ee \* ae ie ee BB FT > oe aE : a PAGE TWO es ™ ro ed a ee ee ol Nt THE DAILY NEWS as = ~a “. i nn sets ae manana ms a — eee eras io a rs Wednesday, July 6, 1929 tte DAILY NEWS. Except Sunday, by Prince Limited, Thind Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Publishea Every Afternoon Daily News Rupert SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Foy lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mai) to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance far yearly period ; cc > . &® By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British &m- 5.00 MWe pire and United States, paid in advance, per year ......... 4 .. $6.00 By mail to ali other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, pe! word .... sakegae 0? Lecal readers, per insertion, per line PERO ARB Ay No 25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ‘ ; 15 Pransiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone .... ; 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone ee Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations AuLY EDITION vali Wednesday, July 6, 1982 STRIKE UNECONOMIC Today there is a strike on the Skeena River, the fisher- men refusing to fish because they are not satisfied with the price offered by the canners. It may be said with a show of reason that the canners do not have to pay any more than they wish for the fish and that the fishermen do not have to eatch sockeye unless they want to do so. This is a free country. But there is another angle to the situation. The canners hold licenses from the government which gives them cer- tain privileges and the men also are not allowed to fish without securing licenses for the privilege. Also the men will be asking for government relief if they do not fish. If the fish are not caught the country is that much the poorer. People who want the fish for food fail to receive it, all heeause the two parties to production fail to agree. What seems to be needed is legislation and machinery which will force the canners to lay all their cards on the table and show exactly why they cannot pay more than twenty-seven and a half cents and also foree the fisher- men to show why they cannot fish for less than the sum they are asking. Then a board of arbitration should set the price and this should be final and compulsory of accep- tane: by both parties, on pain of losing the licence to can or to fish as the case may be. Fishing should proceed and the arbitrators could set the price as soon as their inquiry was completed. At present there is no such machinery and the result is that a valuable industry, one that promised much to the district this year, is ruined for the season and the whole province suffers, especially the Prince Rupert district. | LEGION IS VICTORIOUS Piled Up Swore of Seven to Nil Over Home Oil Last Night in Stuart Benefit Shield Soccer Match Canadian Legion owtelassed thx Home Oi! to win last evening’: | Stuart Benefit Shield foothall game | by a score of séven to nil. Play was not up to standard although the first half was fairly even af- | ter which the Canadian Legion was | able to score almost at will. Despite the adverse score, Home Oil played a courageous game and tried hard, being one man short throughout the match. The team is signing on some new players and, following a meeting to be held Friday night, it is expected its line-up will be considerably streng- thened Pierce played a gaod gar n roal la ht for Home Oil The Canadian Legion had li pposition and was a difficult matter f name outstanding play- ers. It was a field day for Horne who scored five goals. Bussanich Gurvich accounted for two Legion goals r half time was three to nil. There was a humorous inci- lent during minute of) and Dido the ther the last Vv in the first half. Pierce, Home Oi! goalie, fisted the ball out and Doug. Stalker, apparently think-; i he was plavine haskethall ked up the sphere and threw it further out A penalty was awarded, Horne scoring for the} Legion '. A Johnstone was referee and N. Kelly and Charles Barker | ted as linesmenh A sood-sizged crowd of fans wa in attendance The Stwart Benefit Shield stand. ; ine to date is as follows’ W.DLP.A. P.! Conodian Legion 2:0 0901 4 Reeimen :- 4 2.3 3 3 Merchsnts 00 1 . 2e@ Home Oil : <2 3. 8°3 @ ~~ BASEBALL Inter-—S. O. C. vs. EMPRESS t. Harry Koh NRE ais ar WHICH MILK” Funeral of Veteran Wasboat Oper- eon ator and Salmon Fisherman Editor, Daily News Held Friday Afternoon Regarding the request for fresh .: } milk for the children of ie unem- — The funeral of the late Capt played, may I ask if this is propa- Harry K. Kohrt, veteran gasboat ganda of the Prince Rupert Dairy- Peto! and trolling fisherman of men's Association? Hf it is, well and "is port, took place on the after- because I believe we should 20°" Of Dominion Day from the good suppert home industry but, if the request is made in for the reason stated, then it is a joke and utter nonsense, There are far too many ruddy-faced healthy specimens of youth and beauty who have been born in this city and brought up exclusively on the car B. C, Undertakers to Cemetery with Rev. P. M pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran urch officiating Many old friends of deceased were present to may final tributes of respect to his nemory Pallbearers, all hapel of the neshaen eriousness and Fairviev Fos S€ members of the Some novel entertainment is pro- mised for baseball fans on Sunday next when a game has been a! ranged between a team picked from Intermediate League and one the executive of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association The executive team will be com- nosed of Benny Windle, Stan Moran Scott, Harry Kennedy, Ald. G Rudderham, Jimmy Farquhar, Ald S. D. Macdonald, Mayor C. H. Orme and J. Campbell, while Jimmy Cic- will be a spare. It had been intended to start Moran in the box the composed of Joe conne in Sunday’s encounter but follow- ing his disappointing showing in Monday's game against Elks it is not known who will do the chuck- THIS IS THE FIFTH CAR GIVEN AWAY FREE TO WEEKLY CONTEST WINNER | fave fix He, is the Fortunate One This Time Commercial Traveller 101 Filth Avenue, Verdun, Quebec Week by week, iuterest in this unique con test is increasing. Week by week, thousands of Canadians are realizing how easy it is to enter this contest, Why miss a single chance to win one of these FREE CARS? One is given away each week. All you have to do is to mail four front panels from empty Turret Cigarette (20’s) packages hearing the specimens of your handwriting. Read the particulars below. The committee of judges is headed by Mr. Frederic D. Jacob, for 15 years Dominion Government Graphologist, and NOTE The only condition of entry in this contes, it that you write the following om the backs of 4 front panels from empty Turret Cigarette (20's) packages with portion of excise stamp attached:—on the back of one panel, your name; en the back of another, your occupation; on a third, your street and town; and en the fourth, your province. Fasten the four panels togefer and mail, on or before the closing date shown above, to Turret Cigarette Handwriting Contest P. O. Box 2500 Montreal, P.Q. each Your Handwriting May Win For You week’s winner is selected, not for excellence of penmanship, but for hand- writing which unique or unusual features. character, or Grapholog- reveals ical Readings are given each week to 100 other contestants. / The Car will be delivered the day the winner 1s announced. x This week's (THE EIGHTH) CAR-A- | WEEK CONTEST closes July 13th, 1932 ’ All entries mailed after that date will be | entered im the mext week's contest. The winner of this Contest will be announced July 27th, 1932. A J Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited CAGMNR EASES R SPORT CHAT | rivins » 2 | police, acted National League McClinton, provincial starter while Ald.G Corp. & MERCHANTS’ LINE-UP W. Rudderha J. Campbell, and : a 1, J. Campb ” Merchants’ line-up for tomorrow J. W. Plommer were timers with “gr : . . night’s Stuart Benefit Shield foot- Frank Derr and W D. Vance, : ’ ball game is amneunced as fcdlows judges G. W. Laidler; Fong and H. Dic- a | ESULTS OF Baseball Standings LEAD IS TONIGHT - 6:45 | TR ACK MEET | PIRATES IN| 22's LEADERSHIP >: LOCALS WIN» TIED UP NET MATCH Pittsburg 38 29 23567 ‘ ae i Keen Interest Taken in Field Sports Boston 40 33 548 Deadlock Between Hollywood and Box Lacrosse Seen For First Time at Bominion Day Celebration Chicago 37 «634521 Oakland Fer Pacific Coast in Prince Rupert — Philadelphia 39 «638 )~—(C«506 Supremacy te morning, St. Louis 34 «= 35 493 a Prince Rupe iefeated Alyansh ne iortn last Friday af-| Brooklyr 35 38 479 SAN FRANCISCO, Jury 6 Hol- | in x | e on Dominion Day by ernoon favor the fi sports |New York 32 635 478 \ywood Stars, by winning both ends|. seore of 2. This abbreviated land lacrosse, baseball and footbal) Cincinnati 34 4 420 of an Independence Day double- | game howe here for the first ‘games staged in connection with header from the Sacramento Sen- me, ser low in comparison the Dominion Day bration. It Gueesiong tangue ators, moved into a tie with Oakland! with th i ame, thi see be- was a most fortuitous break in the W L Pet Acorns for the leadership of the!cause t no fence. A port- weather which followed .advance NeW York 50 33 406 Pacific Coast League the Acorns; ble board fence, as used in Van- prospects which were anything but Philadelphia eo 3 $81 having divided a doubie-header|vouver, would solve this difficulty promising Detroit «© 30 =57! with the Mission Reds nr ) layers were lucky in Keen interest was taken in the Washington 41 83) 554) -vosterdav's Pacific Coast League | winnir the natives outshot them program of track and field sports Cleveland 39-34 534 cores were as follows hree t e. It was eviderit that the taged under the direction of the 3 Louis 3 408 San Francisco 9-7, Seattle 6-0 Rupert playe acked practice as Spartan Athletic Club. Local ath- Chicano 260-4 =63Tl Oakland 10-4, Missions 2-12 their passes were away off. The In- letes turne some very satisfac- 3o8ton 14 a7 197 Portland 7-0, Los Angeles 2-3 lian 1 nd played well but tory performances ” Hollywood 11-4 local goalie turned all Sacramento 5-1 Bi Grey t The two goals had no chance to was beaten all new spare lacals, played a good game lke! Skinner isla went in fe Lop a lefence and ned varieties of milk to allow ser Prince Rupert Pioneer's Association ing Winners in the various events kens: G. Hill, G. C. Mitchell and sible people to believe that fresh Were F. W. Wesch, P. W. Anderson Origin were as follows Gileae, Veasher, B. Ruse A. Dies Stiles. 7 er and Clanton scored milk is necessary for infants M. F. Nickerson, Harry Menzie, A Ear! Batt has charge of the inter- 100-Yard dash—Alec Walters, P. yon. nN. Ghenoski and J. Camadina for Rupert and Dennis Moran scor- It is a matter of taste. Those who @: Frank and Lance Styles mediate team but he has so many |2@scumbe ‘winner's time, 10 2-5 4.) Foserve. Ward PITTSBURG, July 6:—Pittsbure ed both for Alyansh. Stiles and have been fed the canned variety good ball players to choose from 220-Yard dasih—Phil Edgcumbe re Pirates maintained their supre-|Moran had the only penalties, two from birth prefer that kind. Those Alex ¢ MacLennan has taken that he is in a dilemma as to who Carl Smith (winner's time 25 4-5 s.) macy in the National League yes. |minutes each for roughing whe have had fresh milk prefer that ver the duties as pilot on the should play. However, it is sugges- 80-Yard run—R. Allen, T. Bus REGIMENT LINE-UP terday by defeating the New York Play in the first period was slow but they will both produce the fin wr — . = - = aren ot nn ted that some of his boys are not sanich (winner's time, 2 min,, 7 3-5 — Giants. Boston Brave are trailing| but, in the second and third per- est foundations for the best physi- ' ee who has assumed very anxious to be placed on the | 5®°’ Regiment Football Club team for| the Pirates by one full game The iods, it speeded up a bit, There was cal specimens of mankind mmand of the steamer Capilanc line-up for fear of the drubbing Broad jump—Alec Walters (18 ft.. Stuart Shield game is announced as | Giants dropped into seventh place'no score in the first period, each MOTHER Ng i day run out of Vancouver John which the executive players are 9% in), Carl Smith (17 ft., 1 in.) fololws behind the idle Brooklyn Dodgers. |side scofe done goal in the second i I, Malcolmson is now pilot on the promising ‘them. Pole vault—Alec Walters (9 ft, 6 E. Smith; C,. Smith and G. Blake Yesterday's Big League scorey; while, in the third, Prince Rupert steamer Cardena in place of Capt. * Ce in.), B. Bjornson P. Edgcumbe, P. DeJong and M. Co- were as foliows scored twice and Alyansh, ance R. Smith of Stewart arrived in John Muir who has taken com- 880 Relay-—Edgcumbe Wilson, lussi; J, 8. Wilson, J. Redpath, B National League Charles Sunberg was referee the city yesterday trom the north mand of the company's freighter For quick returns Try a Want Vaccher and Smith defeated Wal- Cameron. J. Clarke and N. Bam- New York 3, Pittsburg 4 The suggestion has been made by and is a guest at the Savoy Hotel. Chilkoot Advertisement ters, Vance, Bartlett and Suehiro, ford; spare, Christison | Cincinnati 12, St, Louis 4 local lacrosse followers that the ee —_ a ee ~ — ———— iGyro Ball Park at the corer of Sixth Avenue and McBride Street *TILLIE THE TOILER” “Food” F A ° B i}mieght make ® more suitable venue or ction ge y Westover. \for this sport than Acropolis Hill jground: THIS (8S MR Be rT Ceres You'Lt Whe Vif WAR =e" OT) | ae ~ =e — - = ! . ett ae Hokey ano ve || Se"roamae” || Sones Pars a A Qos sens Nurses’ Picni SumelT At THE MIE * WINDY (Wen Seer) urses FiIcnic on Scetas || = See 4 ve "Saturday Eveni OD, | (ee cramne i _ Saturday Evening w} Pe | | Bing Features Syro'iwale, Ti. Gren Me tamen sam tederwed he Members of the nursing staff of jthe Prince Rupert General Hospi- j tal and friends enjoyed a pienic to |the Salt Lake and Wolf Island Sa- turday nieht. hTere were about twenty-four persons on the outing | Which was made on Norman Kin- i#lor's power cruiser Argo. Enjoyable Affair