R"'onlay. Jwnn , ,0( lit B4PP4Sa' W W W W w w 7 I Loca Akits Afocs Kverytliing reduced at Gold- bloom's. 145 Mrs. A. C Aldous of Mctlnkatln was In Ihi city yesterday. Mr. W. 0. llnrrie wns nmonfr the arrivals back In town today after a trip south. 5 PER PACKAGE Sub-Inspector Mel.enn, of (lie Dominion police, arrived back in the city this morning. A caretaker is needed nt the V It. flowing and Yacht Club. Apply to A. Mcftae. at Mcllao liros. tf The Itev. Alfred K. Price, of Mellakatla, arrived in the eKy yesterday afternoon on n visit. Mr. Justice Morrison arrived in town this morning from the south, to hold Assize Court here Mr. It. V. Winch of Vancouver was among the arrivals in the city last evening by the "Princess May." I Mr. C. V. Teetiel was among the passengers arriving in the NAVY CU city this morning from the south by the Prince itupert. " The O. T. P- steamer Prim 11 Itupert will make a special sa'l CIGARETTES ing on Sunday night at 9 o'cloci for Vancouver and Seattle. t isflfl Mr. J. I). MacAulay, commer cial agent of the G. T. l' is ai present in the hospital with BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING stomach ttpuble, and will not l out again for several days. Services will be held in the Swedish Lutheran Church tomor im . mi - iiif-i-im III! . I.U . III! Ml . 1111 .1111. IHI . .IN - lh. ...... 111 --iiiLJl. . I'l raw at eleven qlock a. m- and 8 onock p.m. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. All Scandinavians are welcome. s It is jour duty as a citizen, to remain in town on Dominion Day, BA. K OF Ex-Mayor McCaffery returned G. H. Arnold to town this morning by the Don't be a rolling stone tomor British North America Prince Itupert after CITY TAXIrzr accompany row. Come on and gather moss. Ing Mrs. McCalTery and family to for once, anyway. NOTARY PUBLIC Victoria, where they will remain Statement to tot Dominion Oo?ro-meat (Condeated) Hit January. for the summer months. The Princess Alice is expected 111. in this afternoon from Alaska on We sell Ileal Kslale. LIABILITIES TO THE PUaUO Mrs. Bryant Newell, of Vancouver, her way south. vVc write Fire and Marine Motet In areuUtlon ,. I.)ll.lt was among the passengers insurance. Depotlu l.71t.lt ion HIRE arriving in the city last evening The Metlakatla Band and base. Do to otter Btnkt .. 114.71 Phone 453 DAY AMD NIGHT We have Apartments, Stores. BHli raytblo (Accept-ancea from the south. Mrs. Newell is ball team will be in town on Dominion Houses, and Offices for by London office) a sister of Mrs. McMaster, of the Day to meet nil comers. I.II4.S4I Rent, and Want More. teaching staff of King Edward Aerrpianee.1 under Letter School, and was a resident here So far there are few of the We Deal in Mortgage Loans. of Credit (at per some few years ago. Prince Itupert misses who fear We Sell Timber Limits contra) I.I 13.404 getting mussy gathering moss We do Conveyancing. Mt.40l.tll Yesterday expired Mrs. Mc-Master's tomorrow. ASSETS. term at the King Edward Caih In band and In Banklt.ll4.tS School, and her pupils, In An txtraordinary meeting of H. G. HELQERSON, LTD. Deposit with Oovero-men! WR IGLEYS ojt Jloto Circulation view of her not resuming teaching the G. W. V. A. Monday night. .. .. .... I4MII after the holidays, presented Business important. Everyone Depotlt In Central Odd their teacher with a silver butter earnestly requested to attend. 6 neaerv I.I7,0 knife and a large bouquet of Government, Municipal The movement of freight and and other SecurlUet It.ttl.llO flowers. They liked their teacher. Call and Short Loaaa .. 7.111.447 . passengers towards the Queen "The Daily News" Current Leans and Dl-countt The Princess May arrived in Charlotte Islands continues to and otbtr Alien port last evening from the south. flow sltpngly. The Prince Albert tt.tlS.lt Although she has been on the has a particularly heavy cargo CLASSIFIED ADS. Uabllltlei of Cot tamper regular run now for several week today for Port Clements and Mas-set. Credit under u per Letter contra)or 1.111.44 the post office people in Vancouver , Back rremlaet t.4l.tlt have not yet connected up WANTED. with her schedule, and she brings Tho body of W. G. McLellanJ 171.411.441 who was accidentally drowned at no mail. There are some slow WANTED Young woman aa klttbcn & X. M ftK x " a. folks in Vancouver. Claxton Cannery a few days ago, Wild. Wage 30 per month with will be sent to Vancouver today toard and room. Apply to Matron, Ws the great war The masked ball given last for burial. Mr. J. G. McLellan, Prince Itupert General Hoapltal. Tuesday at Seal Cove in aid of the whose nephew the deceased watt, WAST tit A teneral (errant, apply Mm. QUEENS HOTEL time sweetmeat. Seal Cove Red Cross branch was will proceed to Vancouver tomor L. W. paunoro. tf a very happy and successful af row to attend the funeral. -FIIIKT CLASS nOOMS-Hot fair. Fifty dollars was realized TELkWA APAHTMEftTS, Wanted, a rlrl at and Cold Water. the benefit, the for the Society, and everyone at Patriotic celebration on Do waitrcaa tod nuke ncraelf fenerill .ue-ftri. tending had a very enjoyable minion Day- A fine programme ,0od wiiet n riant pan. Jt tf SO per NiftjhL, and SS per Week. pleasure, the economy time. The chief interest in the has been arranged by the committee WAiNTED Iifttprctibft middA-we4 wutnan of a 5c package of raffles remains with Mrs. H. in charge of the Steen, arrangements. to uH di.twi and belp In kitchen in WRICLEVS Miss Muriel Knighthall, and Mr. Parade and children's stall tu or lawn retuuranL Warn Pietrp, these being the fortunate sports in the morning. Indian IH pe month and ipentet. tree fire. Telephone Hi rr Information. DENTISTRY winners. sports, ball games and open tp.: has made It the favorite in the afternoon, and a dance in Take a trip to the salt lakes on the evening. Hi WAflTEO Man to to forty milet down CHOWH una )rioc WOPS "sweet ration" eoail il l can to JU carpenter work, the launch Alice II. Boat leaves if I014LTT work all tuuuner and fall, to rifbl mtn. of the Allied armies. P. It. Boat House for salt lakes If, as in some cities, the police Addrett Itally Newt. on. j. e. onowN very hour commencing 10 a. m. magistrate is presented with a otnriaT r Sundays and 2 p. m. on Wed-sdays' pair of white glove every morn WA.K rto Vounr lady IS to tl at rt.ni-pauivo 01I Ith ClSlU Title ? send If to your friend lu lady to nun wan Urbl work On other week days two ing there f KM 44 are no cases for hfm to at a tvuuner camp on the ooatL Wtiet at the front: trips starting at 6 and 7 p.m. try, Magistral) Carts would have per month. Addrett Dally newt. Round trip Sundays, 35c, week a fine stack of them by this time. days, 50c. Launches, rowboats, This morning again, there were FOR SALE WATKIt NOTICB Ij's the handiest, and canoes for hire at all times. no delinquents to be brought before (i t- aJ Sturti). longest-lasting re-frcshmcnt I Gov't. Wharf, phone lied 30 1. P. him. I'rlnco Itupert remains ITlll 8Al.E-lJMl.1ir.il "STAH" tl ty 4. It. Boat House, tf Completely eiifiel with etectrle iKbit, TAk'E ROTICK ItMl Oeorr II. Buullon. he can good. tearchllfbt, ttvei, lifebeltt and dWrby M rani for Nmni inWl Lon.ir t Lid7 Can U aeen at Prior Itupert Heal IIwum carry. Apply b. Iteit, fifth Avenue, or I". O. and Aeroplane prye and Cedar Luwbci 0( IBS. 141 B. t will apply for a Jlccut to Uko tnj ,sU!r fs-ftOf tit K' la n n..a. , roil SALK to rtnvat bammuekt, lultabl - - "mo mi tAfmjr i.rrfi, CHEW IT AFTER Don't Take Risks fur eamplnr parlle. To be wild rheap rikfMn ftlvrr. M-ti mitt . . Tf u tairsi srt ii ti a(tl u i. 4 - Apply boa it, uauy newt oillre. or --ftw wife arv iwaiiii si BUUIII EUERV MEAL tffci) If your stomach is strong, your liver active, and bow. phone Blark 4l. (44 40 yardt 1 from 11 tuw Hie inirrwr munth r 10 iai ie rrraieil rrrek els regular, take care to keep them so. These organs I atxiiii ooemntli aer feel ind II uill POIl SAI.B Tho Pony Kxpreao so a tmt about 0 1 arret or land. Toe water are important to your health. Keep them in order with will be diwtrri fruin Ilia tlretro at a going offer bulota concern our The Flavour Lasts tor aale. Beat location in city, tf dmnetUr Mud deterlbed and itntii at Ll purpottt 7i UHkIi upmi 55 the Made mi Beecham's Pills hoiks h nueiea on in around In Canada a m Foil SALE Oat Loat. 4ft by 10; IS b. p., lU. iv.lire anil an appllralloo ruirutni ryele entht. To Im era at Cow bay. inereui iiiu 10 ll "water AM, lt4' Will ... . Ijm fllftj ft ihjAmM i r ik. t.'. and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or two K'lt SALE -WetMlna put from pedlrreed er tl I'rlnca Hufierl U. C. as needed, will help the digestion, stimulate the bile, iK-rkkJilre boar and srad towt, ready Oled with the uld w. Water appiiaaiion Hreonlrr,may or with be f-r delivery about the lit Mty. 7 to t tlLft f'..mRlpi.tLr ..r IL'.U. lll.l... ... . and regulate the habits. Their timely use will save wka oUl. I'rlce 119 09 each f.O.U. !?'. nsiwinyi. Viclorit, U, within much needless suffering, fortify the system and Tiikwt, U.t.. Order etrly ami tt nrtt 1 hi."Hiiltjla 111 "rr m I. I ..........epiieartuee v.... . .if ebwlce --t'rudtiomm k Klilier. I'.O. Lot I Mww.r. iih. lift r r the srii pubiieattMi of tait nolle it Insure Good Health u. Trlkwa, 0. c it lOlMI I, IHI. man:t isiibt I.u mh hi eo. ltd. SUBSCRIBE FOR trpvi by nMi Bftfttkftfti. Si.HftUu,Luwakir.faUa4. liU wiTfcwiliCiMi 4 U.S.Aftww. U bos,ZS Mate. ; The Daily News 0, II. BoulUtn. Anl. I Subscribe for The Daily News