The Daily news VOL IX SO ' PRINCE nUPF.RT, B.C, FRIDAY. 7, 1918. SRIAN I k k k k & i OLLY I THE A R u la OVER THREE HUNDRED ENEMY AEROPLANES ARE BROUGHT DOWN BY BRITISH THE BRITISH AND FRENCH AMERICANS ARE BERLIN CLAIMS BATTLES IN CLOUDS GIVE READY FOR ANOTHER DRIVE RAIDING THE I GOOD SUCCESS , THE BRITISH VICTORIES THE SITUATION IS FRANKLY SATISFACTORY TO THE HEADS ENEMY'S LINES1 IN OFFENSIVE; TERRIBLE TOLL TAKEN OF GERMAN BHRDMEN WHO SEEK TO OF GALLANT TROOPS Ul DEN DO RFF EXPECTED ASSIST WEARY LAND FOROES DESPAIR EVIDENT TO MAKE ANOTHER SMASH SOON THE AMONG CAPTURED AVIATORS ALLIES ARC READY PHaoners ars Taken, Position Prisoner, Gun and Material rT THE ENEMY Consolidated and Marine Gathered In by Enemy In are Still Busy. Last Effort. many cases the enemy plane were. t-Vi J -n 7. The battle situ. OREAT BRITAIN HAS With the British Force In the hvrti spinning from the sky toward u f-ankly satisfactory. Tbe A HUQE PROGRAMME (8peo) ( Tb txitr frel I Field, June 7. Just as event are the ground like rockets ntx- temporarily it not likely With the American Array in Berlin, Jane 7. Since the date shaping themselves for the final Crushed and burned, xinlll only male attack! all along tbe uinaan.. June a 1 n. ma nr. , . ... . , ... i jficaroj, JHne , American jwa- f the present offensive we have crash which must Inevidenlly black smudges were left, sometimes f xs. between Ilbelms and tbe aidednet of Oreat IlriUin . ,:l$t Local atlempta Indicate tilbutlon to the war might well be d4mT1 rtBM lhu aiurte4 mornlng the German,tnd p.ln,d at been successful In gathering In decide the fate of the world, the pilots and observers, In til tbe uermana bave renounced kepi more than it I. befor the lbree 4B1 a h.lf norneire, over over 5S.0O0 prisoner. Among aerial offensive it daity waxing their agony were seen lb leap their intention u of the wrld. the fiercer. from their flaming planes in mid f rtbe moment eye ayt fronl ef feur M1wnrtre, and them more than t,S00 officers ri decision on tbe battlefield Chronicle in commenting on the '..p.-.-, ov.r , 000 pr.0ner in have been taken and that in addi The mutual struggle for the'alr. b was picked out by their talement yealerday of Sir Robert ht ChllMU ,lor. The French tion to Ihe great amount of war mastery of the Mr since the war During the same period five hundred and tons of rainder on May 27th. Kinaertiey. cnairman oi me .a 'attacked the the began, a stupendous battle miles twenty-six time at time an believe tional War Saving Committee,1 material, which amount to more above the earth has scarcely high explosives w-ere dropped be U cer the newspapers l.ff mrkA IvaV An nilflPMI ATW1 he Herman offensive la respec Ing the great Increase than 656 guns and more than ceased by day or night hind the enemy lines, fceebrugge tlly prUoner8. Parisian newspapers think tince latl fall in the assistance The XmrriemM new hold all the 2,000 machine puns have also Plucky Boy. iMolo, Bruges docks, and railway r-Jwl British airmen brought down a stations were repeatedly Attack- given by amall Investor toward been Ludendorff la captured. tiit "..cseral pre-pu,n- jmperUBl ground to tbe north, total of three hundred and thirty led. Day by day the crossing of a blow which be eipecU financing tbe war. jm.t of ChmlMU Thierry. The The situation on the battle six Germans in less than three 'our lines becomes a suffer laslc- , bave prodigious reaulta. "How many people, for instance. m4riDe, a(ram atUekfd It flve fronl is unchanged says the of the fields the clouds June of which Among at on wveks to 2nd, , the day." said last real lie that Great Britain it liy ,,.. .n.rn xnA the ficial communication Issued today. up ..v. number two hundred and eighty- !of France, Germany it now m. report, "the enemy at clothing American troop nhttl. is still racin. The statement speaks only her final bid. -i . point renewed hit ef- France, and providing nearly all of artillery activity and local en three were totally destroyed. In'Ing -U '. advance, but every here their armament, except artillery: BOYS ASSIST GREATLY gagements. Tbe only gains that cu repulsed with heavy loaaet. "How maHy people realise that ON PRAIIIE FARMS are claimed are in the region of THE GERMANS ARE WILSON OPPOSES i alicmpt to crott tbe river OWe down to January IS, 1917. Great Soissons. consisting of earth NUMERICALLY SUPERIOR FURTHER PROHIBITION nr M.mlalagacho completely Ilritain had advanced no let than Soldiers of the soil throughout works and trenches- ftued. ft.186,000.000 to her allie and the Dominion of Canada are fully Paris. June 6. The German Washington, June 6 PresL Small Engagements. 175.000.000 to her dominion; organised for their share in the ANTI-JEWISH RIOTS losses grow more serious daily, dent Wilson today declared his N -vi f the Aitne our that he transport a daily aver. eampaign for inereased production IN A QALICIAN TOWN but they are still numerically su opposition to further prohibition .iaffe of over 7.000 personnel and this More than 55.000 until the food administration t.i is rreaintd aome year. perior on the whole front and may legislation . VZrrZ more than 30.000 ton. of mlliUry between the age of 15 and Stockholm. June 6. Pogroms trir V )gre boy embark of decides it Is necessary to be able to upon a new- ... ..... iBiinnll to trance: that to ine i. have been enrolled and taken at Vielicta, Ga -e ana 'r 19 year have place lita bunoreo nny pn- I Ills of Au.L lol-i her navy fensive In some other cctor, per eonserva fcKHlstuffs. position eeveral been have ar and tome machln. gun. in the province of Alberta, llfa. and many Jews In the legion of Longoonl tbe nd,m,'7""' .rrt! hundred have been taken out on wounded seriously, according to hap Mont Didier-Noyon. The was made known In a letter to Z.?- the farm to help with the seed report received by the Jewish French command is therefore Senator Sheppard of Texas. ZZ:bm rogrennd ing. In.lhe haret time it it ex-nMlnl Press Dureau here, bhops were wisely biding its time before nrarlieallr all of the lads plundered and windows smashed, pulling forth all its efforts. Y. M. C A. REFUTES CHARGES tMuog fifty prisoner. Kvery- KelhrI who bave ignifled their willing the damage to property exceeding " to heln in this movement 1.000.000 kroner. The local po- le position were ness iere our WOMEN START WORK Montreal, June 3. Dr John auaUlned ol-D ENGLAND IS BUSY will be used on the land by the lice made no effort to protect the ON THE LAND AS WELL farmers. Jews and military assistance was IN Q. T. R. CAR SHOPS Brown, Jr., associate general secretary Training thete boys for rarm summoned from Cracow. of the National Council of BOTH HEADQUARTERS London, June . Tbe present work will mean a great deal in London, OnL, June 8. even the Y. M. C. AH and general su REPORT CONFIDENCE sK ".'."Trr'" years to come. However serious G. T. P. WAR GARDENS wximen commenced work this pervisor of the military work, stationed the labor shortage is this year, it week In the Grand Trunk car and visiting tpeaking generally, and givet rea- will be more acute next, and during It Is hard to believe that a shops. This is the first lime w-o. In Toronlq June of at Ieat an aver-The dlfllcult ahead Thl Immedllely adjacent Montreal, has been authorized by Witb the French Armle. tonable hope the years potato patch men have been accepted for this enemy now find hit way age yield, according to an Interim Soldiers of th Soil movement will to a railroad track has advantage employment. Only the lighter the Y. M. C, A. to reply omclally Urred by the line which he can- report publttbed by the Director mean a great deal to Canada when superior to pastoral quietude for tasks will be given them, but their to the allegations of over-charges t fcrrak without heavy artillery General of Food Production- the native sons are trained tor the growing of the succulent tu. pay will rank with lhat of the by the Y. M. C- A embodied lit a -"i he ha not the lime to bring U i indicated that tbe total work on (he land. b.r yet the Grand Trunk Pacific men. It the women employed at resolution at the closing session Within the lat few days the tillage area in the United people in an official bulletin in. present, make good, other women of the convention of the Ureal battle between the AUne dom for the year 1917-1918 IU slst that this Is so. and urge em. will likely be taken on. s4 tho Marne mutt be expected be well over .000.000 acre with LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ployees along the company s lines War Veterans' Association, held la reopen with greater violence the higheat acreage underJbj1 to start war gardens upon the TERRITORY RUSSIA IS TO CEDE recently lit Hamilton. tkia ever but the odd will be In barley, and oat ever recorded in.iiri Vnuni who ha been railroad's available lands where. The official alalemettl of the Y for f the Allies, a the urprie theliilory of HritUh agriculture.will isiting at Nanainio, is expected ever possible. Permission Is given Moscow. June ttr The section M. C. A. points out that much of pkiM t tbe confilct U pat. Tb acreage under potatoe for the cultivating of rigm-oi. back in the city tomorrow of the Mourniansk coast wbleh the criticism eohslsla of general L :iT. June 7. An attempted be the greatett tince I87J. way patches by railroad employee llussia is Preparing to cede to that after deducting wherever a spud or an onion can statements and insinuations lhat Molancourt the A t the oulh of Attuming S. Ilavasln appeared under Finland Is small, stretching from Hght corn, the entire bo induced to grow. are I lie result of ignorance of the i ist night repulted with great eed nl Ml. Act this morning. He was the town of Klrvatunurl north to Field Marhal Halg report, wheat and barley crop, one-imn allowed a week by the court. Naturally tho question of why the Arctic ocean and easl to the tacts and it (stales, In the absence tdtodiy In the neighborhood of of the oata crop and one.quarter track-aldo spud patches are su rivers Pechenga and Tutovka. of Hie wording of the resolution, . k.lil. n..U piialioil ..f I nntatn CrOD COUld be HUUO Mr. KiChard Welse. of Dayton. perior to city lot or acre field I irreatest width is about reply con be made, The allegation The no flour in we time In asked and the Grand TrunK uui as f yealerday available for bread Ohio. Is spending some ur polon miles. The Port on the Baltic that Ihe Y. M. C. A. charges tbee figure meat)i the guest or Mrs. v . i.. leltn to employees In answering kfUrnoon. Two of-our men are f need, the city as fall and which tho treaty give to Finland high prices Is, however, denied, e. ng Attempted raid by the the haneit oi me im. .-- T....,innn and is enjoying ramp this question briefly is nbout 70 miles from Kola, and the statement Is iuade thai Us . at mile without comment science, nmy were repulted lat nlgnujom In iwm couiu in..- - ing at the latter' collage upon vibrations of which Is the only Ice free port purpose is" lu keep I Dent as low as h north of Len and north of weekY aupply for the entire popu-luik.m. six. leclaring lhat "the llussia possesses. possible- A sum of more than . v-1 f...i 1 1.i i .. -1 i nrent scale OI con. paaslng train give the roots of f 80,000 was expended lit free not Par- eimiK rim Prince Ituncrl Hilllanl the luber greater penetration. watltiet were inflicted on the mmptlon and on the t.nv de some few allera- WORK FOR WAR VETERANS irlnks given away Id the soldiers tun . . 1 1 milling, '"- ' - tnemy of IM basis 1917. In France during t -i ni.i i ,i I ..,...,.. in innnage tne n iiuiir i iholr nrrmlses. - nnd linvo AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE ro the appearance with London, June 0. tHsctisslng lKk were repulted by the French saving Jn .hipping resulting freshened up ana of Tho wholly entertaining story the problem of demobllliallott Gathsr for General Assembly. of corn coat paint. wopi. which took place last increased production and v a of Charles Wcndel. "The Corner nfter Ihe war, the Minister ut Labor, London, OnU June - Leaders Wlbt in the neighborhood of potatoe In Kngland In liw eom-the '11... I .liirv of the new nn.Kir:" of ihe orolinii girl he George It. Huberts, snld In a of ihe I'resbyterlun church In Lwre and in the Kemmel ector. alone hould amount oni. ii. Wnllnre Hlock Is ndonts. who Krows up to love his speech today at Btnelhwick that Canada, from the far F.ast and the Ilrltnh omclal bulletin tng year to 1.500.000 being flttcd up and will soon be snobbish son; of Hie nnonciai 100.000 discharged soldier nail far West, are arriving hourly for mib evening. in mo j . tt ready for tenants. It I divided disaster which his son uriiigs been provided for already. preliminary work In connection rrtnch Council In Setalon. United Kingdom. It breaditun fV'inirl Into two nice five-roomed flnU. him, and of the young man's nnnl Of ihese, 00 per cent have re. wllh ihe 1018 general assAnbljr , Pm June 7-Membera of be self supporting In - redemption. Is told In "The uor turned in their old employers. of the Presbyterian church which "irencn wareouncll assembled l for four-iuw u " . i. will r. Norris. represenllng ner Urooer," the new World-Plclura convenes In Bt. Andrew's church Wy at ihe Palace of the Klyse. compared with one-arUrlw0;iIl" the Wrlgley'a directory, and for-mcrly llrady.Made. which will MET A SUBMARINE on Wednesday evening. PfMi.n ti ... i.i .mi oiM Nanalmo Free res. .U i uiucuiro ii'p",r, iyear in .-- - of the be shown at the Wealbolme this 1Io-I9I7. tonference. fifth of the year In Is In lh city. r. mir evening.- evening. Lew Fields, Hie master An Atlantic Pert, Juno 6, Tbe Special reduced prices at Tile. KILLED in the elty until Sundiiy nf fnuedr anl clHiracterltalloH, MaHsry Ytme Sabl"-.-frowi Ibmshm everything for home require- GERMAN COMMANDER . nr rnnl Is expected appears In ihe role of Wend!. to Now Yk, wiWi frr Pav 133 A car ...... ik. Cliarmlng little Madge BvraH la ewt saw Ht bt U4ay awl WESTHOLME A UIPI" i..- ... about tne teiun lh oily and uoitsti sits nei auitiiHa " " ee as the HUI orphan glH, a y TONIGHT ONLY malic nitpaicn " ihe month. Thl ' uo a very superior eowfvaoy Sb tarda laWarswi CbarlaatoB aa4 . favorite aitliU iu ilit r usTlion FryiAR Mb ft" ". An .11 n nil IB n 1111111 1 atTaro- LEW FIELDS winrainuin . m . . In ineru,. . .Ia1, of the clUw rM. "TM fern. olliar val aaaas to kM rau .v AMD-MADGE Ian drtllon.haPn"- lion of the manner from m the hor.e Groeor" la tfes Msn vsrsioa of the of tha liner and chaaa aun- EVANS fighting on the .r progre.slng famous suoea wMs ran mariiM mi to asa. lags of tranpor-" M ltU in Nw York City ten over FBH JsMLlTY for THE CORNrn nanrrvi Special dUeounl djr . . utilntn Goal r and Um ntoiiou pistol It BT-aiaa din ami SATiarACTtftf lh pU lh1 n ovr at Tits' wm frilMttstt, BMH-WBUns cbitta, MM) aa4 bbmsbm at 20 par SKHYICK " nigina in New York. iAi.ninaton Col ni ldu.?....ii-o. PhoM ti. P. B Mast Uft mta vWrntfQIfr aifMV. ror - ...n.iona Two-RmI FOX COMEDY .. ..k.b aw an Oo. 1 kuin" - Coal , 'hona