TUT DAILY NEWS IL" . The Dailv News PWw tTTf MAIL tCHCDULC Daily News Huildinjr 3rd Aw., PHINCE HUPERT. B.C. For the Cast. jaB Ha Um Can favartla far a MeWfciM, Wednesday andBat-urdar 93 Telephone tlsB qwariar af a aontiirv, Oraarf bafc4 wKfi ! t 99 a.m. Vaatt wilt afH atd maUt la;r tHan (Hat Thursday. June 13, 1918. tnaJa with any aUwr, aa tfcat m full war From the East, n aaalty ba matfa at ia aaklnr, a tit la laaf wfll b kKl a al J ta ftrat. Sundays, I'uesdays ORd ThurS' MOC IN CaMAOA day at 5J0 p.iu. 'Heavy, heavy ftics over EAVGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WAR CONFERENCE J Tor Vancouver: your head." TORONTO, ONT. MONTH LU. All the representatives from TuMdays P-m. the various Dritish dominions U 4fM4ara ............ 1 a.rn have now arrived In London Ttmrsdafs tOpjn. "0. 1 know what It Is. daddy! veteran the Rev-John generally will realUe that no qur missionaries, for the Imperial conference, admissable, Field, who for 32 has Ba-aaBBRSSwassat other course is years You held It which is likely to begin its ses-stons In this connection several been in charge of our llatelton From Vancouver too dote and I today or tomorrow. The difficult questions arise. Is the Mission. Ity spreading the work Sunders 10 P--j smell It It's UJWGLEY'Sr conference about to meet will Wedsday s 18 JO mjm. Empire now going to negotiate of our available clergymen ever be more representative than on the American principle of as large a territory as possible Salurdav P-". any former meeting of the kind, concession for concession? Are and linking up missions we are Jill 'Righto, -r-give sonny representing more political Canada and Australia to nrgo endeavoring to "carry on." Our For Anjrsai your parties and therefore a greater liate separately as Canada did church people in this Dioeese Stjnda)a 10 pjn. appetite and digestion variety of political opinion. the Franco-Canadian conven must learn to da much more in Wadnesdajrs 10 p.m a The Imperial delegates are tion, thus imperilling a new the way of self-support. We treat, while you tickle both Liberal and Conservative. From AnyosS measure of inter-fmperial economic must make more use of our earn Two Conservatives and two co-operation, or Jointly est laymen in conducting religious Tuesdays ajn. your sweet tooth. Liberal Unionists are present as partner stales in the Empire, services, remembering the priest Thursdays p.m. to represent Canada. Australia each" possessing plenipotentiary hood of the laity. Under the pres. has sent her premier, who was For Port Simpson and Naas Rltsr powers from the sovereign? ent stress and strain it may be. Ciwott head of the Labor government fitter Every Mew points: Finally, are negotiations come necessary for our clergy before the coalition, and with to be left primarily in fhe men to follow St. Paul's example Sundays 10 p.m. the who formerly The Flavour him was man Lastsl hands of the foreign office and labor with our hands to Liberal leader. New Zealand which in 1911 negotiated minister in part to their own ne From Port Simpson and Naat contributes a member of each River Points! Made la Citmti the non-terminable antl.nritisb cessities, but wh le this might ks amYfSpf Q V coaliflbn. Native oartr to her preferential treaty with Japan allow them to conduct Sunday Tuesdays a.m. representatives of India will or shall the negotiations be directly nerviees it would not allow them with the of the head appear controlled by the Imperial time for pastoral visiting, and in Queen Charlotte Islands: India office, which will be a War Cabinet? a pioneer country like this where For Massett. Iort Clements and new and startling feature of such gatherings. The- second predominant large congregations can never be Upper Island po4ts: question concerns the new expected it is the man to man Salrdy 8 a m. War problems of great urgency treaty relations of the Empire and heart to heart work whteh will occupy the confer, nations and the forty-four tells most for God and humanity FrM Mast. Port lanefltt and and these include the ence world powers whose most, The outlook for religion is exceedingly Upper Itiaud points: more economic use of the Empire's favored-nation treaties with bright, but it must not ToMdoys a. m. shipping, the speeding Britain are now being renounced be the selfish religion with which up of shipbuilding, which daily to clear the way'for a in the. past we have been too much For Skfdepate. Queen Cfemrtottet becomes increasingly the key new Empire and inter-Allied accustomed, it must the re CNy and Iwer I aland points: of the Allied and the position, measure. ligion of Christ, the religion of Wednesdays .6 pj. effective distribution of more In any event the Imperial social service, the religion of fel-War the Empire's food and metal Cabinet with the domin- lowthip; fellowship with God Frbs SkklKate. Cpttn uaHU resources. Another matter will ion premiers as permanent, through Ills Son. fellowship with CHy and Iraar Island point be the direct participation more members, each responsible to one another through the spirit of Saturdays p. m. by the dominions overseas his own parliament, is destined Hi Son. the spirit of brotherly in the administration of the service- to take a permanent place in love, the spirit of ministering There was a wise Spaar-weman Among other war problems the fabric of the commonwealth '. membership, the spirit of Him lived in a shoe for consideration, two dominate empire of nations which is now "ho said: "The Sen of Man earn For her mtar bildrea she kae being quietly evolved. jnot to be ministered unto, but to what la 9m'm all others. First is the question minister and to give Ills life a of the German colonies She made thesn snntt kappy vu overlooking Australia, New CHARGE OF ARCHBISHOP ransom for many." Wrijrley't for all Sealed Tisat Kept RiaiigJifil'Pp! f Zealand and South Africa. DU VERNET TO SYNOD SAVMiaiC WATEHS rftOTECTIO.V ACT It kept them In trim at a esl vrs Ministers from the southern (R. S. C OkApirr III.) small! dominions, notably Premier .Continued From Page One. THE BRITISH CA.1A&UX LUMBER OR Subscribe for The Daily News Hughes and Premier Botha, fORITlOt. UKJTID ttnbj rHrt BOtMw Advertise in the Daily News. have declared in every recent come truly effective in our midst (hat It ha aaW oaa 1 af tb MJ4 art utterance that Germany has we need more than ever the shedding V(4fcrJ K Uta Mutator f PMtc Warts l etiaa sail la tb tOr f tte abroad in hearts proven herself so poisonous a our of the Dutrtct Rrmrr r u lb4 h$un neighbor that the outskirts of spirit uf Christ, which Is the spirit Ditmt i mar ftiprrt. B. C. antrtp-Uoa the Empire must be finally of sacrifice for the good of others. af lac lit tad la pUa af aarf. freed of her presence. War, In this vast Diocese, consisting baHouir. U- la ta tUl a with its terrible sacrifices. of the northern half of British MimvI lafet. Orabaaa lUa4a la fraat af part af Lat lilt (TlnJxr UrrSM flltr would lose half of Its meaning Columbia, we are hampered at and tat St IS Overs OMrtait Itiwti ota for them, they cay. unless this!present in our church work by a Met. B. C is assured. They hope the'shortage of both men and money. A ad lata aoUca that afirr ta riptr tntn ta data tbr r Canadian ministers are of the caused largely by the war. thoughl tnt ptbUfiTt nut aue ts- Brttua WONT same mind and trial W uriiun.we nave a:so lo record the retire-Government oaaaiBaa Lumber Cefponll-, Uatiird am. and the Allies ' ment through ill health of one of eadrr hrtliem 7 af tb aafat Act. arptj la tb City of Ottawa, far r?rol f ta an sad pUa aa4 far la ta ctav n&tinjsA itrart Um )4 wharf. aaiMiart. tie. 014 Vaatavver. S. C, tait HU daj WOOLLENS af Mar. IS it. THE BRITISH CAXJtDU.I LUMBER CuR BAIT AND ICE DEPOT FORATIO.V. UNITED, bf IbHr ami E A. CWUad, QtU Eartarar a4 BUTEDALg . Sarrr.1 Vanvr. b. c' 1 rRlXCE RUffRT LAID DISTRICTDIt-TRICT Or QtEE-t CHARLOTTE ISLA.1&S, Princess Royal Island TAKE 50TICX UMt . Tba AffMplAM Western Packers, Sprur LamUr Co.. Lid., af ran CkfMiu, -Limited atWpua laalxrnea. Iaia4 la apply far pmaltafiR la ! tb fallow la a rtrU4 Head Office - Vancouver, B.C. lATMU. Cuamtrotuit tl po (Uai4 11 lb nortatatt etratr af Lot S. Btark 4). irt at t6mlej of DUtrHt lot Tit, tbrr Ubtik S cbala. tbrof It drrf tiUi la tb approacH lo tb Oaraaienf Wbirf. rrt GIraaBU, tbrara anibtj mo hhi pprMca ia iaa aorcavtii rar-aer of Lai f. MM tkxk It. Uwaca rati WHICH ROAD ? rlr akar tb urfrua af Ml 1. t.' I. I. S. . 7. ia4 S, MJ4 block i to p$ai 'f cMwarBrrmeat, and caataialcr itu ia4 oM-bitr trr mart or kn. YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO. LTD S. T. UU, PrraioeaL AprU tad. ISIS. in UEEXA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or COAST. RAXOE t. S3S TAKE KOTILE tbal tb Orutd Tfonk PtrtSe RaUair OUDpiar at Vtnnip. Dm Mialtotoa, latrndt t iI for twrmlMloa l ksta tb raUowlar 4cmb4 Uo4i Caamrnrlaf it pol plaoU4 it tbc bmi Boribrrir poiat af Lai 117 at or iboai Uib nr mark, ibrar aoruwrly. air ly. KMit&rrlr tad urlr. raliowtac uv Pour LUX the troubled THIS THIS Meoealikt of lb tbor Un lo t ferial of on runmarroiBl. lorluiUsr ill thai tor bor bicB hlS aaur tad law vitrr tai4 April lib. till. waters of the wash Leads to LEADS TO THE ORA.1D TRU5K fAUflC IIULWAt COMPA5T. H. IL Haaaard, aaHcrter MINERAL ACT of the littlo LUX wafers are working wonders every YOUR LOSS YOUR GAIN Certificate of Improvementa MILLIONS all over Canada. In color they are like cream-to the touch like silk. The fine, soft, creamy lather LUX makes, is LOIIJE" Mineral NOTIOC dilin. niuiu im tK. splendid for woollens it never shrinks or hardens them. In fact, all Portland Canal khidi Dituia r r.,.i.. kinds of dainty or otherwise, Diainct Wbtr lorated: Oa Amcmaa garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc, 1 rt, ibooi t Mit from lu DXMita. are really preserved by LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, frta TAEE Mtorr HOTfCr CfMlflral that I.No.Mtrt tl) C" ta but with the fabric absolutely free-from matting and shrinkage. TAKE NO CHANCES ifBd. tutr daft rrom tb dai arraaf. i I-tr to tb MirvHir Raaardtr far i cr tiara la af IniDfaTMBvata. far ih. r.- SAMPLE FREE on application to Lever Brothers WITH FIRES ' tUJaur Creaa Ortal af Um tb Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, Aftd fkrtbrr lak tmllta thi irik. PUT THEM dr rU) II mwil b comuwncad Ufar RtmemUr: 1st LUX (s made in Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink wool!"- OUT ! BMBtt. ) of a-h -:rnitt t mtm Dt4 IMt tlM dar Jf Mtra. It II iiirftttiiiiiiiini"fii!ing