TUT DAILY NEWS '"'ny. June 29, 1918, The Dailv News CURE PNEUMONIA BY AUTO-THERAPY "ally News Building, 3rd Ave., 6 "War-Time Cookery" Drlfoit. June 21 Pneumonia, PRINCE KUPERT. B.C. which causes more deaths among Telephone 98 FREE the soldiers of Uncle Sam's arny than any other disease, will be Saturday, June 20, 1018. Send name and address for robbed of its terrors by auto new"War-Ume Cookery" This therapy, according to Dr. Charles PUBLIC NOTICE book contains recipes chosen 11. Duncan of New York, who Is attending the contention of the by the judges as the best and American Institute of Homeopathy THE OLD AND THE NEW most pmclical recipes submitted in session this week in the Hotel The reading of a typically Stntlor. WUSitary Service Act, 1917. Itowserian utterance in the in onr rrcent cash prize for The new treatment pneu election campaign now come to competition, his intended to monia is now under consideration a shortcomings close in Victoria of the upon present me assist in iIo conservation of by United 8tates arjny surgeons. Men 19 and 20 Years of Age. be and will probably adopted. food and to effect savings in Liberal Government suggest Seven homeopathic colleges and Harvest Leave. to the Victoria Times the query home cooking and baking. the Pasteur Institute of Paris "what would William John do have already approved the treat Leave off Absence cn Ground of Extreme Hardship. if he were back again, back Appro! br Cnd Food rto J ment. from exile, so to speak t The Auto-therapy is the silence of Procedure to obtain Leave of Absence. answer is easy. Like the Bourbons, ADDRESS treating acute infectious diseases he would rjesutne where E.W.Gillett Co. Ltd. with the very poisons that orig he left off when he felt the im inally cause them, but differs from Men Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age. pact of the electorate's boot. TORONTO, CANADA "Mr. Uowser probably would vaccine treatments treatments with eerums and inasmuch various It lias come to the attention of the Government that there is a widespread turn the P. O. E. over to the as the patient is treated with impression that young men of nineteen years, and those who became twenty original promoters and borrow baldly, the public trusts Mr. poison fiyim his own body. since October 13, 1017, as well as thows who may become nineteen from time to more millions for them at ruin Oliver and does not trust Mr time and who have been or will bo called upon to register under the Military ous rates of interest. He would Bowser." A Clergyman's Wife Service Act, are to bo immediately called to the colours. ' get into immediate communi This impression is quite incorrect. No date lias yet been fixed for calling cation with Sir William and Sir, Wants Women to Know Donald and tell them the coast RUSSIA'S RESOURCES upon euch men to eo report for duty, nor has the question been brought before was clear, that John Oliver was OF RAW MATERIAL AT Advantages of Internal tho Cabinet for decWon. In view of the need of labour on the farm, it fa most out of the way and they could GERMANY'S DISPOSAL Bathing unlikely that consideration will bo given to'tho matter until after the harvest is resume their picnic at the ex over, although of course tho Government's action must bo determined primarily pense of the I). G. public. But London Embassy Says Con It women could oat e. UM tbOUMOdl by tho military situation. "The banner emblazoned cessions to Germany will be of leitera Dr. Tjrrtll tut received from Tlicro is further incumbent of obligation the no men upon young rralemi women la ill part or lb world, ages with the motto. The speculator Repudiated After the tbanklnf btra for tua wonderful lavta above mentioned who liavo registered or who do bo hereafter, until they receive must have his chance,' would Bolshevlkl Goes. lion for Internal Bathlnr, tbejr wold loon notice from the be unfurled and all the Ilegistrare. re discard lb medicine bottle tad look to sources that were still intact London, June 25. The Bolshe toe cuie of tbetr trouble, SI per real Harvest Leave. of ill buroit. Ill tre due to rcomultd would become the happy hunting vlkl are about to conclude a com mane In Urn Colon or Law tnteiune. Some enquiries havo been received as to tho possibility of granting harvest ground of the old-time syn mercial pact with Germany which Warm water, properly uk1 wltn in. -1. dicates at present in eclipse. will subject Ilussia to further ex B. L. Catcade.', wiu relieve tne tuti ot leave to euch troops as may bo in tho country at that time. No definite assurance Mr. Bowser would resume his ploitation, it is indicated In an jour r4kw trouble. and perfect nealtn will can bo given on this point as advantage must bo taken of ships as they legal associations with the I'. undated despatch from Moscow A Wlnniper clerrrman write: become available. On tho other hand, harvest leave will bo given If at all O. the Canadian Northern At a meeting of the Ilusso. "My wife I naturtnjr sentlUt about possible. Pacific and countless other German Economic Commission, bavins ber name appear In publie print, companies seeking favors from the despatch said, M. Uronsky, the jret 1 aoilou tbat otber anoold know Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship. what l be "J. B. L. Caacade baa dona tor Mr. Bowser Premier with Bolsheviki commissioner of as com ber. It ba really siren her new leas It is desired that the Regulations respecting leave of absence In cases of hardship all of 'em except the Dominion nierce and industry, declared that ot life. For rear tim bad been doctor. Trust which blew up under Mr. for the purpose of meeting Russia's ID( for Constipation, which becarni should bo widely known and fully understood. Such leave will bo granted Bowser's very nose, ruining debts to Germany, the So worae every rear. Sine uilnr tbe 'J. B. L. in two cases (a) where extreme hardship arbes by reason of tho fact that the of whom Mr viets to conclude Caacade. drat about 4 rear in, abe baa concerned is either tho b!c of of father compelled scores people were net been lick a dr. and baa become robust man only eon capa canting a livelihood, a Bowser, as chief law officer; of a foreign loan. The interest, he and atroat araln. Bbould any peraon killed or disabled on service or presently in service overseas, or in training for the Province, never tried to said, would be paid in raw rot liberty Uk Mill to ait letter my nam confirmed,la private."yon are at such service, or under treatment after returning from overseas; or tho only protect. terials. Tb "J. B. L. Caacade" I tbowa and remaining of two or more brothers capable of earning a livelihood (tho other his record Mr. As "Considering guarantee, Browsky de a platned by Cyril K. Orme, TtUrd Avenue, brother brothers been killed disabled having being presently or or on crvico, or Bowser is very lucky that the dared, Germany will be granted Prince Rupert. B.C. official Opposition in this province numerous concessions affecting Tb -I. B. L. Caacade" la an invention, in Bcrvico overseas, or in training for overseas or under treatment alter his or is complaisant enough to the natural resources of Ilussia. perfected br Dr. Cba. A. TyrrH ot Raw their return from overseas); brothers married before 4th August, 1914, living in and ba done dortor tb Tork, more paat retain him as leader. And we Any concessions, commercial few yeara to reator bealtb and leeaen separate cstablislimcnts and having a child or children not to bo counted, doubt very much if John would or otherwise, given to Germany dtaeaae Iban all otber tneana combined. in determining tho fact that tho man is tho "only" remaining son or brother j have him anywhere else. The by the Bolsheviki government in Aik for booklet eiplalnlar all about Internal Batbloc and what II baa don for (b) where extreme liardship arises by reason of exceptional circumstances such a Premier is making good pro return for German loans and otber," It It tree. the fact tli&t tho man concerned is tho solo support of a widowed mother, aa gress in clearing away the mess other economic aid will be Invalid father or other helpless dependent. has repudiated when the SKECMA LAID MCOftDWO DIVISION left by Mr. Bowser; he disposed promptly DISTRICT Or COAST, IU.10E THREE II) It is to be noted Una in oil iheeeeww tin gnvominct factor is not hardship, of the O. P. E. problem present government is overthrown tho individual concerned, but to others, that Is, and is strenuously endeavoring Russian embassy officials declare. TAKE NOTICE tbat Aletander 0 raj don. loss or suffering to members of to improve the Canadian Northern This assurance was given fol of Santa Monica. California, occupation his family or those depending ujion him. situation to the advantage lowing reports from Moscow that minlnr. tniende to apply tor pertaiaaton to absence. of lea tn folio (or detcrtbed land: Procedure to obtain leave of the province. the Bolsheviki government had Comrcenelnr at a poal planted at Man-water of Forms "Every step Mr. Oliver makes turned over for German development mark at tn eilreroe nortnwetf cor A simple system for dealing with these cases lias been adopted. in that direction brings him many of the richest Russian ner of Price Island. Laredo Sound, Prov application liavo been supplied to every Depot Uattulion and an ofFiccr of each into favorable contrast with natural resources as surety on a alonr ince of the Btiuab weaterty Columbia,iboro tin tbenco of tb aoutb aald battalion lias been detailed whoso duty it is to givo I hem immediate attention. the Leader of the Opposition, German loan. Island to tb outbwel comer of tbe aald The man concerned should on reporting to his unit state that lie desires to apply who never opens bis mouth island, a dutaneo of tun hundred and for leave of absence on ono or moro of tho grounds mentioned and his application without conjuring up unpleasant Wall-paper remnants half price mty (! cnalna, more ft lea, throe. memories in the public all other lines at sale prices easterly aloof tbe aouibeni ahoro line pt form will then be filled out ana forwarded to Militia Headquarters, Ottawa, In tbe aald laiand to tbe aootbeait corner meritorious, tho man will bo given provisional mind. Putting the situation Wallace's. 151 thereof, dlatance of two hundred and the meantime, if the case npicani rtahiy t!0) cain, more or lea, these leave of absence for thirty days w that ho may return homo and continue bis northerly and toliowuir tbe eaaterly abore civil occupation while his case is being finally disposed of. line of tbe aald laiand la the nortbeail corner of tbe aald Island. dUtane ol Department of Militia anp Defence, Issued nr nine hundred and titty (() chain, more or less, tbrnre wetterly alonr the north Department of Justice. erly abore line of tbe aald Island to the point of commencement, that la tbe north- weal corner of tbe aald Island. distance r two hundred and elrhty (ft chains. more or lets. ALEXANDER ORATDO.T June Tin, ISIS. A Good Sign wj j NAVIGABLE PORATION.THE BRITISH R.LIMITED WATERS S. C CANADIAN Chapter ftereby PROTIECTIO.f LUMBER III.)rive notice COR ACT Getting a Fair Deal in Buying that It baa under aection 7 of tbe aald act depoalted with the Minister of Public Wvrka at Ottawa and in tb orace of tbe DUtrict Rctl'irar of tbe Land Peril try lhe Irachon or jpecial is getting Datrtcl at Prince Rupert. B. C. descrtp- Hon of tb site and tb plan ef wbarf, mark is build iota, etc, propoaed Ui bo built tn on pavement every Msiset Inlet, Graham Island, in front of pari of Lot I4SS (Timber Ucene Sltf P LA CASSE and road in every portion and Lot B.tils c Queen Charlotte Islands District. And Uk notice tbat after tb eiplra- of Canada. 1$ Either mark lion of on month frym the dale of tbe Oral publication of tbl nolle The British Canadian Lumber Corporation, I Jail ted win, is the sure sign that all is under Section 7 of tb id Act, apply to tb City of Ottawa, for approval of lb WAR BREAD aald site and plan and Tor leave to coo-airuct well ahead. tbe aald wharf, boildinfi. etc. bated Vancouver, B. C, tbl lain day ot May. Itts. Your Garageman Stock ; " THE BRITISH CANADIAN LUMBER COR PORATION, LIMITED, by their arut. E. A. Cleveland. Civil Enrioeer and LABELLED 18-oz. LOAF Dunlop Tire. Surveyor, Vancouver, B, C( Under Food Board Regulations Licence No. 5-1117 A.S6 PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT -DISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that w. The Aeroplan Sprue Lumber Co.. Ltd., of port Clement. ,,' occupation lumbermen. Intend to apply for Also All of Time Cakes Kinds War pe rail talon to lease the following described landa. BAIT AND ICE DEPOT northeast Cmnmeitflnr comer at of Lot pott, planted Block 41,at part the clean und tasty; made by expert bakers in a sanitary shop ot auodlvtaion of District lot 74, tbrnr BUTEDALE north S chain, tbenc west SO derreea south to tbe approach to toe Oovernment Wharf. Port Clement, thence southerly alone aald approach to tb northwest cor Princess Royal Island ner of Lot I, aald block 41, thence east erly alonr tb waterfront of lota I, I, I, h"fahei The La Casse !iii4 Western Packers. Limited of I, I,cotuuienremeki,4, 7, ton I, aald and block eonlalninr 41 to eevtn point Bakery and one-bait acre wore or less. Head Office Vancouver, B.C. AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO LTD 9. T Lewis, prealdeol. April M, fits, ju