careful be is. llesides whuh The Daily News there is interest, and the alw of the time taken for bookkeeping, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITI Ml COLUMBIA which costs money, Published Dally and Weekly too. This cost Is another which Guaranteed Largest Circulation the cash customer has to bear his share, although oblalnng CANADA HEAD OFFICE: no advantage therefrom, and Daily News Buildinn, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. TeL 93. which might easily be eliminated. MILITARY SERVICE ACT, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. In limes like these, the merchants 1917 have the situation in Contract Rates on application. their own hands. A majority Vvte tot new uegulatfons gov. v Friday. May 31, 1018. DAILY EDITION. -erning these matters, whirl) pUDLIC NOTICE is hereby given that, by The report must be ad4wi4 t. would show a saving, would the effect of the regulations of the Governor mmw Maaarj nervtr Art J .l BEING HELD then he up to General Foeh. doubtless receive the sanction General of Canada in Council of the 20tlt ...(..ww v..u m vwa sw ressclr, of the Canada Food Hoard, ami shall U set by registered j. fer wt, When the irreststable mass ut of April, 1928, and the Proclamation of 4th Uy the throwing of over poatate it reWsreet would be made compulsory. with the German armies meets Khelming masses of troops May, 1918, recently published, every male The public, though slow to the immovable lines of the Allies, Yount meet aa reports w asst be placed the tbinly-held Allied British resident in bom on acti against subject Canada, on or themselves learn, would adjust it is possible that there serrk US further aotste, Ttwy swat. h-m.v. lines, the Germans have been will be lighting on a scale to the new circumstances when since the 13th of October, 1897, who has a laiamy stenstrat of mifv n. enabled, by paying a big enough hitherto unprecedented in the they had to. attained or shall attain the age of 19 years and in casualties, in making price advance of four years of warfare, even as who is unmarried or a widower without children us mH n ut irnn an sssssjuaaeatin r-. . little ten miles belter right than an in the centre these fouij years have been unprecedented One, two it's good to chew. must, (unless he is within one of the classes of forwarded by the Rcajstrar wWe wtO protect tbt Uttrr four alt want Three, they in the world's his-tory. mere, front svttvXo mentioned in the schedule of Exception! of front of some thirty-flve persons a in sticks. This will be the beginning Five, six it comes miles. Along this front at of Uie end for the Central Seven, eight the flavor's grvai. to the Military Service Act) report as Pursctsal compiknet wrtb tbese rrajutmsmts h of places the Allies have given Empires, for then the tide ol Nine, ten come again hereinafter directed on or before the 1st day of rrcet lmporrsnce to toe assarted. Fellurt to report ground before the weight and the Allies' armies may he expected with Wrigley s! June, 1918, or within ten days after his 19th within i.i the time a Htnked itf i-wbI expeaetlse- dasutqitcnt. . , tr semt momentum of the German blow pnsauiB wn wm m pyitw iimi mm aable ts to surge onwards lowaru birthday, whichever date shall be the latter. but taking their toll as they re ImaaecbaU apprctension for MBtary Bcrnce the Rhine and Germany. tired. This new battle front Insomnia Cured Such report must be in writing mad roust (ire his ISShTD BY TltS DEPARTMENT or rt'STICE. lies immediately south of the name In full, tbe date of bia Urth aad his place of res, MILITARY SERVICE BRAWCH.tim 1 Jth day of line ftpm which the Germans ECONOMY Without Drugs deuce aad also bia usual poet office address. Iia. advanced on their way towards The discussion which took Amiens. Their success on this place this week among the local Internal Bathing Relieves occasion, which so far has been butchers and grocers regarding denied them, would place them the questions of civdit and the Cause NOTE: The men required to report should address thar reports at follow,: on the road to Paris via the delivery cannot be said to be valleys of the Ourcq and Marne premature. Doth systems, at tr you do not sleep there It always ONTARIO To the Deputy Registrar under tbe MMitary To tbe Urprtr Kegistrae lauSai tat UilOt v Strwcs ane can, pest ilirl dollar tlh rivers. practiced at the present day drug. err can't consume them. Service Act. 1B17. Um&m. U they reside In the Act. 1917. Quebec, tf tbey teasoe m the County at 'County of Eases. Kent. Lembtoa. Clcia. Middles-. wotie, rcicnisssia. vwayawa. iwan Beflechssst, The weight of the enemy attack can hardly be said to be the Relieve tbe cause aod a food, sound steep Oxford. Waterloo, UVnangton, Perth. Jturoa, or Ilona venture,uorrnesMr.wasps. Kan- asks, Leva has resulted in the capture moat economical methods tun be the result Bruce. 1,-Jslct. tmpiasn, usanevass. ch. ... um of some fifteen thousand prisoners. which might be adopted in Tbe system cannot be right ir the To the Registrar under the MBHary fierrke tnorrncy.. Quebec,...Pmuxwf... aaguen. . i-wien Colon or larre intestine u sot cleaa m f Berlin has since then these days of stress. That the krpt Act, 1917, Toronto, If they reside in the Count f of Mormnagny, auuac, jaegsasac. kbsousU anS and rree rrors all wsste natter. BiUm Uocola. WeOaad. Italdamamd. HorUtik. Braat. Trmiacouata. augmented this number by an. free delivery system is open to internally If yea want perfect -hrallh. Wentworth. Haltoa, Pert. York. Oatario, Utev, To tbe Deputy Registrar totaW Uw bi-mv Serrv other ten thousand, which has abuse, not one merchant will Mr. r. C. Volrt, Rapid Oty. Mwu Duffoin. aUmcoc, or In tbe Districts of Muskoka, Act. 1917. ilim. U tbey reasde ta :. t .jit, c not yet been confirmed- This deny, and that the abuse is write! : "for several yean I suffered Parry Sound. Algoma aad Kipissiec north of the Ttmtskanwrn.lsanW,Ottawa ssd Uu:.( from IndigeiUaa, Nervous Debility, la-soronla Mattawa and Ftrnch rivers (Luchritng the Towa-ships NOVA ECOTIA To the Registrar sswte- t - number of in itself, would in certain it practiced quarters men, aud Constipation. Had so appetite, of aerris end DonSeld.) Orrfett Act. 1917, WsMfci. if tbey rrsKit at seem to be a toss of some im may be that they will admit, aad doctor did not expect t would tin To the Deputy Rcgistra. under the MUrtsvry Prcrriats of Nova Itetts. porlance to the Allies, but in too. Ummrhout tbe winter. Your book Inter Serrkc Art. 1917. Kmgston. if tbrr resMe in the rw BlnJNcl: t tbe Reg-?. v- tv the thinly-held front lines, this The instance given at Wed ested roe. I cot a "1 B. L. Cascade" aad County of Durham. xtothuaaberisHsd, Victoria, UBUrr Service Act. IHt.Br. sba t they rrir a ta a fev days obtained remarkable result. Prterborough, HaaUngs. Priare Edward. Lettnos. . tbe Province or rsew isnsssu'sti loss is possibly one of the un nesday night's meeting where I sew sleep and enjoy ax saeala batter Addington, Froatenac, IsaUbsarton, Catftetost, Duo-das, COWARD ISLAND- To IV . avoidable things connected three grocer?' cars called at then rue years before. I retard the "J. B. Glengarry. Krafrrw, KmmB, Btorsaoas. Orcav PRIWCE r "t.:r:'ta,and-!teiSWUyBtiAm.tl1.C.. with modern warfare. The enemy one house at the same time in t Cascade" aa Oodsend Ui me." sfflr. Laaark. Leeds. Prrscott or the District of resinUteleiHnceiersiaiI.11 lut Tbe -J. B L Cascade Is a irTecied Niptsatrg south of Mattawa river (esdusive of the losses are already report. the morning with different orders appliance for Interna Bathing. Invented by Townahspe of Ferris aad Beataeid.) URITIfUI COUfbSlA-To kbr Rtv. - urie ed as heavy, and it may be as totalling the sum of II Ji Or. Ches. A. Tyrrell of Hew York, aad baa To the Registrar Under the Mihtscy Service Act. biartanr Service Act, 1917. Vasnou - tm sumed that for the fifteen thou altogether is a sample. When been tbe means of rettortar thousand to 1917. Wsnnipcg. If they rra'- in the Districts of as tbe Provbsee of IwSttab Caoara) SASKAlOtSWAN To tabs Rcastrw xa, w bu e sand the Allies have perfect be alia it Is shown aad explained Kcnora, Rainy RJver. or Thunder Hey. prisoners it is remembered that the ini QUEBEC- To the Registrar under the MilrUtry Servsre Servire Art. ItlT. Regbia, af thr -sue a tbt by Cyril H. Onne, Druggist, cor. Ird Ave. lost, a very much greater pro- tial coat of a delivery car, the aad ttb St. who win be pleased te five Act, 1H7. Montreal, if they reside in tbe County of PrawwaeerfSsibsnebsusan loss has been suf Carticr, llocbclaga, Laval, Vsurrrissl. ALBBRTA To tbe Kesjsagrsr tssssW th- M: & - Jacques porjtionate cost of upkeep, and wages of yes an Interesting book calied Tbe What Act. 1917. Calgafy. if tbsarsw " fered by the advancing Ger a driver have eventually to be Tbe Wby. Tbe Way of Internal Bethlag-1 Soviainces, KapicrvBk, DeaulmoM. Chatssney.Two Alberta. - Huntington. Laprairie, Arnntfuit. Trrreastanc, mans. The policy of attrition added to the cost of the goods, in request Ask fur tt Mocnaint. Montcalm. L'Asacnption, Joisctte. tier, UAHITOBA To tbe IVfiatsar under adopted by the Allies is being it will be seen that the public thier, lUiinw(t, Sc. 14aurk. Three fevers, Sc Servtor Art. 1M7, UfMaptrg, sT tv- t at tk followed logically. And one have a little something to do JoLna. Iberville. Mactiaeufli. rromc, ShrSerd. Haw Previwot of Uaoitiaba. riSe. Chambty. Vercherrs. t' llyssesBthe. Batget. XVKOH To tbe rciaerar tsaaier tbe f thing to be remembered is that themselves with the increasing Drummond. Kachebeu. Yam .ka. Htcmn. Artkav Act. 1 1 7 DeweoK. if tbry - Germany is in a worse position costs of foodstuffs. At the baaka. Bkurixoakt. utd StaSMrtesxt. Territory to bear great losses in man present time, however, the power than are the Allies. customers who carry the good In the opinion of competent home themselves are mulcted Hilary authorities, the Ger. in the delivery costs. SALS Or OOVCItNBJENT PROeCXTV e see eoeseeeeeees mail-offensive will be definitely In dealing with this matter, rRIMCC RUPERT DISTRICT. MAIL SCHEDULE e stopped by this evening, by the as with the other equally important SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Tenders reserves being brought to .matter of credit, the WRIGLEYS up for Lorrmr Engine." will be received by For the CasL stiffen the Allies' lines. The merchants will require to be (be undersigned up to list May, It IS. far and Bat. ! Muuda) Wednesdays enemy is close enough to Par? united in whatever decision tbe purchase of tbe following s, One IS Don-kry uhtajs at JO a. m. is i Empire Logging and Flanders close In credit in enough they come to. ac Entine, complete with sled and to the Channel ports already, counts again, further costs are water tank, together wtui all nece ! From the EasL and the time is at hand when piled up against the goods. No sary operattnr ecpupment Tbe above is new in use by. sad can b'uiiilays, Tuesdays and Thursdays there is no possibility of allowing merchant can give ciydit without irsa be aeen at, tbe Kerr A Munn Legging Company's at 5 JO p.m. him any more latitude in making some allowances camp. (area Ctnrlotle Islands. his advance. The initiative will for bad debts, no matter how Tenders are to be F.O.B. at tbe present I Tsfksfs Wawsnnafssissasiane reasons fTieoct site. a sure ssii w-w as v or Tbe highest or any tender not necessarily Tuesdays & pan. accepted. Wednesdays 7 a.m JAMES PATTERSON, Thursdays 10 pjn. S. jPRINCg JRUjgHgT Victoria. B.C.. Ird May.Purchasing itis. A tent tl-l From Vancouver I Steadies nerves MINERAL ACT sailing Sundays 10 p.m. Wednesdays 10 JO aan.f- aftaW 2 fill avs thirst Csrtlflcats of Improvements Wednesday 9.00 a.m. for Swanson Bay and Saturdays p.m Vancouver. NOTIOC 3 Aids appetite "LOUISE" Mineral Clalam, situate In tbe For Anyoi: S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Portland Canal Mining Dtvtalon of Casaiar Sundays 10 pjn. 4 Helps digestion Ms trie t. Wbere tacatkdi m American Wednesday Mldnlcht to Any ox. Creek, about 4 miles from Its mouth. Wednesdays 10 p.m. 5 Keeps teeth clean Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, TAKE .NOTICE tbal L Kubert Stewart, Victoria and 8eattls. Free Miner's Certificate Ho. SUIT. Id i From Anyox: 6lt's economical lend, sixty dayt from tbe date nereor, to Tuesdays a.m to tbe Mining heeorder for Or apply a 8. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Thursdays lUlrale of ImprovenxtiU, for tbe purpose p.m Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. uf obulning a Crown Grant of tbe above LIB claim. For Port Simpson and Naas River TRAIN SERVICE And further uke do lies that action, tin PUMDfcr afeaSay, WMmMi and Saturday tt 11:J0 a.ra. for Smltbers. rter section St most be commenced before points: Prises Oeorgs, Edmonton and Winnipeg, suitor direct eoaoeeilGus for all tbe Issue or sucb Certificate of Improve Sundays 10 p.m. points tad sod south. menu. Paled tbls tltb day of March, till From Port Simpson and Naas I SSSSSSSSSH aivlf-i enliilare andsssssssssssssV Aoenoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. Sk'EENA LAND DISTRICT DI3TIUCT OF River Points: supplied! COAST. RANGE S.- Tuesdays sailors For information and reservations apply to a.m IM City Ticket Office, E20 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 TAKE JtOTICE tbal tbe Grand Trunk Queen Charlotte Islands; I'aelOe hallway Cunipany of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Intends to apply for permission For Massett, Port Clements and ta teste tbe following described lands: Island Upper points: Commencing at a post plauletl at trie most northerly point of Lot 107 at or about Saturdays fi am hub water mark, thence northerly, easier From Ma8-t, Port Clements aud Ij. southerly and westerly, following the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY sinuosities of the snore line to s point of Upper Maud points: eoiumeneenient, Including all thai tors-snore Tuesdays u in between hlfli-water aud low-water Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points the Dated 0RAm April TRUitk 4 lb. 1911.pAtnrir rmiway For Skidtgate. Oueerj Charlotte via Steamer to Vancouver and the COMPANY. II. II. Iltnssrd. snlielior CAtv 1111(1 I.1IU.1.P l.lntnl ,.n.l. Canadian Pacific Railway I'HINCE ItUPEUT LAND DISTHICT DIS-TIIICT Wednesdays a p.m. or QUEEN C1IAIILOTTE ISUNM. From Skldeuale. tjuenn Chitrlutte Meals and Berth included on Steamer City and Lwer Ialand ttnmia TAKE NOTICE thai we, Tbe Aeroplane (Saturdays n. m. spruce Lumber Co.. Ltd., of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen. Intend to apply for FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE permission lands. to lease the following described The Daily Nfws deliverer! hy SS. SOPHIA aalla from Print Rupert May Ird. I tin, 11th; June a la. It Ik Cominenclng .el a posi planted at lbs .arner, DO cents per mouth. ud 'lltn. norllieast corner of Lot S. block 41. Part of subdivision of District BS.pmMctSS ALIO Mils for Vancouver June ttod end July SIS. lot Ti. tueucs north S chain. Itience west so degrees meal ss. PMMCtss .may sail for Vancouver May tin, tstb, 19 lb. autl ftife; south to the approach to lbs Government DENTISTRY Chew If after every liu fad. tin. Kta, Slrd aud SMn. Wharf, fori Cieiueuta, tbeiice southerly along said approach to the northwest cor ncr of Lot I, said block 41, thence cast ONOWN SMO IRiMS VVOnS if 3 The Flavour Lasts! eriy along the waterfront of lata I l, l, a srsoiaLTr W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent, 4, I, , T. and s, said block 41 to point J. S. BROWN of -?n. cojiuneueemenl, and conlalulug setsn Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince.Rupert. H.C and one-half acres more or lea. DSMTIST I SSs-sssssssss AKitOI'LANlS SI-KUCK LUMBER CO, LTD. Ostasi Baaiih Sl4, TtileS Seeaaa News Aorll ud. 1911,T. Lewis, presldenL )) riteae S4 Advertise In The Daily