The Daily News VOL. IX- NO 33 PRINCE tlUPERT, B.C SATURDAY. June 8, 1918. PK1GB FIVK f C.Vt mil IW II - &i kPVC 11 "n IP- H7II ru ITO AMDS OF AIERKAN CANADA MUST SAVE FOOD OR ELSE THOSE DEPENDENT UPON US WILL SUFFER AMERICANS AGAIN MAKE U-BOATS STILL AMERICANS AND I CANADA MUST CONSERVE A SUBSTANTIAL GAIN ! OPERATING ON FRENCH TAKE WHEAT FOR HER ARMY ON THE FRONT IN PICARDY THEY FIERCE THE ENEMY LINES THEATLANTIC SOME V1LUGES HENRY B. THOMPSON MAKES AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR A DEPTH OF THREE MILES, AND TAKE SOME IN RESPECT TO THE PRESENT NEED UNTIL MORE OF THE ENEMY'S YOUTHS HARVEST OF 1S19 ALL MUST SAVE Frlghtfulneas Employed Off the Near Chateau Thierry Qalns are gpCUl 10 Tb Dll IWwi) Atlantic Coast Waiting Made Germans Scared of (Spvcisi to Tbe bsiij news) .Thompson said: "Although the With the American Army In WHITE BREAD For Some Bigger Daah of Americana. Ottawa, June 8 Conservation,world wheat crop situation at the Pi'irdr June 8.- -As a reult of Prey. of w heat and the substitution of j present time is more promising tm-.i attacka by the Americans in TO DISAPPEAR (SpetU! to Tlx batljT Xtl other cereals on this continent so'than a year ago, still considerable the second battle (northwest of (SprcUl to TtM Dtlljr ew) Paris. June 8. The French and as lo supply great amounts to time will elapse before the crops Chateau Thierry the Americana silt.... f.. ' ft.- .i- I New York. June 8. More Prus. Americans operating against the the countries overseas which are are harvested- Lven if the greatest captured three hundred prisoner, -u,,c stan 'rightfulness is coming Into Germans northwest of Chateau dependent upon us must be continued expectations are realized the i number of machine iruna and r w .oru ,,..wu..Cru iuu.j piar ln Uu BUbmarine raids on Theirry during Friday's lighting at least until the 1019 fact remains that the world reserves extended their lines to a depth of in the application of order Ne. 55 crop situation is known. Such is of wheat are exhausted. nearly three miles. relative to public eating places. ,he AUanUc. coasl. .nlppngf. .ac. made additional gains of ground the effect of an announcement by The greatest care will have to be While the loaaea of the AmerU u and captured the villages of Henry H.Thompson, chairman of taken to re-establish these reserves certain changes found to be nrj were neceaaarily heavy, still were ,nK of the ,leamer 1IarpalUian, Veuilly la Polerie and Bouresches. the Canada Food Hoard. Mr. both here and abroad." dead in desirable and tnese nave now' ,,,,,, .i ,,. t..v the German were piled up The Americans by their dash ueri three deep in places- Many ween uwurporawu in newunifr,, IlrHiuli shin of 800 tons and spirit have instilled fear in - WESTHOLME THEATRE cf tbe German prisoners taken by Of tbe board. Inn. InmoHnnH u-ithmtt tcnrnlnf ibe Germans. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ci ere mere boys in the line for Under the new regulations "a Mostly young boys ST At the Westholme Theatre to between ninel. and hundred R or veterans weary of fighting oppose tie first lime. night there Is an unusually good With tbe American Armies on public eating place" is denned as'me. oir the Virginia Cape. Cap-any them and are easy victims Helle Pierce was before-Judge programme for tbe last show of the Marne. June 8. Fighting both place whatsoever w here meals !la,n 0wcQ and crew of for the Sammies- Young this morning, who ordered the week. "The Turmoil" will be today and yesterday rnakee it certain or refreshments are regularly barely bad time to get into the that she be released- shown, and is a very good labor that the Germans are check, served or aold to others than boats. Flying timbers from tbe SOLDIER INTERESTS Capt. Hells, wife and family picture, which has had good audiences ed everywhere. Their present attacks members of the family or bouse. ARE PROTECTED wherever shown. Many broke man's leg and Vancouver explosion one arrived from yesterday Invariably result in both critics have passed upon the pic hold of tbe proprietor or caterer. injured the head of another. Tbe on the Princess May. favorable in prisoners and advantageous rectification , . ture and are very a a a a a I li. June 7. An order-in-council Victoria, of the local position. in aaaiuon vo puouc eating atlack ,ame al flve - wheD their criticism of the same. In The first and second divisions of places, the regulations apply tolnioal of lh. crew wer. aaiWD. .passed by tbe provincial Fishing arrivals: Polaris, 50,-000; addition lo this there is a two-reel Prussian Guard after trying four II public entertainments, lawnj Looklna for Bla Prey. executive yesterday, is of considerable Panama, 00,000; Reynold, Fox comedy which has all the .1-1. I....... I-. n..l ... I . 17.000; Deep C NO. 1, 1 1,000, and dart t advance along cities of bucimib, vuhii, - The fad that submarines are importance to all soldiers features necessary lo make a zrr.q l: turn the forest of Villers Public luncheons, dinners and brajng lhe dangers from patrols on service. It provides that Adeline, 5,000. good laugh. Patrons will not be itcrets from the south were P,cm"' ,,,r ",,u jwhieh are converging around the interest due in respect of any misled in choosing Ihis show as -snpJelely thrown back by lbelc,UD' ,odpe nd 'flfrin1 m area of operationa leads officials irrmnt tn from Lhe General meeting of the Fsh one of the best shown here re French counter-attacks with very Ings, and all such places of a lo iiieX9 lual lne raiders are crown, town or city lots or land, Packers Union will be held to cently. heavy losses. Imllar character, iney also ap- waiting for bigger prey than they hmbin-th -eile w auburb of a night at 7:30. Every inemberjM ., ply to private and emt-privale hmvm . tmind town under tbe designated section reauested to attend. It Two boats arrived from the BRIEF DISPATCHES uncneons. dinners. iirwc aim q. May June B- jflae of the Land Act, held by any south this morning Vithin about picnics, where food or refresh- (Uen -urvtvors of the Norwegian returned soldier or person on active Fred Shysh waa in the police fifteen minutes of each other. sprcu; to Tk Dut Jews.) menls are served to fifteen or steamer Vinland was Bunk this service, shall be waived for court as a defaulter under the The Venture came in about eight Service Act. He was more people, other than members morning by a German submarine a period dating from the date of Military forty-five and the Grand Trunk Amsterdam Sixty persons were handed to the military authorities. of the family or household of the oil land-ed after over arrived at nine sharp. titled and hundreds injured in a 46 miles Cape May were enlistment to a date one year proprietor- here by a torpedo boat destroyer. his discharge from military trt result of explosion in as an a Tenderloins, spare ribs as cut At the session of the Dominion a big 1 krainlan munition depot . t a sen ice. Services will be held in the Commission being iy packers, ana sweeiDreaas, in, The term "soldier" has' a broad Railway now itSmennelx. west of lawra river. to other of the car. ' Swedish Lutheran Church tomorrow held in Vancouver, residents of addition parts and includes COMPLETE P. O- E. RY. application any person, Dubhn- There has been no in. WOULD at eleven o'clock a. m- and 8 Charlotte Islands, Queen casa mentioned as exceptions in; who since August 4, 1914, Massett, trtase in recruiting since Field o'clock p. m. Sunday school at 2 in included in' for reduction order No. 25 are not has who hereafter joins, petitioned a joined or Victoria, June 7.-menl -The govern Xsrshal French's recent procla-catton o'clock. All Scandinavians are for of ' freight rales by boat from Van the lens "pork" purposes Irishmen to baa received a letter from for service in the present war. any welcome. calling on the regulations. Sausages also . V.n.A.,v.r krnV.r uhn ta ataled of the naval or military forces of couver. Alter bearing me statements 3me to the colors. included in the list of G. T. P. officials the definitely being are Ucked An,er,can IUL His Majesty, or of any power and wife left London--According to statis-bes Alr. Whelpley on reserved its decision restrictions commission of exceptions to the offefi lo lake over lhe ,,acjflc at the time an ally of His Dandurand published In the Vienna Zel-tacr the morning train for for the time being. A New Hazel. on heel ana veai. 'p.---! Welch and who, having so Joined, vmtnrn where Foley. Majesty where he has accepted the position 40.000 priaoners In Budapest all the food . ... ton application for a level cross A meal Is defined as , ,,, ... , i.,. has been engaged or engages are barefoot, owing to the during any of as agent. He has been associated ing in accordance with a former a person consumes faU lo ,,rince George. The on active service in connection with the work of the Grand scarcity of ahoea. of serving the same. . order of the board Was also an the periods howcver. ,URBestB that with the said war. either at home Re1 Trunk in their ofuces here. n -Official communication Mr G. A. "Me. .icholl of limited ly me regui.won.. ...r without in ... swered by ,eUon of tne 8eclion between or abroad; and, any (rotn General Headquarters says: and widda) the G. T. P. While the commis Tbe Lirs for morning Vancouver and Sauamlsh way restricting the generality of An appeal case before Judge a nation ia unchanged." is sion ruled that the crossing London- meals, respectively, are imc-- Jg unneoeMary. the foregoing provisions, shall be Toung was heard this morning. British casualties re. ed, but under the term evening, u eiUniBle4 by flie Vaucou. deemed to Include any person so II was the case which had been essential, il will be determined Park j during the week ending later whether or not the responsibility meal." is included mal, '' joining, whether by enlistment or Caras and referred Fndajr Offlcers killed and jveP broker that It will cost 115,-ed before Judge Provincial were with the , rests oted f between 5:30 o cloca in me 00fl q flnish tfae Une to ,,rmce as volunteer or reservisL or to the finding of some whisky under wounds. 08, men 4.S58; officers wounded and missing. "53 evening and 8:30 o'clock, instead Q e e rr0p0se, to nsk the through being commissioned. a stump. His honor reserved Government nf between ft and ocioea cnhfildv called out, drafted fnr n. mobilized, or decision until Monday. nd men, 7.425. "Fuss and feathers" may hardly under Order o. 25. mile and to ask to such service, seaman, soldier, Amsterdam Baron Daufield, of 1 15,000 er be the proper term to applyiln Al lhe midday meal no sano marine, or In any capacity Miss Grace Shockley of tbe the province for $7,000 per mile, nurse, us famous Auatro-llungarian this instance and yet is it not substantially wlches ahall be servea. i-1 whch stock in the new- whatsoever. stall of the Atlln Fisheries,.has there For atlator. correct? was waa wounded while pur piles to all public eating puces. I wUM,e UsUed. With this been confined to her home for and there not uing which not fuss were an Italfan airplane a inotiirfinr rsilwar lunch. counters. ,, SUN ECLIPSE TODAY some time. Miss Shockley is improving attacked v---t - m HHII1KLBIU C saaw v feathers? Yes, it is all true. You the Austrian sea reaa and will be able no meal slowly At the midday finance the completion of port this Poor 0f Trieste. know it happened way: l.l.lnl mfa a usual in few bread rons. coniii.. The total total eclipse of the to be around as a Washington A bumper wheat and standard line old Den. pf course we mean Big !rop thu year which before the than 75 per cent, of not i sun on June 6th is regarded by days. ben well, he must have seen used and . . Uneaj leads to the prediction of wheal (lour shall be u,e 0uwn scientists as not only tbe great Among the arrivals on the better days, but he was not equal wtr a billion buahela was the more than a total of one ounc'l M chapter of the I. O. U. K. to astronomical event of this year. Princess May yesterday was Rolf to the occasion this time and dear forecast toy by the Department of alandard whest flour . Uon for jam for the but of several years. That the Argue, of the university class ofj only knows where he is now. But served lo any person, .u r--,, in ll0. The eclipse may mark the greatest be Agrtcuiture. brought 2t Arts. He left on the same it is safe to say tbal there will London French troops tm ducts, including f;-blSS result. Vere:-f5.00 goiu crisis of the war is held lo be boat for Wales Island where he no parsley to decorate his resting Proved thelP Una In It. nslvhlinr cults, pastry or other pro.. donaUd.. by Alec anson, possible. Added interest is at- will be employed as storekeeper place on a nice platter, for you a I belief in view or tached to this na of Locre early this morning UUV S . a won wy miss .-v.. -socks for the summer months, when he see we have strong suspicions All subject lo me eai-ing Mrs Aleo Man-son the fact that during the first condemned to death u uci;easful local attacks In persons donated by will return to resume his studies. thai he was men they place regulations are aore-aulred were won by Mr. I W. Anderson. month of the war there was a when he couldn't make good.. toers, captured a few prls. to comply with tha Canada Camesole donated by total eclipse of the sun visible G. Lindau arrived from the Strange how these roosters stray hr m The fi.rm.n nmrlk Food lloard'a regulations govern. Mrs. Dawson wan won by Mrs. over all Europe and lasting three south von the Princess May yes away from home, but then they i..v... anri Mnt eclloncrs. and a half hours. Astronomers the Swed do then often dement issued today that U1K lia.r.- pJ lUkins. Kitten uonaieu oy; terday. He is attending often and are sorry orth of the Aisne and northwest says Licenses from me wwu. . .- Hunter was won by Gladys Oam-ihoq say the solar eclipse of June 8th ish Lutheran school at Hock Is. afterwards, for how can one Ml Chateau Thlerrv tli nrmtni Iioard musl be secured by per--..-operating Lusltanla German medal will last five and one-fourth land, Illinois. He will be in the that others of the same aperies JPuied the attacks public eating dairated by Capt. Hay was won by hours. In this connection It is city for the summer months and are loitering around? by the allied to operate on and Houdolr interesting to recall an old belief his U w ill be Illegal Mrs. Haitett-Jonea. cap return in the fall to resume .. . .... i.i ...nhMit sueli a W .Anderson that the effeei of on ellipse lasts Tile's. oner Ju " .lonated by Mra. P- studies. Special reduced prices at license- by Lome Tite. the number of years equal to the Everything for home requlre- won number of hours of Ha duration. An awBtmftoemwt of some lw-nortattt 133 WESTHOLME The n7d Cross hut on Third Social diseounla fur tea days Since the war baa been going on k made i lfa news Ut 4 uin he onen every after prartlcaHy ac many yeara as was Mr. AM MvNDestM has jm TONiQMT ONLY next week commencing Monday at Tite'a the dwatioH In houra el mm awofo4si tl9tM prssKlt)alsMi..f VALII noon June 10. from 2 until 6 to 7 dinner seU; fawcy AuHt, 1014, ecHfs. mm Ut tW sPaflP ia Prince VALU pie sws AND- , v...,inHnna for roem- cups and saucers al 20 pr the tenfrth of tSM He la al mmM principal LEQUCRE-QTORQE SS ;eduetion. for nl ten d ecltpae I tfa4 UkSJM Will school a atburn and 1.1 The aoclety a ---U be over Ave the city vary highly rect "THE TURMOIL" to make an urgent appeal far l 1H0- The ai U Mtipae will lo assuMM his duties FOR QUALITY Lthor fteiur memb-rshlp lo lake f tsdysmlth W.lHnl Boal ror Ml b as list eity KRYICK snrf HATWACTMM Trlnloa. who as ki name af Utt point. thou.anda of men our 'SVV'S s docs. 1 3k' ataV gaLHsUBABBjMakBa for liberty nd tr-I?very Mtlsfactlon. lavlS!" Wb t.Y DAY W W -UJta MNK MANN membership wnda ba4p Coal Oo. and comfort to lb men. V'