Hatufdar. J""e 8' 101 8' TUT DAILY NEWS THE BETTER HAND FfflEHDS THOUGHT WUST SUPPLY WHEAT A Rood .lory , lalrj 0f cn,ral Ottawa. Jn., ,. . l och nn.i hia il.. T V." '-nnaua anu aupreme Unl HE WOULD DIE in the ultimate eucce.i confidence of U,e ed Stales must continue .line. At the cloae r ... tho.o wheal supplies, January conferences which are essen. Centered" In tial to Victory. Thi i. ,..1- 'FRUtT-A-TIVES'' Franco which led to lh and Rc.lored Hi HoeltH. of the Veraaillea Council Mr. r.i..t in a cab e received by the Canada . "Bru irom the Iiritlsh Oeorge and General Foch found K Ood8- Pointed uieiiuclves alone In the rrinrn vu mat liir inrrpaao.l n.u. ICH met eairj thn l'fpiiil-w v.... ducllon in the United Kingdom, even if the mnt nniimi.u. jpHE choicest, Juiciest, most luscious me oeneral, m thu . -'om, ic- tween vim Afwi t...i-.. a . bo dictions were fulfilled, would not fruits flavor the finest pure chicle appreciable in cards would you rather havef mo iiiiiiiuiua reautreii proportion frmn ii.i.lo to make Adams California Fruit Chewing " - ..V... wciierai rocii rellectcd a continent. ..Ill, moment. Gum real a treat I would rather h.v. . This cable Alan - in uog fat u.t i hand, he replied. That ended the order to efTecl economies in food, If you value quality, even in so modest-priced convereauon Tor the time being. lauor ana rueis, arrangements Many- weeks- afterwar.L vuiiiq ..mo are beinsr made tnr ih Atotm a confection, make sure you get great onslaught of March 21st menl of the national kitchen all ADAMS. After that attack had eihaualed OVer the United Kincrilnm Tl.. He Initial force by people of Great Uritain are now Prominently dlaplaycd in atorea everywhere MR. ROBERT NEWTON. the rranco.lJrilfah linn in n... on tea rations, and their con-sumption .tl II L-TSfe.CAjdU t " JJIlle Itrai d'Or, C D. proximity of Amiens, General will be restricted to two Also ADAMS (the original) TUTTI FRUTTI GUM 1 a ' from iocii sent to the Premier r ounces per weeic. p -M"""!' "Hfdt"toryen. minder of his preference. To a I u' .-aia after f atlnr, belching gas, rrencii onicer who was about to Salvation Army. ADAMS . .,nlu.Jnotleep Vieit this country the General Public meetings, ffuesdars t I loatM much weight ic:i(tttf' aid: "If you see Mr. Thursdays and Saturdays Lloyd at 8 p Pure X ( m 185 pounds to 144 Chewing' Gum f ueorge ten njrn I would still rath n. tsunoays at 7:30 p. m. ft I limine alarmed and p;. er have my own hand." Tim m. dxtors who, however, A . . K-ycn4 n l.al a t cn no food. Fllly, a friend age. according to the story, was a iic H7 .lews deliverer oy uuiy ueuvered and appreciated .ft rrl AT fn tftavntai rAta nlia fc. me tntry 'w-o-lw,. ft af iVr Mi intfrovfrntnt. tj tjai- paUon u corwlM ; aod SHELL STRIKES CHURCH a toot I u free of pain, headache IRAIL SCHEDULE ui that miserable feeling that 1'aris. -While th Itr MM(tMKI( v - otf Iriperla. I con tin a ed ouaerving Cardinal llartmann's u tat tint splendid fruit medicine request not to bomb Cologne nn For the East. itj coir I am well, strong and the Feast of Corpus Chrisll, Ger Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat ioW KOBKKT XEWTO.V. man lOliK ranire iruna Lalilv unlays at 0;3O a.m. 5fe. t box,6 for 12.30,trial aite 23c. bombarded this city. One shell it til dealer or tent postpaid on struck a church, killing or wounding From the EasL pt of price bjr Krult.a-tivr eighteen persons. The official Sundays, Tuesdays and Thura Uan ted,Ottawa. statement making this announcement days at 5.30 p.m. adds: MINERAL ACT. "This fact should be compared For Vancouver; tin cardinal Uartmann'a reaueat Tuesdays 5,ojn. nvtv ate or improvements. to ttie lirillsb. It is merely an. Wednesdays 7 a.m NOTIOC other example of German bad inursaays 10 p.m lurt taeuoa Mineral Claim. liult la faun, for the least that could at item Hm'ar Dlriitoa of Center Dli- nave been ex Dec ted waa that (lr From Vancouver k wtxrs located: Seven mile from many would have exerted the Sundays 10 pan. tw 1 1) ji Um northwest oca nek at hat ml same forbearance toward Pari Wednesdays 10 JO a.m. it n :f Uut I, Wnv T. kerrm. that was asked for Cologne." Saturdays p.m I N IITS C aeunr area! for ff !rr r M. L. No. till, and Wnv. rl r M L N. Iltll C and for .NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT For Anyox: a. it 1 iiity daj from Um date Sundays 10 p.m n 1 to the MlnJor Record r OIIC IS IIEfUvST CIVO tnat Frank Wednesdays 10 p.m I ' -t Improvement!, for the A. Strttni. f um air of Prince Rupert, r: tuinlnr a Crown Oraat of the Ik rrvlnc ef Briuin Colamtia. carry From a u Aad farther take no tic thai Anyox: US on butnt at Uw Sleient' aaar Siora. t wtkm II, mutt I ewa- Tuesdays a.m dtd on Uw sik day of Mr. A. u. isis. i t - Um imiuik of tack Cer-s Mira to lltnnaa HiU, nut. rnace ha Thursdays pjn. z?r Troreu. perl, Briua Colambta. Id trail for tbe :W t:i totb day of April, A. D, till. tcnefli or bit eredttora, all bu real and For Port Simpson and Naas River peraoMl properir. credits and effects. vfciek BMr be aUd aad aotd eader etecv points: STEEN & L0NGW1LL Hon, uk attJmneal It dated tbe SUl Sundays 10 p.m. day of May, ISIS. A.XD antic I fartker tleo tkat a From Port Simpson and Naas tat of ike creditora lll t beld at tbe UKITAD riO HE ATI MO U omre of MeMra. ratmor a miteo. River Points: ZttllNEERS Scott Black, rnnce Rupert, on Um !7in Tuesdays ....a.m day of May, III I, at Ike boar of S o'clock tgmti for dlreeiloaa la lb arierooon,for tk for ditpoaal,tbe purpote er coounotnc of rl'tat Queen Charlotte Islands: KcCLARY FURNACES Ik tnutaeat f tfc etui. For MassetL Port Clements and Getting a Fair Deal in Buying Aa nour la runner titen Uut tbe Upper Island points: aaalrne will, on aad after tbe Sib day PLUMBINO tf June, ISIS, proceed to duuibute lac Saturdays 8 a.m. iwu af ibe id rrank A. Steteat aowaa and Ik peraoo enutled tbereto, battnr r From Masset, Port Clements and MEET METAL WORKS ttrd only to tk claim of vblck be (ball is Island getting Upper tbea bi noure, aad b win not b beld points: Phoue 5, 831 Second Avenue. retpotnibl for ibe attel or any part tuesaays , . ... a.m. Xirbt phonea 57 thereof, to dittrtbaied to any pcrtoa of and Dlue 270 aoUcc.but cUtn b (kali not tben b bad For Skidegale, Queen Charlotte LA CASSE Tha right work, at the right DATED at Prtoc Rupert. B. C, tbl lib City and Lower Island points; time, and at the riant prloe. day of Mar, 11. Wednesdays ,6 pjn. HERNA HILL. Aultoee. From Skidegale. Queen Charlotte NOT1CC Or CANCELLATION 0 RESERVE City and Lower Island points: Seeds! Seeds! aluaay8 p. m. Xotlc I hereby riven Uut tbe reverta WAR BREAD dollar on Uut portion of Lot lilt. WATER NOTICE Queen Charlotl DlttrlcL uneyed and Diveraloa and Ue. Wt handle known a Lot tile by rnton or a notice knnla't, Ferry's and Steele intairlst In Um RHUih Columbia Otlrlt TAKE OTlCC that th FISH OIL. INn BHBBt Garden and Field of December IT. 1 1ST, I cancelled for PRODUCTS UMITtD. Knot addre 1 110 rarioc ouudinr. vancourer, B. C, IU Seeds. Um purpoe of leatlar '1 Lot ill. apply for a licence to take and use forty LABELLED 18-oz. LOAF OuiM Charlotte DUtrlrL to tbe Brllltn Inch of water out of creek, alto known frUlliar and Worm Deeper. Canadian Lumber Corporation limited for it f hjwtnr into head of seniors Bit, u mil purpoiea. Tucker inlet, about 4H oil lei oorlberly Under Food Board Regvdations Licence No. 5-1117 from rnnce Rupert. B. C U. K. ."IAUt.-l. in water win be diverted from the Hth Qraln and Mill Feed. DeDutv Mlnliter of Land. tiream ai a point aoout tooe rt rrotn 8 till nWt Department of Land. Victoria. B. C. Itb water and wiu iw uied for domeitie and Poultry Regulator. minufactuiiar purpoie upon the rround IS II. Mty, and wnirr detcrtora a run oil and Pro Chicken Feed a specialty. . durt Limited Plant. 0"" rramatlf Attended la. do Thit in i nutlr in oT was or Dotted April, mi.on tbe around Also All Kinds of War Time Cakes A copy or urn notice ana an application mrtuial therein and to tbe "Water Art, Prince DENTISTRY llll" will be filed with th ald Water clean and made bakers in Rupert Feed Co. Recorder al rrinr Huperi. o, c tasty; by expert a sanitary shop ubjerliont lo the application may be i. o. bi as COWft SRO BRIDOC WORE Died with Ibe Comptroller of Water Rirbti, eraoiALTT I'arlianirnl bulldinri, Victoria. B. C . within a thirty daji after th Ortl appraranca ut thi nolle In local newipaper. DR. J. S. BROWN Tbe date of th Ortl publlctalon of tbl Harry DSNTIST notice I May II. 111. PATENTED Hanson-s 0. paaa B)lak.S4 Tmed Steae- MAVIQABLE flSH OIL By AND WATERS C R.PRODUCTS Belt.PROTECTION Afent.UNITED,ACT Insist on the Label The La Casse Bakery !Insist ou the Label Past Heating (R. S. C Chapter 1 1 I.I riir nniTKIt C1MD11N LUMBER COR Hot Water Coil l'0RTI0M, LIMITED hereby live nolle L H. SHOCiKUEJ Uut II h under tection 7 or in iia ici Orpoilted with lb Mlnliter of Public i "fl ' kneeled eoraT ana in toe omr ci in up tsucrettor to f. U Hlcky. Work al Ottawa . ,w on 'Mr BMirtcl Rerwinr of Und Rerlttry MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT naViI U ! IW. CONTRACTOR BUILDER tMirlcl at Prince Ruperl. B, C., a deicrip- Centrical of Improvement. llon of Iba Hie nd in pian or woari, NOTICE. Certiorate of Improiementa, V.I, PRIVATE DETECTIVE AOINOy 1 ,Q0 vp- lb WW' bulkllnrt. lr . propoied to be built on Ifipert." "Scrauton." mem." and SOS Metropolitan Bids Vaaaeuiir. t m'. your Store and Ofllco FUtureo. ....... 1.1.1 iinhim ltland in front of Q tor r" Mineral Claim, altuste In Um NOTICE. Day Phone, Seymour 4411. tnar ' Kuli lUnr. and Mouldiuga. rarl of Lol.HIS (Timber Uern Sill Pi Skeena Mininr Divliloa of Coait DUtrlct. North Stir Mineral Claim iliuita la the Nlfht phone, Fairmont SOI. I.Ian... Ft! 1 imnoiw " Where located: At kwlollia, Skeena Skeena MlntBf Dlvliloo or Caiilar DlitiicL rcuu, ., Mtt it up and of all i and Lol III vueen Oak aud Hardwoods River. Where loci led: About II tulle up tbe Head Office, SIX Hlaben-aoae Bld. 3rWt H pnt' 404 Ju kinds. And Uke notice Ibal arter Iha eiplra-Uon TAkE NOTICE thai Alex. M. Minion. kltiaull River from Alice Arm. Victoria. B, a, Ph S41S. of on month from lb data or the rrea Miner Ccrlincat No, I llll C. act TAkE NOTICE that 1, Lewi W. Pa trior, aLTItoror '"' ra. We Speclallxs In Hardwood srti PuWifUlon " BoMt Th" Br,u,n Int t i tmt for the B. C Salt Work. rre Miner CerUScate No. UtJI-C at uH t o""t Plumber Boat Rib, Sash. Cauadun lumber Corporiilon. Limited will. Limited, rre Miner's Ctrtincaie No. II. a rent for Guitar Pearson, Ire Miner's T P'fl. hereby eto. under Section T or me Ill C, tnteml mty d Iruta tbe due Oeritncat No. Illl-C intend, ilxly dys nK'" Doors, uciiy of 'IU. for rproval of tbe hereof, la apply to lb Minlnt Recorder rrotit lb due hereof, to apply to lb 'U i ticeptl0- Plate and Sheet Glass and for s Cariincat of Iniprovrmenti. for the Mininr Recorder Tor a Certiorate of lin-pruvemeou, QUEENS HOTE . u , ttruci th Mid wbarf. bulldins. W. purpoie of obtaining a Crown Orint of the for tb purpdi of obtalnlnr Qlaxlno. Dted Vancouver. above elalrn. a crown Oram of to above claim. Oornor Fraser and 6th 8U. r MD I'- And furiker Uka nolle that action, un And further take ooUc thai action, under FIRST CLASS IIOOMS SRITIIll CANADIAN LUMBER COR- der eecUon SI, tuutl be cumnienced before -non si, uuit be commenced berora Hot and Cold Water. Harry Maaitnu tltB " lb Uiutnc of suck Certiflrate ef Im- tbe lno of surta C.uacu or tiaprove-roeni. PHONE GREEN 169 PORATIU-1".A CleieUod.wt Ovil Enlnr and: provemefll. SO pee Nlht, aad S3 pee Wk. lurvtjor. Vaneouf, . t-, Piled tk littlk diy of My, A. D, till. DATED Ihl tltb day or May, A D. llll, e aeeert