atllly’ $4, 1° hd dirvenisareng an | Budweiser x “u“ MART « “Mama wants the can ‘ with that mans picture on it Miars are remembered by the results they give. That's why millions will have none but BUDWEISER. Made byand for experts, its quality reflects the 75 years of experience be- hind it. Always dependable— always uniform—always pure. Have your dealer deliver BUDWEISER—and watch BUD- WFISER deliver the goodss , Budweiser MALT LIVES UP TO ITS FAMOUS NAME BMC -41 ANHEUSER-BUSCH. ST. LOUIS 3 dae Ne GOTT, uC TT Ls Ay . Ts es ae PILSENER. fs $900 Per Dozen in Cartons dt Government Liquor Stores Some circumstances are avoidable but eccidents will happen... Never- theless there is one real beer you can always depend upon . . . that is a nice cold bottle of crystal clear Pilsener Lager... Here is a beer (Ale and Stout $2.40 per Dozen) that leads all others as proved by the fect thet it is the most popular beer in British Columbia today. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Brewers and Bottlers of PILSENER DUTCH GIRL CASCADE U.B.C. BOHEMIAN BEERS end OLD COUNTRY ALE and CREAM STOUT * i by the Laquor his advertisement is not published or di play ee nal itrol Moaurd er by the Wola Government of British | u if you want anything, try a classified ad. received a lated from the Ladies Empire Club in London yperty she Tr} ty treasurer has ne S ye e ALSO TO ST. LOUIS Union Pacific offers the above low one-way fere daily in comfortable pan and chair cars. $65° to Chicago and St. Louis one wey in tourist sleepers on certain trains. Sleeping car charges additional. And unusually low fares for 30-day and full season trips, Route of the PORTLAND | ROSE “A Triumph in Train Comfort” Ly, Portland 9:35 P. M. Daily Train Leaving Seattle 1:00 P. M. Daily connects “The Portland Rese” also Team ©. 458 leaving Seattle at 4,30 P.M. Far details about fares, stopovers and side trips to National Parks, eddress Union Pacific Agent, Union Station Seattle, Wash. UNION ‘PACIFIC ™ OVERLAND ROUTE | : ——~@i by =z Saturday Special ( JOSERERED | a i Munro Bros. | For rent, for sale and all other s — LOCAL ITEMS No FOR sana FOR SALE tavee Crib dis Indian aoe in CL.DL. Hall tonight motorcycle. Phone Red’ 182. 18 fOR Sale radio Marconi .6-tube, | L.O.B.A. Church Parade July 10° perfect condition, $14. Phone ) Presbyterian Church. Members Green 285. néét at Metropole Hal! at 6.45 pm SPECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lowe: prices than any mail order hOuse, Kaien Motors Ltd, Phon: The Ctinnibead fuel in town, big oad slab wood $3.25. Albert & 62 McCaffery Ltd., Phones 116 ane ‘ i 117. t; | FOR SALE pair of adjustable Rev. and Mys: J. S. Brayfield wil! return on the Prince morr ind shafting hangers. Also galvan- izéd iron tank Apply Daily News. George to- tf Winnipeg proc “Ped liday visit MUST SELL.—-Who will give $150 or make me offer, for Double Frontage Lot 6, Block 32, Section 5. Known as 721 Eighth Avenue West. All Taxes Paid to August | 1932, Write Ernest W. Gréen- ' fiela. 306 So Boylston Street, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Mrs. E. Baker is leaving for An- yo afternoon to join her hus- bana who recently was transferred to that town ©. Aves. who has bes been ifl at the hospital, has recovered suf- ficiently to ew of his retvrn to his home where he is “— RENT convalescing. | ,—~ pnrnlasimnitapust FOR RENT— - Six- roomed House- Eagles’ picnie at Grassey Bay on 260 9th Ave. East. 264 July 10. Tickets, adults 50¢. Cars leave Eagles’ Hall, Ridley Home and: FOR RENT Modern flat, Rance corner of Sixth Ave. & McBride St Block. Apply Max He ilbrox ner tf 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tea. Coffee, milk P FURNISHED Rooms for rent near and sugar free. Sports for young Pp off , 4 . st 9 0 and old. Come along and enjoy a on _ +. 719 an Ave 16 pleasant day's outing 159 FOR RENT— Clean well furnished modern 2-room suite Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444 tf The jury at the coroner’s inquest into the death of littl Odamund CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS a word per irtsertion with six insertiotis for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25e a word. mall advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents advertisement taken for less thaw 50c. Pr | WANTED PAPERHANGING WANTED lawn mower. will pay up to $5.00 for good used mathihe. rhan Apply Daily News. pap ging, Kalsomining _ PAINTERS and Painting At prices that will suit you C. Rotise P : 1 IGHTE® YOUR SPRING craw. "HOne Red 918 ING LABORS Phone Red 802 (evenings) to J.P. MOLLER | — for — DAIRIES ‘For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES _ PASTEURIZED MILK | IS SAFE MILK Send Your Watch, Clock, | Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C WATCHMAKERS Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Thirty Years Practical Experience Assures Absolute Satisfaction *. HIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU Hansen, aged 18 months, who was <4 yo ey drowned in a ditch on Alfred street HELP WANTED on Wednesday, consisted of D. C €F Stuart. Knut Halbere. J. A. Morris,| WANTED—Smart girl, with some to work in store. Ap- Meeker! C.G. Minns, Joseph Brown and F experience D. Rice ply Montreal Importers, Block Phone 95: SPECIAL Phene 953 or One Dress =De Jong's =~ wo sae oe $9.59 Cash and Carr Phone Blue 909 = Friday & Saturday A. H. Benkendorf Next to Daily News Specials . cial introducin price per lb MAKE YOUR OWN BEER | We have imported a 600-lb. barrel POSTON CAFE 20¢ Is Reopened Malkin’s Best “x tin sic Bright and Cheery oa Better Than Ever Scotch Cream Malt Syrup. Spe- Coffee Thoroughly Renovated coupon Cleaning & Pressing $1.25 Special Rates For Picnic rhree Year Graduate Chiropractic SU MMER RESORTS i ——— ——— Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 6 Excnange Bik. When Coming to ; TERRACE , pen Evenings For Your Picnic or Holiday ee MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD _— . TRANSFERS WITH US ———— —— CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177° To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent Beer bottles bought. SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Blue 903. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repaifs List your goods with mé GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer, G. M. HUNT Phone Red 637 Manure For Sale Parties to Lakelse Lake | We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time ' At Moderate Rates SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Ceal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore lose to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. Sead Ave “GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT” Notice of Application for Consent to branster of Beer Licence Gold Medal S trawberry 39e Jam, per 4-Ib. pail Clark’s Pork & Beans 17¢ laygest size, per tin Clark’s Tomato Juice 20 3 tins fo c Hotel Central Limited Malkin's Best Sweet Potatoes. size 2 per tin Covenient to business district, Icing Suga! 16 homelike, beautiful harbor per 2-lb. pkg c views Red Arrow Chocolate 28e Rates reasonable. Spacious Eclairs, per lb Luk Flakes 3 pkgs. for sample rooms. Hotel Central Ltd. Avenue & Seventh Street 25c Malkin’'s Pr Notice ia hereby given that n the llth day of July next he undersigned riterids to apply to the Liquor Control No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Board for meent to transfer of Beer Licence Nuniber 2063 and iseued in re- saw f‘« re spect of wrunince beitte mart of a puer ge Casey Cartage Fuel Ce img known as eR He tel, situate > am 701 Third Avenue West, Pr « Ru- I hone 303 met, BA ipon the imds described at Lote Nos 1 2 Block 32, Sectio 1, Map No. 923, Pr e Rupe Land Registration Dist Pr Moe { British Columbia, from Dian re Zar- elli to Northern Hotel Compa niter ow Prince Rupert, British Colunibis naferee DATED at Prince Rupert Juné, AD. 1982 this 7th gay OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 NORTHERN HOTEL LIMITED Per: Patmore & Fult COMPANY Solicitors Best Strawberry Jam per 2-Ib. pail | Prices Reduced Announcements Eagle Picni j 29¢ | Yellow Sugar 5 Ibs. fou 25¢ Canadian Legion 25¢e (sland, July 17 Grassy Bay, July Pieni¢e, Dirby New Potatoes | 9 Ibs. for ; | ooseberries Passengers going out on the ss. ) 4 lbs, for Prince George tomorrow for Van- couver will be Fathers E. D. Mail ft lard and F. J, Ryde: ‘ ote | “THE DUNES” | Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In keeping with the spirit of the times, the rates for summer boarders at “The Dunes,” Tiel) have been reduced to $1.50 a day. The ideal summer resort. A home away from home. A place for t the tived’ businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. No flies! No mosquitos! > Miles of sandy beach, huee sand dines, all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tlell River, THE NEW SPECIAL RATES UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver PSS, CATALA EVERY TURSDAY, 1:30 P.M. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver Thuradiy am T.S.8, CARDENA BEVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vapeouver Sunday midnight, approx Weekly sailings to Port Sitvipson, Alice Arm, Anyox River points, Sunday, 8 pm | Further information regardin Stewart and Naas all satlings and tickets at PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue Phone 568, make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19. } Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut Board and room for 10 days $15 Return steamship fare 18 Care hive to and from boat 2 Total for 12 days $35 | Children, half price. No extras : et - x Fas .%. —_ ate — — ~ a