aily News vol. ix no- l44- .CEnUI,EnT D-0- FRIDAY, JUNK 21, 1918. PRICK FIVE CENT RIOTERS IRE I CONTROL OF VIENNA CITY GERMAN TROOPS BEING RUSHED IN TO KEEP ORDER - AUSTRIANS HUGE LOSSES THOUSANDS OF AUSTRIANS GERMAN REGIMENTS RUSHED LAND SETTLEMENT AREAS TRAPPED ON PIAVE RIVER TO VIENNA TO QUELL RIOTS IN THE OMINECA COUNTRY ndBTY-JIX RIDGES THOUSAND BEHIND TROON THEM ARE CROSS OARRIED THE RIVER,AWAY WHEN THE .cui to tm D.uj .ntwi) number of bakeries, and stoned WILL MAKE FOR PROGRESS HORRIFYINO CARNAGE AS ALLIED OUNt j London June 21. Dispatches the residence of the Premier, and POUND ENEMY RANKS jreceived here from Amsterdam a,so one wing of the IJofburg' state that Vienna u out nn .ihv. Palace. With, the arrival of the "What is probably one of tbe(appeal on any other grounds, and f?Ul M Ih Dil7 Jltwi) and the whole populace is in German troops. It Is probable that most important steps in the de-lhe costs of the appeal are very Ttmartial law will be declared, and great state of velopment of this morje northern ,,m,ted' PAF turmoil, rioting and ihe rJ VETERAN ( severest military measures nart nf Tiriti.h ri.,r.v,i i. tuA Increased Production. causing great destruction to the.taken to restore order. The bur. It will be that the rPerf Ibil twelve of the fourteen AttlDtNTALLY DROWNED properly In tbe city. At the VuU gomasler bas decided to guarantee establishment of the land settle. aim of the acl seen is increased whole tspcrtry bridges were flung can At;;enal and the Warschai that the citliens would return to menV ar",fn .the..inlerI"' al continued Mr. prj)-ducHon,' AT Manson, CLAXTON CANNERY lowskf leys," said Mr. A. M. Aeroplane works In Vienna orler of their own accord, anson, M. "and the Piave river by the pro the bringing into cultivation 01 P. P alone there are a hundred thou. vided that the government could on bis return to the city of the lands that have been bave been carried from later away. his constituency of Omineca on the west bank of the The sad newt of ll,e accidental ;.and Peron on Twenty increase the food supply even at held so long by the present day Infped Hiding on Saturday evening. Prob regiments have been high prices. He demanded that Mf neither tbe thousands able to retreat of Aua-rxst nor at Z LJl Tr ovLe veleran-!rh u the Austrian capital to a supply of dried vegetables be!ab f nof ln a,1,lhe,and n,8lorJr of r-placed by holders,the old to whom government.they were In sold all iMaet, I0"11"1"1 legislation has "c uuviuci , which are at the disposal of the City an? probability, the regulations to bo eipssed the river are .?Al!rn,Ml.eVen'"gfron?lPWIr laken p,ace of more real as spreading from Vienna Food Officials to make up for the fnyU,,ng improvements will be good deal settled to an almost continual uiai.uu oaiiiirr, icw miira OUl itself to the has!Importance -than the legislation a surounding districts lack of bread, but his request I more stringent for the absentees and bombing the Hal. of Port Essington. Willard Oil. by uslai According to advices received been refused by tbe government f"1 ugh at the last session of than for mour McLellan, who had been the resident settlers, although 0 artillery and Allied aircraft, in Amsterdam from German odlcials. Further dispatches are the Provincial House IfrAsilrians tbua caged in bave overseas with Canada's crnck sources, the mob broke into a awaited. In company with the Minister the improvements Required by the Board will almost 1 1 lift t advantage in their de regiment, has been employed at of Agriculture, the Hon. Mr. Bar. Ifcini positions, and are yet too Gaxton for tbe past three sum row, Mr. D- D. Munro, and Mr. M. of necessity require residence. mers. He student LITTLE FIGHTING ON SUB HUNTERS' SUCCESS Under the new policy, the work of 3ispplied with ammunition to was a at Meant 11. Nelems, of the Land Settlement vrt&t a frontal attack, although University, and spent bis Board, and Mr. It. C. V. Lett, construction of roads, and other THE WESTERN FRONT ADMITTED BY GERMANS public works will be facilitated. greatly vacations tot it ever possibility that, summer at tbe steam colonization agent of the G.T.P., tSk tk exhaustion of their am. plant at the cannery. He spent Mr. Manson spent tbe last week Tbe schooling or the taitioa and food supplies, to. the evening of Tuesday with the London, June 21. There is but , London, June 21. That the U in cruising the proposed settle- children will be much less costly, and the social with the pounding tbey boys at the cannery, where he Utile fighting in progress on the 'boat are unequal lo the warfare ;ment area In the Bulkley Valley modern advantages which a agricultural Iftkr they will even. was one of the most popular per-L.ui fronts in France and lie! against them was Virtually ad- from the huricane deck of a and which Community requires, Ia2y be compelled to lay down sons, and left them, hale and , Ariiii.rv .i.i.i. Mni,n. mitted by Captain Persius, the cayuse. The minister and the today are altogether absent, will be made arms, or sacrince tbem. hearty, to go to his quarters lo k violent nn th varinna inrM- naval critic of the Berliner Tage-other members of the party were possible. Im? a desperate assaults upon turn In for the nighL Next morji- jne FrencD troops have been b'11 a Itotterdam dispatch more than pleased with the area "The settlers In the Interior." In lulian lines- ing be did not turn up at break. e.,.fi n fnrrinir hrk ih r.r" 't the Daily Telegraph here, delimited by Mr. Munro, of the Mr. Manson went "are Terrible Carnage fast, and little waa thought of it, man northweit of rbatean i Captain Persius writes: "Every Settlement Board, a week or two pleased with the fact on,that at well last steam w not In tbe layman knows that U-boat losses iago. and with the return of TU eacmy on the lower Plave as as required Thierry in the Marne reirinn thia I the something tangible to be pushed back until they boilers, seeing the canning oper-'u,,,, without tbe enemy offerinl (are unfavorable, owing to the con- (minister and the members of the about lo happen and seems they Ivtstta but one-third of tbslr ations had not really started up. '.- reiiitanee. -tinually Increasing;sharpness.and.board to Victoria, the settlement are . . . . . looking-forward tcf the " 1 m i i i I v. iii "development I arias! lines In the direction of Dinner time came and still be wa eueciiveness oi lue aeience mt i. irra m mo nuiKiey aiiey, ana a which is long overdue. To absent, and it that fsures of the which will second in the was thought enemy, one vicinity of The Austrian losses an those of our pioneer settlers who lbs whole front have been possibly he had gone on a trip on GERMAN PLANES ATTACK perhaps increase as the war progresses. !Vanderhoof in the Nechaco Valley, have been driven off the land be some of tbe gas boats up or down will be gazetted at once-Flrat-Clasa Uj Tbe ravines the aavy on A BRITISH SQUADRON cause of existing conditions to Plateau Mont Orappa tbe river. However, when all the "It is scarcely to be denied that Land. ro and pursue industrial occupations in n Ul up with heaps of dead, boats came in at night, he was our enemy is both carrying on the "The proposed area in the the cities, an excellent London, June 21. A squadron and From the begin Bulkley said Mr. opportunity t5 ea the Plate river frjnt, the still missing when enquiries were ,war living. valley," Manson, offer? lo return to the made. Search was Immediately of the British fleet, while engaged ning of tbe U-boat warfare, it was "is on the north side of the Bulk is horrifying. The agricultural run cur. life and have a part t tt tbe stream is Instituted, and it was not until upon a reconnaisance north of a mistake of the German Admir- ley river rrom a point about a carrying in the patriotic work of increasing Wedneadar evening that his body i Heligoland on June 12 was at ally lo underestimate the strength .mile or two west from tbe town njtbcuiands of dead, together food production within the Tm- paroien barges and pontoons. was cast on the beach, where it .tacked by German aenoplanes. .No of our enemies." 'of Telkwa to a point about four pire. waa found. ihlls were made by ine enemy f tteen miles east. TJe area con Ntts other parts of the wreck, "These quarter sections will be Dr. Large, tbe coroner, was aviators, and one of the enemy AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE tains about fourteen thousand downstream. placed the market psndfts on at a very brought, along with Constable seaplanes was destroyed by gun acres, which will be sufficient to tawny Positions Stormed. reasonable price, and only a suf. Are. The play to be screened at the ,accommodate seventy or eighty tcrw lllrchall. from Port Kailngton, June 21 The French flcient cash payment will be required lt -. YVcslholme Theatre this evening'agriculturalists and their fami and under the circumstances, iiut on the Aslaro Plateau to give the settler an in. was not considered that any In. THE PROVINCIAL GOVT, starring Miss Virginia Pearson, J lies'. The lands is a rich loam ae4 lbs Austrian positions at lerjest in his new home, and after and Italian oueat was necessary It Is thought KICKS 1 HROUGH WITH entitled "When False Tongues with a good subsoil, well watered. the initial payment, further in Pennar, ih.t hm hat walked off the edcs i $300 FOR SALT LAKES Speak," is one of the best dramas land not heavily timbered. What t succeeded in stalments may not be required for capturing of the wharf in the darkness in which this star appears. It is .timber there Is Is poplar, with a thia. From Montella to the two or three years- The Board Mickr." aa the deceased wai The Prince lluperl bwtmming thrilling and filled with mystery. 'scattering of spruce, with areas will have ".U battle of the Plave river a local representative in tCltlnulnff ttllhnnl nana ae popularly known, had lost one eye Association are geuing ousy wn which is genuine and plausible. 'of grass land from five to fifty the district to locate incoming when fighting In France, and this regard lo Having me improve-clrcumstance The mystery in this picture does i acres intervening. The natural to settlers, and to look after the t an announcement made hate had some, ments. which arw so badly needed not grow tiresome, rather it holds .vegetation is very rank. The val 1 may interests of the I Italian ones that have ar War Office last to do with the accident. ai me eau taes, euecieu ai me the interest lo the end, when an, ley may well be described as the thing rived. The Tbe Italian activities of the Land forced the In. 'i t., i ui.i.iue.l soonest possible moment. Some ingenious "Bird's-eye shot, a land of the peavine and the vetch Rr to withdraw their whole h.e anH tan .mall sitters in little time ago, tbey requested that method of taking pictures hither- It promises to bu an ideal area Settlement to in Boarji increased ought certainly berth of the Monlo Belluna Vancouver where they reside at the city contribute 1300. the pro- to used only by aviators at the for the building up of a dairy in from resulA British Columbia."production More than twelve hun- I too Seventh Avenue. He has vtnciai government juu ami me front, relieves the suspense and dustry." AuUrjan prisoners have tells oft What the Board la !. another brother overseas, general iuu.ib w u u, uiU explains all. The story Doing. EVERYONE MUST REGISTER Uitn and numer&Js r- machine n. ik. mt rnoiilr of the improvements made across tbe a refined woman wno finds maij under me legislation or mis re captured. whole staff at Claiton. well liked harbor which would make the Salt br husband is deceiving her. In session, for which no small credit Registration Is compulsory un Ktt by everyone with whom he has Lakes much more accessible, and a lively scene following his efforts I belongs lo Mr. Manson, drastic der the, regulations of the Canada ARREST GERMAN in contact during these last convenient for the Prince lluperl to free himself of her In which 'steps may be taken to bring all registration Board, which is fixed SUBJECT AT ANYOX come six intimately connected!the land within such settlement three summers, this accident has peopie. u... persons for June 22nd. As many as pos - . ih. en. in Increasing numbers in the with the plot ar?e in or near the areas as may be established, un-scene. sible should take advantage of -'r being sentenced In all ran quite it. ...nivwm .'v.vmins fel. evenings.- the husband is killed. How dec, production. Immediately the the permission given to register I!! ImDrimnmanl In the. the mystery which was about to areas have been gazetted, four of before the date fixed. The Ited Farm in the Anvoz " claim an innocent man as its the members of the Land t-ettle- Cross hut Third Avenue has nalnful to think lual " r:r I on IHana it Is ; ...n cleared in most in-, Board will return to the Orutimacher, alias ... .. i.i.i. nf u-ar orovinciai governmciu m ium victim was up ment been placed at the disposal of the I y SrW.n -- i 1. i coming lruuK.i m k II.. amount fnr teresting. Then there is also one north, two to work in each area, Registration Board and will be rlt evening by Constable of the two reel Fox comedies, upon the appraisal of every par open from 2 until ft is the after. ' CD hi. " rr..HITS in mis lasnion. k.inff nhle tn an- which have proved so popular in eel of land within that area, tak. noon and from 7:30 until 9:30 in 'twhas all these years pass. h0tW will be .enrtoVecTae wh the expending of the past to complete a fine pro. ing as a unit a quarter section. the evenings to accommodate "Mil off as a Dane, and got I ast this money gramme. The appraisal complete, notice those who wish to register. V01 It Now. hnuev.e It haa Vancouver for burial. The committee of the Swimming will be sent to the land owners Deputy registrars who will take JJvd that he had served Association, consisting of Messrs. IN THE POLICE COURT intimating that unless they put registrations at their offices and FISHING ARRIVALS iTabrum, o. rung, u Before Magistrate Carss in the.their: land under cultivation at Include, John Malhelson, Cold 'rman subject, lie never in this are compleling arrangements for Police Court this morning, Joe.once and do such Improvements Storage; R. M. Walker, Seal Cove Porjed himself as an alien The". Tom mnAftlt...and AI Is halbutlline coiiecuo.i Pavipovich, an alien enemy sub-'as may be prescribed by the regu- mill; J L. Christie, Stewart St . i- a&d it was because, nf thia moniuiK i.i. i . ,,, ,,.iu red. anu me ect, was fined 130 for failing to lalions of the Board, they will be Mobity; John llarnsley. Union x.ttt ifnteuce waa Imnnied. II. and It. 1,000; Slranser. -HM"''rk will be rut through a. soon report his weherabouts to the.subject to a penalty tax of 5 per Steamship office; N. Abercomble, Iris. 5.000; Adeiiw. D0..lble ,0 that outing police. cent in addition to other taxes Rupert Marine Iron Works; John ma n.111111:. PI tvuu. . . J. Kngkvist was also fined to levied. They must also list tnelr .v...., -. . r.AAi 1 1 U'lll IIUVD Oil MV vw... Dybhavn, and Fred Peters, City Minnie V.. 1.500; Mariweu, o.". .( in Ih- ------hnah. for being drunk. land with the Board at the appraised Hall. tf WESTHOLME vcniences iu' llosesplt. 0.000; North Star. 1.. value, or if they are not OHiQMT 000; while the Chief Skugald Is CENTRAL CASH MARKET The laying of the new crossing satisfied with the appraised value ONY In with 100.000 lbs. black cod for Fraser Street. on Third Avenue opposite Second then at their own valuation, which the Cold Storage Co. Prices for Street has been completed, und if higher than the appraised value 0IA PEARSON halibut fluctuated around !c. Bdmonton Table nult-r1.05 the grading of the street up to will at once become the assessable lbs. Spuds, per cwt. ... 2.28 the new level is proceeding rapid, value- lurrtu Great Induction Sl t Terrace.... Jam. l-lb- tin 90 ly. Thia is quite an improvement If the owners prpve recalcitrant '"l r"M TonQuse Speak' bloom's. ssr- 400 nd Mo on ine.a main avenue in cuy,-IS.. the Board may purchase their ma mill itv and I only one of many small holdings at the price valued. The O.Rtti Ladysmith Wslllngtcn Coal re-duces Wslllnoton Coal and Improvements, which the City, owner has an appeal from the SERVICE and AMD SATISFACTION A New 1 ,".,A; wuwkot vour fuel bill and Blv. For Lumber of all dlmsnalons. Fathers might look ejQund and Board a valuation to a Judge of WF.EK" FOR HELP. aatlafactlon. rhone 1B. -P. hone fix up. , the supreme court. lie has an Coal Oo. . 5