i Local News Notes H. A- CoyUon, of Tort Clements, Is in Hie city. I &SMik Mr. I). Znrrclll relumed (o the city this morning. pER Mr. M. Dickenson was among 5 the arrivals on the boat this fore noon. i - PACKAGE If you do not receive your paper promptly, please notify this of flee and it will oblige us. .gfP' Miss Nora Urand, of the city telephone department arrived back from a holiday in the south. The Hut is open this afternoon to rccelvo your membership fee for the fled Cross. Do not fail to do your bit. Mr II. V. Hogers, of the Pony Express, who went south recently on a business trip, returned to the city this morning. Mrs. A. J. Galland has recently heard from her husband who is now in France and was doing nicely at the lime of writing. NAVY CUT Mrs. A. B. McDonald returned to the citr this morning after a short visit to Naden Harbor where she has been visiting her sister. CIGARETTES Mr. II. V. Winch, who has extensive cannery Interests in the s1i north country, was among the arrivals on the boat this morning. Mr. Sid Hardy, who recently l BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING went away to enlist, returned home this morning, after having been turned down for at least the fourth time- Welcome back, Sid. I Mi llll III! "II G. H. Arnold Til A Tl toA r--.ai -nU 1-aslnn.lnH NOTARY PUBLIC realized an amount In excess of BAT K OF $70.00. The sale was in charge QUEENS HOTE of Mrs. Carmlcbael and Mrs. Phil British North America WHISIEYS McDonald. FIRST CLASS nOOMS--Water. We sell neat Estate. Hot and Cold flair treat to the Dominion Government We write Fire and Marine Tomrorow is children's day all (Condensed) 3 1 si January, insurance. SOe pee rjloht, and S per Week. day long at the Baptist church. Itll. We have Apartments, Stores, They will render special music at LUSILITItS TO THE PUBLIO ikT 3 Houses, and Offices for all three services. We will be 1 a a a a a a a note la urevlattoa ..f S.1II.I4 Deposit! M.TIMII Rent, and Want More. glad to see you in the. congrega- V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AaCKCr Due to other Banks . . 114.711 ! We Deal in Mortgage Loans. nun. lot Metrepetiu Blea., Vaacaavte. Bill rtvsM (Acceptance "Heavy, heavy Uznts ever Day Phone. Seymour 4411. by Leoda office) We Sell Timber Limits- Did you notice any familiar SUM phone, Fairmont III. 1.14.10 your head." We do Conveyancing. noise as you proceeded along Areepiancas under Utter j Head Office, S12 Hlkeon-Boa Bl(. of credit (a per Third Avenue these days. Oh yes Victoria. B. C-. ptteae S412. contra) 1.111,44 you did, it was that terrible blasting, "0. ( know what it is. daddy! H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. and yet it sounded good, Kt.40S.tll didn't itr ASSETS. you held it too close and I Sk'EESA LASD HECORDISO MMflO.'X cash in band and la Btnilll.lt4.ttl DISTRICT OF COAST. MSOE THREE ll ! Deposit with Ootern Services will be held in the ment o(s .iota Clr- rfrtt smell If !fs WRlGLEVSr tt "The News" Swedish Lutheran Church tomorrow TAk'E SOTICE that Alctander Oraydon. culauon tlt.ltl Daily Crctrsl Ootd Depesll U at eleven o'clock a. m- and 8 f Santa Montr. California, occupation. ttesers ... l.T.0 o'clock p. m. Sunday school at 2 mininr. Intends to apply for permission to . Government. ManKtpal jjJ "Rtehtq. sonny ive your iea tne rollowlnr described lands: CLASSIFIED ADS. o'clock. All Scandinavians are ' nd other Securities lt.ttl.IIS Commenclnr at post planted at twrtj Call and Sbart Loam . . T.tll,44T digestion welcome. in appttit: and a a water mark at th ttrem northwest cor Current Loan and Discounts - ner of Trie island. Laredo Sound. Pro , WANTED. Mr. Hilly Oliver arrived in the Inca of British Columbia, thence south sett and other A. t4,4IO.t trea? whlle you ttcklc i'r the westerly shore Una of the said city today with a seven. LUUUile of Cistoot- - passenger 'land to the soolnwetl of the corner said WASTED A reneral etrant atptjr Mr. Cadillac and is now ready for island, a dlsiaiu-a of nine hundred and era under Latter of htk xL- vouv sweet tooth." L. W. Palmore. If business- Anyone desiring to hire lily (ttO) chains, mora or less, thence Bank Credit Premise(a per contra) l.ltf.t4 TELKWA APARTMENTS, Wanted, a tfrl aa the car may secure the same by rasirrly alonr the 'southern shore Una of t,40f,f the said Island lo the aoatheast corner: waitress and make herself renerally use-ful. phoning 453, He is at tTt.4tl,44tl Good wares to rlrht party. tf your service thereof, a distance of two hundred and day or nighty elrhty ItIO) cams, more or less, tbrnre VVAMTED Respectable middle-ard woman northerly and follow Inr the easterly shore ' NE4 MiiiV The Flavour LastsI to wain dishes and betp In klteben In There Una of the said Island to the northeast i is a very substantial ru WATKIt mail oat of town restaurant. Wares orner of the said Island, a dlsunra of I NOTICIi 10 per month and eipenses. rre fare. mor trial w is. Chapman, who nine hundred and silly M0) chains, mora (t'se and Storarei. Telephone lit for Information. went from this city with the 48th4 r less; thence- westerly alonr the north erly shore Una or the said Island to the! TAKE SOTK E that Oeorn II H.,uii ,n WASTED Ctrl to do housework and mind is today in me city or vancouvtr point of commencement, that is the norin i as strut for Masaet inlet Lsater ... . t ui . nlldrrn durlnr day. Apply 4Jt th to take to himself a wife. Congratulations! west corner of the said island, a distance) ind rabaM Istaae) Mrwre and Oder .. . i ut : Arruptonr fprsica and Odar l.muU r i Avenue. W. f It and may you soon f two hundred and elrhty (110 p. Ltd-whose address u port Clements. , rt return lo the city where we can iiv.ro or less. i.. whi amy for a uetwe- m takr ..l WASTED Man to ro rdrty miles down ALEXASDEH fmWDO.1 i VPS tallMM and to store on ninth coatt that can do carpenter work, to say more to you than at'the present Jina 71b. 11. rskaJfee r watee- at or cotx rr-k work all summer and fall, to rlrht man. time-. 1 Address Dally Sews. JiyiERAL ACT f .lrl. ilin i&ftl t b. - l...... Certificate of Improvements. SfcO-jartli from the u ulk r wd creek: WAITED Vounr lady IS to tt as com. Services are.held in the Swedish Nicll ' the rajtervntr.to be r its taxi pinion to lady to assist with Urnt work Lutheran Church tomorrow at 11 if (rfw ntitih see rrt tn.1 m Hwti alh.ul o ta ,t laatt ItOTICE. acre The water at a summer on tb coast. Wares camp o'clock in the morning and 8 in it per month. Address Dally news. ,raMD the evening. Sunday School at 2 or Casiiar Dlslrict.i(oiRetir anj suam trn rt itrx-u t WASTED At Swanson Bay, nr! or woman o'clock p. m. Next Wednesday Wliere located: About II mile up the: land d chImsi a I ..I 74. Hio. n , capable uke chirrs of small and kltiaull hlver rmm Itlra Am. -- I This Wtittt Wat floated an tha rrouiut nous the Ladie Aid Society will hold eac-k for married couple, employed durlnr its meeting in the school at 2:30 the ay. Wares lit to III. Write rire MUH-r urruuciie .-10. Mlij-t.. it therein and la l -Wmitr trt tali- -ill Mrs, Carney, Swanson Bay, Immediately. p. m. All bcanuinavians are welcome srent for outltf Pearson. Tree Miner t Hied (l the oliMe of the Water Record to these Cert!first o. lltt-C, lutrnd, slity day er a i rrince nuprt u '.. meetings- FOR SALE from the data hereof, to apply to the objM-lkjtt to lit acpllctllon may be lad with the Mid Water Recorder, or with Mininr Recorder for 6 Certlflcat of Im Um Oitnetlrolter ul Water Hlthta. Parlia Wit SALE Gas boat, it by io tt ,p., At a recent meeting of the di protements, for the purpose of obuininr met nuhim. virtori. It c , within rectors of the Prince Rupert Exhibition Crown Oram or the above claim. twrty day a fur the Ortl spearanea of 4 To ba cycle enrln. seen at Cow Bay. this iiittra in a lueal nwipaj . The uia matters relating to the And further taka notice that action, un ut ihr ltrsl piiti.iai.on at tWt noUca is FOB SALE Weanltnr pirs from podi creed der section tt, must be commenced befor vne i, isia. Berkshire boar and rrad sows, ready annual event in the city were dis Ihe Htue of ucb Cerliflcste of Iniprove- MASDFT I.HI KT l I'MBIII CO. LTD. rr delivery about the HI May. I to I cussed and plana made for the trjcnis. AEwyLAnr. sprlce amd cedaii lii weeks old. I'rlca 110.00 each f.O.B. successful fall fair in this north fUTED this nth day of My, A.D. 111 B.ll CM.. LTD. OIUIIAH ISI VXD SPIIl i E At CEDAH Tlkws, B.C. Order early and ret first OiMPANV LINKED. ern metropolis. A new featurn c koice -prudbomine k Fisher, P.O. box WATKIt NOTICH O II. HoMltOW. A rent tl. Telkwa. B. C tf will he introduced this fall wtan (l's nd Borate). st,ij Tint kc.i KumTf l yfSf " ' nv - the patrons will select a Queen of W ATE It KOTIfC m, the Fair carnival. This will be TAKE NOTICE that fltorn II H,nun Dlvrsi,,n and ('. f&rlxtttt whosa address Is Port Clruients. n n .... .. .. .. ' . carried out by a I - I, - popular vote, bo .-I., myyiw ,ir a iicrnca iu ilia ana use THE ENClNCykLFINCMLN ladles, for the 1,000 rallons and to stora to.ooo ika Cil-uc,..M,,Ttl' t sddrea i at., coufjh now, young prepare .f water out of an unnamed crrek wliith HulUmr. Vancouver, H. t. , win Don'l merely smother your contest, now mtriherly and drain into lerruson apply for a tleabe to lake and use fortj liar. Mtsset Inlet. mcfs of water out of Creek, also known The . . . . . on net oarr storsra dam will ba located at (is riuwlnr int.. laJ of .r. Take IM.4IU aooui sou yara rrum the mouth. Bay Uaihlau' Syrup of Tar ad cod .ks-1 risHinajAirt t-cinc a trip to the salt lakes on ?'r..J"I"'b,,,, f.H northerly Jim caparliy of tha reservoir to be treated Ruiwrl, B. C. CURE IT t OrL 1.2 in. k 7 i it-it the launch Alice II. Doat leaves Is about to.ooo rtlkins and II will rtuod Tb water will be dlvarud m.r it !trBUieninc revtW It help bsy-era u Hor ft Pew sr. t. It, JIOBl llOltSU tor sail !akiM,iko l diverted 0.8t aero from ut the laud.itreim Tha water a r..i will jlre sUr am and al a will poutt ba atMMil t hu.ft. frwii SUM..... Am cult and thue effecU a rtuanat cwr. It U Uil cjw7 0(1. I 1-4 In. k t-I In- every hour commencIiiK 10 u. in. ,.b? dtm ' UM,3 far stesm wanurat lurliir uruea upon Ilia rtd It Um tarKet aaia oi aa ctiC- a4 colli rrtneJr U Ca-ada. Norse Pewee, ., a . .. , - ... , ," Jn ine uiw orsrribea at mora as nth oil and I'ro uu nunuajt unu f, i. III. Oil C(J-! S, 1)1 Tt. duels Llinlled Plant. c,l 1 la. kf S la., nesdays- On other week days Iwo'S? Tih Sr posted on tha r round Tint nollea wis uui ik. rrawKl r" Maeta Pawar, May, III. A copy of n the lllli Uv uf Anrtl. isia 4. L. MATRtKU COv, rr-p. trips starting at 0 and 7 p. in. tftl tcitlrr nd tn application ruriutnl A r..oif f tM notice ind an ppttelon t-f-fi"sr3P er- Hound trip Sundays. 35o. week;i imca w.ir JZa ni at u of ti w'" ls i'iil. ftl, Uh the id WaiM For Further Information days. 50c. Launchea rowuoaiS, lr., iupfl C. It Prince Rupert, B. C. Apply to Obiaellan to lh application may Im nltlacllon to iha f.,j.ii..- i, and canoes for hire at all times. " water Reeorder. or w tut Pled with tlia Cuiuutroilar of Vae It's 1) Gov't. Wharf, phono lied 391. lnthri llf! W- W'if: PrlIaiHet Rulhtlaes n ,uif.l.' W. E. WILLI3CROFT II. Hoat House. r ii rijr ui in enrr nm nrsi sppearanra nr of thl nolle Uxal o. wtmriar Advertise in "The Daily News jlilj iioiira Prlnoo Rupert, B. D, TM lit I or tba Brat iMiliril.ui ,.r n,i IHvM!,"' pubiicHon of ihit ntic I no I ire la May II iis wweewieMi Advertise in the Dally Mews, ;una i, iia. ml Oil. AMD PRODUCTS UNITED, Reiulti j 0, II, BOULTOfl, Applicant, The that Quick By C. It. llMl Afrni. I Paper BcU