' 11 " M mi winmn G. H. Arnold 1 Local News holes J NOTARY PUBLIO Dock Ileer on draught. Km.; press Hotel. 127 i The Canadian FOR SALE Mr. John Grant of Smilhers, Is paying, a visit to town. j Lata 10, 11, and 12, Block Ilishop Du Vernel left llil.s 20, Section 6. morning for Ocean Kails, j j Bankers' Association Wt can sell these three Mr. J. S- Gray, of Smlther. I-' Itvel lots on Hays Cova paying a visit to the city. i Circle, for Mr George Moffat, of Tort Ks-1 $1,600 Cash. night.sington, arrived in town last i Invites the Co-Operation of the Public H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Mr. J. V. Strombeck,. of Alice!I on Behalf of the Banks Arm, is paying a visit to Prince! Rupert. I Mr. Jack Bradbury sailed thU morning for Victoria by the Prinee1 "The Daily News" George. I Staffs Heavily Reduced by War CLASSIFIED ADS. Mrs. Itetheringlon, of Smithers, ' arrived in the city last evening from river. WANTED. up . . ; ORE than half the men in the banks of Canada are now on Captain C. II. Nicholson, of tbe WANTED Settlor ben. Phone Oreen III. morning O. T. I'. Steamship for Vancouver,Co., left this military service, and the number which remains is being WAITED Two wltrec. Siroy HotcL steadily reduced. Mr. A. V. Career, of Oceanic WANTED Womn to do housework. III! Ambrose, phone Black lit (IIS) Cannery, arrived in tbe city yesterday Women clerks have been employed in thousands and have on a visit for a day or two. WANTED eoek captMe for use married At Swansou ciuirr couple of Bar.small employed nrl bouse or woman durlnr tod Mrs. J. li. Fee was among the done splendidly, but they have not the experience of the men they Mr.u uy.Career,wire Swanson us Bay,to in.Immediately.write leaving passengers for on Vancouver the Prince last Georrfj even, replace. It would be out of the question to expect them to work as FOR SALE in?. rapidly or with the same knowledge of banking as officers of many frt SALE Household Furniture. Pbooe Mr. Wilkie, manager of the Net' training in the profession. Red 147. England Fish Company at Ketchikan, years was in town today on his way The drain the number of officers has res. i all Gat boat. 41 by t-. it b.p., north- upon experienced now l-yclo enrlne. To 1m teen at Cow Bay. reached point where it is to ask the public to take into fR SALE Four-roomed bouse and lot 10 Retail Clerks. Election of officer? a necessary la B. Sleek Price,II,Ketchikan.Section I.Alaska,Enquire Man it Carpenters'on Monday Hall at night,eight o'clock in the consideration this decrease in efficiency, and to lighten, as far as rK(osrler-section SALE At let In than Balkier rovernment Valley.price,51 sharp. Ufl they can, the burden thus thrown upon those left to run the business. Scale.to Land Settlement boldlnr. Welrb II was Dr.among J. P.the McKle,passengers of Smilhers.arriving Canada was never so busy as now and the volume of banking rail SALE Weaollnr plr from pedtrreed in town last night from th. 1 business is than before. Berkshire boar and rrade sows, ready Bulkier Valley. 1 greater ever fer finery about tbe 11 Hay. 7 to old. Price 110.00 eacii f.O.B. TIkwa, B.C. Order early tod ret flrt The Rev. Father Rivet left the' tfceite rrudbonmie A ruber, P.O. box city this morning for the Yukon, SO, Telkwa, B. C U wherje he will be stationed for the How the Public Can Help next six months. 1 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT ... j "GIVE Mr- W. Jensen, of the Rocher; Transact banking business in the morning as far as possible, NOTICE IS HEREBY tbat frank de Boult mine, was among the your la A. tbe Steven,Province of tbe of Brttub City of Columbia,Prince Rupert.carry last passengers night's arriving train. in town by j and as early as possible. Try to avoid a rush at closing time. tar on liutlne a tbe Steven' Qrar Store. ... did on tbe lib day of Mar. A. D. ISIS. ! Do not draw more cheques than are absolutely aastrn to Herman Hill, artnt. Prince Ru Mr. L. J. Uethman and Mr- De any necessary. pert, BMUib Columbia, In trait for the Forest Nelson, of Uk, arrived in Instead of small accounts by cheque, draw the in paying benefit of hi creditor, all his real and the city last night, and will re money one personal property, credit and effect. main here for a short visit. which may be lelied and (old under execu ... amount and pay in cash. Hon. which atilirunent I dated tbe lib day or May. III. The Alice D. is again being got! AND notice 1 further riven tbat a meet ready for the summer trafllc andj Inr of tbe creditor mill be held at tbe will be in operation in a few days law ofllee of Messrs. Paunore k Fallon, in Hours June 1st Scott Block, Prince Rupert. 00 tbe 17th on her old runs acrpss to the Salt Change Banking diy of May. ISIS, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock Lakes. 12? 1 la tbe afternoon, for tbe purpote of tiring direction for tbe disposal, or conUnulnr A detachment of sixteen men of tbe business of tbe estate, the Mounted Police passed On and after June 1st banking hours will be: 9.30 to 2.30; AND notice I rurtber riven that tbe aultnee will, on and after tbe lib day through the city this morning on 9.30 12.00. to or June, ISIS, proceed to distribute tbe their way north to replace the Saturdays assets of tbe said Frank A. Steven tbe persons entitled Uf?rtn, bavinr amour re draft service.which was called for over-sea's This arrangement will give the staff more time to complete the rard only to the claims of which be tball . then bare notice, and be will not be beld large amount of work which cannot be taken until after the responsible for the asset or any part Mr. II McKay, of the Prince up thereof, so distributed to any person of Rupert Dairy, arrived back in whose notice. -claim be (ball not then hart bad town this morning from Vacnou- office is closed to the public. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, this Otb ver with thirteen cows for his day or May, ISIS. diary .herd. He says they are HERMAN HILL, Alllrnee. among the best milkers in the province. ... Special Services Discontinued July 1st. V.I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE MENCV The Alaska was in this morn 20 Metropolitan )(-, Vanceuvtr. ing with 55,000 lbs. halibut; Lu- Certain of be for time Day Phone, Seymour lilt. men, 12,000; Nellie, 10,000; Annie services must necessity discontinued, a HUM Phone, Fairmont SOI. 15,000; Norma, 6,000; North Cape at least. Heed OflU. at 2 riibbea-Bee BIo. 6.000; Clara N., 4,000; Sadie, 6,- Vlcteela, B. O, Phone S412. 000; Unity. 4.000 lbs., and th, Vesta had 5,500 lbs. salmon, and I On Jufy 1st banks will discontinue receiving payments for tax the Star 800...lbs. bills and tHeV bills of gas, electric and other public service corporations. Sergeant Macintosh, a brother QUEENS HOTE of Jack Macintosh, of the (Ire department FIRST CLASS ROOMS Sergeant IJurgess,here, accompanied arrived in town by The banks desire to render all essential services including many Hot and Cold Water. Sophia,this morning along with by Major the Prince.4 Moon special ones arising out of (he War. In order lo do this they SOe pee NlfM, end M per Week. on their; to Dawson to bring down a draft way of a hundred men make this appeal for co-operation in the manner suggested above for military service. Harry Hanson's ... Tom, Tom, the Spearman's son, PATENTED Stole a Wrigley box and away he Fast Heating run! Each stick he chewed his health Hot Water Coil renewed NI.1EIUL 'ACT MI.1EHAL ACT WATEft NOTICE And helped his appetite for food I Certifies! of Improvement. Diversion and Use. SKOCKLEY Itut his father said Tbe boy is Certifies! a lmpfMrmeu. E. H. Costs lie.00 all connected vp com-plete wise, ' NOTICE. TAkC NOTICE thai the HSII OIL AND t It;clef and guaranteed Cor one year. I let him do ft to advcrtlsel North Star Mineral Claim, sltutt In the NOTICE. I'tuiDUtrrs LlMlTElt. whose address it lie (Sueeessoc . .est Order will be received at thi Skrena Mlninr Dlvlstou of Cataiar District. PlrlPr Mthrttr. Vancouver. B. C, villi r..Tnn A BUitf-" price up to May 16 After that the Since I uit my piping and bought Where located: About II tulle up lb "rwpetV teessUHi." "Cv." and aecly for a Meeuee to tile and use forty lVII s "' -" - "Oeorr" Mineral ISMkt of water out of creek, aleu suuB PRlCI WILL OO UP, At tbe this store CUtute. alluate In the pre Eitiauli Jder front Alice A rut J r-towmr Iftle head of Scieeur Us. Skeena ecu price of material, ask your I'm selling Wrtgley'a gum galorel TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Lewis V. i'atinore, Mlnlor DlvOton uf Coast District. Tueker Inlet, abmil I U miles northerly plumber fur-a price to make an free Miner's Certifies! No. Illil-C. Where located - At ktnoa. Skrena i men prtnee imprrt, B. c. ordinary Coll. connect It up and areol for Oustaf Pearson. Free Miner's River. The water will be diverted from the guarantee It for one year, and see NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OP RESERVE Certiorate No. Illt-C, Intend, TAIK N UTILE I sat Ate. M. Msnson tree at intMi about tseo n. rrum Will Oak ani silly dyt Tree Water and wUl be used for ftomeslle snd Miner's then GerMfiktale No. lllls-C, compare price and Judte ror from tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe act-Inr iHSMfMlurlnr ponx tlpn lite freesM kinds. rourtelf. Notice 4 hereby thai the a arenl fer the U. C. Sail Work, riven reerv Minim Iweorder for CeriiAcate of Im-proveinenl. ana wnarr aserun at run n t rw Hard A all heretofore oitttlnr trreo-tnent rilsiinr on that portion or Lot HIS. for tbe purpose of cbtaltttor Usuted. rtee Miner1 Gertinrste . II,-IIT duel Limited Plant. Wa 8P.cUIUe In between tbe other plumber Queen Charlotte District, surveyed and Crown Oram of tbe abve claim. C. intend silly dtys from tbe due This rwtlre put4 on the rrostnd wood Doat Wb. 8uh' nd lay self tare eiplred, I hereby knoan a Lot tllO by reason of notice And further tale notice tbat action, un hereof. t apl U the Mutter Beeorder oa im ivin aay or Aprti, tfts revoke any permit to anyone to ippearlnr In the British Columbia Oasetie der section II, must be commenced before for a Cernntale ef Improvements, fer the A enfiy of thi IMMlee and an SJilloi Doors, sto. ' make and Install same tieeptlBf uf December ST. HOT, I cancelled for tne issue or such Certiorate of Improve psirpoee of tAtainttir S Crewn OmhI of the pursuant lilt" will iliertto lie (tied im wllb so the lite"vier ssid Wale A el. pUt and Sheot Ol.M TUN A LONOWILL the purpose of leasing said Lot II 10. menu. above etalm. leeurdr at l-rinre HuirL U. C svrtnr my absence- Will positively Queen Charlotte District, to lit British DATED this I Sirs day of May. A D. ISIS. And further like notice thai aetton. un. ObJeellutta to the sppllfstwM may be prosecute lnfrlnreunU. Canadian Lumber Corporation Limited for der seetien SI. usual be aMiimtwed beteee Sled with li toe Comeirulier uf vater liuW. snd aw mill purpote. Salvation tne teswanee ef sueh Cerltfreste ef Improvement. Peru Miami liulLUi.it. Vlrsufta. U. C . Wtin Cor.r rrsssr O. R. Army. M IWrlr ilst after the Oril aipvraiie HARRY HANSON NADE.1, Public of Ms) ttotiee in s lueal rwwsiup'. TM BUM PLUMBER Deputy Minister of Land. meetings, Tuesdays!. Dated in 1st lh diy ef May. A. D, ltd. The dale of the first publlelataa it Ibis PllUKCCeCNW Drpartiiieiil of Land, Victoria, B. C, I lib Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. notice I May II. ISIS. St U. Sw Mr. ISIS. j.tt it. Buuuuys ui 7;au p. m. Advertise In the Dally News. rilll Oil. AND I'lUlllUCTS UMITEU. Arret. by c. It, mil.