THE DAILY NEWS Dollar In Time, "A riijci'iaken to facilitate the ni-fri-naed srlllfinenl of the province Nine" Saves It i rfcogiilted by the inemlM'rs f the Cabinet that nl no time In VISIT to Tlic Hank of he hlfitnry of liritlth Columbia A British North America hn the ned for more agricultural for tlic purpose of I"iiulftlliifi been more insistent depositing part of your than 11 is today. cumin, becomes a pleasant Mindful, however, of the mls-lnk s of the paat thcrr? will lie no and profitable habit,when onco prugraiiime) forrnulaled which will you have acquired it. not f ui nil the Intent of the Gov The dollar you use to open ernrnent. In spile of the known an account in the Savings' resources lo the north country tlie Premier hfrnelf 'oValrws to in turn saves Department know exactly what the conditions others, as the habit of savin are, what method may h intro jjrows. duced to secure the fullest pos BBJ . THE BANK OF sible expansion from railway development Everywhere rompleted and projected. British North America Trade Lost to Province. in work, study or play Tf YEARS IS BUSINESS. One of the prominent factors CAPITAL ANtl ftt'RTLUV HUM!. of the situation in the Peace Hiver PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH country is that its trade is now CLA2A going to" Kdrnonlon. This is a W&IGLEYS W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager KIMBALL phase of the question whfeh Is ef considerable concern lo the province, COAL NOTICES and means for a remedy will Tio Gum of Gump Hon form no small pari in any programme t!?.'iKT of coast, Raor I which may result by reason is a welcome help. The .k e ilea Uul 1. Hum McUaa Inland of the Ministerial With it ' ,r I Ucrnr lo pro.peel for coal ware Kimball iourig in The I'ricc Hhc Iaid, Rhowing at the trip. Flavour . mum as im loiwwuir enter uta the proper opening up of the W'H'tiuimfj Teeth, l night breath, appe Last ?!., mmtaciog at a poel pUnted Peace fllver country it is believed junction of im teair and Utile i DorU Md of IM UlU that there will be greater attraction tite, digestion and .J"ksii- c. er. la toe cMlaii oca ni iMoc if rail cans COAL NOTICES CABINEr MINISTERS TO for the settler from south of spirits are the better JJaT-s wen aorta to U Pomi MlThJCT or COAST. Kiar I. the Internaional boundary line for it. L igntl M U. MCLea 50. I, Claim. Tai Rckc thai t,"oraaa MrLean Intend VISIT PEACE RIYER and as its potentialities become If IT. i apolT roraltrenra la mum,i ta- more widely known the much desired HLOH MciXA. and petroleum on im folkiwinc dcicriMd WRIGLEVS makes per rbillp LMly, AfL Uud. cotwtMOcUir at a puat pUourd settlement in the vast areas om mil aouia of tM uibtil conxr Ari ording (,. of !i. XcLeini No. t claim, betor aboal j.rcornl arrange-menu now Unpopulated and uncultivated, the next pipe or t- r or coast, awi t t.: oaa aad a half toil.i Bocia of im Searer l'rmlir Ilrewler. accom-lanld will bo a certain consequence. cigar taste better. It like c " Ual I. Hum McUaa, Intend rieer. aad Urea auilaa wait of im Cedar Uy Hon. T. 1. I'attullo. it- i ' -1 bceace u prvepecl for aul nr, tMaca til to cMiuj taeoca aouia Should B Fruitful. !j ' j ;m la ftltow mf deacrtMd to caiiBi, tbeaca can to cMidj: umn Mlnltrr of Land; L. 8. Kllnck. The Government has now pleasantly sweetens ill, .juteorm II put pleated nortk tt cbmru to IM polal of coninteoca-ntral, Dran Hr UM iu&.uu of IM adl &d UtUe caauiaiao tt irrei. la M iteei of the Faculty of Agriculture settled down lo the attention of and soothes mouth jau 1 JIM BorU Mac of IM UlU ii I. MtUui Aa. t cUua. of the University of Ilrltrth the before many pressing questions and throat. ,44, (.re; UM( aorta It CMJBi Locaurd Mir ttad. HIT. H,r--1 till $ CMUUi IMBC aouu ( HUHM MCLXAn, (, and J. K. Umbach, Bur. it. and with the determined euijt ttrae l I (UIM lo IM polal per raiUp CMtier, AreaL vryor-Of neral. will leave the city . j tuimnctiati rvouiUAf fit itm, intent to expand its activities in lr UIMi U UKI IK ftU. NCMaa 111. NO. I district or COAST, lUnr I. on Wednesday, August 29, for a an endeavor to relieve the province Three MLoH MCLEAN. I a " iiiu inn tun ii itiuiiirjr, ill of its huge financial difficul Ca4fsi w a(pii rur urn k protprci ror mi eluding forne of the Peace Hiver ties, the forthcoming trip to the Lasting mitmct or COAST, Kun I. UUOI iUHMMUl 41 pMl f UHt4 . producing grounds of the north uwttl tM Mlf Btilo tut of im Doriavcil Th obJrct tit trin la In is lo have satisfactory Flavours 'I He tuttt IMI I. Muia McLfU Ulead cvnr cf It McLrui'i fto. t culm; iMota expected f ifjr ' t Uceaca la prutprcl far CvMl tauru cmimi un (ui ( taiuii i profile uie rremlcr and the Mln- results. Victoria Times. tut lit- IT'J M IM lUUOWIOf aeecriMg jko ai it utwii iMMa ti ulrr of Ianda with onoortunitT to " uJi .imm al mI pUni4 hull U IM put I of ruaaarucraml, too SoaSaaf tight Kepi right tmt mm fcsin tot IM comer f UiaMf l arra. U M lauwa n .1. Me study the land quettion in the The Daily News delivered by Bm aire f('s tYSffCLFrS a. Icjmi no, I culm: ukm sru (I traa'a Aa I tUua. (MM; ttar Bll CMUUJ IMBC LkcI4 Mlf HIT. northern localities Ortl hand, .arrier, 50 cents per month. Kla 1 'AUM, IMBC ! CMJM la r I having regard in particular to the tte peetl jf cuuw acecnta I j coaiaiatai Mr fbiup Uttkl, AaL vaat of the Peace LAND ACT "After every meal" t tt.te to M IMn u M. McLeaa potentialities . . (AIM. J lMt4 Sir IKI, IMT, mniucT or coast, Kun s. Hiver stretches. Thoroughly prac UUiH M CLEAN. Tilt DuUr Uul I, Haiti McLean latead Ileal agricultural knowdelge will SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or rr I'oibf) Unto, AreaL apc-ir for a unan la prowtwci fer coal COAST. RANGE I. aad pelmieuBi IM loUovtaf deacrtMd he brought lo bear on the In i;:itmct or coast, fiaar . uu4i. cooumbubc at t tui puaieo tettigatront on the spot by Dean mm aaiie avuu of im aoutbatal cerwr of TAKE NOTICE Uai IM Orand Trunk Tilt leva imi I. rua McUaa Uuad McLraa't Aa. f ctiuai Mtac aboat dm Klinck, while the Surveyor-Hen of Win at It ipt i a war to tntl for cual aad a Mir aaOa aorta at im awaier rler. eral'a particular calling will be rirtflc RaUwar Company per. Don't merely smother your cough d4 tv J oa IM lotiuaiaf occrU4 Ibre tale rl of IM CaOa.' rtr; Mini lota, Intend ta apply for permtuloa tMi ., gMtKiar ai a xat pUaMJ c ta tt cbaiMi Uead eait tt oiiiiilaHy available. la lea IM roDowtnr oetcMbed land.- Mr IM ta iM im Coar aod UUia cmim. tbeac aorta to cmioj; imbc fMaarnrinr at t pot planted at tM moil vrrftTt inn MaUnca'a Syrup of Tar aad Cod Urer OU not cMir fa. e im Bortai ato at im eil to cmim la tM potai of roeaaMBca- InformaUon on the Spot, northerly point or Lot tor ai or im I IIKtr. I I proenpUy arret tl coorhing. but thank to to tonic iMoaatail iit niT.a latiMi imc IMatca toaia ftam cMIoj,at Bkral. coauiaiao 41. acr, la M aasva The nrtent intentions of the hi th-water mark, tMaca aortMrty, enter VravamaU MM. atreccuirniar propertiea h belpa thciTiiran to throw car ut, utrata ii la cauai m im paiatl Located it IL MtMaara May ttad. HIT.a iiua. (iovernment Indicate that thor It. aoulMrty and weiterty, fouowtnr tM tba ooll aad that effect a permanent mrt. It It thlt gwalitr which has waaa Sat ( r iniii: maUiaiBt a ctr. tnethiids will be Kaaoaltlr of tM aborts-liM to a point of ll Uaa aatxt aala of any cooffc and cold rcsaedy ia Canada. aaoaa a . iLui a, per ratllp CMatrr A rent oughly practical commencement, bxludlnr an tail rore-bor uml-j my talk, it it. jyc Imjt hetUtt, tmtj atari e. between hlth-water and low-waler. IVMtlU MtLaaa, lf ruil9 tMilr. IML liltTMLT or COAST, IIM( I. n,tA Inle tath tllT S.SIl me awllra Uul L. Ilaib McLaaa Ulead THE GRAND TRUNK PAOnC RAILWAY UTMiT or COAST, IUar s. uui far a lirrac to frvetwcl for coal CO IL a Kaatanf. SoUdlor. at ck imi t. Mats McUaa. lauaxl aad peiroWttia oa IM foiaiauic ocacrUicd to tt, a iKvawa ta iru(l fwr tl i conaoraCTaa it i"""" M noruaeil .corarr of ft, McLaaa't i im im lIM)ifia ornMi aad aooul aa aaa a aau Ao, 4 Uaiat, axiat II a Dual Maaud a Buia sia im Kwliiof l corarr i aoru of tM ateter neri ukow III I ar B. a ,jt i ,. I claa tMaca awruh norW 10 cMia, IMoc areii a eait caaiae:at S25.O0r.iZI.50 It tLA.-it ibu aouta at ctiiui Ueaca unn tul at ilulaii IMatra MMia , MJa k tM point of wanme are meat, coa-taiaiar SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOTS i aua. UMaca ! tt CM4M M at IL t I ill i 1 1 ll I in i ii in I ii ll Uia . 410 acrei. aad, ta ta aaoaa I.-St aiinaiMl. tuauuuc CttarMta Maata. Pert CletaMte, Qatea I k aa, to U lMa aa H. Mclaaa McLean At. ciaub. s I WiOL Located Mar tlrd. ItlT. Uatlsl Kur lUL t IT. par HBfB rauip CU-M.cMiwr. AteaL JloTIfX it aereby clTca Utat. actlar un nioa Mruu.i, der ImtraclMi from IM Deputy Mlniilrr Mr raiUp umimt, Arc UISTMCT or COAST, aaara S. or UBd. I will an tM llth day of September. HIT. at H o'clark la IM rorrnoon. btaiftHT or COAST. kUrra s. TiAa aotlc Uai 1. Mark McLeaa Ulcod TUr ,.. iiMi. u trDct far coal al rri CVrnteali. aeU by public auction ; i o Uai L XoraaM McUaa UlaJ c atVlf I ( J uctoea ta tricjl far Cual aad petruteuai oa IM folkiawf dcicriMd (Jm tot f lb abota laanilla belooitni r 'sua im luiusui aMrtMd uad 4XwMOCt l Pf" tM ia. TM apart price for ablrb MHt at pul plaatMl it im aortaaeit corner of X tM Ion am b offered Ii III per tot for H M .. ia tM auVUVMl corarr of Aa. t cleiaa, aaa aooai urro uu umw iaid lata and tit per M tot corarr lot. aeaeer nterj !!A tMaca ! It atitta aona at tM (aua; taais (wrj iasUi a . ifikaaraa til to caaiM; laenca wain tv rem: one bait rata and MUnca in one iMar rail 10 CMiaii uaeac aerui rar ana Inlercil al Ml per real oa IM tMia la tM potOI or cuioittrorrcjrui, deferred raraieat. TM Crown oraoi re j ta o kooa ai Hut uutfoa- 41 acre, mill be lit additional rlaa of tte ton McLaaaa Aa. I cmm. LlcJ mi, ,a M1 Located Mir rd. HIT. mi aod in l of lot la b offered ran be HBfB ClX.'t a al tM one af tbe AiiUUnt Com- rrr roiKj) CMatrr. A tl. per i-alup Uieiter, AteaL atiiitaner of Land, mar nuprrt, or of Mr. A. R- Mittory. Port Cleraenta. or in Ms full t or coait. rusrt s, oisTRiCT or COAST. lUBft t. tM Depiruneot of Land, Victoria, B. C k Ta''te,Uw J1 " MtLa", Uo4 take MUca Uul 1. limb McUao. UUGd I. IL acML'LUA, Aiautaul UdumiMtuaer d ,t ' Ucr" la praiprai fur eal to ipply for a iiceac to protrecl TW"x' if Laadi. XPL It. and petroleum oa IM ijM, uMnMucio, at a putl piaaird uadi: Comiaaarint at a pol puaiaa of IM aouttiatil conur of at tM boruatil corMf of X McLaaat Navlgtble Waters' Protection Act. taJSl W UUmi utrora aouU. tt AO. t cliim; tMac aorta tt chiini, imbc a 9. c CMpur tit. cmimj IMOC aail 10 cruinii tMaca aoutb tt cMIm; S J,!,""04' It CMIB tO Uiroro tut to cmim la the point at com-BKaceoaeal, rf. f"! uf euauaaocainrat, rualilalnr coalalalac t0 acre. 14 M TM Otand Truak taciac Railway Co. knuaa it II. Mcuaaa aix ii ciaua. nutlet tMt It Ml, unaer "a. l i uub, Meek site ajjrjjy Located May Ilrd. HIT. Mlf tllL HIT. MUn MCLaan, Mrilua T of IM aald Act, depoiued wim PaBsaaaBBaaaV IIU0H McLKA.1. per rbillp Cbealey, AaL tM Mlnlater of Public Work at Otuaw, Pr rbillp CMalry, Atrat and la I be offlre of IM Dltlrtcl Retiitrar WJ DISTRICT or COAST, Flaar r im Land Reentry one. Diitrtci oi in WSTWCT. Or COAST, luur I. del a Raprrt, tiia Take boum tbn I. Ilaih McLean. Intend i-riac RupecL at Prtnc UvUw Uul .Nomas. McUanlDtim) la trelr for a tlctara to protpeel for oal riniiun r tM tit tnd pUn of wharf aod 'xi for licrnra w proprl tor coal aud pttroleou oa tM fulKivuit' detcriMd i.laal propoaed ta M bulll In Prtnc Ku il uMt loa Mlrolauia CoauMDrlBr oa im al roUowiuf a pil arriMl pltnlaU Uadi.tM aortbaeit Conuuencint corner at a or pott X Ncbcaai plan led irt HtrLwr. at Prlne RaperL BrlUih Co-. Are You Your Country's Partner ? nurutacil turner of II. McLaan't . . . ' Ao. 4 claim, and aMul ooa aod a aiu iiaiaia. w irwoi n - clumi Umdc cil SO cMlni; iMac mile iwria af beaver rleori IMac veil AMI TALE A0TICE Uul after tM i- r"wf tt nofih tbaluii ia cMiaa Itriwi to cait IM tt poim fhlm;of aa chitaii tMaca aoutB at cMiaii imbcc ,.inlh or one atonta irutn " Save and Invest in "Canada Unlimited" tail to cbainai tMaca nortb to cnaiti to of Uul notice IM "'iiiiKinnwiii, coBUiaiof 4t acrai. to im flnl publicauon M lral kooma at ti. NcUia'i flo. I cUUn. arrvi,Uie point to M of romiuencemeaL knoao ai IL McLean'conuininr No. It rand Tmn Picute luilway Coaipaay will. struggle still lies before us." Mty fllal. It IT. "A cliliu. under toclluo T of IM aald ACL appir w great nUKMA.t MCLEAN, lr I'bilip CMil7, AtrnL Located May lird, hit. im Mimur of PuUie Work at bit offlc Sir Robert Borden. rbillp Cbeiley, A rent in IM city of Oiuw for approiel of tM to live tISTIUCT Or COAST, lUora t. per aald alio and plan and for leavt to con defend your freedom your familv-your right Tika MUca thai I, Hugh Mclean. InUud tiruci tlie aald work. TO from intolerable xPrussian despotism Canada is r1.fl'X loraliccora la proipccl fur coal WATKIl N0TICK UATtU al Prtaca Rupert. BrlUih Colum-bii, secure w irolum oa lli rlloio( dcicrtMd ISIt. in blood and treasure. wxli Cuum.uclnc al a poll planted Dltanlon and Vm). tniav .llth dy or AvruiL Kiaa A.D.B til L'1V paying a heavy price 'ft iulle aouia of IM aouluwtit conxr Tllk. CHAAD TltUAk i-auiio share ? 1. MtUan'i No. t cliuu. Mint iboul COMPANY, ratmoca a runoa, gouciiwt. Are you paying your i and a lull inllaa norUi of tM Kcivtr TAkK N0TICS Ibit Ti. K. Nelll, aboi I 1 Are real and active partner in Canada's tremendous eRort 7 niM, and tbrt mllai wail of IM Cedar addraia tt BicairL B. C, UI apply for you a thousands have devoted their lives? ri'ar. tacaca norlti 10 cbalmi thenro it lireni lo tak and Uie acerniy ruble CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Areyoudevotiruj your money as freely as t cbilnit tbrac loulb to cmidii tMnct (eel of water and Eait rorkt for careless indulgence, but for earnest thrift and cut to cbaloa to IM point of cowntcara out of Nona This Is no time t. cobuininr tie atr. to b anon Ciicide Creek, which) Oowt aoutMrly N0TICK IS IIEREBr GIVEN Utll th Invett every dollar you can spare in Canadian War Larimi II. Mrlfint No. I clauu. into ffiiiuott Hilar, Caaiiar Dlitrlet. a. C. tvtervi eililinr oter a tmau nana in w SrCerUncate Take an adive interest in Canada .stem ftmle Miy I tod. HIT, Tbo wiui ui u olvtrUd from th known at tol hirbor or Prlnc Rupert, unhmited future after the IIUUH McLKAN, in her par rbillp CMilej, Atenl. ilreaau i point about ta tbouund feel lltt. Rini I. Coail Dlitrlet. by reaaon now, and thus become a worthy partner iui im fork. Tbl nolle u polled r . imilea inwirlni la IM Pliliia whw bisTiucr or COAST, riinr s. oa Um (round on im iiita day of AutyiL u oitetla of IM lilt April. Hit. and War aving Certificates are Issued in denominations of $25, $50 Taka uutlca that I, lluih McUiu InlenJ iti. a copy or tht bmUco tnd an ap dited It lb April. II IS. I cinetUed for in three at full face value. They cost t ipplr roraltrenra to protntcl for coal pitrairon puriuinl therata and to tM lb of makiaa- tai or im iu to be repaid years .and and tutuii-OitnuHincinr petroleum on Iti fuiiuaiui dcicriMd watrr Art, nil, win La Bled la ttm mc Li purpoM ta IM orand Trunk rtcino ieTriv. $2lIo, $43 arTd $86 respectively, at all Money Orde, Pott 0ffic o;a uilla aouia of Uia ll aoulbweil a poll planted oorMr of tba Wiier Recorder tt rrlnra tuiprL mini nnmnanr. Llmlied. Banks, thus yielding over Sfi Interesl. Should you need it, you can get ol ti, McUiii'i Nil a cliliu. Mini- about b, c. UDjacilona ta tM arnllritlan mlf nio. n. NADL.N. Deputy Mlaliler of Land. back at time. cm and a Mlf uillei aorta cf IM Peaer U ried with lb tild Water Recorder, or Iwnarmienl of Land. Victoria. B. C liu your money any river, ind Hire uillea aral or tlie Cdr wllh lit CANADA, UttipM-ollrr cf Wtur lilcbll. ! OF M.ABt BOARD rierr; tunica norut to clulaii tMnca tail l VM. tt IT. THE NATIONAL SERVICE tt t hunt j tiiruct louiti o chilnii thence arlianient UutMinti. Vletorli, B. C. wltbln 23 ! tt cbilui la IM uolnl of i"n uiji incr tM aril appraraur of OTTAWA. turiit, cuauiiiiiif tig acrei, lo M known una iHiiK-a ta a luaal newipaptr. TM dl SUBSCRIBE FOR n. Ntieiu'i No, 1 cliliu. at in Brit Lucalad May Itnd, It IT. pulilicuiua of utla aotlc It IIU0II McLtAN, Autuit II, HIT. a.!! The Daily News par I'lUllp CUeiley, AenL R. . NULL, Applicant.