V .1 , TUB DAILY NKWfl Mr The Real "War J MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News Bread" must contain the THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMRIA entire wheat grain not the for (ho East. Published Dally and Weekly whiti flour center but Mmlr. Wednesdays and I'rt-ilnys Guaranteed Largest Circulation - every particle of gluten and at n '-1"- mineral salts also the outer e HEAD OFFICE; that is useful in From the East. bran coat so Really Daily News Dulldlnjr, Third Avenue. Prince'Rupert, B.C. Tel, 98. keeping the bowels healthy Sundays. Tuesday, and FrU Sir, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per Inch nnd rctive. Shredded day at :30 p.m. you are Contract Ratesjon application. Wheat Biscuit is the real For Vancouver. "war bread" because it is Monday .........'.. J vastly DAILY EDITION TjJjro Wednesday, Aug. 2l, 1017 100 per cent, whole wheat Tuesdays .5 p. rrij prepared in a digestible form. Saturdays .... "7 n. m. A p. im lillJ interested in COALITION Liberal party, their majority at Contains no yeast, baking From Vancouver. Judging from the latent re the coming election would be powder, seasoning, or chemicals Sunday ' P n, ports from the political centre easy. of any kind. Food conservation Monday .9 a. irt Sunlight Soap nt Ottawa, the formation of n Sir Robert Borden had the begins with Shredded Wednesdays 0:30 R. m National or a Union Government opportunity of forming a union Wheat Biscuit for breakfast Fridays 0 ,n seems to be as far away at the time when it was im You pay ftr the tfarmcnu it cleante. as ever. It would seem to he mediately necessary, and that nnd ends with Shredded For Anyoi. well and to carefully 1 ou like your wife to rather peculiar that the Premier whs at the outbreak of the war Wheat Biscuit for supper. Sandays to p, m have leisure and lo be free from the drudftry lo cannot persuade tho men At that time, he would have had Delicious with sliced bananas, Fridays .... to a. in. A 8 p. in of walidaytwork. .You, at a business he wants to join him in his no dilliculty in forming a coalition berries, or other fruits. can appreciate what the $5,000 Sunli min, cabinet. When tho Hon. Robert of all parties in a Union From Anyoi. guarantee of purity must mean. in Canada. Made Rogers was elided from the Government. But ho chose not Tuesdays, p. m Suggest to her that Sunliftlit Sosp rnuitbe (Government, It was thought to, for good and specific rea Sundays, a.m.; north a trial for it is. that other appointments would sous. There was the awarding and now. when lack of confi nd Saturdays, a. m. he made immediately. Since of war contracts to be con dence Is shown in his conduct 5HM Soap f elJ by all rer, nation, by or Port Simpson and Naas Rler. It is imJ In Can J a ky lvr that time, many have come to sidered, and in that connection. of the affairs of the Brothers, Limited, Tomato. Ottawa, hut they have gone it 4a safe to say that a different tho consistent refusal of big Saturdays, a. in. u again. Sir Robert Borden himself, course would have been pur men in the country to net with of course, wants to retain sued. Colonel J. Wesley Alii nim, he will have to give place For Quean Charlotte Islands. the -premiership, and as Tar as son might not have been quite to some other in whom they 10 p.m. July I8lh, August Isl it is able to gather, the particular so notorious. A true coalition can have confidence. 5th and 2lh. men he wants refuse to government, had they seen fit serve under his leadership. tolnlroduco conscription might The Dally .v. delivered hi From Queen Charlotte Islands The real trouble seems to be not have stopped at mere mill rarrter. 50 cents per nmitlh July 22nd, August 5lh, 10th S. S. PRINCE RUPERT 1 with Sir Robert himself. He tary service only, and being eptember 2nd. vCanti to form a coalition gov. representative of all parties, WATER NOTICE on eminent, yet he cannot obtain would have been in a much tewart. Maple Bay and Swamp PRINCE GEORGE the support of the Liberal stronger position in enforcing USE A.1D STORAOE. Point. members, and he read the Quebec the measure. TAKE NOTICE tbat Tb Emplr Pulp 4 SOUTHBOUND taper Mills. Ltd- wnoso address U Van For Wednesdays. 10 p. in. t m. for Swaasoo Bay, Vancoever. VIctoHa sad Sestll. Nationalists out of his It were well to remember too Monday a. couver. B. C. will ppiy ror a ucens u From Saturdays, m. p. lam. for Ocean Fall. Vioocuver. Victoria and Seattle. Saturday party Just the other day. 11 is the terms on which Sir Robert take and ua all tb water aod to stor evident, therefore, that he does Borden first asked Sir Wilfrid 0,000 acr feel or water out of unnamed NORTHBOUND and take, alto known ti Wbalen Lake, wnicn Alaska and Yukon Territory. WEDNESDAY tt nnoo for Ketchikan. W ran re II, laneae and Slaswy. not cannot lead the coun Laurier to join him in coalition now and drain Into Wnate Channel about For Mondays, 7 a. m. FRIDAY If noon tor Aayok. try, through the trying times He declared for compulsory one nil nortn from River Biint, that are ahead. ConQdence is service first, then asked Sir The I tori re dam wUI be located at wcat From Saturdays, p. m. TRAIN SCRVliE end Lak at outlet or like. Tbe capacity rasseter Masaday, Wednesday and Friday at llilO a.m. foe fmnim. the of first thing which any leader Wilfrid to join with him in the rrlne Oecere. Edmoatoa and Wiealper. asakiar direct kmwUmi for aa I about created 11.000 I or reservoir to has the right to expect, but apparently, carrying out o.f that policy. It acre reet and It will flood about t.000 acre pnlnt east and fosjUL Mlied TtseaOay I 1. ti tot Saallaer and all n confidence in Sir is only reasonable that the of land. The water will be CI verted from termediaM notat. Robert Borden is confined to coalition government should tbe itream at a point about.. ..Taken by Agency All Ocean SUamehlp Lines. tho members of his own parly declare that policy which it northerly tunnel tmn direction east end from or Lot Lake to,Utreo Bntedale,mile For Information and reservations apply to In Parliament. These in turn should pursue. But Sir Robert on rraaer Reach aod will be used for City Ticket Ornce. B20 Third Avenue. PHONE i0 have lost the confidence of the preferred to declare the policy power purpote upon Um land described TIMBER SALE X101S. electorate in many constituencies. first, and then obtain assistance a In application to Irax at rail end or in the carrying of it out. Lake on Fraser Reach. Thli Dotlre wa posted on tbe rround Sealed lender will b received by It is recognized that the Sir Robert Borden and his col-leagues n the tth dar or June. 1017. A copy or Minister or Land not later than nooe on record of the Borden Govern well knew what jhe result tbis nolle and an apptlraUon pursuant the trod dar or September. I0IT. for Ut ment is not one which would of such action would have thereto and to the Water Act. toil, will (wrrbas or Ucenc X ISIS, to nit S.III. be nied In the me or the Water Recorder o reet r f prate. Balsam and Hemlock CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the inspire people of Canada to been. They knew that no at Prince Rupert. B. C Objections to tbe on an area itated on Link Lake. Rant any great degree with that con statesman, leader of a party, application mar be Bled with tbe said 1. Caii District fldence which is essential in a would coalesce for the purpose watar recorder or with tbe Comptroller Three ill year will be a tie vied foe r Lowest Rate lo all Eastern Points popular government. Their of carrying out a policy in Water Rtrtu. Parliament Buitdinr. root a I or timber. via Steamer to Vancouver and th victoria, B. &. wlthtn thirty days after tbe Further particulars or In Cbler for record for the past six years is which he had no say. But it CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Bret appearance of this notice la a local ester. Victoria. B. C or District roc iter what the electors will . judge was good party tactics to apparently newspaper. The dale or the Brst publication rrtae Rapert. B. C Stl Meal and Berth lrtlu!f d on Steam them on, when the election have the onus for the or this nolle Is July toth. I0IT. comes round. That is quite failure to form a union government LAND LEASE NOTICE TIMBER SALE X1019. Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday sufficient. where they would have it. Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls p.m. Sunday The Borden Government have The failure of Canada having SkECtA LA.XD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Sealed lender mill b received by Is Princess Altce for the south Saturday, September 1st made the national issue of conscription a Union Government rests directly 01'EE.t CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Minister ot Land not later I baa noon Princess Sophia for the north Monday, September 3rd. lb sitn day or Auruit. HIT, lor to par. Into a party issue of with Sir Robert Borden cbas or Licence, X till, to rat 1,111.00 compulsory military service, himself. At the outbreak of TAk'E NOTICE that !, Oeorr McRae,Intend or rrel or Bprvr. Balaam and Hemlock m an J. I. PETERS, General Arent fklderate. B. C. occupation ensinecr. and have utilized this issue to war, he placed the considerations area adjolnlnr Lot 501. Rant S, Coast tb B.C to apply for permission to leas Co net Fourth Street aed Third Anu. Peine Ruprt. situated River. klldala create racial differences in of party above the na. follow Inr described lands: District, on Two (t year mill b allowed lor fe Canada, at a time of all times tional weal. These same considerations Commeneins at a post planted, at tb moral or timber. or T. L. Lot 111, AHforJ northeast corner when national unity Js of the have been paramount Bay. Skiderat' Inlet, Ibenr west 00 rartber particular or tb Utter Forester. greatest importance. They have ever since. Sir Robert 'bains, thence north I chain, tbenc tl Victoria, B. C. or District rurester. Prince Rupert. B. C Alt 5 done this deliberately In order now nntis tuat such a course chain In an easterly and southerly direction to divide the Liberals of the of action will not do. He failed following- i bore line, tbenc west I chains to point or commencement, con- MINERAL ACT west from the Liberals in the to form a Union Government lalnlnr 10 acre more or less. A 10. Launch MiceE, east, so that with a divided when it was possible so to do, June 10th, 10IT. OEORGI MCRAK. (R.S. B. C till. Holljr Fraction, Blrcb, Crocus Fraction. and rium mineral claim situate la lb FOR TMl SALT U" Oueen Charlott District, located at or Evsey Flo Oey t'm near Ikeda Bar. Queen Charlotte Islands, A NEAT KITCHEN rrovlnc or BrlUsb Columbia, laafttlly beld 10 a. sn. br Ikeda Mine Limited (Moo. personal RCTVMtt FASlt rs. WITHOUT A BROOM NEW PEECf JOS Liability).TAKE XOTICE that I; John A. Marlanes, Call Solicitor for Ikeda Mine Limited I.too W. J. TMOItas. raeee No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no OIL renooal Liability) Fre Miner Certificate av set. .10. tilltc intend, srter tb expiration or dirt, no bother. You never have slaty day rrom tb data hereof to apply to sweep up after cooking on a on behalf or tb said Company to tb Mininr Recorder of tb said District for NEW PERFECTION. It a CertlScat or Improvement lor eacfe of cooks more quicklyand more lb above claim for tbe purpos of ob conveniently than a coal or wood talblnr AID FURTHER crown rrant TAkE thereof.NOTICE that action range, costs less for fuel and takes under Section II of tb Mineral Act must IntUrknaUa b commenced before tb tssuanc or such Envelop up naif as much room. certificate or Improvements. Statemenla Dated tbls lltb day or June, A.D. HIT These dealers sell them: 4. a. nsci.i.iai, CarUa, Etc. Paoetft Solicitor ror Ikeda Mines Limited (It,on Personal Liability). 810, Thompson Hardware Co-, Print Repert. IX THE ESTATE OF CHRISTIE 0IBS0.1 Kaleit Hare war Co M " (DECEASED The News Job Press tlork'a Hardware Co., " OTlCE 19 HEREBY OlVjyt that all Printer of All Oetcriptioas Doat Haw A McNulty, " " persons bavlaf claim upon tb Estate of ft. i. Oallajtd, " " lb lata Christie aibson who died on or about lb lib day or November, A. D. Boyd Vounf A Co Pert Simpson. B.C. lilt, wbil on, active servtc overseas. P.O. Bet S9 1 1 are required to send to J, II. McMuUIn, I'rojram urneial Administrator ror tb county or CalaloK 1 Atlln, on or be lor tb lOtb day of Septem With Royalite Coal OS Ike New ber. to IT, a full statement or their claim, 1-oeUra.ete., I Perfection will cook meal or ny security beld by Ibem, duly verified, your and after Itiat dat tb under si m4 will for from 5 to 10 cents. proceed UJ dlstrlbul lh assets of tb deceased aroont lb parties entitled tber THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY to, bavins retard only to tb claim or limited wblcb nolle has ben 1114 wliu him. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C tbls It to BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES u ui illlf, A. U. IV IT. 114 I. II.Offlclal McMULLt.t,Adminlatrator, Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESS COFFEE VMOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR f, O. OAWSON R ft PRINCE RUPERT,