Saturday, July 9, 1949 cite a EE TI PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS — SEER - THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES ae City. delivery, by, mail or carner, yearly period, paid in advance ..... 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance, per .week We y By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ......... 34) 4 5 @y mail to.all other parts of British Columbia, the ‘British , Rm- ; & ‘ ae a om pire and! United States, paid in advance, per year —............. . $6.00 ’ By mail to all other countries, per year diciihavecosidilate sidan iante th ; 9.00 ADVERTISING RAPES i é Classified, advertising, per insertion, per WOFd oo ccccwesienneennnm 102 The growth and development—the achievement of Prince Rupert to make itself a happy and com- Local readers, per insertion, per line kenneliieeeaoeloanas binges aa . p : a Legal:notices, each insertion, per agate line - 18 fortable place in which to work and live—depends entirely upon the attitude of each citizen towards Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion satin 1.40 Contraet rates on application. his ;responsibility in:making the'town.prosperaus. , Advertising and ‘Circulation Telephone . piaioncshece : : se 3 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone . wil ! Teams at.the Olympic Games dovnot-root for competing teams'from other countries.'In the greater Member of Audit Bureau of Cire ulations ALLY EDITION ued Riga: Saturday, July 9, 1832 game of life and existence, Prince Rupert’s team would be foolish to root for corapeting cities. Yet this is the condition-every time good-northern money is sent to:the mail order ‘houses of jthe bigger if SUCCESS AT LAUSANNE cities, when as good or'better value might ihe. dbtained at‘home. The report that-came from ‘Lausanne yesterday to the : : ° ° effect that a settlement of the reparations problem had Root ifor your own town! The same enthusiasmaifithe athletes at the Olympic Games applied 'to heen reached and that Germany and France had got to- everyday affairs will make your own. city one ito!be,proud.of and you proud init. gether in a final agreement which would prove beneficial F to.the world, was the best news received-in-many-a day. It Trade at home. Buy from your hometown imerdhant.of your own :-race who employs the city’s will prove a great feather in the cap of Premier Ramsay 1s : ; ‘ i ac ont a “ar a wa ae ee is ee sons and daughters. Buy from those who:do:nat senditheirprofits to foreign countries. Play the game lation on behalf of the British government. and step into the spirit of the game of helping:toimake Prince Rupert a'better town. ' It is to be hoped and expected that this settlement will ; , be ‘the first important step toward the return of better times and that it will also tend to draw the.countries of 4 ; ; it Europe closer together. = t ur ome ; own nts i} Britain has already started on the road to financial re- uppor O ' a i eavery and with the other European countries in agree- ep! ment over reparations, there should be an almost.instant ny! improvement in Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Bel- Bu l PRINCE RUP} RT i: gium. This improvement will reflect itself in. other eoun- : . - i) tries.and will tend to give the world confidence in'the fu- y RE ture.and prevent drastic political moves such as might ‘ otherwise have been.expected. With a return to a greater cn ett degree of prosperity people will forget many of their’ grievances and the wheels of administration will turn » ; . A Sa H G ° much more smoothly. Your Canadian Dollar A Real Bargain! #.S. Wallace Litd. Savoy otel AB. Percy Tinker NEXT BIG MOVE Is Worth 100 Cents We have on hand bw new 1931 Exe¢lusive ‘Ladies’ Wear Prince aa Panty : src mene The next big move will probably take Ottawa O!Y while circulating at home a oe aT es ore ~ : Real Estate & Insurance when representatives of the nations.of the ‘Empire will Buy‘Canadian Insurance offering a very substantial dis adits /Hot and Cold Water in All Rooms Agents sit around a table and discuss the economics of the com- er : count from list prie¢ ‘Millinery <= f monwealth. Such matters as inter-imperial tariffs and ®““** ™ Sea ie eg ernment | an opportunity .to get a * ol ora Conveyancing —...Rentals rr preferences will be among the subjects settlementof which 4... stom a 1) | Oe CRE Ot Sapaeial ‘pelos ‘Dry G 8 Y : sta 2 ae we . ire, Automobile and Casualty A. J. PRUDHOMME Insuranee, Stocks & Bentis may ‘have.a great effect on the markets ,for Canadian aes § E P k L d Seaham wheat, lumber, minerals and fish, in all.of »which ‘Prince ‘ o tL. darker, td. ee — Rupert is directly interested. M. M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. ‘Phone 6 (Phied *venue| comer Fraser St. and Fifth Bt. | Third Street The sueeess at Lausanne has raised the hopes of Imperial ee eer eae E> : asinsiesiat: dala eee a etka es a I I Rates and Household Inventories Prinee ‘Rupert, .B.C. Prince Rupert, ‘B.C. Prince tupert, B.C, statesmen ‘that ‘Oitews m., also have a successful con- on Anolicatien Phone 23 ! ference and one that more nearly affects the Dominion tee | of.Canada.and her future. ' re en 7 . . Improvements at Presentation Mac’s Shoe Hospital Milady Beauty sg as Acme Importers Grassy Bay For To Rev. Dr. Kerr Second Avenue., Prinee Rupert, BC. Shoppe City $s Auctioneer | Satisfaction Guaranteed Picnic Sunday Former Prince:Rupert Man Henered [t's economy to have your old shoes Sh ampo ing — Marcelling at \Winnipeg: By Knox Chureh repaired Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters | Finger Waving , : a Ole Clothing — Furnishings Prompt settlements. Valug Ss e Everything is in readiness for the - ys nea i WINNIPEG. July 49:-—~Presenta- roan ae? os Eagles’ picnic to be held tomorrow tion of a farewell gift.of a;rcabinet Let Mae Doilt! Specializing in ‘Permanent If you: have anything to mispose: ef, at Grassy ‘Bay. A large contingent silver service was made toyRevyBr. __. : ‘ ; "any ie - AOMatlerwwhatitis,phome;me | -_- of members of the Eagles tates F. W. Kerrtby the.congregation.of ‘First:Class Workmanship Waves “ . have been working all week making Knox United.Ghureh onthe -ocea- snares 2@, ie Geo J Dawes i Where Your Doll: re ¢ preparations for the accommoda- sion of. his impending departure: fer Guaranteed Phone —.655 . “—" . = ; Mar ' LOl IS SHIBIG tion of the expected crowd. The Montreal where he will take ever No Job Too Big.or Too-Small 305 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. ‘Slack 220 -—- Phones — Red433 Goes the Farthest | Quality Shoe ‘Repairs trail to the beach from the govern- thé pastorate of Westmount ‘ 18 Sixth St, ‘Prince Rupert, iB ment road has a]! been fixed up Chureh. Glowing tribute was paid Ewe and is now passable without fear to the retiring pastor. Mrs. Kerr ae aera of wet feet. ‘The grass at the bay mother of the preacher, was also SE SS oe RM has all been cut.and the arounds ir lediin the ceremony levelled off making a fine streteh Dr. Kerr was formerly paster of to hold any Sports A gooc M tobe as 7 a - d. pre Served Church at Prince John Bulger Ltd. Sheddon’s Dr. J. F. Maguire Ben’s News Stand & Fraser Stationers t Se : ; Grocery and Confectionery ; ‘ H! The Jewellers , D e Gas Station Stationery, Office Supplies | ' Our Workshop is ‘Fully i, enttst Tohaceo, Ice Cream, Confectioner ON ea | CHURCH NO 7 ICES Equipped to Manufac- toch he ss, anole roe Gasand oi | =~ Counter Check ‘Books I “or Less } th ture ito Your Own De- P 7 g nsmettiineuniathia Rubber Stamps ; el ee eee a ann s 9 ° h BI k ' a q Spapers ates. cooms 7-8-9 Smit oe a pad 1), CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | . Ss Prince iRapett, BC oe eae — Nawaienie Fo: (Christian Seienee Society, Third St. Besner Bloek) : 502 Fifth Avenue Bast ; Corner Third and McBride ‘Third Avenue, -Prinee Rupert, B ( rt ‘ | Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Opposite the Hospital Telephone — 5625 ‘Ben \Perguson, Proprietor || Mail orders promptly attended | i This Society is a branch of the Mother. Church, the. First Chureh of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Sunday morn- ing service at (11 o'clock. Subjeet, “SACRAMENT.” Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at 6 pm ¢ Reading Room, Third Street, Besner Block, open on Monday ° if Be eleedacs oom 3 108 Spring Salmon Guts Tom Ballinger Cut Rate Shoe Leo Contoli , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Trolling Lines IKitehen Hardware ; Store _ Manufacturing Jeweller Louis Amadio | J | z . : s ‘Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Corner Fulton & Sixth Streets Chinaware, Crock : Organist, John E. Davey — and — - # ie . The Home of Quality Shoes SILVER and GOLD PLATING | ALL LINES & ‘BEST BRAND® _C. M. Bicycles At Lowest ‘Pri CLOCK REPAIRING Groceries. ‘K'ry} tae : : st Prices woceries, | ruits ne Morning worship at 11,o’eloek Norw egian Produce of ‘ ENGRAVING : ; ata eh aee Superior Quality Get your light footwear fer the Vegetables, Ete. 3 ) warmer weather now ‘Mail Orders Attended to Promptly . (Dr. R..J.:Douglas.of New Westminster, Preacher rt Spedially dea Italian Imported Produce ’ Ladies of the Orange Order and Juveniles attend serviee Jack Selvig pecially w Prices Telephone: Blue 428 yuu ; City Del ees wi Anthem by the Choir Pr. ‘On Running Shoes esis alias shed : ‘ y De re ae Pri Male Quartet: “THERE'S A BEAUTIFUL LAND” tae eee ee Third Ave. Prince Rupert, iC. An All Sines ? Fe PS EE. Prompt Attention to Country Orders — ' i . '