TUT DAILY NEWS I Mt . WITH LOfiAl uriiii Salvation Army. 3EDRDDfi Kung I I f.mS l'uhllc mBet,IlgH( twmdm Mr. Ii. J Thursday, and Baltmiays at H p. Umwajr, of All Anyoi, rt. ful iitia t a as.MM III the city was m iwu p. tn. RHEUMATISM yeelerday onavl.lt. f t i. ; J. a!'1 '-nillr left CM total f Imorsveineotn ...o ,r .uuuiern poinla on V"BJtT.A T1VE3" Brou.M HaUef, holiday vacation. Ntmct. n.r!f?,M, -0m," ind Mr. Don. W. J'eek left u,- tkZZ "rl.r""' "' ' ,h u prmccM Alien vim.iw . . lur .;uuer on a buaine trio fAkf. notice . li u u Mr. W. 1'iddell, of Telkun tl.Vi at rtf MSmt cams, n- nti.e. .' omonv the M irtM tar Mm h r a.w .. .. . paasenirera sailing for ' T VI Vancouver imt evening by (he ts?-c. inaM um i... r. - -w - trxnai IIH U ir I'rlncen May. . to Mas Itw Mtate. KH.. ror a 0fMMt or Imwufiwiitt r. ih. i June, as (he month tnr u 7 ""t i Ciwb Ofaat of um HriK. ig keeping up it cWm. reputation AM rurtaor Ukr notler tkai teoen. on-ar in l'rince lluper(, (here bdng Ave atettoa si. immi h. w. .... of Uicne liaripy oeeurrene la.i an f lata CerllScaui of im week m the city alone. ihos i tana dr jr mita d. mi LORENZO LCDUC Mra. It. J. MeLouKhlin. at Pirn. HKNA LAM) hEcoitMMO Avenue, is leaving today Bttrmor or coast, iuroe three (i( a ituwast., iiuii,iQ. on a , v. rUlnlr wonder, holiday villi to Queen Chnrl,.H TAkC NOTICE 141 AleaM OnaAan i suffered wllh JChtuma-4 CKy, and will be (he truest ll.r r oi Mr. and Mra. John L. IS to aaplr lor ptrrattHoa to bed Large. a. forced to Ujr In Irate Hm roNowNK OMCrUMS UwJi .v.-, ;. I tried all kind of i ai a mm slMted ai krt Swill,! without retting better; Cl-L Mlii. MaeLenaKhen.. . .. . of th llich" ",r ai lin lrtca nrtlm ear 1 would never be able ociiooi aian, left... town on Salur or rrta hUnd. Larda Swd. pttn 1 a I r uoy uy me rrjncen Alice for BfMH OahuDMa. tbeace stii lot afcc tt waatany ttora Km or Uw mm '. w ,'ulc lying In bed,I read "erkley, Cal to take a poaU Mtaaa to u aaaUiwMt earner of tba MM ' a live' the great fruit graduate course at (he unlvenlty Mlaad. a SMteace of mm naadred and Bdk gul it eemed Jiut what I mere. Mtljr eae mihm, nofvi or Im. thence X decided to try It ataar Um faaUiern iter Una ar X favorite flayor California Ma seeo itd Mtoad la Um foaltent earner 71 ' i Melffd int.and I took .Mra. It. B. WrighL and Mra. I). UmwoT. a muata f two tmadrrd and Fruits-in ADAMS, the most . 1'eck left tbr a. r-xuUrly until every trace lrinee llUDert on airktr (Mj. rtMa mar or 1cm, una ef"it : axUxm left me. Saturday evening by (he Venture nor Ik ii If aad faOawtsr tae eaitertr iborc popular and largest selling confection rrr com fid tM in 'Fmii-. ror .arau, about half way between Mm af Mm MM bland to tba nertbrait in Canada. coraar of M MM HkM, a dHUace af If recommend them here and Vancouver, where -they roof aaar awadiad and ilitr (lS) cUini, more lctr luffcrer from IUieumtiiniH, win apena the aumnier months or km; Mj whihIj akwr Um narth Youll ee it everywhere, prominently LOltlLVZO IXDUC. Willi Mra. Hal Peck. erly rtorr Mm af Um mKI Maad to Um natal or eaiMiwaterorat. that la Um nortb displayed in all kinds of stores. fl for trUl lira jtie i xi fl-M, 25c. rat eonwr af Um mm Uhad. a dliUnc Visitor to (he aouth re(urninu K ai iiei.'rs or tent poet paid on af la baadred and alrbtr (f 10 cbalna. Kct;' of price by Frult'Btiea here are telling of the way in mar ar lea. YguTI enjoy it anytime, particularly wiiien former residents of ALEXANDER GtlATDO.t this Liaitt : tiiawa, Out. city down there are speaking of laae Tib, till. when you crave something tasty Nl.ltlUt ACT. rince llupert. When shipbuild AOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT and refreshing. CANADIAN CHEWING CUM CO. Ing starts up heic. (hey one and LntmD iirtii tc or improvements. II expreis (heir intention of re NOTICE H HEREBT GIX.t tba! Frank Prominently dlaplayad in atoree averywhera turning as soon as possible. A. StevriM. af Um Oty of rnnca Rupert NOTICE tn tbe Prwetoea of BrIUab Columbia, carry-tnf Also ADAMS (the original) TUTTI FRUTTI CUM tvt i Mineral Claim, iiumm li A par(y of (hir(y or forty an bwatoeM aa tba Steven Orar Star, Urcaa K mag Division or Ceuiar Dls- friends and an M U III atf ar May. A. D. ISIS, acquaintances of Mr. .'-ealed ml lei (rom a mra Herman IIHL arrat. rune Ro- li! 2 IM nartbwwt beaacB of nd Mrs. Arthur llailey. of Second rttMi OatamMa, in trait for ibe fiSi ftt Avenue paid (hem a aurprise visit r bta ereditera, all bli real and ttj: ' f thai !. Wn. T. Sergio, on 8a(urday evening. The occa- MeaoMl properly, erediu and effrcu. r : S sm c. acting ea ermt for waarti may te anted and said under eieco- r ' M. L X. . tad Wm. lon was (he birthday of Mr. wttttb MUtwownt u dated tba SUi i ? v m I !o lime, ud ftr llailey. After taking in the show. ay or May. till. a uttjr day trwa Um dele on (heir return (o their home. Mr. A.1D aociee h funber Uvea Uul a roeet- ; : t- Um Miamr fieeordef r a M credltari wHa be held at tbe and Mrs. llailey found 11 in the ii Improvement!, far the law oneea af Maaara. PaUMee k rwHaa. pi-- iiiniBf a Crow Oram of lb possession of their friends and rati Bhwk. retwea fiepert. on tbe fftb at- -i ami rartw take ttM thai their surprise was complete. The day of May. HIS. ai tbe bawr af S aetock t ' II. nutt tw eecn- far lar 3urMa ar elrtnc evening was a very merry one. r uk isituoc of aech Or- for tM dMpaaal. ar eaotmwMI 1 and the birthday celebrations 'tt tin ramu were af Um eiute. . !, SIB day of April A. D till ept up until the early hours. A.ID anaie la rwrtber liven that tbr A ADAMS aaatrwe t& an and atter Um lib day LAND HEGI8TUY ACT. af Jan, till, peacaed to dlatrlbuie Um aaael ar lb mm rrank A. Stavena amonr Y Pure Chewing Gum STEEN & L0NCW1LL Um peraan entitled thereto, bannr ra-rard tSacUona II and III.) onty ta Um claim of wbtaa b abaU h ArpUcattoa Aa. Sift I Uieo bava nattce. and be will Mt be bald MftlTan Mt0 HEATING TAkE AOTICZ Utit atvucauoa ba ncan mpomible far tba aaacu ar any part ;i mad ia rtfuarr Joba t- Bert aT krtcnuan. or lbrrrra w dUtrtbuted ta any peraon crniNccM A.'aAa. ai aware la faa andar a Tu Bala V. L PRIVATE DCTSCTIVE AOCNCV ball not tbrn bava bad wbaM rutin ba a S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Im4 fraai Um CoUrctcr oT tba Otjr of 20S MeirepellUn Blg, Vancauier. no tire. en Matwrt. Uanef diu tbr'liui Day pboM, Seymoar lilt. oar DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. Uu lib OR Agenta for 5araolMr. ISIT. of ALL A.1D SINGU day ar May. till. !tlrbt PboM. ralrmont SSII. UCLARY FURNACES LAR Uul ceruia parcel or tract (J land HERMAN III1X. Aaalrnee. GEORGE and premiere allaalc, lrla- and beinf tn Head Office, SIX Hlbbea-Bon Bids- S. S. PRINCE Um MaaictiMlitj af tba City af rrtac an Victoria, a. C, Phone S412. SYNOPSIS OF PLUMBING frrt a. c mora parucwlarty known and MONDAY 9 A.M. for Swanson Bay, Vancouver, Victoria and deeniMd ai Lau tbirty-IHI (II;. and LAND ACT AMENDMENT mm a a and Seattle. uurty mm (tii( block uurty (31). S-Uao MEET METAL I"reeruption oonflaed to aurveyea. WEDNESDAY 12 Noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, WORKS elfbt (I i. Map SIS. Tau are required now IOTICC OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE . hous P 831 Second Avenue. la conical tba claim of Um Us Ulula lleortta only will M granted wvertna only and Skagway. ?rrr wneio SI daya from Um data land eultabte (or aaTtcwltural purpuaea Ketlre la hereby liven Uul Um reserve FRIDAY 12 Noon to Anyox. Sifht phooea 67ft ( Iba mttki af UU MUce (waicb ajtd whK-h M non-IHnber aaitd may m that portMn af Lot till, t abuatebed. Victoria lartMnOlp pra-enaMMM SATURDAY 9 A.M. for Ocean Falls, Vancouver, and lllue 270 ba affected by publication la Um Daily bat portlea W not mora tbaa fwur nar CturMile Diatrtet, aurvryed and! and Seattle. Th New . and your aUraUun U calird 10 arc-tMi arranaw for adjaeaat iirmalloa. wnb Mwn a Let tits by reaaon or a notice I right work, at the right as of Um "Land iMcuiry Acr wiu joint reatdeoc. but aaefa iwaUaaT aes In M.ry ImprotremenUi on rwpectlve caalrna. appearmr Um BrtUab Oatumbla Oaictle j S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. Urn, and el the right pHoa. tw.aitnufiu, and to Um foUowlat aitract lYenatsn nul arvop) ruunw for of neermbee ft. IIST. I eanceUcd for i Charlotte Islands. to Queen Alternating Weekly tbcrcfrwmi Br yaar aad make imuroTomeeMa to the purpaaa of Icailnff Mid Let ISIS. ; and in drfaull of a ram! or ceruacat aad value cultivation of lie per or acr.at leaet lacludiaa t acr,ciaartnc barer ouaea Uurlelte DUtrlet, to Um Britiab TRAIN SERVICE or m iMHirM twin BMd twrore tM rtu-tratluai Crown Grant. Caaadun Lumtoae earparatlon Limited ror ai owner at Um pcraon caUUcd under W here rc S-eenptor la ewaupattaa not Paaaenrer HONDA V, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 11:30 us. ror Smllber. Seeds! ycb ui Ml. aU patauoa ao arncd leoa tkaa i an and baa made proportionate uw mill pwrpeaee. prince George. Edmonton and Wlnnlprg, making direct connecUon for all Seeds! ! wiU noUrr. . and Uwm cUuutui Immvetneata. he may. beaaue 0. R. KADBM. I polnu aat and souUl ibruticb or ndr lata, and all pcraona T tB-beaJtb or olber chn. be araated Dcpety X Metier of Land. cuunwr any latereal to tba land by irtm InlermedMI eertlBaate o imprweaMBt epartment of Landi. fttaeU. B. C, HU .( urcuird iMinuncnt, and au and transfer hu claim anr and reservations to For information apply Wa handle rautu clauuwr 4J mtrrat ia Um land Kecorde without awrnuuMat reafcletc May, nil. jjt j ifearval Hum uu u not nmi may be Maued provMed twawal twakea O. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. tonnla's, Ferry'a and Steel eitent of I WO per annum n under taw peon of una acl anall im ImproveroenM ' WATBIl NUT ICE j fruui aal and record a me each year. Fall-r Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 debarred BHgos Cardan and Field (or ar aaurped and u make improvmata r reaerd ' (Uae aad Storara). ! City Sfrtda. Hut up any cuim w ar la twapect r tM same wlB operat aa (ortelture. Tttle land ao o4d l Uira, and Um hnutrar cannot be obtained tbcae eUlnu In TkE iNOTlCE uut Oeaere 11. Boulion. Ftrtlllisrs ball rrfuier um prraan enuilrd under leoa than S year, with Improverneau J whose addreas M Port Cleincnu, B. C and Worm Destroyer. audi ui Mle a owwr of Um Und ao It acre, inotudfe I acre cleared per I will for Itcear take and (4 at apfly a to um uii." realdenc fold foe and cultivated, and I t.oao valloM and ta atora te.oao gallon A0 WHEREAS applicaUon baa Ucn laaat S year holdlnc Crown Grant may I or via lor out or an unnamed rreek which H'. Grain and Mill Feed. made far a urruflcau of Indtfraaibla TlUa record ITeemitor another pre-em pi ton. IT ha re- flow njariberly and draiM into rerruaon ta Um ebove-mrntioMd Unda, In Um mum Und In conjunction wllb bU ! Bay. Mattel Inlet. itt'a Poultry Regulator. ?ulree wnhout actual occupation, prowled Tbe tort re dam win be located at a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Cllekan f John E. Urf. atatutory improvement made ana ; point about loo yarda (rom im raoulh. Food a specialty. . AXU WHEREAS M lnattUn lb UUe rMenc maintained on Crown (ranted Tbr capacity or Um rcaervolr to be created " ttr I apprara Uul prior to Um ISlb day r ' la about te.aoo callous and II will nood rratl AttaadaS U. not acdlnr t iaboai u.aa of und. Tba water will wblcb Iba Mid Unurveyd areaa. acre MIolMr. ISIS (Um dal on Lowest Rates nil Eastern Points horaesite; to be leased aa lb diverted man lb aire am at a point bnda were eold far orda uies). you tiuitob obtained alter tuinillna real-denllal I near tM dam and will be used ror a it-am f ice! were lt aaawwed owner I hereof and Improvement condition i purpose upon tbe Und described a Block via Steamer to Vancouver and the Rupert Feed Co. rURTIIES TAkE OTlCE Uat It Um traa KwTaTaatBa iimdnif and lO acre Ind oat may rial purpVMe.be leased I I II.Tlx Lol a notice T4I. wa polled on tba around Canadian Pacific Railway m. r. o. bi aaa Mm time I a ball eOect reiuuaUaa by on person r company i on IM IHb U of ilA. 101. A cup;. ' purauaara of aueb applcUon and uaua PRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. tbu nure and an appUcallon pursuant Meals and Berth included on Steamer a ortincau of Indefraalbla TlUa to iba The eeopa of thla Act U anUreed to : tberet and to (be "Weier Aet. ttil." will and nerving be Died al tbe umc or tba Water tveord-. Joining" all Mid Unda la toe name of Jobu t- nrri. Inatud peraon at I'rtnr RuDert B. C. kUJeatra Vrre.. The time ar Harry unleM yon uka and proaacuie tba proper with hln 1IM which the!alra -f derive of a ohiecilona to the application may b Hanson's prvreedinr to Ubllah rout cUlm. If ror filed wllb lb said Water Recorder, or wlth-Ihe FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE ---- UllTunder IbU Aet U ei tended from CoinpiroUer ar Water Hltiili. Parlla- j PATENTED any. to tba Mia lanoa, or w onVyer from the death of auch tMraon. meat Building. Victoria. 8. C wiuunl St. SOPNIA MlU from Prince Rupert May Ird. Ulb. SaUt; Jum tin. Illb altar tba prupuaed action on my park a rarmerly. until one year intm day after Uw oral appearance of' PATEU at Um Und Rrilatry Offle. oorwluslon of the praaant war Thla thii nolle tn a local Mwanaper. Tba data and tub. Fast Heating B. C. Una ITlb Uy of prirl.ge u also made retroactive or lb Brat publication of tbl nolle la rtnea lwirlt PROPERTY ALLOTMENT Jum I. Ul. SS-PRiNCESS ALics MlU for Vancouver Jum find and July lib. Mcember, A. P. HIT. T0WNSITE ACT O. H. BOfLTdX. Appllrant. Hot Water Coii 11. r. MACLEOD. Titles, I"revision m4 for Jha araat to BS. PRINCESS MAY aal la for Vancouver May lib. Ulh. ItUL and Illb; DiaUlcl RaiUtrar of balding uncompleted Arree-Knt WATER .NOTICE Jum ind. lib, Illb. tlrd and I Ola. fo Vlir McUren. . to lrcnas. Iron, th. ttw-w - Dlvrraion and Uae. Z w"eV Xanipa. idabo. a! tbV proportion paymenU w already made' wUl TAkE NOTICE that the FISH OIL AND luaraniMd r to the aal prie of rnoni'CTS UMtTEU. whoa addreaa Ii 110 - w... MiMERAL ACT .wh.PSnil Two or nwr. l parine Building, Vancouver. B. C. will W. 0. OHeMARD, General Agent. Sti. UI IM received at thia iieaw apply for a licence to lake and use forty .. . i u thSr 'merest, and apply toe pro luebea or water out or Creek, alto known .. At tba CarllOcala of UnprevrmcnU. Jointly. If It I aa Mowing Inlo bead of Srlaaora Bay. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avonue, Prfnca Rupert. B.C. praa- JlderlddvlsaVy tJ dlvld intuna Turktr Inlet, about 4H ml Ira northerly I OS BE DTCISUr- rl'Skb f,r .,UrUI- U tWt ROTICL fTA. .rt.r,.;.:.! an aolinnl of Ui.d from rrtnea Rupert. 8. C from avalUbto The water will ba diverted from tba north aur Mineral CUini iTual value aele.twl,ih locality mar M stream at a poM about yOOO ft frora SUII cvwrTuiHtii in " na and Skeeua Mlnln Dlrialoo of Caaalar OUltM. Th-i. allotment ar conditional Water and will be used ror domeiUC and Mr. aaa r ,M the luanuranurtng Um wround About au due purjJsea upon Wbera local!: upon navwirni anr tuuatclpaiuy. m and wharf dearrlbed at riab Oil and Pre-u::-: AUe Arm. Crown or Don't merely c smomer kltaaull River rom sraoiis to whom th pur-ihs LUUlted Plant. your an .. .. TAkE hOTICS lUt I. UwU W. niaars. rianu frown ha agreed ta Thla notlre waa poalrj on tbe ground wm aiuuur airea CarUOraia No. J"1-" STraU. Tba decUlon i on the tfih day or April, lilt. m inr oibar plumtiert rrra Mlnan -crtmcae Ii.ur l-roteetsd ol La4 In re pact ta; tba. A ropy f thla nolle and aa application MatMea'a Syrap t Tar and Cod Uw OG not eaabr ms"i ba tiplrrd. I naraby aient for Ouaur rearaou. of a tireiiorUoiiata aiioimeni piirauaal thereto and ta lb "Water Act, CURE IT promptly arreata coogfaiac, but tbaa a to Ma tuada aavl waki .......I" riuiu to auyoM to Kw sail c. intend. b Sll fir t' making U lioilud ta lltl VII 1 be Bled wllh IM aald Water atreoftbeaiaa; peeparUe tt kelp to tystesa ba throw aal aim apply ieule te Ruperl, B, C. from tba CM bertoi. ST i-Tdayf MiT ! Any apiuica. Rarorder tojertkni al Prtue tu tba application may b fata-ecad and tbua etYecU teraaaaat cwiw. It ta UiM quality fc""i t0HWILt. Mmtns liaearder for a .Tier Oils data will Uot be of aad caU raaavaaV ta Caaaaia. S. ' lXJel apiay to filed wllb in (Amplroller or Water Hlibia. it bwa Urxt sale say coogfc lor lb rnoM Tk alh.im.nt C . with Dr w'" pruvauMnt. aold l arllanieul Building. Vlrlorla. B. rt- iwlllfaly of tba Crown a cruwn Unnl of Um ! ua- n tou nnd Und In ihiny day artcr th Brat appearance jj. Aaryw aaawfat, ai.ij Uul -r via. of thl nou.'w In a local newspaper. n-llea I Uk. t. lurtber any And lr? air la The data of the Brat pubtlcialon of Uul . E. atATwHaaJ C, Pwv. swnaatBBBa. svav JRY HANSON tier aection SI. lu.l be w""?of mproe- eWvernmeot or notlr la May II, till. iisW Sum PLuainaB tba uaua of auch Ceruncato nm on. AMD products umited, rnrnu. . .. .... ikepuly Ul.!.. a By C R. Bella. Agent. ... I PATEO lbl till oaf 01 SUT. "