Saturday June 18, i9lS. THT DAILY NEWS "WHY" IN ICE CREAM IRKS WINGER !,.,. .,' "V. '""" 'c cream OF US -ADtaMS; Hfornia Brut BEff OJ of ine milk largest throughout dernnnrf the year fnr i rra.m M . . '"-c Am A Full of Deadly e" wemeen May and Ve As A Germ Of". lly when there . a Po!on In milk and feer euto. i&fe, Gum Laboratory. tnera to use U. as an m. . r.nnU ... . fc,r " " ,,uu 11,0 country. Til farm.. 1. .. " .iici term in n rn. AUTO - INTOXICATION .u...rr oi cows summer and win-ir, Hhy goody-goody lul tho suDnlr nf mfiv i. OR SELF- POISONING Krcaicr I in, Itie.. Slirnmae- m I. for hungry Itlddles. Ily his contracts the miiv . j n , i wwwaaau i xmsrAS. c i Good for little teeth r has to take the anrntna t rnnt FRUfT'A'TIVES" Ab.olul.1r Pr the dairy farmer. He r.nnfil tint which some aweets harm. Tfci Danftrout CondtlUn. get over the slut in tha m.rb.i etter for little tummies than too fit tkitf tautt of foor krtltk Is iuioui iom u He did not turn to froquent eating. cor ff!t of the bowels. Waste ice cream making. Any loss In tiilt-f, aitraJ of passing from tlia summer be would have In mala. best In-between meal treat" tecf iotratine regularly eyery day, up uy an increased orlce nf milk vVSSX 4fe?7J for anyone. h n.jr J to remain there,generating In winter. foiiou bieh are aheorbexl by the It requires 300 pounds of milk Prominently dlaplayed in moat atoraa hurned into butler to give the wortlj, a person who l same returns as 200 pounds made AltoADAMS(theorlglnal)TUTTI FRUTTIGUM l! :.aai.y conUpatexl, U poLaonlnr Into Ire cream. Fifty per cent, of I xi'J Ws know now tint slma. an ice cream Is consumed as il, jj4i.V non-action of the dessert, and thus really takes the ADAMS dirtrtly rtifiomitU tot Ufttli, a place or other goods. If the sum. and R ioey JUadJrrTrouble; k:ui mer surplus of milk were churned tU it tjoacl the Stomach, cause Pure Chewing" Gum for butter only the price to the It.:. , Loas Appetite sod rarm- would drop and he would A gee,Jes ; ; that chronic Ilheurn-ma, reduce the number of his oows CMIClt toot, pain la The Hack, are mis would mean a scarcity of rffTf J ii soon as the bowel become winter milk, and scarcity means rrfJif aa;l ht Pimples, Ilashr, m' other Skin Affection added price to the consumer. ta, -r when "Prnil-a-UteaM are Revenue from ice cream, after tact to con ret Constipation. all, comes for six months from nil M tnt" trill frettcf yon those beat' able to afford it- Vet tr. A . o intoxication because the benefit of a steadied price of milk for twelve months is shared t j won Jcrful fruit rnrvUeiue acta dTc''"r on all the eliminating orjana. by all. Itelatively, the benefit is jOe a box,0 for 12.50,trial aite 23e. greater to the man with the small ll alJ dealers or seat on receipt of wage. frltt il'rait a UteaLlmiteJ.OtUwa. The Pood Hoard has restricted the amount of fats In ice cream aai - a MI.IEKAL ACT. to iu per cent, ice cream nas a food value, but It is chiefly a lux xinniATC or improvements. ury. We utilise its luxury value in war time best by steadying the .lOTICX all year round price of milk. iitrt ft uoa Mineral Claim, sliuai Ii Canada Pood Hoard. LAND IlEOISTHY ACT. at Hit Mima DlfUk of Cattiar DU- et Wr totaled. Setta uailrt frma (mm lr o the enrUrweei Lrtoch of Advertise In the Daily News. Seuont it aad lll ttM rut. Re Application So. tilt I rug KTICS that I, Wm. t. Kerrta. TAtE MOTICZ Uut appUtaUaa bu been 'i tm c. auat at iml tat Appendicitis Opera tadr w rrruur John E. Brrt or IttrMkan, Snoi slr. r M. L. .taw III, and Wm. Ala.ka, aa evtwr la fee aoder a Tat sale I 34 f M L no in c, and far tions Not Always Deed from Um Collrtlor af Um Qtr of Br" it wad. tiny day frwn Um daw I'nore Raperi. beartar data Um Ilia day - t apply to Um Miaiir Recorder of evBitr. 1117. at ALL AM) 5L10L' ' jtrc: at af Impfweeenenti, far lh Necessary LAH I tut raruia pareH or trart af laad Kfett af uialBf a Crow Oraat af tlx premlae aitaatc lyter and May ta av lata. And rurthrr lake notice thai Um Maate-paMly af Um Oty af Prtnee ha t a c:iir aeeUoa it, matt be coca laUmal allaf RtltM Ika Cavta pert. B. C. more parUevlarly known and c 1 br? j Um Utaaaca of tacb Car Yaar paraiciaa wtll laU yea thai iwr(td at Lola Utfrty eirat (tt). and t taprotrtueat. Apptodldtu U an laaamed reodlUoe of thirty Une (Iti, Blork Uany (IS). Sec c3i0,000 Batrd It:I lata day of April, A. D. Illl Um UtUa aatk caUad Um AppcndU al Ux elral Map ttt. Yeu are ra Wr rtbi baad carsfr or Um Coloo or qiatrrd u route! Um eUUn af taa Ut Tll!pf certificate to be issued. Urt lotetuiM, ay ctoaaaiaf U0 Ooloo I tmrrtur witbHi It daya from I he date tTr ; 7 150,000 workers to be enlisted. jJilupStrWLZ M iia punned warm vitrr by um J. a. l0f um aerrira af iblt Doilra bicU mar SIEEN & L0NGW1LL caKaoa- aacc u ctraawd ana um t rffretrd tr xibUraUoo in um Daily a autrttdai. Handrtda of I tod jor attrnUaa la calM U arc orraiiua lata la atoidfd by naut uoo It of Um Land tvpitry Act- iui UNtTAfl ahO HEATING um wtna tur cora for Apptaoiciua. uarDdreeau. and to Um fatla1nr eitrari Mr. J a. MrLaayUin, tl Etasjtoa atrect. Uttrrfrom: CffOINEKM ' Wlnniper, wrtlea : and la dftlt of a ut ceetlBcate I bad rpeat ottr Bfty doUara wtu or lit preadra brier Bled before the reait trattua at onrr of the perton enUtied an doctor uytnt to care Appeodirtua. Finally Agent for irr aoch tal tale, all prnoat to trri..1 Um dxlor aaid I mult ro la Um wtth nottre aod thote claimin Mc CLARY PUfMACttl noapiul l oera for aa operation. Tour throurh or andrr Ihrm, and all peraoiu adteruaemenl lateraated ma. I boaflil a naimiaa any mtereti la the lana by tirtua- r any unrrtitlen-d intlranieot. and all B. L walca ralMttd bm al Caacade." PLUMBIMO Krtout rlaumna any mirrctl la Um land and am now completely csred. i alrarrtii hu title I not rendered and Mttr felt beiur la my Ultj all pain and ander the provlttont of tht Art, tball be aoreneaa and I eal and alecp UXt a ror eeer ettuppra ana arnarrra rrom -unr SHCCT METAL WORKS root, bd anr rtaim to or In retect of the boy, I am mural to Dr. TyrreU for land to u)d for lair, and ine Retnitrar Cootie 5, 831 Second Avenue. Iblt wonderful bralia-flTtsc Intra Hon." than rerttter the perton ennura onoer Registration Vbl I per rent, of all numan Ula are canted turb ui tale a owner of the land to phones 576 old for laira." If accumulated watte ta Um Colon. and Ulue 270 latertul BalnlDff wim Um 'I. B. L. Caa A3D WI1E.1EAS arpllraUon bat been made for a CerUttrete of Indefratible Title Tha cade' keep tnia larr tnutuoa aa free Task right work, at the right la the above-mentioned land. In the name a Stupendous Uma, from all watte and at clean a nature da and at tha right prlo. of John E. Berr. luaodi it anould b tor perfect health. AM) whereas on tnreiUraUar Um tula IL Dnirtut comer trd Ak Cyni Orme. it appear Uut prior to Um ttiu day or At, and tth it, for booklet called "Way October, lilt (Um data on which the aaid One Day SATURDAY June 22nd aa of Today M Only te Per Cent Em land were sold for overdue late), you Seeds! rtrnL" II It free. Ha win alto be pleated thereof. Seeds! were Um atteed owner Um "i. B. L. CatcadtT abow and to you. eiplala ri'RTHER TAkE SO TICK that It the The task undertaken by Canada to register every male and female, British or unit um I thai) effect re filtration In W haodla"" " 9 NOTICI Oe CANCCLLAT10N OT RtSCNVC purtaanr or turn application ana uiue alien, of 16 years and over, residing in the Dominion, is of stupendous proportions. "nnla'e, a Certiorate or Indefrailble Title to Um The machinery that has been created is most comprehensive in its Forry'a and Steele taid landt la Um name of Jaho E. Berr. OHgga Garden and Field Nutlr It hereby (irrn Uut Um reerte unlet you take and protecute tha proper scope, and the information procured through this registration will be in such atde. tittinc on Um portion or loi it".ana proredinrt to ettabllth your claim. If form as to make it possible for Canada to mobilize every available unit of Uueen Our k.1 te Dltuirt, turrtjw to the aia or to pretest tucu lanot. Fertllltera and Worm Des- known a Let III by reaton of a notice pitiwaed any. action on my part human energy, either in the "First line of defence" or at home in support of appearlnr la the BrtUth Columbia Otitlte DATED at the Land Retltlry omce. her Allies. Deccmtwr IT. 1 1ST. I ca-teuea tor Prlnc Rupert, B. C. tht ITlh day of Hr, Grain and Mill Feed, the ueea purpote Charlotte of kattof DUU1CL aaid to Um loi Brmtn aai. 0cenvber. A. D. II.HIT.F. MACLEOD, Five million people will have to be registered In one day." It is estimated that 'tfa Poultry Regulator. Canadian Lumber OorporaUon umiied for Dlttrlrl Reflttrar of Title. one hundred and fifty thousand workers will be required to take this registration, Chicken Feed a peelalty. . mill purpote.a R. XkVtX. Ta Waller Kampa.McLaren.Idaho. or an army five times the size of the first Canadian contingent. OUf rratly attaadad ta. MtnltMr of Land. tterartmeat of Land.Deputy Victoria. B. C, litt It will require at Ieat sir minutes to register one person. A Deputy working continuously May. ISIS. NOTICK OF ASSIGNS!KXT can take only tn registrations per hour, or eighty for an eight hour day. On PrinceRupert Feed Go. Registration Day the booths will be open fifteen hours; the Deputies therefore will have MINERAL ACT .10TICE IS HEREBY OIVE-X thai frank work in three shifts. possibly p. o. Bat asa to two, A. Slrvrnt. of the City or rrtnee nupcrt. CerliBrat of lniproTrmrnu. in the I'rovlar of Brttlth Columbia, carry-la Itvorder to make registration convenient and easy, 25,000 places of registration will be ( on tutinet a Um Sleeena' Drar Store, established throughout Canada, with from one to twelve booths at each place. The HARRY HANSON'S n.inrL "irranton.".10TICE. "Oem," tad dad attirn on to the Herman tth day Hill,of arrnt.May. A.prior D. till,Rupert location of these booths will be advertised by Proclamation and through the local press. PATKNTKO -Ceorrr" Mineral Dltltlon CJaim.of aiiuaw Ooatl DUUicL Brlllth Columbia, In trutt for the Canada will be divided into 230 districts, each in charge of a Registrar, who is Instructed (keen Mlnlnf bene'dl ot hi creditor, all all real and Where locaied: Al kwiniita. aaero. peraonal properly, credit and effect, to surround himself with a competent staff of deputies and assistant deputies ia whatever Fast Heating whirh may be teitea ana toiu unorr circu-lion, numbers the work may require. ,UTAkE WOTICE lhat Alet. M. Mantoo, hirh attirnmrnt la dated the lib Hot Kre Mlner"a Cerllflcaie No. HIII C. acl- day of May. Illl. Water Coil lnf arrnt for tha B. c an AD notice it runner pren mat a nmi- Volunteer Workers Urgently Needed Limited, rrea Miner"! CerUflcaw N. lor of the creditor will be held at the hL 00 Ul tar t. inunJ mix dyt "V uw omrr r Maura, rumor a iw To carry out this vast programme woman and to the pride widest carery f n.04 urn for ona up com.year. lreor. to W'Ur tmprotemrnt."" TtL Moil Block, rrtnc Rupert, on the Ulh cQociently and complcttiy. Intelligent voluntary locality must take ia doing Its owa work for a Cerimcaia of day of May. till. l in nour or ocioca m nttl, Oraat of the helpers are essential. Individuals, furnish the sniaabatr of Crown well, to purioa of iatninr a in the tnerauoa, for ine purfone ui en in necessary ra?. L10 ht ta aboea claim. diraxlioitt rr I h dltpotal. or contlnulnc women's societies, clubs, fraterrnl societies, volunteer deputies and assistants. tlL Ur' And rurther take no lire thai teton. under k. haitineti of tht eitatt. church organisations ard municipal pr,f section II. null be evmrnenced beiar n nullr it ruriaer. turn uui.. m organisations are asked to hc!p. Interpreters of all languages wtll be Trr 'JL 10 B,a " ....a Ih. I. Hum,.. e0"1" "P and tha luanca of turn coriiow.. ttairner win.Illl.on proceed nrr to dUiribute the The Board appeals with confidcacc to the required. Those qualified should apply protemeou. of fane. Dated In ISItw uay o ....- Ittrlt or the Mid rrM A. Jtarcni nronT patriotism of every Canadian man and to the Registrar of their district s i i-alf? PrtCM in4 ,udt for Ihr pertont entiltea inrrrio, """ cf hich " hU to tltta,t ;L'' 'un, .,raa. ih,n tW ha ools nolle, and ha will not be bell Issued by authority of Mlf."" ,hr flu DENTISTRY ror the tteu or ny pari rrtp-ntibie n. re..r so dltUlbUled t U rroa ot Canada Retratiom Beard ukt .Jl ! P"iu io anyuna to km 'mm ha ihall not wen hi OROWrJ bno aatoas woa n a sreouLTT """aED tl rrlne Rupert, . C, Ihli IW "trrlattmeota. OR. J. 8. BROWN Mty.HIHMAM ii".HltL, Aia. HARRY Mamanai DCNTIIT Sufritn4m f Regit4rKi C. S. Mahen, 45 13th Avenue W Vancouver, B.C. Sttaaa v8' alaal. TH Ne aun 0ll atalth Th Dlr rLUMain Pkaa M .arrier, 50 ents per rooeth, Regtatrar for Skeena District--O. H. Nelson, Prince Rupert, B.C. ec n