HIT DAILY NTWS 1 - -is. tie The Daily News i....r.. THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMDIA WfM: MADE i7rTr'l For th East. . . Publtahed Dlly and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation EaSa.: Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal-unlays at 9:30 a. m. HEAD OFFICE: From th East. Dill Nasw Bjildinfr, Third Avenue. Prince Kapart, D.C. Tel. OS. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents p-r ioh. at 5.30 pju. Contract Rates on application. , Vr- VincAuitr! iTuUdays 5 p.ni. DAILY EDITION. ivCi Tliurada?; June 6. 1018. Wednesdays 7 a.m MBs.Tn i.,o.2bbbbbbbbB Thursdays 10 p-rn BBBBBBMBBBBBrlfcTM? lllBBBsTBBBBBBMsl THE IMMENSITY OF IT have been withdrawn from " j Prince Rupert these days It peaceful productive industry From Vancouver i left in a quiet eddy of the great for these years to engage in Sundays 10 P.m.; and turbulent world-stream, the destructive work of killing Wednesdays 10.30 a.m.j only tiny ripples reaching us their kind. Even then the sum Saturdays p.ni. , Any Way You Turn I : i of the mighty storms upheaving total is not reached, for behind the rest of this planet. these hundreds of millions of For Anyoi: Fortunately so that we are so fighters and war workers are ounuaya .i".i removed, for In the larger their families and the innumer Wednesdays 10 p.ni.I you will find WRIGLEVS. centres of population there is able thinkers, hopers, planners. soul-tearing perplexity where demanders. No, the sum is far From Anyoii Everybody thinks of WRIGLEVS the next boll may fall. In Lon too hard for ordinary minds to Tuesdays ajn. don and in Paris they can hear puzzle out in all its ramifica inurtdaya p.m when chewing stum Is mentioned. on a clear day the murderous tions. Dul, as an exercise of the Military Medal to four men. roar of the cannon at the front mental force, just try to visualize Mosl of the ofiicers took part For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvsr This Is the result of years of daily swirling out of existence two hundred and fifty millions in the defense of the Luce Valley points: thousands of human lives. of men. The resulting during the great German attack Sundays tO p.m. effort to Hive mankind the Also, there is the constant picture cannot fail to be of in March, being incorporated in and enjoyment of this From and Naas benefits Port bombing to tingle the rjerves interest. the improvised army of Major-General Simpson and fceep minds fixed on the Carey, which held back River Points: low-cost sweetmeat. dire tragedies happening every RANDOM BITS the Germans for six days after Tuesdays a.m. moment. Even ew York, far they had broken through Ihe distant as it fs from the seat You're proud of your .pals In British line in the region of St. Queen Charlotte Islands: of war, has this week had the the army, but what do your pals Quenlin. For Massett, Port Clements and great struggle brought to its think of you? The four privates are cited for Upper Island points: very doors by the submarine heroic conduct on tho night of Saturdays 8 a.m. digestion allays thirst renews activity Just outside its harbor. If there is at any time a ten February 23rd. At great risk i " In all the larger communities dency towards pessimism In this they removed a burning car of From XIasset, Port Glemenls and vigour. the war is the all-absorbing country consider the bravery, the munitions from an ammunition Upper Island points: HAOC IN CANADA topic of all conversation. supreme confidence of France un dump and placed it under a stand- Tuesdays a. in. And very justly so der fire and let us forge courage pipe, flooding the car and ex. from every point of view; for it ously ahead to the completion of tlnguishing the flames. For Skidegale. Queen Charlotte Sealed t(ht - The is the greatest news event thai our task. City and 1-ovcr Island points: KcpI rlifet has happened in human his. NOTICE Wednesdays 0 pjn Flavour lory. Us immensity staggers Madame Schumann-ileink, the ; m . W T M'J.it IVTT ff even the imagination, and rea. famous cantatrice, sang to an TENDERS will be received by From kidegate. Uueen Charlotte son balks in every effort to audience of 20,000 people at San the undersigned up to noon of Mty and Lower I land points comprehend it. Take and try Diego, Cal, on. Sunday, at the Juno 17 th. 1918. at the Govern ... Saturdays to analyse, for instance, one municipal organ of that city. The menl Office, Prince Rupert, for the p. m little fact, that there are today occasion was a mass meeting held purchase of Lot 14,30, Range 5, fifty millions of men under under the auspices of th Ameri Terrace. D. C.) the rmicz nortRT lxxo niSTmrr -ois Coast, '.near 1 rufcrr or qi-ee cntaLonc iiia5ds arms. Fifty millions! At a can lied Cross, and when she bad property of the late E. M. Haynes. great review, famous fool, finished singing the diva a or a gave lender will The highest or any not TAKE AOTtCC Ikal we. Tbt aeroplane ball match or other great event, brief talk and made a stirring ap necessarily be accepted. Failing Sprue Lanber c. Ltd, f red OesBeat. some few of us have seen fifty peal for funds for the Red Cross. a satisfactory tender to purchase, oerwpauea huBbermea. latead to ptIy fat thousand people assembled at In the course of her address the lenders to rent will be considered. land.NiBHim te trace Ike foHewtar detmbed one time and in place. singer announced that she expects one Dated this 28th day of May, 1918. CMruDeneaaf at a poet pleated at lb Call up the picture of this in to sail for Franie in the J. II. McMULLI.V. aortbead earner t IM t. Bkek 41. pan ' your mind, and resolutely com. latter part of July as a Red Cross Official Administrator. r bdivlloa of PHlrtet VH tit. IbefM 1 mand your mental faculties to worker . She will be entirely at Prince Rupert, 11. & J5 orta Ui U t ebaiaa,Um appeoacb taeaco to weal Um OoierncwBl It derreea t I S. S. PRINCE' RUPERT multiply this picture to one of the disposal of hie Red Cross and Wbarf. rwrt Ornieat. tneart aseHberly fifty million. Can it be done? hopes to remain at the front for A Clergy man's Wife altr aaM appmarb to tbe amrtbwed cor sailing -- aer af Ut t. aaM Mark tt. Ibenee eatl And even though some super- the duration of the war, she erly alonr tbe walerfroal t let 1. t, Wadnasday 9.00 a-m.for Swenson Bar anl brain among us be able to stated- During the recital a num Wants Women to Know K , 7. aad t. Mid Murk t to pwtnl Vanoouvar. compass this there is still ber of soldiers passed a collection Advantages of Internal of tinaaeareaaeal. aad coauiaiar (et more to come- That fifty mil. plate, consisting of a huge Ameri aad oa-bair acre asor or let. lion of men on the fighting line can flag, and obtained over $7,000 Bathing AtsoriASE sraucc Li'Msra co . ltd. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE S. T. Lewi, rreatdeal. has each behind him four other in donations. April tnd. ISIS. jt Wadneaday Mldnloht to Anyoi. men, the workers, the railway It women eoold only tea Um tboaaand Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocaan Falla, Van-couvsr, builders, the freighters, the BRITISH HONOR AMERICANS or fetter Dr Tyrrell tut melted fror WATER NOTICE Victoria and Saallla. iratefBl women la all part of Um world. cooks and waiters and the great (Um aad Storarei. htm tor hia wood rful lneo- inklaf of doctors and Headquarters of the American S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT-Altarnatlng nurses. army Ika rr Internal fit thin r, they void noon Altogether two hundred and trovps with the Dritish Army in ditnrd Ibe mrdlctae bottle tad look to TAkE .noTICX tbal Georta IL Bealua. Wsakly to Quasn CharlotU Islands. fifty milllions of men, or about France. June 4 The British ibe eaaae of Ibelr trouble. St per eeaL aa oranam aevat lUad for Maaeet falel and Lumber Co.. Ltd. TRAIN SERVICE do accumulated sprue Cedar Co. Ltd. of an Raman 111 art la three-quarters of the working Military Cross has been awarded and Aetvplaa. and Cedar Uuaber wait la Um Colon or Lary Iaieun. (prnco raaaeem a?, Wed.eeaar aad Bteay at 1 1 l a t, far Saatkefi. population of the entire world, to eleven American officers and Warn water, properly aaed with lbs -l, Co.. Ltd, wboeo addrea la fort Oeaneata. rnnre Oeorre. Edmoatoa and vriaaiprf, makmr direct eoaoectkia B L Catca.'. will reUett tt CISH ot a. t.. will apply for a licence to Uka and potau eaal aadaoata. ovr tremble and perfect fcetttb -s)f ae J.0 allot and to I lore M-BIalh follow . acre feel of water out of Conoe creek. bith tmt ngnmr, ana araiB ibwi ine A Wlsniper cierrrBiaa vrtiet: laaowa nieer. aiuei inieL Agtncy All Ocaan Slaamshlp Unas. - My tfe I MtartUr MiuiUrt tboat Tbe lurare dam will be keeled al about For Information and reserratlons apply t btrtar brr mm prer la pnbUc print. aoo rirtu rrura tne anvwui of aatd rrek The raiiarlty of lb rtro4r to be created Ticket B2S Third Avsnua. PHCNE JiO ttt aiUM Uut Mbert tbovld lmm City Cftles, la alaMU one math acre feel and It will bt Uw "J. . L. CatcaoV has dooe for Baud aboal t ie acre of land. Tb water ber II bM reaUj siiea ber a new leaM 111 be dltertrd from tbe alreem al miuiHiiiiiiitiiuTniutiniTtTniM it life For year b bd bees doeior- potal wear the dam, aad wUl be need foe 'f (tucueeur and aleam porpoee upon I mg tar CmuUiwIma, bU& Waiaa land aHcrue aa Lot 7 it. block a votm etery rtr. Since otrnr U 'J. 8. L. Ibla none u poaled on lb rrotiBd !l CaMade". flrtt about I jean aro, b bat m tb Ttt a day of Mar. 1l A tvr of RAILWAY Si umi Bouc ano aa aroucaiioa tHiraoani CANADIAN PACIFIC not beca tick a day, aad ba becoax ro- Ibrrelo aad to Ibe "Water Art. MM, wtll tuH jd itrocr anla. Sbonld any pertoo b Bled at Ibe fflro of lb Ualer heeord ua tbi letter coaOrmed. yoo ar al rr ai rnoe Ranrrt H. C W liberty to tl ojr nun la prlttu." objection Ui n ai4icallua mar be Lowest Rates to all Eastfrn P' nts SleS with the aald Water Recorder, or wita A Good Sign The "J. C l Cascade" U abowa and ex-(Jaiaed and the . tne (Aanptraner r water Kirnia, rarna via Steamer to Vancouver by CyrU H. Onaa, Third Aveno. menl feuUOtar, Vlclorta. B. c. wttbia frtoce Rupert B.C. thirty day after the Brit appearance of Canadian Pncific Railway Tbc B. L. Caaeade It aa ln?enUo. thi no lire ta a bieel newspaper. The dale l r tb oral pobiieauoa of tnia notice u perfected by Dr. Cbaa. A. TyrreU of new iUCM-t, ISIS. Meals and Berth included on Steamer The "Traction" York, asd baa done nor dnrlaf Um paat M ASSET IMJ.T LliMBEH CO. LTD. or "Special" few year to reilor nealtb and leaaea AJsiMlPLAKE srHUCE AID CEDAR LUM - Btrl f LTD. diaeaae tbaa afl outer mean combined, mark is aak for booklet eiplatater all about la OHAIKM OUrtJIT IIU.M)LIMITED SPIH'CE AXD CLDAH FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE on every pavement lenul Batbtar and wbat II baa dona for O. IL boaltoa. A real ' fiber." II I free. SS. SOPHIA tan from rrtac Rupert May Srd. Kih. Ilia. J" and road in every portion WATER NOTICE and itlb. MINERAL ACT (Ut and Storate). tS.r-RtNCCSS ALICE tafia far Vaneooeef luaa f4 and J of Canada, fl Either mark TAKE NOTICE that Grie H. BaolUA. SS. princess nay aalU fee Vaaauoaer May St. I Ma. i"1 "' ' Certificate of Improvements tfr addre. I Port Oemeata. S. C. laa tnd. lib. Itlb. tlrd and Itlb. W apply for a Itcrnce to uk and aa is the sign that all is SjSO nUom and ta tlor ta.eoe aallona sure NOTICE of water oul of au auoamed creek wblcb LOtljE- Mineral Clalaav allnate la tbe iwwa nortneriy and drama lata rorratoa pay, I dm l. W. O. ORCHARD, Oansral AgtnL well ahead. Portland Canal Minis r Dlvlaloo of Caaalar Ine aloraae dam will b localed at a DUtiicL Wbere located: Oa Anertcaa point aboul k rarde from lb. moata. Creek, aboul I inilea from ita rnovU. th rapacity of Um reaenulr tu be created C cat Fourth Slr.et and Third A.entio. P.'" Ror -c- la about . (Huna and II will Duod TAkE .HOTICE Uul L Hubert Stewart. Your Garageman Stock abuut S.St arret ot land. Tbe water will free Miner Certisaia .lo. Itia-e" la- be diverted from the tire am al a point trad, amy day freta the date hereof, to near lb dam and win b aed for tram Dunlop Tires. apply ti the Miaios Aerorder for a Cer rarpea Ttt.ujion lbs Und dracribed tt block tiorate of Improvement, lor Um rmrpcae Tbla nolle an fjoaled oil Ihe truubd A.B6 rts of obtainlnt a O-oaa Craal of Um abot ua in Itlb da l May. Kit. A copy of FRED STORK'S HARDWARE rlalni. tnia nnure ana an appncauon porauaat IH Aad farther tak notice tbal action, un thereto and to the -Water AcL MM." will -aoriagrft" b Sled at Ibe mrm of the Water Iterord KBCgXXJoS! der aecuoa St be mud omoienced before er al Prior Rupert B C tb issue of aatb Certlflnte ef fnipror objertioiM to tiw appMeauon may be ""'P"1 nieota. ated wllb the itld Water Recorder, or with We hat, addetl to our stock of valves and P'l"" Paled tbl tltb day al the (Aifupiruliec of water Rirbta. rarHa March, tl mrnt hulldwire. Vtrtorta. B i: . wlihia line of Ilutber lilting at rulit W ft merely smother your cough tMrly day afb-r the Brat appeerenro of ttltX LAMP DISTRICT DISTIUCT Or IM axilic la a lueal aewaiiater Tb dale FOR FISHERMEN ( a of tbe oral publication of lata aotlra I tliat iwoii.y vu COAST. RANGE . A romplct st.H-k of tlis test goods f TT ffl btatiiien'e Bjrwp of Tar aa4 Cod Urn Oil not omhr June I. ISM. uJ wouit- I I I Bf ST. I I promptly axTtsla oortjii(. bat tbmnka to its tomW 4 TAKE O. H. BOl'LTUM. Applicant trolling Spring lrass. 8ihr V-IAT.J fctrentbelf profnrUM U Uelfw the tyttm to throw eal NOTICE tbal tb Ortnd Trunk FOR THE WATERFRONT Sb oUd tad Uh cflect a ptnuitit cwro. It k this cruhtr wbicb bn wm Ba racHc Hallway Company of Wlunlper. V-' .ibo f as cewffe aa4 mU iwirty I Manitoba, Intend to apply far penuUileo Tlie cdfbratrd Maple Leaf Paints and Dfl" M leaea tb falWoInf deacrtbed land: DENTISTRY paint "FLOOLAZK- A complete line of Comoieoclnr al a put I planted at lb mol nor twriy polnl of 1ST al FOR EVERVONC U) or about 4, I MATSBSH OS), I, SSBBMSMkMSfll JB mford M hub water mark, ibrnr norttierly, eailer-ly. CMtOWN IO MtlO WCHS A Hue stock of Hardware, (luri.ey s aoulbrrly tnd weilerly, fotlowlnr lb a srawsLTT But Ths BesL iuoltie of tb bor Una to a point of VVa Ssll Nothing), DR. J. 8. BROWN oanUM-aremeni, Includins all thai fur. bore-between nitb-watrr and Ww naler DENTIST HARDWARE Dated April 4th. Mil. ! Bearib Bloat, Third Staaw FRED STORK'S Subscribe for The Daily News THE GRAND TRUNK fACinc RAILWAY rw A4 cum r Alt T, II. II. Haaaard. toUdtor.