WATEI. NOTICE -ADtAJvfS Local News Notes i sad storr S. S. PRINCE RUPFRT TAtr BOTICt tbat oee M BoelMl areot W UlM Htfet UMnber . t t (mifbvrikL Fruit -sailing Mr. and Mrs Lewis ami daughter Sb? Ltd? addre It fort Clemeal. nailed last evening for Port art., apt far tHeor s ur j Wednesday 9.00 ajn.f0f 8.naon ... ... a S.S aad I ..ere oo atnla Vancouver. Clements. acre rVl ef IM Ml of OMkm tree, Gum wturb Mtvnrljr. aod dnt Inla I ha Ur Jamea mtmnr arrited In late ww. war-- '. - .. , S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Tb ! Cam wru Ire eareirii the eity ye.t.rd.y and are regit J. ','1. Wednesday Midnight to Anjro tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. I atal Oft mot" arrr ir-i a a a Soad about a t aere of land. The water Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocaan Fall v.. diterted from I be ireant al S ' be Victoria and Ssatlle. Do your hit to win the war by pjrai near the dam. and wttl be oaed for eobvsr, joining the Red Cross. Hut on SSTdeiertted a.ram U prpoM 111. Bleek upon SI ttie I. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALCtrtT Third Avenua open every after, Tata nottre re tS'S Alteenaling Weekly to Qusen Charlotte a tke tftk day of luy. t I S A Islands. noon. mitmatm aoi aa arrrratioa .fW.aM a a fee ad te toe -aler Act. . TRAIN SERVICE o ftled at to etBre of Ute Water fteeord Canadian Ralph Rogers ef the a ai man Hanerl B C rataearer eodat, Wfedeeeda and Beteroet at II:lt a m tar vialion service, expects soon to u Ih. araJaratWal Air M f4a Ouim rfBMUtm arul tllaBrn.a tuku. Wlarri, aui fO the aald Water Meeorder. or wtl far tu rAe dry ySv - jrfS have leave te visit his home in Hm rAMnrtraeaM- of walee Mm. PrV polau tail aad seeta, thM yaw want treat tae JE-JSfSw K 4 Seattle. orea itoridiBri. Vtetona, B C witaw daeee la Um, there, there. ThV .FI' 4 kmny day after the Brit appearaae YJ a a a ' f ISO a ra a loral ttepaper Ta daM Agency All Ocean lUamsnJp Unas. Carry a anaet lai fa mart. JO '1(VSfe' i? I The Prince John sailed fr the x abe am MMleatloa ot IhH pollec 1 The laicaliM joicaa ef M J Islands last evening with an .un tuaVer b'LTT LTxsra w ito For lufnrmation and reservations apply v f rale reraUr.. Hh the firt f J X VJlijlJ'&flWF usually large number ef passen AtAortAst rHJ CO..sraucx LTf ad cxon u Clty TlcVet Omee, S28 Third Avsnue. PH0HC 2so f gers, and a good quantity ef OMHAM ISLAND apKIMX KSO CtftAR eeeftrllaa tkat "fairly wbi V ''jaWaPi' coriu UMircb. rMf aialh weter. freight. 0 H. Boaltoa. Afeat VMh1 The Sons of Canada will bold WATER NOTICE a box social and informal dance Uoa and Startle). CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY In SL Andrew's Hall on Friday. ' I TALE !iorKC that Oeorre It Boalkav June 14. This notice applies to oaae aSdrrai t rarl CSemeoU. B members Jl mm army for a licence to take aad J only. S.oos raHeM aod to tar SS.OOS ralVam Lowest Rates to all Eastern Ponts ADAMS a a a f aler ool of aa aaoamed creek Via via Steamer Vancouver Mti aortlterly and drafaa aato rervoa to and 4jh-Canadian There will be a ball game to Inlet Pure? CTe-rnf Bar, aH Pacific morrow night at half past seven Toe toraie dam be baited at Railway ""jar'yl poaw aboat ses jard from to owatfc on the market square between the The capacity of tbe reaereotr to be created Meals and Berth Included on Steamer Presbyterian Sunday School and m aboart vao raMMM aod m rtoMi aboat S OI acre of land Tbe oater wW Fririel's team. This is the first to dteened tram tbe tream l aar the dam arj M be awed for game between these teams, and porpweeo opoa l laod deaertbed a Btoek FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE much excitement is expected from SS.'tM 11 the Interest manifested -m.VbM aa- avtire ata eVar a af Mir poeted 1SI co tbe A CetW iriuad M BS. SO en i A um rrom rnoce bapart Htf Ira. II'V 1Mb he , , and aaaHaW porvoaot aad tstk. fvsi nettce aa t. . . --w a. tat a - mart jji"1 " " ' y Sergt. Jim Peyton, formerly the t avd at tb ofaco tbe water lueees sarttbCCSS alsck aatta far Van name Maw teod aod lao CAJuaui acme era ca well known cornettlst In the eity.r,"JSS J, ecraMo. mar u SB. rmnCtSS BUT aJU rr Vaaeor Mf MSv 1MB. Ilia a. has had various experiences at m"iV?2Z T.2f eooe tad. f i, IOl ttrd and Seta. the front since he left here wtth l(Mt ndm. vtrtarta. a c. ottata A masked dance in the Seal the 48th. In addiUon to his turn l?tJSi TJS'anLSSaTd.t. Cove school on Tuesday. June 18, in the trenches he has been band r tb ert laamcaum ii m mm u W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. G. H. Anofi under the auspices of the Seal master, and occupied several Z ' 'JlV o.tos. ArncaM Cove Red Cress. Admission 50c. other positions as well. We wish Co ner Fourth Street and Third Arenue. rnee Boa. a you were here. Jim. for the July While pique and drill skirts. NOTARY PUBLIC And Just to think that we have 1 st celebration. special Wednesday. UaHaees. im wr iv vui ivu(ct uy yc! ;Can anyone tell hen it is time sell Real EsUte. u r u ed utese cays? Ur does We write Fire and Marine the un erer go down at allf insurance. a We have Apartment. Stares. Mrs. Donald McClellan recened Houses, and Offices for the ord that her husband is at Rent, and Want More. present engaged behind the lines assisting in the defensive work of We Deal in Mortgage Loans. the Allies. lie is identified with We Sell Timber Limits the Engineers. CNADA We do Conveyancing. a a "jeneruay aiiernoon quite a . ' large number took advantage pt H. Q. HELGERSON. LTD. the opportunity of going ever to PUBLIC NOTICE the salt lakes, as the Alice 11. is in cusunissien again. The water was fine and good accommodation would make this spot very attrac U The Daily News tive.Mr- O. &a Oulick.a a formerly DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED Swift's representative in this CLASSIFJED ADS. eity. is now in training in Texas. He reports that the weather is by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or- Militan WANTED. very bet and that be would enjoy Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparent:) a bit of the freshness off of the WAITED A reorrel imul. areily Mrs. hrH around Rupert. His wife i may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Class One under the U vr. Palmare. V with her mother in Michigan. a a a Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Clas TELIAVA APA.KTML1TS. Wanted, a rfi at The songs which the children waltrea aad Balk neraelf reneraHy ne-rut aing al Uie liaplist cnurcu on One under the Act, Good re to rtrtu party. U Sunday are songs w hich have been WA-MTtD BeeDectabi middle-ared wusaS used at a children's anniversary U ut dubrs and brtp ta kltdara la in the old laud where so much is WOTICE k hereby fires that, under tb prorations of aa Order is Council toeaabor of aay otbrr eyrirty or bo), a eerti&eat of tb fart aac b ar Its run per out month of lova and expeasc.muormat.Free Ware fare-TtWrteoe made of children's day. In some (PC 10U), tb 20th April lilt, upon aid aittr tb lat day ifJio. offieo-bnlder enapetrwt o to ctiy lb rrsUti c tb ebarab enbr places it is quite a common thing icalo vLo ia setiv crrieo ia ti Ilia which b iit for tatormaaaa. 1918, every pcraoo not on nay Majesty' or rfertoenirlioa. aMaaty or body, to beataaye; f for schools to celebrate their six Kaval or ViHitary Forcra, or ia tie Jv'araJ or VlHttary Force U Hk klajeaty's 't.XTtD tttjuaa cook or Srcntaa aau tieth or seventieth anniversary, Aloea, aad who apparently nay be. or im rtoaooably aueprcted to be, withia EXEMPTION paotUoa. Guod rcfcRTMe. Addna DaS) and quite recently the children of tb deacriptioa of Claae On under tb Unitary ferrire Art. 18JT. by wbon rt. ill or cm vboao behalf, it k at time aSroird,cbiawd alVgrd that L k one scnooi ceieoraleo: Uie one say ce xkA, 1 it be cbJjoed that be k evraad fruta or not babk toibtoiT amp vraTU) Man t ru lurtr Boflea osva hundred and eighteenth anniversary. vbetber by ycaoua c a-r. statua, nationality, exerptido, ca- txbervke, vriibia agrnaaw f aag aaeaiption panted or etyd or aytafcaiataB1mc - - c ' cbu Uat eaa da carpcafe urt, to Tou will enjoy the children CUas On under the XJHrtary fwrrire Act. 1917. aa defined f- tb tiaa baiag SiCtvy Serrk Act, 1917, or tbe r lyJUtw llrrri-wlrr, bk w York aU'jtuumer and talL M nc naa. that, although oitiua tbs said b k fraaa liabl in these songs. or CTaaa, eaetnptod te not to pafrra, cr a errtificmU of tb YUMm c Deputy Rcirar of tfc mnr-to &ddreMSaax Xewa. a a a miirtarr eerrkr, aball Lara with bim upoa hie pcraoa at s3 Usm or in which be brioec rridrncmf, tb fort, or WajcTCSP-TooBC Udrtfft ao rS a eonv What a disappointment! To be itpoa aay building or premie vaero be at any time ia, panktdWQ adr M aaatM iUi I!rat wart ready for something with colored at Sbsoncr on tto Waavt OTHER CLASS a camp fxauv Classes, and to laboriously smoke ACE OS fs. BMtttn. Addreat DUtr ti. glass in order to view the eclipse. IT it be clfiabed that b k not vhbia tb ckaa by reaaaa of of,aa sAeaal If it be claimed tbi be k not witbia tbe CUrt.or tbaA bi ta tTAJCTCO Svaaaoa then ab to wait and at Bar. rtrf or womaa an4 then, capabte take chars of small nuoa and certafieat of tb dat of hk birth, or a errtificat vt bk aifned by too babk or rxnrrjtaxi Ulwo. axT otbrr frcajil a wrtAraJ uf'orfAae coat tor married cxxipla cmplojcd danat wit, and eventually to give it up. reputable otiacc roaading ia tb community fat which be Crt and bariag lrraklicr; Ic tb commuzuty wbrr be lire bavkg aMrvtadg f tU io- Um r- Was lit M Its. U'rii Well that is just what happened anoviedg of tb fact; or which tb claim k fmaaded aad rrrtjfj-tt.f tbrrrto; Kra. Canary, oaaaoa Bar. UUDcdtateljr at Vancouver. For was it not cloudy there in that fair city of MARRIAGE FOR SALE the south t And did not the multitude FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVICENCE buffer Just this, that tbey had If it b claimed that be k not villas tb Ctaas by fraaai of iiavrna, a ' l SALT Cat Ixjat. t tj it. IS a p.. to get their reports of the eclipse certificate, crtbrr official or signed by two reputable cttiarns rrsidicc In tb If upuai or after tb lat day of June, 194, y ur saaJe perM b 4-cytW coftme. To b sera at Cow Bay wttbout tb reouiait eikar rcrUficate una bat r ia or community ia which be bve and baring bwwkdga of tb facts, certifying to or pTwm from Prince Rupert and other buuding cr ia bich be k, b aball tbrrrofwo be pmeumxi M s sj rnarrmc a&d that hi wtf m hrm..or prcBua FUB SALE rrcra WraaUas plf prdlrTd cities where the aky was fair? It aod U oWrrr wr etur Berkihira boar and trad tooa. ready moo at tb tun liabl for imlitary errrio to a Is said that the next eclipse is in lor delivery about Cm tit May. T to s without Ware; octal old. rrlco I1S.SS eaea r.O.B 1915. so prepare now to welcome NATIONALITY Teikva. B C order early and ! Bni a delegation from the south to PENA'.TY If it b claiined that La k not within tb CUe by man of bk natwtkaihy, cnoic rrndnunuD a ruiirr. fJ. hoi witness the of the Talk a. . C If spectacle a certificate of bk tiaticrality aigned by a CoaaU cr lto-Ctmaul td tb fevetgri Jlnd be aLall ko be b-14e upon rumiuary cooVlki t a few wet rei t heavens. Slat or Country to which b cUina bk albcianc k dor; or a avpvt iasurd IV)t La it,!.oI tr a nmul net aurrJbc aBM aMaMb a t b " rtiK IA1X rto-roomed aoaat olia aar a a a by tb OeYernmatit of that Country eatabhabieg bk naUociality; or fin and inrkcirdneci; a&d raureovcr, aay awch pereoo BBaf rtk"'lh U dea. ftecuoa S. ctoa la. Term to suit. St work started nee was on get-ting dVrtaJasd ami P rrem P. 0 BOX TiS. Ill Ulm Into fwlitary euttody a&d may U tbrr airplane lumber from Uritisb ACTIVE SERVICE form mOitary duty la tb Ca&adiaa Ijiditiiaary IWexil r" Columbia spruce the Quen Charlotte aball be racrutred, udra. re UbtO tb foU U retahKalerd to Islands have rapidly come If it be cbdroed that be k exceptod aa a nxmbey aay of Ilk Majeaty coenprteot authrrity that b k not babk for military duty. .L MUVaTt OCTXCT1VK AStltCr to the front, according to A. E. Force or m baring ainc tb 4th Auguet, 1914, acrtni hi tb Military or 20 atetropailua SMt, Vimmiw, Munn. who is associated with two NatrairoroaiU Cfu IViUis or her Albca ia aay theatre ef actual war sad baa Cay itlrtil rnone.Pbooa.oeymear ralrmont tlf.SIM a companies cutting airplane spruce been honourably diacharfed tbrrofruot, ofLcial duevuwsits or aa ctfficial certificate FALSE CERTIFICATE at Cumsbewa Inlet. Although erideDcicj tb fact; or Tb uae. aianiar or oriiu of any such errufkwt a Maad OaUa. ait Mlkaaa-SWai BMa- a these eainps have been opened Wre CLXRCY tiooed aiaa.if tie cortitcate be la aay materia!rmirrt VUtfa. B. C, rss SdtZ. but two months, twenty danfcey be aa oiea UMwledt of tb peraua tadnr. sicnirg, or freicg tb engines are working with a force If It b claimed that b k excepted aa a xueaAitt U tb clergy, or of any I unkbablr. uuue jummary enaerrtMav. by a brtiahy aot of 250 men and logs which will rosocolaed order of aa etcluaivtly rtligiou cbaraHf, or ia a ibiakter of a doLWa, and by ImprkuoBMat lor aay term not emeweiing an a.- set's four million fot of airplane nbgiou denonJaatkm eiktiag ia Canada oa 2Vtk Auguat, 1917, or as being a lea tbaa on month. spruce have been put into the water. Mr. Munn saya if some of QUEENS HOTE the white pine sawyers of the east ISSUED BY THE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH who are used to getting all the OF JUSTICE. OF THE DEPARTMENT FIRST CLAB8 ROOMS clear aud straight lumber from Hot and Cold Water. the logs, were brought here they Ottawa, May 22, 1918. be vnluable in the B0 per Nlf al. and M par aVaai. would spruce milts.