THT DAILY NEWS I VIOTOn HUGO'S PROrHCCY The Daily news A day will ' wiieff Hit only News Huildlnar, A Dally hatth'deld will be tttt Barkd upta PKINCE UUPEHT. at. to ciimnierw. mnl tli mind ohb Telephone OS og to new Ideas. A day will oofl when bullet and bombshells will Saturday. June 8, IV1 or i-eplareHl by voles, by tilt.(Drivers it suffrage of nation, arbitration W of a sovereign senate, whit h will be to Ikirope what the The war news from ttie we l par: lament is to Hngland, the Ulei ern front yesterday was certainty of i.ermany, the legislative es-sembfy encouraging. It was more l to France. A day will was exciting, because, as comm conic when a cannoiiball will be events cast their shadow before exhibited in public museums, Just it left a lot of hopo that today's as an instrument of torture is 1 1 would be even more excit as- news ntw. and the people will be astonished ing. It was like a fasrinalXB "TsT. I bow such a thing could MADE IN ffHi is fiction that on the eve of an atiti climax always says "To bo continued CANADA have been. A day will corne when in our next." It indicates Iiese two immense groups, the tQffll&Z-. 3 J Uiktr tf LUX aaa btt trtltr. Slir lit jyTH" "-Sl as foreshadowed in this column f.W.GILLETTCO.LTQ 1' d States of America and the ' K ! atal gtmllj-rimtt tnfllj-rut tar yesterday, that Commander-tn wimnivcc ' mottocai Is I niled states of Europe, shall be wtttr aaf litkilj- It dt, Aa roAatay-aa OsA V Chief Focb has taken the Initiative. seen extending the hand of follow, He did not begin it with a ship across the ocean, exchang general attack on the whole front the ing their products, their industry, will be interesting of the German lines, but success, war news their arts, their genius, clearing r v next few days, more so to us than fully picked one of the weak spot the the earth, peopling the deserts, m oa-aaw. A a At.. in that line. Then he partly followed to His Supreme Satanship improving creation under the eye the German tactics in their Kaiser. of the creator, and uniting for ROP a little LUX into hot water. Stir it about. Instantly it dissolves, giving offensive, wave on wave of troops, the good of all these two irresist D but not in solid mass as the en. CANADA'S NEW RAILWAY ERA ible and infinite powers the fraternity a thick, creamy lather. Drop in the garment! and move them ubout When emy has been doing to bis certain Canada faces a new and pro of men and the power of clean, rinse in 2 or 3 rclayi of fresh warm water press out th water and dry, undoing eventually. Nor did he: gressive era in railway operation. God Victor Hugo. blow the martial trumpet a la The public taking over the Canadian that What happens? Your anything clesn wsltr Northern, "followed by the the exact Iffndenburg, and state PREDICTS DOOM OF KAISER clothes arc exquisitely may touch. time when bis train of victorious Premier's Parliamentary intimation clean and NEW. Notb-injj troops would arrive in Berlin. No, that negotiations would lake Shirtwaists, nlkswcst. London, June 6. "I Helieve matted or shrunken. there is no spread-eagleism about place in Britain this summer with ers dainty ooUn this war will have been fought in Colors gleaming and un anything w.O.'W-, f-n view to similar action in connection this foxy French general, although a vain if at its conclusion the Kai fsded. Why? Iiecauie de ; crepe r. 1, his martial emotions doubt with the Grand Trunk, np are no little flskes ser and his war lords do not find LUX -sHken shades tot.1' stirred by the splendid work at opens the way for the development crrwe their heads in a noose," said John of soap--is pure essence cover is !.'.,. f ttj the front of the American soldiers of a great national system of and cannot hsrm Hodge. Minister of Pensions and soap easily washed w itl,11 V Also, he knows that he can afford of railways. Public ownership a Labor Parly leader, in an ad-dress to play wailing tactics, with ten and operation is to be put to a thousand fresh troops arriving practical test on a gigantic scale today. HememberLUX con'l shrink wool LUX sold by all jjood tn m. Ervnh from the United Slates every day, If efficiency and business meth "An inconclusive peace would ens it will clean them. made hy Lever Hrothers Limited, T roc-o. be a greater disaster than con as they have been for weeks past ods-prevail there is no doubt as tinuance of the war. No matter and will continue for weeks to to the outcome. But enemies of come. the public ownership of public what the sacrifice. .we have got WILL NOT INJURE THK FILMIEST FABRICS to fight to the finish." TV.- - vir.oST Poor, perplexed Kaiser Wil-belm, utilities-are still many and power head of the great theological ful. It will be to their interest partnership of Me &. Golt. to have the project fail. H will Imagine his bowed head In the prove advantageous to them V crook of bis palsied arm, moody see it cluttered with figurehead. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT When Women at the news. Suddenly he starts managed with incompetency, and are Weak up and in his usual thunder com bedeviled by politics. It is again! mands: "Order my fleet to wipe such a contingency that progres Women who feci weak, languid and depressed sailing perfidious Tngland oil the may at She advocates of public ownership who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appetite Wednesday 9.00 ajn.for anton Bay sni once." There's where hell will must guard. The activity ol and fresh looks need a tonic that will Vancouver. break loose next and where the its enemies should be the measure the blood, help the of purify organs digestion, PRINCE' GEORGE exciting news will come from, and of their vigilance. S.S. regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen the result is not at all likely to Serious responsibility confrouU It has been Wednesday Midnight to Anyoi. known the that long system. relieve the Kaiser's moodyntss. the Government. The choice of Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocsan Falls, Vsa but is certain to give him a few the man to direct the manage Victoria and SeattU. Interesting things to think about. meat and determine the administrative couvsr, Germany was properly proud of policy of the new national JBeeepaiyS Pills 8. 9. pniNCE JOHN and P1INCE ALBERT-Alternating her great naval fleet and con railway system is a matter which Wsskly to Qussn CharlotU Islands. sidered it. the strongest in the should engage its best thought TRAIN SERVICE world. Experts ranked it as and endeavor. He should he a are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly correct t-t ivn. i ilil si i second only to the British fleet. man in the prime of life, endowed womanly ailments, improve the appetite, purify the hwtit rrtor UMtir.a4i,UmlM v4fitt M m4 Mltr.sil Mukwr 4ui Mtrru- f-t tl Yet it has been bottled up in the with wide technical knowledge and blood and reestablish healthy conditions. They are (Ml V MMlS. very harbor designed by Germany administrative ability a man altogether safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without as the strategical spot from divorced from politics an harmful drug. A few doses will bring better Llnss. which she could overwhelm England and thoroughly in sympathy with spirits, improved health and a feeling of fitness. Acnc All Ocan Stssmshlp at a blow, bottle up the Uril-isb the principle of public ownership. Iitr HformsUiO aa4 reeratkns apply t fleet during the whole of the The Government should make n Worth a Guinea a Box l 1 war. row, when me Kaiser s licet its business to find such a man. does make its first public appear-; for only by so doing can the Dominion lllltlM St. ance in war, 11 win vc mei noi properly inaugurate and only by the British battleships, successfully carry out the great 1 but by those of the United States, progressive policy which promises RAILWAY now classed as the second seal to usher in a new railway era in riuycE nupEnr uuin dutrkt nii- WATKH OTICK CANADIAN PACIFIC power of the world. Certainly the Canada. . TIUCT or OUtE.I C1URL0TTE ISLANDS. Up and Starts) TAKE MOTICJ; Uttt r. TiM AtropUi TAKE .OTICI Uul Ofra tt Switioo. Lowest Rates to nil Eastern Points Sprurt LmsXr Co.. Ltd.. o( fort dcotcau. nMi addraaa la Part OtuoaU. S. c via Steamer to Vancouver an f the m Str far Humtt to Uka and a um ocrupallua ttuulxmta. IbuikI I 4piljr for 9rmkHna to leM Um rollot( Otttrihta t.T rtHMM and H i(art ssM vucu Canadian Pacific Railwav Urwlt. ot wtttt atii of aa aaaa erk Utt Catmumnmr ! S pvt plutd l tb Bo a octrrl aad aralaa tata t'ttfvtvm Meals nnJ Berth included on Steam' ourtfacMi comtr of Lol s. Slock 41. pari Sajr. Ma4 laM. of suMJrtsloa of DUlrUI lat lit, tteac Tba turaf Um will pa ImM al nortb S chain, tbcixa wrtl IS dttrrt paiat abt M Jtrdi turn um navth. SEATTLE tbtitli to tb spprvatb V) th Crirratn.o Tba pljr r um ttwrtar w Lw crtalad FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND Wturf. rort Ooiesti. Uteixa ostlMrljr a augui M.4HM f Uu04 and II WW Ouud :K ( aa iiuuil t.Ua .m.m UimH U.r 10 iiakv It Ife l-i kwf ii4 apprvsrh to Ut borlbmrtl of aUmLsS acroa aC land. Tt water win aer at Lol I. atld block IS. tbcoca tut la dltarud riwn Iba atraato al patol said tsta. him ssrwiNCtss ALICE atilt for Vaaaaa Pm 4. S. S, T, and S. II4 felurk 41 to potot pwrpoW hmi Um land 4and at Slock Two ' Questions ui euaaatnrtuitat. ami containiat mho ' It. UA T4S. SS. PRINCESS AT AH far VabCUM Mtf IU. II. I and mm jiair srrcs mora or ln. I ttaw nMlcr waa i.tad an Uta trmiii J ana tod. ttb. It lb. f Ird tod 10th. w avis 0.7 at ajr, 111a A caw M AEnopLAAi: BfktXE UiMUUl CO.. LTD. I'm ana aa appNaaHaa t4 S. T. LtwU, PmldCTiL Url am W Um "Wairr Act, I II I." wfll With low-priced Aorlt tod. ISIS. JIS ' b mirm ai um uca r um Wtfr jueocd so many ar a 1 frasca Hfwrt M. C. W. 0. ORCHARD, CUneral AgsnL OtdtrUotM lu ibr appHcaUoa) mar Im kLE.1A UL10 MSTWCT PlSTKICT OF Sm4 wtia Um aatd Waiar haawawtf. or wltb 8.1 so-called anti.-skids obtainable, coast, tunos I. um UMvptruurr or Water BUrtu. I'tra Co. nr Fworlh Slroal mttd Third A.aeua. Tr'nca Bupart. moi hmmmio. Vteaona, B. v.. wiioia IWflf dtft afWr Um Srtl aaMariaa o! would that host TAKE NOTICE Ibal ttM Or tod Trunk M$ tvtttm tm a local iMwwapv. Tba data great of lb Oai fajMtMUM at tOM aotlca i rtrtflc fctHaajr Cumpaay or Wlauiprr. iv nt 1, mi. Mtaitoba, lutmda to apply tor panalatMol O M WH LTOS, AK4IC4UI. of motorists pay more for tu Iraaa tba folio Ibtf bMtflte4 Uadl .tttt'ttt-tttfttt Cuuautrmetut al a pel planted al tba matt WATIIIt NOTICK "Traction" ooruwrljr poial of Lot 197 (I or stoul (I tr and Slurira). FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Tread Dunlop btfh-water mark, ihcnro oartbcrly. aatier-ly. aouiberly and wrawrl, folloalot um TAKE Sinks Ibal Otwrra li. Bualton, lauotiuat ut Um ibar lioa to puis I it .am tar wwi intct lawiM Co.. Ltd. if they could get its merits cuuiMitciiMrui, Including alt Uial for abrurr tad IV., i'n I ut run V,nill.nirii.,. k bn Vtmru bJrb-witrr and low watrr. awl Anruptana apraaa aud Cadtr Unuiwr W tiuvn addfd to our slock of valves and pip" :"' Co. Ltd, wltoaa addratt It Port elsewhere ? Oatcd April 41b, lilt. b. v., wfll attar tor a littn u CWmcnta,Uk atxi lin of llubber Ikltiruf al rlKlil prirrs. THE CRANO IttVMt PAUMC HAILWAV a a,a MSMi tuj to atora um-umIi ff uiii aa w a at t . . A a.ii.n. aara faal of waur owl f Orfw fratk. FOR FISHERMEN . wisrA i as. vrmw iiMvvt j """" wn.nj, tw arawa lata tiM tint Mu jr uu' Ytkawi Hlror, Maaaat lalal. A PompUte slock ot Hie test Kooila Also, would that other MINERAL AOT Tba atoriaa Sa will tM loealml al about tMlllnit HprlnsT Uross. 8tlver aud l""'''1 ITm Mpaclljr t in n.aarfotr Utht erKiaai FOR THE WATERFRONT large list of car owners buy ! ,u? oim ajWlb acta ftal aJ It wttl Varnlsb-a Certificate of Improvements Bobd about e so ar or Umi ttm wtior Tli sflebralfd Maple Uaf PlnU and win u. ujvvr iraHi um itmuji at a ll of th.p - hH.-di " SPECIAL " puMI uaar Um Ui. Ad wlU pa uwsl for paiut "I'LOtllaAZK" A cutnplels NOTICE owill( aa IrilN purouart utMai FOR EVERYONE UM draerltMtl aa tut fit. block al "LOUSE" M liter 1 1 Claltia, altuaia la Um TUa wotara wti ooaUd ou Um rruind A tin stock of Hardware. Uuriioy. if tires which somewhat Partland canal Mlnlna birialoa of caatiar oa Um Hill dty of May. Ills. A oosar of BssL txilrtcl. Wbcra toctUd Oa Aiutrltab "lira sad aa tppttetUoa pattttwl VVs Sail Nothing Btii Ths Crk. about i uuiai rrota lis ukwui. I lAwroi to aud lit Km "Walar A4, IS It." wlff resemble it in tw fllad a I ! utllca of lb WtUr Kooord appearance TASK MIIUi Utal I, AoiMtl Siawatl. rr at rntMa tuttwl U i.. tm uiutft Cariiacaia No. SUo-C" la-1 Objoriloaja I., tb affdiaaUoa war Im resembled it in efficiency? tud. iinr dais frua ibo dtia itrreo'r, to ; Btod witfi ttm aaM Wttr iMsordvr, or wllb FRED STORK'S tttt i iw-r tpply to Iba MlolDf Hrcordttr for a Or- (nine vtu Hifhla, rarila-Um-BI tttt BulMi,.,.. Vhtuna, H C. wM llflcata of lajprarrUMBtl, for tba 9ttttttttttfttttttttttt purputa Ibirl city, tit, t tb, urai pataaa of of xbuiulti Crows Oraol of Um atwta tin. u..ii, ,,i I .' tt iva.uipar. Ttw data A. W rtauu. i ii,. in.i ,ii,i, ii,hi ,,t (fjia lot In Is And furtbtr liks sotica Ibtl tttioo tin i 'in News m -l i iMtr ii Mi I ii ,o. LTD. drr aacllon SI luutl Im euuunattcad Pcfuro M ii ! i -i Mi , e M) i.tnun LUM- Advertise In The Daily Iba laaua f ucb Orlltrila of laiprorr 1111 It. .jiviuM i-i m. - ni e tfitt flCOAIll lit ltd lUi f Silt day of Mtrtb, ms 1 utMt-AMlr 0.UMITEO.II. Houlloti, Aul. I I Tb. P.p.r that get. Quick KU