21. .9.7. Tu tjAtf November THE DA1LT .NEWS UHD LEASE NOTI6E8 I toV A"0 mt - ! OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS , V, cxcuottiuo aanam. """E'E for p.nniMlo to laaa fflt Jtttr f'.n o.eriied witar Nark Tonrail Tk Proceed, o! ikim Leaa will bo d for War parpoc only, nnd will bo npen wholly la CnHflda '"fj .8 till d Will Una paaalbt vraunot at BartieH ur'" . . . i.i.t n ci tbeaca ttil r."!Lni tbesca aoatb tAaiM, wrs ".. M'.wr Mart TntiM ral- ""ihT.rt oortberlf aad tlr f.l- "!!7,M of ai4 WUr Mirk ill aw- a""'" WALTER t WAUIK. IliU M Qtxr, tlT. Th Mikistb or Finance offert for Public Subtcriptloa . ..r. miTRiCT DIITWCT OV CUIUili Canada's Victory Loan ill noUea tnat W'' t W'f. f u iW-U ft pamMU to W-u. ' Isaue of "aaiof daaerited land!. $150,000,000. 5V2 Gold Bonds Writ Uirwr - ' 2M rjL- t)KOc iMMX nortberl mi sod ler .ttrlj Nut BerinC Intereat from December lt, 1917, and offered in three maturities, the choice of which ia optional with the subscriber, as follows: 0 Bonds due December 1st, 1922 Nart- or Ue Point or coo. year ZLmbi p,e MinU wltb Mid Um lit 10 year Bonds due December 1st, 1927 !Wlr X"r Uiew weal It cbam., 20 year Bonds due December 1st, 1937 eaiurij. fw K-,urir km of met wiuc nark rental TH " uthorited under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charre upon m ! i riitxi i. vrut or the Consolidated Revenue.Fund. -:JrX CMitl i: e " . " . m ckttM lo Mid pud irf cuBinriifHirat, The amount of this issue is 1160,000,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of S150.000.000. Ortutaar. till. tw m ' Principal and Interest payable in Gold iriU tA WTIUCT MIThJCT OF tour, rajiok nvs. Denominations; $50, 1100, $500 and 11,000 Subscriptions must be in sums of J50 or multiples thereof. (Mtsaw a. c tut. etupauuu tmnuutitm auiuaci'.Ut Um ""P1.. without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or f..iif M H'ptf ru4 utuu at the Office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax. St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina. t moii at a pui pusi4 at am Calgary and Victoria. , 4 aa ki m mot ijhra .cr?U XoiUMl at kartkll , Interest payable, without charge, half-yearly, June 1st and December 1st, at any branch in Canada of any rAikiJta UUiX a. C, iu H Water Chartered Bank. irf AIM lUUK, UlCbM MlWtf ad oikKtX fatkrsiM aatd lllftl Water Bearer or Registered Bondn ui y" w Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest. i. 4f iw iHdal uf wmancinfl t ten mm Hif waur Maik acf TtetaM . Scrip certificates, non-negotiable, or payable to bearer, in accordance with the choice of the applicant for ruw akuA ttmm UAfh 11 rtliltUT ItMlll-l registered or bearer bonds, will be issued after allotment in exchange for provisional receipts. When these scrip kunatiitsl. a a atraifM IimUi tl certificates have been paid in full,and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged ll'.l .v fKnS VktiiMl kf MA for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer, or registered as to principal, or for fully registered cliala Iim (-Ml l MavKntuMi' awt J bonds when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. in acn. mm mm. Delivery of interim certificates and of definitive bonds will be made through the Chartered Banks. tMi Cttbi af iHiUwr, mi. Bearer bonds with coupons will be iuued in denominations of $50., $100., $500., and $1,000. and may be registered iixut on uiTiueT witwcT vr as to principal only. Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons, Till ku i Waltar CT WaUar. of will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons taneaatrr, ft. Mabaacr, tairattto it titj ut ywmnHiMi topauoa aa traM will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons, at any time, on Uw r Jmt aacra ItaAai application to the Minister of Finance. -MMeis ai a plaaiad ai tt Surrender of Bonds ona Mi trttr ut U III. CaMiar L-tr; hmcv anraa ia ctMUUi tataica Holders of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock, due October 1st, 1919, and of bonds of the three preceding. Ittrr ii Hart-aWUM,raruaa4 anr Caaali ar ia,Uwac ta aonta)mil Dominion of Canada War Loan Issues, have the privilege of surrendering their bonds in part payment for subscriptions c aa4 aaMtrgr tUom$ Uifk Wawr to bonds of this issue, under the following conditions U rartiaatl jh! V puut af rwmtnw aM attj mUAiaar l ao aaora m Debenture Stock, due October 1st, 1919, at Par and Accrued Interest. ' ka War Loan Bonds, due December 1st, 1925, at 97H and Accrued Interest. WILT!- t. WlUUi -a a tt MMrf HIT. (The above will be accepted In part payment for bonds of any of the three maturities of this Issue.) UUAl ULXD War Loan Bonds, due October 1st, 1931. at97H and Accrued Interest. WITJUCT OUTWCT VT CAftllfc. War Loan Bonds, due March 1st, 1937, at 96 and Accrued Interest. (These will be accepted in part payment for bonds of the 1937 maturity ONLY of this Issue.) tut MN4 uai Tka Aata-Bniua Co-rtOJM Cmdbj Unuu-a. af Va Bonds of the various maturities of this issue will, in the event qf future issues of like maturity,or longer, made a I la i. accapaUg ftaJoMi Caaam, by the Government, other than issues made abroad, be accepted at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for Imm atvly lor wnuiuiea ta ala druw4 UatU the purpose of subscription to such issues. 'nanif t t t"M Ptaaiatf at UJlk ivl, rartuad Ctnil. ebajoa taa Issue Price Par M II caaiaa ar aaora Paa Watt f Vca Vtl Curort af Lai III. CaMiar anK kurU tbalaj) IMtca fi-a fraa taaaa iavcluaMnf maj locoma tax Impoaad In puraumnca of lefilalatloa oasctod by tka Parliament of Canada. f ctataa, (aura ar kaa. to U lua-Avt larUaa4 Caftal. Umac aoutft-"Vati Payment to be made as follows: tairty roUoia ua lux at f Nut farUaad Canal U Uw 10 on December 1st, 1917 20 on March 1st, 1918 1 -MMaracwal aa4 coaUtaJar 10 on January 2nd. 1918 20 on April 1st, 1918 at ar feaa. 20 on February 1st, 1918 20 on May 1st, 1918 n AXCl. tMTUH COtXHftU rACU.10 '""r umitu), W aiter K. Waiiar. Ail A full half year's interest will be paid on 1st June, 1918 t,l oajr of utur. m.' Tba Bonds therefore giro a net yield to ths Investor of about! tt.U mno tHTWCT DIITWCT Of CASUAJt. 5.61 on (ho 20 year Bonds 5.68 on the lO year Bonds Tut auta that Tb Aafte ftriusa Cv rwlior Ccnpaiijr Umltad. of Vaa 5.81 on the 5 year Bonds .J:' v . occupation talaoua Caaaera, la ti'Dlr rur Mi-miMlua ta AH payments are to be made to a Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any Jawacu,f rUitHl tt Hltb Instalment! hen due wiU render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions ( tal..k. ai a.- tnat a a. .a..ln a r...a accompanied by a deposit of 10 of the amountsubscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a Chartered Bank. wt aad ii cbaiaa. ar more. Dua Weal Any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will forward subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. Karik Wtat Coroar oT Lot 111. tuitnctt Uwnca oorUnrljr and In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied toward payment of the amount due on the mi , falloaiiif um Una or Hirb Water " urtuiMi Canal, to a point abara aa January instalment. ux a4 Whi Una drawn tbrtweb a potut "7 Subscriptions may be paid In full on January 2nd, 1918, or on any instalment due date thereafter under discount inttaa Dm Hart of a UM lib point aatd of Una com-luirrxrcu or at the rate of 5 per annum. Under this provision payments of the balance of subscriptions may be made as follows: 6 Wiut Mtrk. tbcnra Wtal t ctuiiwi If paid on January 2nd, 1918, at the rate of 89.10705 per $100. wllb a'd auauwrtj-Una or tod Itlib raaurlr Water parallrd Mark, Port' If paid on February 1st, 1918, at the rate of 79.46959 per $100. 4 JaltLftl"a t wlf m a .Ja..1H A ah.lBi flu f- If paid on March 1st. 1918. at the rate of 59.7227 per $100, put til or OJiunxnrrDionl; Uirnra - . If paid on April 1st, 1918, at the rate of 89.90059 per $100. rhaina to aaid point of rvotiurnce-t and eouuiutac III arraa nura -or f Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, or from any Victory u of tba fcrd and trcatior r I'orUand -!Lean Committee, or member thereof. : lain w.wM.By ii Kii.kv.Mi. taWCaVMV-riiiunii tiArkic-a a. '' ? The books of the Loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. at It lb day or Uclubar, tilt. Application will be made in due course for the listing of this issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanfea. It. Subscription Lists will close on or before December lat. 1917. jf bsrAKTM-urr or Finance, Ottawa, November 12th, WIT. TIMBER SALE X101. d tondara will La racairad lif tHa luutior llh al 0r m I .run v rwii. .iai-r a tiua a noon thA on Lend to your Country All Canada is your Security urrluiM or I ,-,. . .... , CU I.TU.- i'jKi'tt of..a.b.i.mu.. lr.a ...IpruM),a aan llrmlixk k!ak IlkH i( hm hm rich or poor ta little to be nrieal, who at M snprens saomeat fftUa) im Mai lsrwai-1 kit vriAa I.- a t'lairiri....a.a imi.iv a. . for the oeonritr of hla country. Thra (I, jran vlH La auoard ror ra a oi itiubar. rvirtbff partlcuUra or tba CWaf roraatar la. It. C. or PUtrlct ruttutt, lrinca