The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE Ti t I S ADING NCWSPAPLR IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PubtUliad Dally and Weekly For the East. Wednesdays and Saturdays Mondays. Guaranteed Largest Circulation at V.30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Dilly Neva Balldin?, Third Avenue". Prince Raptrt, U.C. Tel. US. Sundays, Tuesdays and Tliurs ' TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch days at 5.30 p.m. ! Contract Rates on application. ! For Vancouver: DAILY EDITION. Friday, June 7, 1918. Tuesdays .....5 p.m.J Ut-dnesday 7 ajn ; Thursdays 10 p.m. j TO DRIVE HUNS BACK although this has been predict "The German aggressive will ed for years, how very quickly From Vancouver be stopped when the Allied aggressive after all has the idea developed 'Sundays 10 pjn.i begins," is the pon. into practicality. About the Wednesdays 10.30 aja.j derousronclusion arrived at by time Prince Iluperl was adorn Saturdays ..p.m.- Atw Wy You TunT the Vancouver Province. That ing as a municipal corporat ion this Allied aggression may start the Wright brothers of Ohio For Anyoit any day is a foregone conclusion. were making their first sue Sundays 10 pjn. The two newspapers of cessful flights in a machine Wednesdays ........ ..13 p.m. you will find WRIGLEVS. Paris having the largest circulation, heavier than air. Le Matin and the Petit From that time on flying From Anyox: Everybody thinks of WRIGLEVS Pariaien, both on Monday predicted machines and their aviators Tuesdays . .a.m. an early offensive move became more of a circus stunt Thursdays Pn.; when chewing gum Is mentioned. ment on the part of the Allies. than anything else, adjunct of to the Industrial and commercial They express the conviction country fairs and the like, or boneyard, decreased realty values, For Port Simpson and Naas River This is the result of years of that Generals Foch and Petain the sport of the idle rich, but put social conditions on the blink points: who proved themselves good never adopted as a means of and hailed educational progress. Sundays 10 pjn. effort to give mankind the offensive men in subordinate practical transportation.- Not A proportion of tbe merchant commands, and notably so at until it wes becoming supreme hate also done their part. Many From Port Simpson and Naas benefits and enjoyment of this the battle of the Marne, when as an agent of death was the merchants, however, are not doing River Points: the Hun was within twenty-five aeroplane given its place as a their part or doing it only Tuesdays atn. low-cost sweetmeat. miles of Paris, will display the tlseful engine in the peaceful haphazardly. same qualities now that they activities of life, and its development At tbe present time the reiatl Queen Charlotte Islands: ( are in high command. in this sphere merchants of the country Iwve For Maisctt, Port Clements andj WRIGLEVS helps appetite and General Foch, now in promises to be rapid- But a supreme under way a gigantic scheme for Upper Island petals: command of the Allied little time ago the Prince Ilu-pert co-operative buying that win Saturdays 8 a.m digestion allays thirst renews forces, may conclude that it is and the Prince George cut supply them with an important easier to concentrate for attack down their schedule between vigour.' for to tbe leverage appealing peat rrem Mas set. rt Qemenls aad than for defence. Undoubtedly here and Vancouver to thirty-five pie to give preference to the local Upper I stand points: HADC IN CANADA the German lines hours. Now the aerial mail (Gcaticoed on Ptr Tbr). Tuesdays a.m. have assailable points. There carrier is to cross the whole If 1 are men and guns, tanks and continent, from New York to NOTICE For Skldegale, Qtteen Charlotte Sealed Ut - -rm Thfl gas available for a new offensive. San Francisco, in about that and KcpI item City Lewer Island 9Bts: Such an attack may And time. Passenger air ships will TENDERS will be received by Wednesday 0 pjn. German lines that are "thinly undoubtedly soon follow, and the undersigued up to noon of held." It will discover that in a little time Prince Rupert June 17th, 1916. at the Government Germans are taking their turn will be welcoming her country OiBee. Priaee IluperL for the From Skidegata. gueest CUnrUHt in "withdrawing to lines already cousins from the thousands of purchase of Lot 14,30. Range 5, City and Lamer I stand points prepared." The British miles of Canadian prairies, Coast, (near Terrace, B. C) lh,e Saturday p. m and French soldiers are as well dropping in to epend a week property of the late E. M. llaynes. able to rush a German position end with us. The highest or any tender will net rnisce BVPtMT laxd Disrsirr -mi as when they drove the Hun necessarily be accepted. Falling TiucT er octcs ciurlotte IIULtOS from Vimy Ridge and from his tender to purchase satisfactory A LITTLE CHAT WITH THE a TAKE NOT SCt taal we. Tb Aeroplane positions on the Somme- For HOME MERCHANT lenders to rent will be considered. Saewee Laimber Cm lid, T fwrt Oenaeau. in all the fighting in Pieardy Dated this 28th day of May, 1918. era ratio lssJ-rs-k. tatena tt- apply for and on the Aisne there is no (fir littered in Accordance wltb lb copy J. H. McMULLIN. peeiufMtoB to kraic tbe foUewlat detenbed word of a corps which failed to rtrtit Act). Official Administrator. CaeMnmeMf al s xH planted tl tbe do all that could be asked. That the foreign "catalogue Prince Ilupert. H. C 5 itartheait earner of Lai S. Btnrk II pen There is little fear of any habit" is the most serious handi of aabdivuioa wf tnttrKi let Tt. tbr record leaping to life that will cap to progress confronting local A Clergyman's Wife aurtb Mttb to S chants,tbe approaeli tbenc to west tbe Oovermnrfli it de trees S. S. PRINCE RUPERT shame British French communities in Canada today a or Wnarf. Port OemeM. tbenc aovtberty force. cannot be denied. Wants Women to Know atuec said arpeoaefe to the nortbwrtl roe -sail nK - Merchants, individually and eol of Internal ner pt UM t. taM block 41. tbenc eait Advantages ety atMie tbe wtierfroni f Ma t. f. Wednesday 9.00 a-m. for Swanson Bay - Another Stupendous Advance. leclively, have worried much over . S. S, 7. and S, aaM Stack 4t to potai Vancouver. the battle the and have tried to devise Bathing .No, not on bloody fact, of mount nee went, and ceotarnraff sevea fields of France, but in the ways and means to counteract the and tne-bair acre mar or km. gentle walks of peace, though inroads of this commercial para If women could only sat in tnouaand t.KMorLA!e iinua lumber co, ltd. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE of letters Dr. Tyrrell bat received from S T. Lewta, rreeideai. undoubtedly this new engine of site. enteral weo ta an parts of tbe world, Artt tnd. ISIS. lit Wednesday Midnight to Anrot. civilized progress has received Little or nothing has so far tnankint fetal for bis wonderful levea- Thursday Mldnloht for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vtn-couver, its most direct stimulus from been accomplished. The evil re tloa for Internal Bttblnr. they wold toon WATEIl NOTICE Victoria and Ssattle. the war. In the country just' mains rampant, discard tb medicine botlt and look ,lo (Ve tnd Slorarvt. tbe caste or their trouble, si per reel. ALBERT. 8. 8. FRIMCE JOHN and PRINCE south of they local have us are now successfully Many newspapers of all banian Ills art duo ta accumulated carrying letters and done and are doing their part to aaatr In tbe Goto or Lars Intestine. TAkE KTICE tnat Cert U. Boullott Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. aa stent far Maaari Inlet Ltunber Co.. Ltd. parcel mail by aeroplane from brand the catalog habit as a Warm water, properly used wltb tbe "I. Or ham laland Sprwe and Cedar On.. Ltd TRAIN SERVICE and to JS'ew Work, Washington. disease and blight that has Mnt B L. Cascade.', will relieve tbe raaae of and Aeroplane Sprue and Cedar Lasaber f-e saaMera, jrnv trouble and perfect beams "3I raaaeater stewaai, W4sr sad Satoer at tl IS a aa Chicago and way points. And,1 hundreds of once promising towns follow . Co. Ltd., wbqe address U prt Oeeoenu. rrtnc Georr. Ednvonu sad Wlsalpet. soakmr direct rooaenwea ak n C m apply for a beeoc to take and A Wtmupef clerrytaaa write: potau east and sawta. "My wife ta naturally aeaalUve about SS. rslkwa and ta store on-ninth rre feel of water oal of Oahoe Crcwk bavins ber nam appear Is public petal. wnicn Bows bortrrty. end arawa tola tbe Unea. vet U anxious that otbers should know Taaoun njver. MttMri iniet. Agency All Ocean Steamship bat tbe "i. B. L. Cascade bas done for Tne Utrtr dam win be located tl about tor tuliirtnation and reservations appiv t yards from tne inuota of aatd rmi ber II bat really riren ber a new lease Tbi capacity uf lb reaervulr to be Created PHONE t Cite Ticket Offlee. 630 Third Asenua. of Ufa For rears tb bad been doc tor- i about onemnia arr reel and it wiu ID r for Constipation, wblcb became nood about d.ts scree of land. Tbe water worse every year. Brace uilnr tbe 'I. a, L. win be diverted rrvoa J be ttrram at tbe dam. will b used for putnl nrar ana facade, first about 4 years am, aba bat ilunwIK and steata porpowa upow lite not been tick a day, and bat becom ro mim oeacruiea aa 1-I 74. mora it bull and stroof actio. Should any person Tbln ttoiK w boated on tbe around vub this letter confirmed, yon art st uo tbe SStb day of May. ISIS A of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY luti neuce ana an arpticaiion pvrtuaoi liberty to five ray nam la private." tberesu and to the -Water Act. ISI4.' will Tbe "J. B. L. Ca trade" la shown and ei-plained be Bled at the .race of tbe Water Hecord by CyrU IL Orme, Tblrd Avenue. er al Prince Itenrrl n c Prince Itupert B.C. objectlooa to tbe aiplicatlui may be Lowest Rates to all Eastern Print. atrd with the tatd Water Itecorder. or with A Good Sign Tbe "I. B. V. Cascade" Is an Invention, ntte Quait'tmurr or water Htrbta. farlia via Steamer to Vancouver and the perfected by fr. Chat, 4. TyrreU of Hew mem Buiwmrt. victoria, a. C. within York, and bat done tnor durtnr tbe peat tMrur day after the oral amearance of Canadian Pacific RaQwav few yeart to ret lor be a!lb and leaaea tnta notice hi a Saeal newtnatwc The dale f the prl publtrallo el this nolle la dlteae tban an otber means combined. June t, it is. Meals and Berth included on Steamer The "Traction Aak for booklet etpialnlnr tl) about lb StUCT ISLET LUHMH CO LTD. or 'Special' terns! Bttbtnr and what II bat don for AatorUkAt KI'HUCC AM (XI)AH LUM Plh GO- LTU. otbers." II It free. GHAtUM IttAAtl -srnOCE A!IO CCD AH FOR VICTORIA AND SEATTLE mark is COM I'ART UMITI.U. VANCOUVER, on every pavement a il beuiton. Atent ,ta MINERAL ACT BS. SOPHIA ssHt front Pttot Rupert May Sr. Hie, Sib. J" ' and road in every portion WATKH NOTICE sd tstk. Certificate of Improvemanla U (L'se sod Sbirtt-e). Jul) ss.rmticcss ALICE saMt far Vsneaeee )M of Canada. J Either mark NOTICE TAkE AOTiUE that Dears II. Ruulton. es. rntNotss star tatta fr Vaacaatset stay etb, ttsfe. ista aaere I roet cienieevia. n c Jon tnd. tlb. It lb. ttrd and setb. "LOL'ISE" MInersI Clalam. sltotta In the wtfl atrtr foe a Iteenc to uke and ua is th sign that all is l-orllaiid canal MlnlDt DlrUton of CaJtlar l.a falluiM aod b aloe ssaa talluua e sure DUtrtcL Where lorittdi On American I" str ssn af an unnamed creek Which 8 Creek, about 4 mile from iu mouth. now anrtherty and drains into tertuaon yT nay. aiataei Intel W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. TAkE w wen a head. hOTICE thai I. Hubert Stewart, The a locale daib will b hicated al a rree Mlner't CerllOrtU No. ttl0"C" 10 lolnt about I no sarda from the mouth. B L lend, inly dart from the date breo'r, lo Tbe eapeell ul tlie reaervMr to br created Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue rV" u about td.aao (alwnt and it will flood tppiy lo the Minim neeerder for s Cee Your Garageman Stocks alHKit a.o acre or Mud. The water will llflrate of laiprpvrnienu, for the purpoee be diverted fruit the ttrtaru at s polRl f obtaliunr s Cromn Orshl of lb abuve near tit dam and will be uiwl for eieam Dunlop Tires. claim. punooe upon lb laud deacribed at block tl. Lot Its. And further lake nolle thai action, under tws nonce wa tmetea on the trouud A.86 aertlon St must b coninieticed before uu lite istb oay or May. tsis. a ojpy of FRED STORK'S HARD WARE the tiau tit sucb Certificate of improve-nientt. ibis aoMe ana an appnraium ruriuani ilfrMMW thereto and lo the "Water A el. till." will CgC be filed at the unic ,,f M Water Record Dated this I lib day of March. I til er al Trine Rupert b C GANNERYMEN tibjeclloit Mi the appileatlun inty be FOR ,f (KEEN LAUD DISTRICT !ITIIICT Of flled with the aald Water Kxorder, or with W liao addt'd to our stock of valves and " u um in uompintiier or water Itlchtv I'arlia- COAST. RAKOE I. litem Rulkliiivt, Victoria, R. t. . within line ot llubber llrltinff at right ri" Don't merely smoiher your eoogfc Ihlrty daya afliT lite Aral appearance of TAKE thi nolle In a nx-al newenaiiar The dale FOR FISHERMEN fo( NOTICE thai the Ortud Trunk uf tbe rtrti publicalloM of this nollrs Is motxei ' yu' that I'eelne A ruiiiiilvte sUick of the heat icwds Hallway Company or Wlnwlper, June l. till IfTTlfl TTfl Mathlen's Byrwp at Ta ead Cut liver Oil wot oedy Maniioba. Intendt to apply for ponniiilon O II. ROHl.TON. Appllrant. Urass. 6ilvrr uud Hmiue. I I I H P II promptly imU oahiar, fit thaaka ta tU tonic aad troIlltigBprlng VIVBIAJ a M. ? lu leaae tbe folio wins deecrlbed landi: atieiiftheullif jmvymrlin it Uelpe thesyatau vu throw FOR THE WATERFRONT outd and tana cflacta s prima t ran. It if ttil quality vaick ha was Bar Canu&sostoc st a poat planted tl tit mujl , ha aargwttwal td any coagti I tad cold rasncdy ia Ciatdt northerly point of Lot 07 al or about The cflehralcd Maple Laaf l'aints and ruJwa bt,na' hlfh water mark; tbenc northerly, tatter DENTISTRY imint "VUmiAZW-A complete !! of ewerrasAarw, y. toutherly tnd wetterly. followlnr the tmuoetllet of Ilia thur line lo a point of FOR EVERYONE ennuneocenieiii, including all that fere ONOvVM AND BSIIOC MTOHB A nne stock of Hardware. Uumey s ou.-rtj "t thora between filfh-weler tnd low water BFtOlSLTT BesL But The Dated April I In. IS II. We Sell Nothing THE 0RAND TRUNK 1'ACJMC RAILWAY DR. J. 8. BROWN CfiMrAnT, II. II. Ilanaard, solid kir. DENTIST v Subscribe for The Daily News Advertise in tbe Dully Mews, Oateei Smith phae BlotS.-t Thled Aiewoc FRED STORK'S HARDWAR