THE Daily News 101 IX NO. 237. PIUNCK RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNK 13, 1018. PKlfiK FIVE CENT. raw trip f7 n CT IMS II TWO OREA NHHKHIS NEWS SEEMS VERY RE-ASSURING ALTHOUGH PRESENT BATTLE VERY IMPORTANT FRENCH IN BRILLIANT CHARGE OF ARCHBISHOP SERIOUS REVOLT THE AMONQ AUSTRIAN GREAT SPIRIT ITALIANS SINK ; DU YERNET TO SYNOD COUNTER-ATTACK GAIN London, June 11 A serious OF FRANCE IS TWO AUSTRIAN Arohblahop Du Vernet'a Charge revolt has broken out among the SOME IMPORTANT POINTS Delivered Synod of Yesterday the Diocese to the the Austrian east front,troops according concentrated to on an CIIAU71T TaTI AV DREADNOUGHTS of Caledonia. undated despatch from Kieff, re. ceived through Moscow today. mini HALTED IN THEIR EFFORTS TO GAIN COMPIEOENE The cluing of one great epoch Clemenceau Gives Good Impres Bold Attack on Enemy Base by SUDDENLY, AS WAS THEIR INTENTION BELLOY NOW and the opening of another is always plicity and sincerity should ring sion American Filers very Italy's Sailors Results BACK IN THE HANDS OF FRENCH AND LINES through all our church services. Important Now. In Big Game. most critical There a lime. IMPROVED AT CERTAIN POINTS Another thing which should be is so much to be done in the way thrown into the melting pot Is our (Speclti to Tbe Dtllj .tewi.i (SpceUI 10 Tbe Daily Hews) says the speciacorreapondent of,of readjustment. At the present church sfarchiness. We have Paris, June 13. French troop Rome, June 13 Two small Pari. June 13. A brilliant the Times, in concluding today .moment we are in a transition sadly failed as a church to exhibit made a further advance around Italian torpedo boats, defying the oaaUf attack delivered by the hla authorized deacriptlon of tbe, lat- age pasalng away, the genuine spirit of Christ, Ilelloy and St. Maur and have cap,. entire Austrian battle fleet, sank which Is the spirit of fellowship tured four hundred additional two of tbe largest dreadnoughts Frtncb lfl baa undone moat of work of tbe American forcea In another age is just beginning to and good comradeship. Class distinction prisoners, some cannon and ma in the Austrian navy on Monday tie advantage gained by tbe France. vijdawn. It is inevitable that in such should have no place in chine guns, and also reoccupied morning and returned safely to Ofroani in the Aral two days of There are already large product'a transition period all weighty the church. Aa we kneel side by Montecourt, and part of Drussiarj their bases, it was officially announced lattle threatening aa it doea tbe lion departments, several hugei"'"' hould be thrown Into the side in public worship we are all to the north of the Marne. today. children of the one Heavenly While most of the German at Tbe daring exploit occurred off be column march, melting pot not to destroyed tai J tbe enemy flying schools, repair shops and Father. We all partake of the tacks were repulsed the enemy the Dalmation Islands on the Austrian coinplegne, from which 'or the genuine metal still re. itf jn supply centres In France and also one loaf. "We being many are succeeded in getting a foothold on side of the Adriatic- In the (try are now only aix inilea dls. plenty of pilots, who are among 'nains. but to be recast- Among one body in Christ." Having the southern bank of Matz river pursuit which followed an Austrian UsL itm fl ek I fti faitnl Ths 'these weighty things we must in. learnt thia lessen in the church and occupied the village of Melli-cocq destroyer was badly damaged. Tbe point tbruat forward by correapondent concludea that the1 eluu all things connected with we must carry it out Into our and the adjoining heights. Two torpedoes were flred &t bfrmana in tbe centre ia ex. first year's record at the front is our religion and our churcb. daily business, and endeavor to Today's fighting will probably at the first ship In tbe line and trtsely precarloua, unleaa tbe a glorious achievement, promts. The first thing which should be spread abroad in every department decide which side will have the one torpedo at the ship immediately t&fcy aucceeda in widening bia Ing greater things for tbe near thrown into the melting pot is of life tbe spirit of mutual victory in this present battle, says following. The Austrian ui;esl by gaining poaaeaalon of future. our "unhaopr divisions." The service each for all and all for Henry Bidou, the military critic, dreadnoughts were sunk on June ot bcigbl on either aide. great war has forced us to see each. This is what the world is reviewing tbe situation. He say 10th, and was one of the most -Ja Monday tbe German cap. TELEGRAPH BRIEFS that while the Church of Christ is waiting for the witness of the that the fighting is taking a class daring episodes in naval warfare utd Very Plateau on luelr right divided we can never win the world universal church to the universal ical turn in which each side has of the present time. tit Tbieicourt Wood on their for Christ. Our branch of the brotherhood. The strife between won on one wing, making the The torpedo boats passed bold ttX Lai I nigbl they loat the New York, June 13. The Brit-iih Church of Christ, while making Capital and Labor can only be scales now even. ly through the line of enemy de : racr and their effort to 1m-f transport Auiornia. Cunard its contribution to the whole body brought to an end by the spirit By their counter-attack the stroyers and attacked the two .a iJjc situation on tbe left liner of 8.153 gross ton, was of some vital elements, such as of mutual consideration based French stopped the enemy from leading ships of the battle squad, me been baflled by tbe French sunk br a torpedo several bun. the historic episcopate, the 11 twin the recognition of the high carrying out bis plan and at the ron, which steamed forth In fleet .t btij firmly. If anything, the d d f - u , on h Church Year, the beautiful liturgical est welfare of the whole body. The same time assured themselves of formation. centre ia in greater dan. ..'. v..... .-.. service, should be willing to tyranny of the Czar will only give better line of defense. itflhan before. Inaamuch a. it h kked u b be iUelf enriched by receiving plate to the tyranny of the Bol American Strength Increasing MOTEStFUOM THE ' tu advanced farther. After three! ,. .,,. ,i i. other vital elements from other shevik! unless the principle of Boston, June 13. Lieut-Gen. ANGLICAN SYNOD can f lighting in wbich the being made for forty more of the branches of the Church of Chriat true democracy, which includes eral Tbomas Bridges, who is now i-maoi suffered aevere loaaea, crew reported missing. audi aa the Presbyterian Churcb, the whole people, is made su in the United States, declared last The Synod of the Diocese of l rcneral situation remalna un Washington General Pershing and the Methodist Churcb. The preme- evening among other things that Caledonia convened in t.Andrews -'laied, The enemy force on the renorts continued artillery ac- now separate parts of the Church Wilh our church machinery the flow of American troops to Church yesterday at 10:30 a.m-The 4- bank of tbe Ulse is not sur : , lh WofV dutricL and Catholic must get together if we overhauled and in good working Europe now was in excess of a following members of the kuat to place In Jeopardy the J are to fulfill our mission in es order and with the motive power. quarter of a million a month. Synod were present. Rev. Canon jUi p: on the o her bank aort0w-oieho-Slovk .re re. tablishing upon earth the kingdom the spirit of Christ, strong within RIx, Rev. W. F. Itushbrook, Rev. the Olae and A lane- At noUhevlkl and refu9e of righteousness and broth. our hearts we should endeavor aa ? A. T. Price, Rev. W. Sweetnam, w,f 'D?,f lh?, bl e ,'ne' to disarm. It la regarded a. a erly love. While at present there a church to bring our religion to LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Rev. J. Gillett, Rev. W. Levers-edge, JonUtdicr aituation and volenl seems but little prospect or we bear upon the practical concerns Rev. W. S. A. Larter, Rev. not changed. cUthe m,f lloman Catholic Church relaxing of social rnd business life. Both Corporal Leo Ives who has been W. Crarey, Rev. T- J. Marsh, Rev. Tnnch Spirit Unconquerable. London British filers give val-The from its rigid exclusive policy, in this province and also through In Toronto in the air service, is W. A. Gray, and Messrs. L. M. de ground over which the uaDe ad ( ihe armies and fire there is the brightest hope that. out the Dominion much has lately expected in the city this evening Gex, H. B. Cross, G. A. Taylor, W F?ati advanced in their counter- UK)n and bomb troops and trana-Uu taught by the war, the leading been accomplished in the line of on furlough. E- Fisher, J. Jones, J. A. Godding, on Tuesday wa literally porU and military positions. Protestant Churches will very helnful legislation. I refer to tne C. W. Homer, A. E. Bazzett-Jones, tti jtb German dead. In re- soon close up their ranks ana prohibition of the sale of Intoxi Mr. W II. Iludland sailed last W. C. Orchard. W. E. Burritt, X. t-af Hellor and reaching tbe 75,000 MEN FROM stand shoulder to shoulder in tbe eating liquor, the provision for evening for Anyox to Join her McXeil, E. McCroskie, J. Shirley, Kulbern outskirts of 81. Maur, PITS IN BRITAIN great fight for freedom and truth. juvenile courts and the care of husband who has accepted a position Alfred Adams, and Miss E. J- Soal. French surpriaed the Ger- The next thing which should neglected, delinquent and defec with the Granby Company. The Bishop announced the ap ces Tbe German. retired In London. June 12. There has be thrown Into the melting pot Is tive children, tbe enfranchising pointment of W. F. Rushbrook rder The ardent and valiant een a fine patriotic spirit shown r.hnrrh services. Why ia it of women who will now have Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Peck ar as Rural Dean of the newly con-stituted f enter attack proved that the j,y ne Dritish miners In their re-fsrb that such a small fraction of the more influence in great moral rived in the city yesterday from deanery of Prince Rupert. have not loat their hitting t0 the call for men to en-Ptr population of any place attend Questions, and the safeguarding tbe Queen Charlotte Islands.They The Synod expressed its regret at gpong) church? Some would blame the of of the rights or lahor the resignation of Rev. J. Held, some The Germane In atriklng ler military service, aaya the Daily expect to be in the city about a uni the entire Oiae front yea- Telegraph'e Labor correspondent. clergyman; other the people, zso Such helpful legislation needs 'to month. and also registered its sorrow on &: evening were blocked at jn ,ome districts, he aaya. a doubt a portion of the blame be followed up with voluntary learning of the death of Revi'A." J.Hall. the fthnuld bo to each, but If it were work, for example, our church fond of children, n point by the desperate as sixty per cent, of men If you are many in some way or other should lead the way in The evening session was of a ftn possslble h rebalance. The battle ia re4jUjred bav been voluntarily people then you are fond of children's - rasing. recruited without resort to the to make our church services, including providing some social substitute voices. Hear them at the Baptist publid character and was opened devisttl the p'rayers, the singing, for ths bar-room, and in'slcuring by the Bishop, who referred to Premier Uaues SUUment. which was church at the three services on ballot ayslein. better adapted " that the Church of England and the preaching, Christian women for5 juvenile the fact equal hria, op-topremon Sunday. June 13. A reassuring a means of giving r to meet the needs of tne age mere court judges, social eervice work was the first to commence has been given by the porlunitiea to all men. be better at work this coast so far states that would undoubtedly a er. etc. Because one works Is not sat upon Htment of Premier Clemenceau The correspondent tendance at church. We have a Ihe passed by the to the authorities these backback as 1868 at Port Simpson. a U senate, regarding the altu- the number of men to be taken Some of aws isjactory ml noble heritage in our Dominion Government as a war days and Mr. Bulkley was asked "im for the army l a v - - 'd on the western front. He from the mines and thai order of public worship ana in time measure should be retained by the court this morning to seek The discussion which was join- that decisive result bad been now virtually complete, ed In by the clergy and laity, followed the entire the prayers of our prayer-book, after the war as they make for a a more favorable occupation. stained at certain point with In some districts imnv nf lhem hallowed by cen beticr order of thing. Excessive along the lines of Christian Wmmum forces and minimum quotas have been authorltiea obtained. are turies of use. but while keeping business profits should always be Daniel Jamea, with all his giving, social service, and Sunday while the enemy loe The military strictly to the order or our prayer taxed within reasonable bounds Biblical names, was unable to School work. been enonnoua. He laid taking 75.000 men from the piw-on based a the vigilant of the adjourned and hook, which is upon for the beneflt of the whole community. escape eye police, The Synod was Frnh .. the resources of the aUERTS psychological principle, we need This ia one of the and was in the court this opened again this morning with a mtmmmtnmnv aiiuy -which i-1- a vcrvuni Irntwi.. " STRIKE ........ iihoriv in adanting the sanest way of guarding again morning charged wilh being un quiet hour preparatory to the dis had crushed the enemy of- THREATENED length and character of our er-.... an excessive Inequality in the dis. der the influence of liquor He cussions and considerations of the 'oiive Details of tbe admiral . in ih anecial occasion. As tribution of wealth. The Idlers pleaded that cider was the sole closing sessions- icaii effort to despatch new Washington. June U Secretary n this is a missionary Diocese nad Act is enabling the police to deal cause and was accordingly fined were given. Preaident Wilson and clergymen are en who $10. FISH ARRIVALS ucceMfu U nearly all our willi a parasite class of men . Air Programme Good. of Labor WH.on have caged in pioneer worn our 0. are a dlsgraco to any community, La Paloma. 12.000; Murineag, com or Lt ndon June la.-mere will If acted to avert a strike nAsianrA lit almost identical with and is helping these very men to Accarding to a report of the 8,000; Royal 3rd, 6.000; Nuba, ome .urpri.e on the western mercUl SL. lhat of our chaplains at the front. become useful citizens. It should Granby Consolidated Mining and 3,000, and Carruthers, 90,000. :."tft MIO American air pro. eaiea b r" mei W have bad 10 anonen inland never be repealed, but enforced Smelting Company made public rmme in many recently, the company last month Ladyamlth Wellington Coal re is in full working order, elaboration ue extempore prayer with discretion. of the solution reached, no .... ,o.iinllv training the peo- produced approximately 3,850,000 ducss your fuel bill and gives statement wa " :. .u.. ...11 Some of the laws on economy pounds of copper. The rmelter at of the appreciate me iu..r. should also be satisfaction. Phone 18. .P. R. nle to waste against and haa led Anyox handled 87,500 tons of ore The war Coal Oo. forthcoming. ervice. richer Interests of the continued In the and 1 ton smelted at WESTHOLME churches to offer up 4,800 were u, in all our It I well that together nation. THE CRADLE elo.e.1. the plant at Grand Forka , prayerain loujb TONiQHT ONLY special with the spreading abroad of with our preseiij true spirit of service, which CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. ir nii Mrs. FRANCIS NELSON on June must nev'1 ff I,ac V. the duly of tho church, there Meekln. of 5th Ave..v. . ... vhi! we shall encour. should hand iu hand a reason bo THE Itl I. aAlt Z of .orne Parts of New Telephone Dlreotory. POWER OF .!. brought DECISION 5 .n,iVr, J. S. Drown able amount of pressure The city is about to issue a new- r- t'trvro vonuer our church about by a compulsory, law. Telephone Directory, ror any Play. at the Prince nuperi in a simid. naiurai 1 " :;v Many social and industrial le changes alteration desired FOR QUALITY t ?th June 13th. a uam"""- ,ii..m There anoum " or and SATISFACTION Chapter of pltal hastened th been by litli ...... forms have therein, notify the Supt, of Tele. AND A .kJicr 01 iiuiia and but If these are to be SERVICE Wslllngton Coal greM war phones in writing on or before WEEK FOR HKLP. For M.w Vl.,,i2r" chapters. Continued on Page Two) IJune lath. lr Lumber or an 01..- crhlV UOU. " " "t, 'hon 11.