eu OVI CUVG Thursday, July 7, 1932 Our 40m Anniversary Gift to You An Ebony Elephant! This is our 40th anniversary and to com- memorate it we offer you a genuine hand- carved ebony elephant from Ceylon. Every package of SALADA tea bears small tea pot trade mark on one end. Send 3 of these from one-pound packages or 6 from 14 |b. packages toSALADA Toronto and we will send you an elephent free of aff charge. Offer not good alter Sept. 11,1932. “ SALADA” . eA { H 1 LOCAL ITEMS main in Vancouver for an indefi- nite period Frank Morris, manager of the B Undertakers, will return tomo: w morning on the Prince Geo: Misses Frances and Elien Moore, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Moore of this city, sailed yesterday from a week’s trip to Vancouver. morning on the Prince Robert fo: daughter, IMss Megan Morris, Seatte where they will pay a visit ) went south with him, will re- with their uncle, Glen Morrissey —__ wu Quaker Zee Corn ~ iakee are made better the addition { Vieemin D. No other Corn kes contain the precious sunshine vita min, .. . because triple sealed in wax wrapped carton OU always know that Quaker Corn Flakes will be crackling crisp when they reach you. We toast them in electric ovens. Then to preserve their crispness and matchless flavour Quaker Corn Flakes are triple-sealed and wax-wrapped. You will find their flavour more subtle ..: more intriguing. For the ingredients are of the highest quality ever put into a corn flake. Special malt, pure CANE sugar, and salt of crystal purity. We are confident that you will like Quaker Corn Flakes better than any other you have ever used. That is why we print on every package, “if you do not agree that this is the finest flavoured corn flakes you have ever used, write us and we will gladly remit you the cost of the package.” Why use ordinary corn flakes? You can serve Quaker for less than a cent a serving. QUAKER . Corn FLAKES ~_ UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamets leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver P88, CADTALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 PM Via Waypoints, arriving | ou Thursday azn 5 al ‘ FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, PA.8. CARDENA BVERY Arriving Vaneouver Sunday midnight. approx . Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Naas River -points, Sunday, 6 p™ Purther information regarding all sa'!li nd tickets at VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue Fhane. OS, AIR DRIED SHINGLES . Retain the cedar ail dn the wood, affording extra and ‘better pre- servation than kiln-dried shingles from which the essential oil has been evaporated. Our shingles ure made on Queen Charlotte Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- pert, while Vancouver wages never come north. Support a home industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles. Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 [ LocaLITENs | Meeting of Home Oil Footbal! Club at office 7 p.m. Friday. Al! interested please attend. 157 Tonight's mixed train from the East, due at 11 p.m., was reported this morning to be on time. | The cheapest fuel in town, bir: ‘oad slab wood $3.25. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phones 116 anc 117, t) Mrs. W. Hagen of Copper city] arrived in the city on yesterday | afternoon’s train from up-river for \ brief business visit to town. W. Walsh of Telegraph Point ar-| rived jn the city from up-river on| yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit to town and is a guest! at the Savoy Hotel, | Joe Jack, Fraser Street, has been | growing some wonaerful roses this summer. So far Mrs. Jack has cut| 175 blooms and the trees are stil! | well laden with flowers in bud or| full bloom S. N. Boyle, accountant in the} Canadian National Telegraphs of- fice here, sailed yesterday morning on the Prince Robert for his home in New Westminster where he will spend a month's vacation. | Miss Elsie Arland, Vanderhoof school teacher, who arrived in the} city from the interior at the first of the week; sailed yesterday morn- ing on the Prince Robert for Van-/} couver where she will spend summer vacation the U Ed Unger of this city. wh sus- tained an accident in the South- easter mine at Queen Charlotte City, is now receiving treatment in the Queen Charlotte City Hos- pital where, according to later wora received, it is possible that it may be necessary to amputate his leg. Mr. Unger’s son, Bert, and daughter, Mrs. Len Bond, left las! night by gasboat for Queen Char-|, lotte WEDDED HERE ON WEDNESDAY Miss Plorence Studdy of alice Arm Became Bride of F. H. Hoadley Yesterday City A quiet but interesting wedding was solemnized in St. Andrew's An- glican Cathedral yesterday after- noon, Rev. W. B, Jennings of the mission boat Northern Cross offic- iating, when Miss Florence B. Stud- dy, younger daughter of J. C. Stud- dy of Alice Arm, was united in mar- riage to F. H. Hoadley of Stewart eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E Headley of Kamloops Both Mr. and Mrs. Hordley are well known in the north. The bride in the daughter of the Government Telegraphs agent at Alice Arm and formerly resided at Aiyansh. The groom formerly taught schoo) at Alice Arm and for the past yoar has been pringipal of the Stewart Su- perior School Mail Schednle For the East— Monday Wednesday and Satur- per Sie views day 11:30 am l-lb. tin 3 : From the East— With yout Rates reasonable. Spacious Sunday, Thursday and Friday coupon sample reoms. 1l p.m ; n 2010 Wied » erry T ! > 4 - Monday, Wednesday and Satur-| Ta her 4ulb oer 3%¢ A a \ entral I td. day 1:30 p.m | Clark's Pork : 3 pH Fit venue & Seventh Street For Vancouver— i cal apt me 17¢ Monday 8 p.m.| ie th — > Vednesday 8 am.| mdi ee 20c¢ | « S 10 Friday ll pam J tae : : as Saturday 6 p.m. | " am en — 15¢ ° July 9, 18, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30 ....} 3 0 at es, size 2'.'s, per tin | Prince Rupert From Vancouver— Icing Sugar 16¢ BY siccsicuetti oeiicsoianiaie pm. per 2-Ib. pkg Wednesday 11:30 aan.| Red Arrow Chocolate 28e¢ DRY DOCK ' Friday 11:30 a.m,| Eclairs, per |b Saturday 11:30 a.m.| bux Flake 25¢ AND July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25,29... am.| 3 pkgs. for “we | SHIPYARD ® Best Hotel Arrivals — liieeer | ——— som i Operating three Dry Docks CENTRAL per 2-Ib. pail Total capacity 20,000 tons T, Anderson, C.N.R. 29¢ — 4 — ; Shipbuilders : Yellow Sugar and Ship Repairers | Announcements Eagles’ Picnic, Urassy Bay, July 10. Canadian Legian Picnic, Digby island, July 17. | FRIDAY SPECIAL STRAWBERRIES— 2 WONe6 iin). pea 25¢ Per Case, $2.75 Munro Bros. ee ee Baptist Sunday 7 3 School Picnic FOR SALE | For rent, for sale and all other small |i] @ ward per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. if No advertisement taken for less than 50c. VER TISEMENTS advertisements this section charged at the rate of 2 cents amino nee PAPERHANGING ee ~~ WANTED . if 'FOR SALE Large Crib also Indian | Is Being Held motoreycie. Phone Red 182. 118 ee eee eee ae ee r ;@OR Sale radio Marconi 6-tube | perfect condition, $14. Phone! Green 2865. | ia ! : SPECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower! prices than.any mail order | house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone | 52. } The annual pienic of the Sunday School of First Baptist Church jis being held this afternoon at Digby tsland, happy loads ot picnickers 14ving left soon after noon on the} boats of Capt. J. D. Thurber and J. Clifford Gilker. There is to be the usual program of sports and races FOR SALE pair of adjustable| with ample refreshments also be- shafting hangers. Also galvan-| ing provided, The committee in| ized iron tank Apply Daily News. | charge of the outing is headed by tf Mrs. J. D. Thurber, J. Clifford Gil- - —-- ~ | ker and Ald. P. H. Li MUST SELL.—Who will give $150) or make me. offer, for Double Frontage Lot 6, Block 32, Section” 5. Known as 721 Eighth Avenue, West. All Taxes Paid to August 1932. Write Ernest W. Green- fiela. 306 So Boylston Street, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. FOR RENT FOR RENT— Six-roomed House— 260 9th Ave. East. 264 In the Summer For Strong Bones eae ay ae a Seott’s Emulsion BASY*TO.DIGEST - | | | } | FURNISHED Rooms for rent near| Post Office, 719 2nd Ave. 160 Minister Coming Here Next Week Mayor Receives Werd That Hon. R. W. Bruhn is Coming te Discuss Unemployment Situation FOR RENT— Clean well furnished | modern -2-room suite. Palmer| Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf HELP WANTED WANTED—Smart girl, with some experience, to work in store. Ap-| ply Montreal Importers, Meeker Mayor Cyril H. Or has receiy- | ed word that Hon. R. W. Bruhn, Block provincial minister of public works, . vill be the city next week to go ‘Don into the employment situation SPECIAL here. Th ister v irrive either ° . | ine Princess chovvve monday Cleaning & Pressing’ mort he Prince George Wed- ly esdav morning sine : One Suit or One Dress $i 95 Mr R. C. Garn ff Sunnyside for " | rday afternoon at Savoy Hotel Made to order $23 50 7” Phone Blue 909 ee A. H. Benkendorf Phone 953 arrived in the city from the Skeena | Suits River ¢6 f rain na Phone 953 "Next to Daily News De JON $! poston CAFE Cash and Carry Is Reopened . Thoroughly Renovated Friday & Saturday] ~jh.jci: and cheery Specials MAKE YOUR OWN BEER 600-lb. barrel falt Syrup. Spe- 20c Best Bright and Cheery Better Than Ever t Scot AN iutroduch rice Hote! : ‘entral Limited Malkin’s Cofft business district, beautiful harbor Covenient t homelike ) Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. jelli_ to WANTED lawn mower. Will pay up to $5.00 for good used machine. Apply Daily News. ‘| Paperhanging, Kalsomining and Painting At prices that will suit you PAINTERS Phone Ked 918 C, Rouse LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- ING LABORS Phone Red 802 (evenings) to J.P. MOLLER — for — Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts er 14 Pints for $1.00 By Day or Contract . REASONABLE CHARGES | PASTEURIZED MILK WATCHMAKERS IS SAFE MILK iFresh from Bulkley Valley Farms Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C | VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 { Thirty Years Practical Experience | Assures Absolute Satisfaction | OUR NEW LOW PRICES | WILL SURPRISE ‘YOU CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall (hree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 6 Excnange Blk. SUMMER RBSORTS When Coming to | TERRACE | Open Evenings For Your Picnic or Holiday | MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD | WITH US To Greet You on Arrival | TRANSFERS |CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177" Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer bottles bought. We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Pienic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time SEAL COVE sale at TRANSFER. Wood for reasonable prices, Phone Green 609 or Blne 903. eta Sahih ! ¥ ’ At Moderate Rates |The AUCTIONEER SWAIN’S TRANSFER | Packing Crating — Wrapping & TAXI | and General Furniture Repairs Wood Coal List your goods with me Terrace, B.C. | #E0. J, PAWES--Phone Black 120 — FOR RENT AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer, G. M. HUNT Ave Phone Red 637 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Furnished Cabins on the | Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge! . } trd “GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" | Notice of Application tor Consent t Transfer of Beer Licence Notice the llth day intends to ar that on indersigned quor Contra, is hereby given a July next, the ply to the I Board for consent ‘t r r of Beai Licence Number 2068 «anc ved in Yacaw (< 7 ‘ Ss re spect of premises being par { u ( asey artage Fuel Co. ng known as the Roya! Hotel situate > ° “7201 Third Avenue West, Prince Ru Phone 303 pert, B.C., upon the lands dex Lots Nos. 11 and 12, Block 32 1, Map No. 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of i British Columbia, from Diamantre Zar- PRI N TING Northern Hote] Company Limite: OFFICE SUPPLIES British Columbia, the Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 of Prince Rupert transferee DATED at Prince Rupert, this 7th day f June, A.D. 1982 NORTHERN HOTEL LIMITED Patmore & Fulton COMPANY, Per Solicitors 5 Ibs. for for Steel and Wood Vessels . 25¢ New Potatoes- i tie a ; 25c Gooseberries 25¢ | 4 lbs. f het 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding Prices Reduced “THE DUNES” Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In keeping with the spirit of the times, the rates for summer boarders at “The Dunes,” Tlell. have been reducec to $1.50 a day. The ideal summer resort. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. No flies! No mosquitos! Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dunes, all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tlell River. THE NEW SPECIAL RATES make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: Board and room for 10 days $15 Return steamship fare a Care hire to and from boat ...... . ; 2 Total for 12 days hea $35 Children, half price. No extras Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19 Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut PR RESETS ny tmnt ~~ e - nee é