BVKaWSejOTaHBfssH I LAI' I I I I . kill . iTIT . 1 1 11 I III . fill I I I I . I 1 II .1 TTI-"VI I' Notes MUMMifi i ar r M tc-f Local News J. McDonald, of Toronto, It in the city. George Moffat of Port Esslng- lonTU in the city. Mr. J. 0. Scott arrived back In the city this morning. 5 PER PACKAGE Draper! and novelty curtains 20 per cent off at Tile's. 199 Mis Saunders arrived on the G .T. P. boat this morning. Mr. T. Dybhavn arrived baak from the south this morning. Col. McMillan was among the arrivals on the boat this morning. A. W. Carter of "Oceanic I registered at the Prince Rupert- The Venture sailed this' morning at ten for Vancouver and way points. "Doc" Evans, wife and child returned from the south this morning.Mrs. Iioltby arrived in the city NAVY CU this morning with her little grand daughter. J'nrJor tobies, easy chairs, and rockers at special big reductions CIGARETT at Tile's. 138 Judge Young, who has been visiting at Nanaimo. returned on the boat this morning- BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING Mi Alice Kendall, formerly f 1 this city, is busy taking a business course in the city of Vancouver. The Sons of Canada will hold a box social and infomal SEEaSaaHeSBl im'jiii hi in SL Andrew's Hall on Friday, June 14- This notice applies to members only. For the next ten days, big re ductions ou iron beds, springs. and mattresses at O. l. Tile's. G. H. Arnold $20.00 lost between I. Burns and McRae Bros. Kinder please NOTARY PUBLIC return to the Daily News office. I J Miss Kloence Joy who has been CANADA WANTED confined to the local hospital fer ! seme time, is now progressing LOGGING for CAMP AT favorably.All members jf the Ladie"j PUBLIC NOTICE QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY Auxiliary of the Q. W. V- A. are requested to attend a special 1 Engineer. business meeting on Monday at 1 Rigging Stinger. 8 p. m. 1 Chokerman. . 1 Chunk Bucker. Miss diet of the post office DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED Apply to staff, left on Thursday night fer Victoria. Miss El let will be ab. H. O. HELOERSON, LTD. weeks.sent from tbe city about three by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or Militar Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparent Mr. II. Beaumont, of the Grand "Hie News" Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Class One under tb Daily service, returned this after spending some time morning in the ' Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Clas CLASSIFIED ADS. south. One under the Act Mr. Harrison V. Rogers . for WANTED. merly of this city, is now soldier ing in the old country. Mrs. JsJOTlCE ia hereby,giren that, under the proriaiona of sa Order ia Council member of any other society or body, a certificate of the fast a-". : at WASTED At 3 imoo Bjr, rlrl or wonun Roger and child are at the tatter's (P C. 1018), faf tha 2fHk April, 1911, upon ar.d aiur tbe 1st day cf June. tcehoUer eomprteat so to rertiy under the reftJatiutM of the ebttrf ordrt utl uk charre of small bouM and borne near Seattle. 1918, rrrry naJ person wLo la tot on actire ecrrico in any of 111a Majesty- (if deoomicatioa, andety or budy, i hich'b bakei er eek for married ccaple employed duflnt raai or Military forcea, or in tha J.aril or Military Pom of Ilia Majraly'e t sir- wares us to tit. write Arthur Fortin. formerly of this AOiea, and who apparently oiy be, or ia rtswRjaabry uaprrted to be, within aire. Carney, Bwanaon Bar, Immedialelr. EXEMPTION city, is now in Toronto. When tb description of CU On under the Military Service Art, 1917, by whom or on whose behalf, it ia at time aiSnned, dAUaed aik&nl that lie is FOR SALE last heard from be was recover- any or not. If it be rLuml that he is rxetniJ from or not habte to aamiai from an attack of appendicitis, whether by rstaoo of c, atatua, nationality, rseefrtion, or otWwiaa, within by rsasoaei' eacmption Kraated or rUlrsed waHlaacai '' rmn KALE Cm hoat. by t; IS n.p.. lie is now employed in a drug Claae One under tbe Military Bervire Act, 1917. m defined for Iks tin bettf Mflitary Berries any Act, 1917, or the rrrvtatfasM tl.urmVr, hw exrr 4-erele cuflnc. To to seen iW Cow Bay. store and will attend Pharmacy or that, although within the said CUaa, La ia exnnpted from or not Labia to ifrt, r a certificate of the Eegfttrar tr IVjxaky Itectatm of tlx ' " rR SALE Weanltar pit rrom pedirreed this coming fail military service; abal bava witbkim upon bia person at all timea or in cr to Ueh be beloeiga rriAftcing the fart; t Serkature boar and trade aows, ready upon any Duuainz or prrmmee tiers bm at any tliua u, fer etllvery about Uw 1st May. 1 to S Clyde II. A. Rogers, of Skagway. I' f wesaa old. Price $16.00 caeli r.O.B. OTHER CLASS Telhwa. B.C. Order early and ret Brat arrived in the city this morning AOE h4c Frudbooiino k ruber. P.O. but on his return home. Mr. Rogers . . . A IS. Telkw. B. C tf has been having a holiday in ttie II it ! claimed that he ia not within the cUas br reason of official If it bo cisimsd that he is Dot villus the Chwe,W that bm u j certificate of the date of his birth, or certificate of hil ags algned by to hahhi or exprpti uiion any other rround. a cuiHtealf ef refsrtat south for the and past month, POn SALE rtve roomed bouse with ol the I rar-den. In the where he lire knewtaige raaidmg bamg community reputable cituena rcaidinc in tbe community in which be Ltra and Larinf will return to his Section I, close In. Term to suit. position in the anowiedce o tue tact, or which tle claim ia foundnl and crrtif ring theretsi; P. O. Bos 74. IK employ of tbe White rass and Yukon Railway. MARRIAGE FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVIDENCE Cured in Constipation Mr. Nickerron who recently If it be claiute4 that be ia not within tbe CUaa by reai of marriage, a Certificate, eitber official tir mimA bv tarn rmmk!j rlilma wtA'm I !.- It i,f. ... .ri l.i .1.. .J 1AIS uxreurh taale IMi'.' I" 1 went south for the of His 78th without purpose ar Uvea? wilkmit t.. ,,!.!. , rtiti.t a umi hia uaemifl of I" 1 '" joining the Aviation Corps, ar e mm unity in and harinc. knowhxhx of the facta, oertifrtne to t Drugs rived back in the city this morning aw ur uiHiufe i uu uih nja i u w Uf Ol; or building or prtnusM in ahich be is, he shall thuaus-n be pr.n ' i fieraon at tbe time liable lor military sereare and to I a for a period of about three without Uave; month. Mr. Nickernnn pusaod NATIONALITY Old you erer know uy person uLo was permanently cured of Constipation by all examinations satisfactorily If it be claimed that he ia not within the Clue by reason of his I nationality, PENALTY Uklnr druct of any kludf Drutf seem and will await his call to service- :fdtn to assist Nature at tne time, but Do a certificate of bis aafiucality ais&ed by a Conaul tr Vke-Coiuul v! tha tonitf AnH 1 t.Il.t.1. .-,n aunmiarv runektion t. a W "' Ijjes on Urter doses are necessary until Btate or Country to which be ckima bia allegiance is due or a iiawport Unird ju or 10 imjirisoumeni lor a jwrwa nnnei; ' . . Lloyd Conant, who left .i, tLe trouble becomes etaronlc. recently by the Government of that Country eaUblishinc bia nationality; or fine and imviaunmar.t; and mortoYer, any each person saay r Internal Batnlnr U tba only real cur here to join up, is now located at - taken Into military custody and may be there uwti i- for Conitlpatlon. It keep the Colon or Hastings j'ark. Ills acquaintance! !j Lower Inteitine free from all accumulation. with has ACTIVE SERVICE soldiering not been off. Soon l be ayitem perforata III re-rular ahaU Unrequired, unlras or until the f art be eatahfrhed te ' functions unaided, aud tbara la no sufllcient duration to permit' him If it be claimed that he is excepted us a member of any of Ilk Majesty'a competent aufliority that he ia not liable' U military duty. further trouble, to pass judgment on a soldier's J'orcea or at baring the 4th August, 1014. acrved in the Military or Mr. A. McLean, of Confer Lumber Co, life, but he expects to make good Naral J'orcea of Great Britain or her AUiee in say theatre or actual war and has I'arry Sound, writes : "I hare been m the same he did been honourably discharged FALSE CERTIFICATE troubled wild Conitlpatlon for tne lad II way as a popular tltetefrom, official documents or an official certificate at the O. T. I evidencing the fact; employee or hsw'w"n 40 and could or year, not pait one day Ihe use. ainui or siring of any such nrtifteate aa without Uklnr medicine. I bavt uaed tbe laW r I ' ' CLERGY li, If il-,..iir,,-.i In nv itvatwiaJ rlws , ,.. "i. B. L. Cascade" line rttUnt It tl day Leaving the city this morning r .1.- U an onre a io, wltn wonderful remit. Will recommend knowledge ot tbe Jrm Using, signing, or grro-a " iifivs hun -IHinishahh., on the Venture were Mrs. Hal If It be claimed that be la rieepted as metnbrr of the H"" a )oalty any person to uie H." clergy, or of any upun aumrfctry corirtion,by a w, i r. Dr. Cbaa. A. of Maw Peck and daughter I!leunor. Mr. reoognlied order of an eIuiivly cxeIu.g aii Tyrrell York, In-tented character, or ia a minister of a dollara, and by Imprisonment for any term not and perfected tbe -I, B, L Caicade" Peck is now located at Namu, and regioue denomination existing in Canada on 2Vth August, 1U17, or aa being a leas tlian oua tuonth. for Internal BaUilnr, wblen I today tbe Mrs. Peck and Hleanor will spend only emcient mean of aeeoniplUhlnf tb the summer thero and remove to desired reiulu Dr. Tyrrell be published n Iniereitinr book on Internal Bttninr Vancouver this fall, where they ISSUED BY THE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH called "Why Man of Today I Only 10 Per will take up their permanent res. JUSTICE. OF Cent, emcient," which can be bad tree for idence. Many friends in the city OF THE DEPARTMENT tbe askinr of Cyril II. Onne, Druiitit, cor. wish them well and will welcome Ottawa, May 22, 1918. Jrd Ave, and Sih Bl. lie wlU also be Ual tw sbut etui eipiain in -t, U. L. their return to tins city with Casiade" U you. pleasure.