TUT DAILY NEWS a I a- W,TM 1 SUFFERED u-,CMT MERCHANT JCoiitlnucU from I'age two., TERRIBLE AGONY tore on a Im.i. ,,f -w0 companion.,Hut this alonn uin .w.i . "Frult-a-llres" km Gaw bill .otUfaclorlly. u'e The Canadian In the opinion of the Him Quick Mtt writer there ore two fnrii. n.i. flutklnsliam, Que- W 8rd 1015' WlliCIl muit be cnniUl.nii. j r or MTcn yenri,I iiifTered terribly perelatently practiced: Bankers' Association ftvm 8r lhadathtt and Jndigtt. I. Adequate adverllgJng in the lien. I belching gas from the local newspaper!; tomich, and I bad chronic Constipa. Z. Community lovniiv m Uob, 1 tried many remedJea bat fnunlty nronacrntwln ii..i ...m Boitiof did I-041' ', m reach every realiUni nr i fritni dvtstd Tniil-alltes". 1 callty. Invites the Co-Operation of the Public loot tliJ grand fruit medicine and It has been found in n,... It k.: mo To wryone ho luteiy true that diatriH. u.Jl health with Conitlp. Behalf of the In, jo tenuis the merchant, uae but .n.rin.i. on Banks tyjotii.llndigwllonandllndStomaeh, of the Jgr.v Uk" ,'ruitlTe,,, and you advertlBing columns of the local well". newspapers, and where there ill ret is no healthy apirU of local prldej Oe a box,C for f.-SO,trial aite 2.. and patriotism and fnni7fn In 1 r.rentpotpaldbyrrult--( community relations, are the dis jltdcji , Jtura, Ont. concerns tricts wnere of the the bijr distant mall cities'order Staffs Heavily Reduced by War work their greatest havoc in il. m.irnAL act. jHTlfKJlTE or IMPROVEMENTS. community A statement economic lo this Interests,effect was j ORE than half the men in the banks of Canada are now on NOTICE given made some before time an ago advertising In an address association military service, and the number which remains is being lurt rnt Uim Mineral Claim, illual li in the United Slates by steadily reduced. o Herat Mininf uiviaion or uattiar uii the advertising manairer nf tlm totaled! Seven mUei from c-m,El: jeel.ii;Wbere jo toe north ww i branch of well Bears known- Hoebuck,mail-order Chicago.firm This of Women clerks have been employed in thousands and have "All VJ' UmI I, Wm. T. Kertln. nrni employs a large staff of done splendidly, but have the of the they not experience they r i R llf C. attlar at tttol for clerks to check un on the adver men B it rt r. r!r M rut I Ma.no.IIIIIC,tut, and and wm far tising carried by local newspapers replace. It would be out of the question to expect them to work as tJK.f .-trr.4 nil; dayi from the dale throughout the country, and to trrr.-: i ....-.-KScaia ttV'T of to Improvements,Mimnr nesrof for Uw spirit tabulate existing.the general In communities community rapidly or with the same knowledge of banking as officers of many ' ibulntBi a Crown Ortnl of uw tot :lim And fanner Uke nolle thai that are lax in these regards, the .years training in the profession. irja esk" eetloa II, mud be euro work of flooding such districts Brt.-rJ bc';re f Improvement,Uw Iuum of aucn Cr wtin tne mall order catalogues The drain upon the number of experienced officers has now ijfjit and other literature begins, piled UU III! y of April, A. P. Itll says the advertising manager and.referred reached a point where it is necessary to ask the public to take into iinusix WATERS rnoTECTIOfl A CI to above. "We find that we MS.' Chapter III.I always secure more business in consideration this decrease in efficiency, and to lighten, as far as Til IRTISH CANADIAN LUMBER COR those Does sections.this signify anything to they can, the burden thus thrown upon those left to run the business. rcsm: : UNITED hereby alee notice kt cader teeuoo 1 of the Mid act the home merchant? at :; Canada and the volume of never busy banking acird wnh ibe Minuter of ftiblie The big mall order houses make was so as now xtt i luii and In the offlra of Uw continual the local war unon mer business is than before. tain, nrfutrar of Uw Land Uxrj chant greater ever in the letter's own terri r B. sunn ii toe Rupert C. a.4np-ta lie Wte and Ibe plan of wtwrf, tory. Surely it is lime the home tcun ct iiind t b vmllt on merchant was utilizing every pos- burl It- orabam Itland, In rronl of alhle weapon to put the un nr. a . 411 Timber Ucene lilt f How the Public Can Help Ml i: tl Queen Charlotte UUodi file scrupulous enemy to rout, for the r- I sake of his business, his dimity inf Uit nolle tnat after Bw ri4ra-i and the community's prosperity. til ta pac.atn af aw muotn or UU from notice Tw Tne uf BrIUita Uw Transact your banking business in the morning as far as possible, UmIiu 3aber CorporaUon, Umlled will, Advertise in the Daily News. can t:za 1 of w aald act. mrvT la and as early as possible. Try to avoid a rush at closing time. a i luwt, for approval of Uw tu. mm ted plan and for leavt lo coo-icer Do draw than ue Mid wharf, bnlldmaa, tc not any more cheques are absolutely necessary." e-mr Nik tisi,VinsHitcr, I, C tnta UU 4ar Jnslead of paying small accounts by cheque, draw the money in one W HT--3H CA!ADtA5 tCMREIt COR- rCIU-. 51 UMfTEO, Pf Uwlr arent. amount and in cash. pay I A tvUad, OvU iKnaitwer and vyqr VancMiver, R.L , SALK Of OOVKRNSItNT PROfERTT ar mine Roewrr district. Change in Banking Hours June 1st STEEN & LONGWILL 'SEALED TENDERS, eadoMed Tender for Lofiinr tafine. UI be received bj U jMUerawnwd up t UU Majr, till, for UNITAfV wraO ME ATI NO Uw -pvrclMM One IS l of It tlx Unpir foltonlnt Lotitnr Ooay On and after June 1st banking hours will be: 9.30 to 230 ; errniitcEM .f jr Mrtne. -complete wilt lied and wtur unk, loeelher lin all necea--oarjr Saturdays 9.30 to 12.00. ifmuut -tyiiinnl cCLARY rURHAOCI be Tne even above at, Uw U kerr now A In Mann m Lutein tqr. and Com can This arrangement will give the staff more time to complete the Unten UurlolM UlamU. PLUHBINO paojri Hie.lender!camp,are to be r.OJI. it Uw preMnl large amount of work which cannot be taken up until after the TL nlitwal or an tender not necoa- and Mrlljr accepted. office is closed to the public SHEET METAL WOIHCS JAMES PATTEHSU.1, rurcnuini AienL Cbcue 5, 831 Becond Avenue. Victoria, B.C., rd My, Itll. U l Kifht phonei 70 Special Services Discontinued July 1st and lllue X70 NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT Tha right work, ml the right Uma, and at tha right prioa. RUT1CE IS HEREBY GIVE Uwl rraok in A. tne Slevtn.rrovineo of Uw of BHtUb Otjr of Columiiu.frtnea Rupert.cam-in Certain services must of necessity be discontinued, ior a time m huaineu a Uw Steven' Clnr Store. did on Uw I in day or May. A. D. Itll. at least lunua UUL artnt, rnaca nu Seeds! Seeds! unit perl beiwfll Briiuh to of bU columbu.creditor, In sU trail nil real for and Uw On July 1st banks will discontinue receiving payments for tax twraonal naieh may property,be telied ana cream oia noocr ana virv-lion, yn. bills and the bills of gas, electric and other public service corporations. einlcfe axlirmenl II dated Uw lUi nnla'a, Ferry's and Steele day of May. tia. Bp,0ga AMD nolle U further Heo tnil l meet-Ini Saada. Qardan and Field Uw of ofTleei In of creditor!Mewri. rauoor 1U be beld A rulloo,l Uw The banks desire, to render all essential services including many '"aitlllxan and Worm Daa-tMyar. day-..it of mk May. Itll.unnra at nutwrL Uw nour On of UW I octoc tTUl special ones arising out of the war. In order to do this they In Uw afternoon, for uw purpow w Hl.r,w'Grain and Mill Feed. direcuoni Ibe builneu for of Uw Uw dupoMl.aiuia. or eoniuiulni mae this appeal for co-operation in the manner suggested above Poultry Regulator. hi. aiim u rurihar Uvea Uial to Cl!ekn Feed a apaclalty. . aMimee IU, on and afwr Uw Its day " of June,...Itll, .proceed to dutrlbut Uw ,f r-fmput Aitaa u. - l k. aa.HA nrvwUlaT aiMli of uw Mia rro Uw wroo entitled thereto, ni'inf retard only to Uw clainu of wblea be bU Prince;RupeFT Feed Co. then nav notice, ana n wiu " ; reipoiutble for toe aeii or iny lari thereof ao diitrlbuud to "I perwn or MI.1EHAL ACT MIMEUAL ACT WATER NOTICE he anall not then ba nad Diversion and t)e. boM cUtm Cerllflral of Improvement. i nolle.HATED II Trince Rupert, b. . -,k Cerlincate of Improvement. t K. SHOCKLjElY HOTICK. TAKE NOTICE that the FISH OIL AND day of May, Itll. PRODUCTS LIMITED, who dtlre 1 110 (Sueeior to 1. u hkhji. l i .I,... I. I K -. - - IIEHMArl HILL, Ml' Norm B'r iri - NOTICE. HacMic BiilMHta. Vancouver. B. &. will umine niviaion of Caiaiar DUirtcL "ll'irerl." osoiMtoB, "Sew." and aaply for a Nooneo to lake and ute forty eeNTrUOTOR A MJILDER RISIRVI About IS mile up Uw Inche of water otM of Creek, alto known TlttNCINfyKLFINtMLN Of OAMCtLLATIOM Of Where located: "fleorte' MIiwmI QtaicM, aHitaw In uw MOTIOt a iNowtnf hmo head of MclMur Baar. kitiauli Hier from Alice arm. gkeAtMtMf Dlvlilaii of Boat I Dwlriet. THfer MM, tbowt saflaa nortfeerty . w ... .i..n ihii tb reserve ...i kiiti.'Il that l. Lewi V raUuor, Where hMtatedioAl kwloMn. from rriaM Iusjih. S. C Store and Office Fixtures, noiiro vr - - certiorate No. UlJf-C ai Rle verted f Mm and Moulilns. of Lot . Pre Nioer'i Th atr wM b cU ram Sash, Door, etlittnf on thai portion tctat for OutUf rearmn, rree Miner Till MnTirC tkat IW U lluu. stream u a MSBI aaottt taa rt. rrm atjs all aa4 Kariwo4s of "' ' Water annf iKaw aaad Bar d i isMTPI Oak wain". Cnarloll Queen . inimu, u.r. mmf aat' 1-1 Cwltm-aW No III fro OrMeato Mo. tmSC la. kf f la, ia.11 known ai Lot 1110 by rea.oo o a nolle. to ppu, io uw wnurMa4aVLlBwtni n?ir. bonds. Columbia Ou.ti from lb date nereor. htl M ) ran tha B. C. Mi ViHala. iPlwarint la lb. Brltuh Miniof Recorder ror a " unww. rroa wtnar natmnti av W tuealallaa In Hard-we) of iwcewtwr ST. IttT. "VW'? provenwnii. for Uw purpoM ofobttlrta m-c. mih atatr data jm fW m " " crown orani w beeeor.- lo ntatly ta tha kHaaaff anSlllB of Aaeu. til. f Boat HHf, 8ah, uueen uwriotw . Anil further tai none -"7-. lee a Carta t araaaawaaaanssA W Mat a tot aV tana aMtaa and ' Bnnmaa tha att. Mrauaaf aa ta Lumber toar,,u' tow"l," aeM rr. uw Canadian mill purpoae.n Rw A tW M Z uii of ""'Csrt-wsls W atwwa eta. ' a.onir IBU at rrnea Rupert,with aha. ata waan FHrhU and iisat tHaaa ad Asas1 fafJhwaa tbBA takaaaAak tMkaVl nhli rllii la tbo awtiapMIc AMI sMBraaannf ParMV MMrWVBJI eMMasj rurl1h'1 Information x... uiiiiaup of Lnui """uED tnli llth dayof My,A.D. ttU. sp)f MbMMLI W, VMHM M MflkMMMMt D1..I witik Ciaaairiilftr a Wawr Department of Und. Victoria. B C H au MkAaavaaSv kf , kiMiftaaBai a awm t rariianwet Biilisiaa. viataata, a W FPtB94H JHMbI Rp taVaVi SeM aaSBaaMaj tnj BJBaj PPl jntnnamp wVrBflBjamaajtam; to J " In thins tun altar the Brat May, HIS. Salvation Army. ''iw"! of this aaaia Mi weal ajaaati i4Mi ear of Mar. a d, his. W' E. tm..B.llM milllllllla Tw4ft, The date af the Brat WILU8CR0FT AJMORIBE FOR notice i May It. ttis. iRiid BatusdajMi aietJM ta)l ThursttaH riSM lUL AND PHODUOTS UMITB. nupart, B. 0. News &wy s; t;sw p. wu AaWaaHVM in Us Dally Nasra. It c. a, seata, Aaai The Daily u, II