of Sols- agreement upon It will be made Ihe ages of 19 and 22. Sophia ran a close race for uz;t during the paat day. The sons, and aolidly held the left today. The contention raised was that part of the way on the voyage launched savage assaults on the German ara fighting againat bank of the Criae river. The bat the married men should not be north. The "May" already has Americans. The latter, with ride iza and are throwing every tle la being continued with un STORY OF PLOT IN called out until all the single mi" the reputation for making the and machine gunfire, simply rx;t of their weight of man. diminished violence. The French IRELAND IMPUDENT from all the provinces had been fastert time amosig the C. P. R. mowed down th. advancing Teutons, soldiers are holding their positions FAKE SAYS DEVOY exhausted. boats on this run, but on this oc and inflicted tremendous ,:r into the atrugglc. Their northwest of flheims. Mr. Mackie eulogized the man. casion the Princess Sophia ran losses. They successfully main V.tt effnrta now aeem to be de Yet Another 10,000. New York. May 30. John Ie-voy. ner; in which the government was alongside of her all the way to tained their positions which are uioping into the widening of the iterun. .May ji. rne lorts on named in the British press being supported in its way of Alert Bay. The two vessels sail of considerable importance to the ppuhieh they have torn in the the northwestern front of Hheims bureau's official exposure of the dealing with conscription. All the ed side by side practically from Gerjiians plans. The recapture positions of the Alliea between I have fallen. Three auburba of alleged German-Sinn Fein Irish protests came from Quebec and Vancouver, and a biscuit could of this ruined village by the Kzsa aid HnmonL cut thia work Soissons have also been captured, uprising pioi as an intermediary Ontario, he asserted. But in spite have been tossed from the one American forces was a splendid Mtms to be progressing slowly. and the number; of prisoners tak. n America between Gerjnany and of a protest from 2.500 farmers ship to the other. If the two piece of work, and in maintaining, .'3 ihe centre the enemy have en from the enemy increased to.lhe ,rln leaders, issued a atate- in one province alone, the members vessels had been geared together, themselves in the face of repeated traia pushed forward, and have 35,000. ment here last night branding the supported the government. they could,hardly have kept closer and determined enemy attacks, tade a utile further prpgress, London announcement as "an impudent together, and it was only on ap the American troops have proved uhi eff rls to broaden his ad. CANADIAN BANKS HAVE fake." Devoy is the editor BUY IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY proaching the wharf at Alert Bay to be fighters of some quality. tuc.aj front has met with little 10,000 MEN IN KHAKI of the Gaelic-American, an antl that the May was allowed the Claim Much Booty. ifis On the wings, the allies British weekly newspaper published lurrw-rrd la atftrdnre wtm Ute Cofj-rlrM precedence, she having a lot of Berlin, May 31. The impetuous im been obliged to give some While etery branch of Canadian in this city. Att. freight for. that point, while the advance of our troops in attacking poind. This action was carried business has a noble record in Declaring that there was no The Integral part of the nation Sophia had none. After leaving Ihe enemy prevented them from s: w!y and a full price haa supplying men for service oter-aeaa, conspiracy justifying the arrest Is the Individual community. Alert Bay, however, the Sophia carrying back immense quantities kta exacted from the enemy. At few- people realize the re- last week of five hundred Sinn t. A nation is.1 made up of communities. lost sight of the May, and will of rjch .provisions heaped up. in mrtm nl. it.- -III..! ponse that the men on the alalia Feiners, Devoy also asserted that possibly be cleared from Prince the territory which we have captured- n massing without confusion. of the banka have made to the rail he "never; had any dealings, directly Communities hold the nation Rupert before the May arrives. Large depots fell into our Ensmy Halted In WssL to the colors. These figures have or indirectly, with any together furnish Ibe adhesives hands at Soissons, Braisne an J agent or emissary, official or unofficial, that make it a concrete substance. THOUSAND JEWISH Fisme. Large stores of food Puis. Mar 31 We have halt. ust come to hand, and every pa of the German government The stronger these individual REFUGEES DROWNED stuffs, extensive munitions depots, m (be enemy In the western part triotic Canadian will be proud of since the United Stales entered communities become the greater WHEN SHIP SINKS railway trains and estab . o frpnl near Soissona, and to the record of our banks, at the the war. the nation becomes. lishments with a large quantity of tst southwest on the left bank same lime realising that thia drain tl Ut Criae river. The Germans on the stalls makes it imperative The sole object of the charges National patriotism has its rise New Yori. May 30. one thou medical equipment fell Into our li tnyiUplying their eftorta in that the publio ahould co-operate .made officially In London," Devoy in the community, and Just how- sand persons, all Jewish refugees possession. til direction of Yitlers Tardenois. wllh those left behind, in the ald. " 1 creale antipathy to powerful national patriotism be from Batoum, were drowned when Heavy Losses. comes depends upon the extent of With" French Armies In the the ? cur right, and to the north-t handling of Canada's gnowing Ireland in America.' the steamship Oriole, carrying a cf Hheims, we are holding banking business- the local patriotism evidenced in passenger list of 1,500, was recently Field. May 31. The Germans, sr positions. At the beginning of the war. GERMANY MUST HOLD the communities. sunk In the Caspian Sea, since the offensive began, have Enemy AtUmpla Maid. there were 17,874 men and 1.C09 BELGIUM, SAYS TIRPITZ Some communities are more according to a cablegram received lost 520,000 men, according to progressive and more prosperous and printed herje by the Jewish compilations made today which Tb allies are holding the Oer-bus women employed in uanauian 29. We must lhan others because they are mor Day, from ita correspondent at arjs mathematically certain. This at all points on the Alsne banks. Ily January 15th, 1918. Amsterdam. May patriotic to their home Interest includes the losses in the present Harbin. (:t The battle along the firing the number of men on the bank retain Helgium economically, po-Hlieally militarily.'' aaid Ad- "Buy in youij own community" The cableRram staled that the phase of the offensive on the Atsne frost anH continued all night w ith the atafJa was only 11,220 a reduc German is the most patriotic and in the her to Astrak front. It is believed that the losses frtnch and the num-Jmtral von Tirpiti. former ship was on way the western of maintaining tlon over 3,000, oUkirta of 8olssons. Northwest lr nt wnmfn had increased to!minister of marine, in an address long run by far the most pofitable han. No details of the sinking there are fully as heavy as they watchword the people of any given in the cablegram- have been on the Picardy. and Sunday, as were Dusseldorf on Rhnms the Franco-British ,7C9. The total enlistments from J at community can s'et before them Flanders front. fcwes broke all the German as-ults the elafJa of banks up to January quoieu in me .acnricmeu oi mm selves. Unthinking, heedless peo -BETRAYED- Air Raids. and de-iraihe 7.711 almost half of,city. maintained their 15. were in sufficient num An official de-stalTs pie, if present London. May 31. addresa was bank The admiral' posiliona. the number of men on the the Dusseldorf bers, can wreck any community The sDirit and romance of old statement today reads: "A suc French of the war. Ilvered before reserves continue to at the beginning falher-rled in a short space of time by practicing Mexico, and haxardous adventures cessful aerial operation was ffe at the front, and the Oer Considering the number; of mar- branch of the reactionary of false which overtake American the French troops which he Is one a system economy. an army carried out by Ba the!land of In party, advance a being resisted men and men over age tweaking What a Live Community Means. officer in search of a bold, bad east of Dickesbusch Lake last "narjously record to which 'of the leading spirits, The Germans by banks this is a requirements afler A live, growing, aggressive bandit foijn the story of the play right. Beyond the usual military fmpioymg tremendous forces, they can point with pride. Since!of Germany's community is one that lakes pa "Betrayed" to be screened at Ihe activity on both sides, there is made repeated efforts to that date 300 additional young ine war. ho central Kurope. the triotio pride In Us own local en Weslholme Theatre this evening. nothing new to ryport from the k Neither through on the Solsaons banking men have volunteered, Northern Europe cari terprises.and patronises them to Miriam CooDer. as the star act remainder of the British front. but each time their attacks 830 were called under the decision Orient, nor the fullest possible extent. displays a senorlta's dream the materia U ress, with been held up by the deter-nwd of Mr. Justice Duff In March, and supply us osir raw Ueiyi the local merchants, with or love- She begins by promising MEN NINETETN YEARS French resistance. Attack have been called cheerful confidence, stock with Before the REGISTER need to have the sea rree irom up to mairy one man. OLD MUST altar a was btiiketi to nieces recent amendments 10 me military for inai an abundance of every requisite picture Is ended, she has promised BEFORE TOMORROW the murderous rnnrcnlrnlntl Service Act. Thus the total Anglo-Saxon tyranny for use in the community be lo marry thwe. Carmellla mai "Mh machine and rifle gunfire, contribution of men by the banks fKiiiose. the Admiral did not cause they can depend upon the la her name throws aside Pcio . Mn nhn are nineteen years of Uled by the batteries of 75s has reached the Inspiring figure Aparently submarine warfare, people f that community to do when she meets Leopoldo, a ban age have only got until tomorrow, the t rear. The aurvivora of each of over 10,000 not far short Af mention discussed al the same their buying from the home mer dit. Then when she discovers June 1. to register with the Regis. mingled with each oncom ten battalions. which was highly optimistic chants. This makes for mutually William Jerome, an American of trnr or Military Service al van. ,u wiv. nt lh ...1,1-1. Women clerks have been em meeting In Herr a nachmeister. a helpful, congenial relations, mod ficer who haa come to Mexico as corner. The process of registration rt each shattered in turn. The ployed and have done splendidly. manner by the Landtag. crate prices and healthy trading a spy In search of the ruffian, she for men of nineteen will con In i 11111 in progresa. say local bank managers, uu. deputy conditions. fnrsnkea Leoooldo. Plot nnd sul Imnlv of the writing or n Brlllah Bunnaa not tho experience of the In such community will succeed each other in be At have fourth of the series of a you counter plot letter to the registrar on on the Uriu.h Headquarters In men they replace, and It would be The arranged between the dry-dock il ml active interest in all publio swift succession, and th finish fore June 1, giving full name, nce. May 3IUrlu,h troops out of the question to expect games will take place nITalrs. There are good schools Is one of the battle scenes for address nnd date of birth. Further and entrance !L W V,las,e Pnelrated them to work aa rapidly, or with nt 7.30 on the grounds nt and churches, social advantages which the Fox ptctures are already afler June 1, as a man becomes r lx hundred yards Into the the same knowledge or uanaing as tonight Place. Considerable enthusiasm upoijt and entertainment for the famous, Everything concludes 10 nineteen yeat s old. he will be re ""n aefencea, afler a pre ofilcera of many years' twining- Market has been created by this young and old. the satisfaction of everyone wllh quired to notify the registrar "iinary bombanl Fop these reasons the uanaoian nnd it U expected a large Advancement la the order of the the exception of the bold, bad within ten days nUer attaining bombed and many prisoners Ilankers Association is issuing an series.i.rinir will witness the con day; progress Is the watchword, bandit. Then there ia Tom Mix that age. ine utuh found Ihe in it. nuhllo to co-operate evening. Clapp and Currie nnd achievement Is the realiaatlon as well in a two-reel Fox comedy, with the banka aa fully as possible ,test this perform again, while Crosby that curries the spirit of the peo. which will be ure to pleast ev. Tor New Wellington Coal and in the handling of Banana s ".-,will. ..,.- ......I In ilamnnilrale. i.le to greater and grander goals eryone who aee it. , Ir Lumber of all dimension, WESTHOLMR ing business under tnwe and amen"results ri-v of recent hard prao Suth is the community that Is hone 11S. tlonal conditions. A change.of (ho barkened to with dttentioa rmI There were three cases at Ihe TONiQHT ONLY banking hours Is announced from Use. rcspeet when it baa 8sw4MRg l police court IW morning. Amelia 9:30 to 2:30 In place of Ihe usual THE CRADLE ly before Mm lelstUv be4ie Gill was red with vagrpney William Fox presents 10 o'clock to three ror w.e - iinm in Mr. and Mrs Attlllo or lite wMeri of comorcia-i and 7ur4kww Wearing was adjourn BETRAYED" of giving the slalTs more - '" f B51 nh Avenue, W corporations. ed ubM Tufty. C Calderonl With I I til A in nmnlet It Is a "live-wire comMualiy was M fz.oi ior permiuuii? ni . . of wopjc wnicn cbuii I - ,.1,-n .1 II ii0sn al. a aon. In the real sense of that oft chicken to tresspass, while II ... ... mi ... omiAtl lo liie iMt"" Heekki whm charged with being a uniu me nunc. FOR QUALITY Burdtr Homsnw. public nequests are also mado June 1,U the La4yemMi WIHnUn 6ol -mm defaulter under the Military Service KRVICK and SATISFACTION TOM I IV Mix to bank early and avoid drawing Tomorrow. your fw4 bHI ami fllve Ac-l, 4 was ordered lo be s AM A the riircwi unnecessary cheques. when Bonds receive tiir w kaatafaaalen. Pme 19. .P. R. hiMM over to Ihe military au-tkorttia. IX DAY.WERK tm IUV Hotel. year's lnlr I.Iberty Wine. Kmprfas