TUT DAILY NEWS ONLY MEDICINE WOULD CHECK"I EXODUS I8H COLUMBIA "A Dollar InTime, llCKina. Jim. i . ay of muniHn.1 :.:n.!..nefe'- Saves Nine" ifEFWRUlf r auiHUrHlH IftK VISIT to The Bank of A Britiih North America Eilraordlnary Success which for the purpoio of fmit-Hirer Has AcnieYea by- Lieui.:r:'-'"""i:"".e,"pn",d Liaae in his uepontmg part of your ' adilrraa nt u.i. .... earning, becomes a pleasant 0. reason why "Frou-B UTe and prtifi tabic - " uc habit,when ueeeoful la tmrieeniii once 1 I, to fiU-aonUnarily convention of the Union of Saskatchewan you have acquired it. ,000.H0 cards to be bjBSl.- GnWu. TerfU Mrt Miff Ilia If municipalities. The dollar you use to LPt.j HtdihUtraltUt - .u.uvmeu Ule Uevlg open 8,000,000 certificate to be uiued. MfT tun. In? of inm... .), . m account in the JtiJurr tnd BUddtr TrvutUt, vucme m lurnitn Savings 2jVJ iljt 71 150,000 workers lobe enlisted. JwP'I--il more utility facilities Department and lo en-courage in turn saves l -ma aod oilier bub .aneetiont, the development of beau-liful others, as the habit of savin P5T . . . i i t f surroundings in U, hrcaua II W tarn oniy mrujcma in the towns frows. and Villa? Snm. i' - tie wuriU made irom irun juices. It u compoied of the mejlieJn delegate representing the cities I THE BANK OF principle oudJ In apples, oraaf e, lou'm... anH iiill.....lsacB u,. it..lHC province British lYorlii jjs .h,1 nruoe. torether with the re registered at tbe convention. America and of sen tonic aotiaeptlea 7 yeais in rowwrss. WILL HALIFAX BE proven CAMTAL AND fiOe. s box,8 for$2.40,trial tire 25c. IN TORMENT AQAIN? SLBPLUS. S7tl,tM. At all dealers or sent postpaid PRINCE RUPERT RRANffl If Print a tiTM Limited. Ottawa, Halifax, June 1 1. A W.J.JMITIIERS,Manaflcr well known cUiitrii I M15CHAL Act. wcuuiivrar. nretident n r ih. Registration Iioard of Trade, have aUTIIH.AIt Or IKfHOVlMt.lTS. reiponded riBt ALARM ST STEM. 10 an appeal by the mayor fnr 2nn JIOTICt citizens to enroll as constables ciBcwrr no. i. Task Stupendous lurt frtrtloo Mineral Claim, tllnatt li for special duty In Halifax in th Boa II I to IL and Ird Are. a t itrru Mininr Dimion of Caititr Du event of a hostile raid either bv Bai IS tu IL aod Ird Ate. ITKt Wbrf lectlad: eea mllra from Set 14 ltd il aod Ird Are. Itr m Uw northweti branch of air or sea. It is expected that " IS Jo art Ion or lit, lod tod One SATURDAY 22nd tllH Creek. every member of the City Council Ird Aret. Day - June tn cni:e thai I. . T. trrnn, will enroll. The citizens will be IM Are, betweca ith aod r i i an 1171 c, titr it! for Sib SU. (knot Hotel). CMtit Sudre. r M. L. 5a. (Ill, and Win. be supplied with revolvers and will Bi 17 III Ae. tod 7Ut St. (Central The task undertaken by Canada to register every male and female, British or i, r M L. So, lltllC, tod for secretly instructed as to what Hotel). alien, of 16 years and over, residing in the Dominion, is of stupendous proportions. BTwIf I mewl ttiljr day front lb date iney are to do in tbe event of an ' ' The that has been created is in its wtmt K applr to the Mlntnr Beeordet attack from the enemy. CIRCUIT NO. 2. machinery most comprehensive f j .rtiSt-ale of Impremetilt, for the Bi 22 Ird Ae tod Ird SL ifott scope, and the information procured through this registration will be in such r a Crown Oraai of tt psravM otiUUUBt Office). form make it for Canada mobilize available unit of to iftuvt cttlat Aod further Ukt ootie Ibt SEVENTYONE SHIPS Sai 2S Ird Are. tat McBrlde SL as possible to every artM 4fr Uoa) II, mutt tx ros WERE LAUNCHED IN Bea 24 itl Ae. tad McBrlde SL human energy, either in the "First line of defence" or at home in support of af4 bpror tb UlMttca cr tttCB Or STATES DURINO MAY Be i 2v rod Ave. tod lod SL her Allies. tint! f lsiprorBiBU. Be I tod Are. and tU SL twifd tail ilia 0r of April, A. D. III! Washington, June 12. Tbe Bm 27 O. T. r. Five million people will tiave to be registered in one day. It is estimated that ship launchings in tbe United cincuit no. a. one hundred and fifty thousand workers will be required to take this registration, STEEN & LONG WILL States in May, like tbe deliveries, Baa 11 lib are. ani ration SL or an army five times the size of the first Canadian contingent. set a new record. Seventy.one Bti 12 Borden aod Taylor Sit. bulls, totalling 3U.4SO dead Bi Ttk Are. toa Fallon SL It wiU, require at least six minutes to register one person. A Deputy working continuously IlfllTAn. anO HIATINQ weight tons, were put into tbe Bt IS S7-lth Ut Ate.Ave. tod aod Comoi Art. can take only ten registrations per hour, or eighty for an eight hour day. On Dodrt Place EffQINEEM water. Thirty-nine of tbem are at -tk Ave. aod Tbompton SL Registration Day the booths will be open fifteen hours; the Deputies therefore will have work in three shifts. steeL with a capacity of 228,750 to two, possibly tons, and thirty-two are wood, of ciacurr no. . In order to make registration convenient and easy, 25,000 places of registration will be AgsnU for Baa 41 4U Ave. tad Emmerton 115,700 tons. rucc established throughout Canada, with from one to twelve booths at each place. The UCLA It Y FUNMACU location of these booths win be advertised the local Baa 42 lib Are. tod McBrlde SL by Proclamation and through press. 8 ali all on Army. Baa 4 Ilk Ave. tod Oreen SL PLUMKINQ Bm 44 4th Ave. tod BttU SL Canada will be divided into 230 districts, each in charge of a Registrar, who ia instructed Bat 7Ut Ave. tod ELerta. to surround himself with a competent staff of deputies and assistant deputies in whatever and Public meetings, Tuesdays, Bat 141 lib Art. and Yonnf SL numbers the,work may require. SHEET METAL WORKS Thursdays and baturdays at 8 p. Pboue 5, 834 Second Avenue. u. buudays at 7:30 p. in. Volunteer Workers Urgently Needed Nifht phones S76 Advertise in tbe Daily News. Constipation Cured in and Illue 270 v To carry out this vast programme woman and to the pride which every The right work, at ths riant NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT His 78th Year with-out cHiciently and completely, intelligent voluntary locality must take in doing its own work Urn, and at lha right prio. helpers are essential. Individual, well, to furnish the necessary number of UTICE IS HtM-St OlVtX Ul rraitk women's societies, dubs, fraternal societies, volunteer deputies and assistants. Drugs A, Skrvrata, of Um Oiy of Trlaca Kopcrt, church organizations ai.d municipal la Um rrvttawa or Brttua Cotosibu. carry organizations are asked to hdp. Interpreters of all languages wfil be Ut a tiorM at U troa' Ortr iwra. tt Did permanently yov ever cured know of any perton wbo The Board appeals with confidence to the required. Those qualified should apply ContUpaUoa by Seeds! um ttw life of Mtjr. a. o. nil. Seeds! uj aaaita Hrnuaa mn, treat, frttca Ra-pvM, lakler dm ft of toy klndt Draft aeem patriotism of every Can&dien man and to the Registrar of their district at to attut Kttor ti Uw bat Unw BMUtb Colaul4a. la trtul ror tat tune, at Utwtl of ku crrdiiort, tU hit rrtl tad toet on Urtrr daaet trt necetttry nnUI t haa4l Uw Uoubl becomes chronic Issued by authority of tad perianal prvftttj, mdiu aCftU, RannU'a, Ferry'a and SUU vbacfe auy l aitd tad sold aadtr trca laterbtl StUUfit' U Uw ontjr rttl cere Canada for Contuptuoo. it keep Uw Colon or Regktratioa Board rlggs Oartlan and FUld Ilea, feU-fe tMlnuatol It dated Um life of till. Loaer laletune t.je from ail tecum ula dtf May. tad. Uon. Soon Uw lyitem performt I la ra KM) buUc it furiix r aia Uti a nwt- Ftrtllixora and Worm Dea-trojrar. la tt tat creditor IU U bald at Uw ruitr rmtcUooe vntlded. tad titer it no law ftlBrr of Maatrt, Patsiora a rmlloo. further trouble. Vlt Bloc A. rnnca Rupert, OO Um ITIO Mr. A. McLean, of Confer Lumber Co Hr. Oraln and Mill Fd. uy or Mty. Ill, at Ut bor of S o'clock Parry Bound, wrttea : 1 bare been Superintendent of Registrars C. E. Mahon, 45 13th Avenue W., Vancouver, B.C. troubled vrtlk ConaUptUoa for Uw UM IS Fratt'a la Uw trwrnooa. ror tb purpo or inf Poultry Rogulator. dtrKUoB lor UW diapottl, or coottooiot or IS rear, and could not pata one day Registrar for Skeena District O. H. Nelson, Prince Rupert, B.C. Chlckan Fd a apoclalty. . Um IaUmii of Ut taut. allhoul UXlnx joedicine. I bava Bted the AMI ttottr U rarUwr nra Uul Uw J. B. L. Catcade" line rrlUcr II II day aMirotx UL oa aod -fur Sk SU Say tt-o, wiu wooderful ratulu. Will recom of iuat. till, prtwfd to dutrtltuu Uta mend any person to ut IL' Prince at Mil or Ut ttld rrtak A, loa aonf Dr. Coat. a. Tyrrell of new Tort, lo Rupert Feed Co. Uw peraont roUUed Utrrtlo, bartar ra-ytrd veoted and perfected Uw "J. B. L Catcade" sa. uoly lo Um claliot or wolc b tbtU for Iniemal Balhlsr. nick It today ttw o. Stat aat a. Iferi ba aouc. tod be 1U not b beld only efficient meant of aecomplttbinr tb rrtpuoatU for tb tttttt or toy part dralred retulu Dr. TyrreU baa p untuned I hereof to dutrUxiled W toy peraon or an Inleretunr book oo loteroal BCny, bom 'ctoua b bail no! Uwa bt bad called "Why Man of Today U Only IS Per Harry Hanson's OuUC. CeoL Undent." a hick can b bad freo ror Getting a Fair Deal in Buying DATED tt rrttn Itupert, S. C. toil SUl ttw aiktof or CyrU H, Orme, Drvrrut, cor. PATENTED day of Mty. Ills. Ird Ar. tod tk SL Ha wUI alto be HLHMA HILL. AltlaTwa. pleated to tbow tnd explain Uw "J. B. I Fast Heating MIMCRAL ACT Cttcad to you. MINERAL ACT is getting Hot Water Coil CerllCctM of Improttowou. Certidrtw of Improvemeou. C"U I te st til omarciad . .... t NUT1C.i m.im )m.I in tha 50T1CE. up cooi-Ht noria a ur lauieia. v.n- "RaperL" "Scran ion." "Gem." tnd Ik CASSE taA rutrtnur Ctltltr DUtrtCL for cot iar. Kke.ua kllnlca DltUlOS Of "Seerte Mloertl ClaUua, tltutie In tbe r m a rccrjtrd a tola Wbrr loctud: About II nuwt tip Uw Skeent Mloia Divlaloo of Coat I DUtrlcL cp to star is art th im kiutull Rir from AUc Arm. Where located: At Skeeoa kwtnlut,, ict WILL OO US'. A Un prr- TALE SOTICK thai L U1t W. rtuaora. on of nutcrttL ttk jovt I rr Mlorrt CrUBttU 5a I4III-U ta River. S;-af TAkE 50TICE that Alex. M. Mtntoo lr pnca to mitt to trrot for Outur learaoo, Fra Xiaer'a rre Miner CertiBcaw Ao. ia-C act-Uif w,I1Bn .olL cmucI II up and OrtlSrtl 50. 1141 C loteod, tuty d at areot for Uw B. C Salt Work, t"lir!itr (t ror oot Jrtr, toa I from Uw data Ureor. M tpply to to Untiled, rrre Miner' CrrUQctle No. II.-KT-C, WAR BREAD nptr prtrat tod Judrt ror NUtias Racorder for t Ctrtinetl of la -protrmrAU. Intend titty day a from Uw dale obltlolof Uw purpot of for ai i; hereof, la tpply lo Uw Mlotor Recorder tnutun ttUUcc arrra Crua ortai m uw for t CerllOcala of Improvement!, for tbe au Uif0 ttw oiber plumbrrt ..j .....k.. iih, iuuh thai truoo. tta- M pwrpoae of obulolof a Crown Grant of tbe aij-wif btta riptrrd, i brnor dtr aecuon II. mutt be oomiiiocd bffora tbova claim. any prrmiu to tnyooa lo Uw lu of tuck ceruacti pi "" Aod further take notice thai action, un tod Intuit LABELLED 18-oz. LOAF mom ttrrpilDi awott. . .. . .... der tectloo II, niuat be commenced before 'TIIS LONttWILL DATID tblt tlU dty Of WW. A.U. lte. CertlBctt of lm Uw laauauc of tuck rt mj tbtnf-WlU potiuvcly Under Food Board Regulations Licence No. 5-1117 fitf-art atSWVf prvvemeott. larrtacfmratt. KOTIUC Or CANCELLATION OT Piled th untB oty or Mty. A. p. ill. HARRY HANSOM oltr It Hereby tl Ut hw WATER KOTIfE TMI BUM rLUMBIS) .iiaiuta oo Uttl porUoa or w . Dliertluo tnd Ut. , Chtrloiu Ptttnct. turteyod tna .. . yuwo .. rtTiri .k.. ih. .....r,u ill I tKn I few u.a anvaa Mr lUlIlral I AIL i U I ILb u. u.m "" known at Lot xti if re.- - - ------ mom TS L1.MITIU, a hot add ret a It lit ColumblS Otte I Also AH Kinds of War Time Cakes anneanna In Uw "rttlth Paclflc....Bultdinr,. Vtocouver,. B. C, will Is rtnreUed W liAuM.. t.1 a k mnA HAM fitptv i&vlitttt Li peremter IT. IMT. I 1 . Bal.4 fat 111. metw of wtlrr out of Creek, alto known Tbtrtotl. lUlrtcL to ta rWWIHf IU,U MT.U V. V.J, clean and tasty; made by expert bakers in a sanitary shop r mi. i-uir.7n.uiMjnLNi Oueen fur Tucker imei. auout n e awimi Ctittdito Umber CorportUon Umltea fr.nu I'rlnc Rupert. B. C. Th wtter wu b diverted from the ttw miu i'u 1 n a MtllKN. tlrram tl t point thou I toe ft from Bull ttodt. Waur tnd wUI be uaed for domeiuc tnd Minuter Of . itxtnaiairs lawn Drputf iui i. .ivhhv Oil i.t la. k T U, .a peptrtmeat f ltnd Vlttorlt. B. C lUi Jod"urf 0Mrrtts t fWH Oil tnd Pro Haa Pa war, Mty, tit' aUTW. 'iVr: 'w7. pot.ed on Uw rround ; ci a -t uu k, s i-a wu, m on uw trik day of April. V'.n..iie.it. Insist en the Label Jg (gSSC BflliSry Piston the' Label wm raarar, nnrtuatii Ibereto and W Ih "W'aler ACL DENTISTRY ?Su will be Bled with tb ttld. Wller '(order tt ITinr nuperi, a, ihiw-liona to th appUratlon mty U Sktd B Mr.. .-XT- Me'taHa H C ' With 'oMW 0 BNIBwAI WOO ihi .ppV.ranc. r' duVsf Bra, Furthar Information 4 BTCOiALTT t ISi.Dol.ri Ul lortl Bewapwr. Apply to BROWN ' Tb! dak of Um Ural pubUcltloo of Ikll DR. J. S. "STh'wl'a' PHODUCTS umitko. w- C VrflLLISCROI T 0m. B.IU DBNTIST Bite. Tkird kt.e if 0. R. Bellt. A rent. For Quick Results Advertise in "The Daily News" nnc, RuPtrt, B, 0 AdvertUe In the Dally News,