THE DAILY HEWS Thorn' flN 10 GET RID SETTLER'S INTO CANADA'S PQURINC FARMS iifiiHM a i i n n Of KiltMiibB. WJnni.wg.Canada U Mitch exprieticlnv 2). Wet-etn an iiuinlRration tnuvrinriit the like of which she ha tmer wUnaaafil -Fnrfl-a-Hres" Patet t rtjr be fori in her hiatorjr," occordlngl lo J. Hrue Walker, CominUaloner I LAST CALL WW lo Quick of r.imnia:ratlon here. Vsto, Owt. Ill tu four week ending of . r-,l faf A number years March 2," aiuid Mr. Walker, 'the number of aeltlert cumins into Western Canada wan greater by over 300 than in the aauie weeks of lait year. During that period artsw to . a the settlers'increase eifecta in value coming of slock into and the Order Now :: You Can't Affort To Delay t ;,.r tlut I continued to country was 1800,000. Al North REALIZE WHAT "BONE DRY" PROHIBITION MEANS.-.It means that after April 1st you cannot purchase liquors trm; adJ ol m '"Joy1" I'ortol I saw forty carloads of set of any kind for home use - medicinal, personal or social - without a doctor's prescription - for which you S tofkraUh, thanks to your tlers effects In one train entering have to pay, as well as get the liquor at prescription prices. Canada. These people were from fruit A-tlTfl" Are ld b7 " ing the into stale Alberta of Illinois and Haskalcbewan and were go Be Wise :: Lay In A Reasonable Supply Now "The demand for land has never CAUTION Just now all kinds of liquor are being made by unknown Arms. .Be on your guard. Vancouver residents befcn so tremendous. The C.IMI. have been badly "stung" by dealing with some of these firms, the liquors being of lower grade and S Ottawa. I la selling land, including ready different brand than was ordered, and the cases being "short." Don't be stung. REGISTRY ACT made farms, throughout the West, UNO GOLD SEAL LTD. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES Its liquors as being true to brand.of full strength and perfect purity chiefly in Alberta, al the rate of 00,000 acres per mouth. The Look out for offers of liquors at f.o.b. prices al points in the east or middle west. Express charges LUW Su. till I. tlll'tt Hudson's liay Co. is selling land i-?lOie- are iiigj,. you never know what your liquor rosts until you get it. fait H H . iV""'"'-... .., imiim" at the rale of 40,000 acres per month, and have kepi up that re. Our Prices Include prepaid Express Deliver liquor, allcharges paid, to your door or nearest station. i.mnr id twm w rrun UK Collector of IM cord since August last. I never '7mw "open. tsrmi uta saw such a splendid class of Immigrants CASIO SCOTCH WMISKICS SPECIAL BOTTUNa I . lilt anI acm T 1 1 I" At .a..TfHHIM.. . A.m of Af,lfnhc'r come into the country, Par l'r O. & W. Ryo $140 flS.00 c-j Ciu-a ' ; Batik Q. Al W !peelAl 1X8 17X0 k.i, and I never knew prospects to be A mm CbOalaU of II quart tmtllca. l!k tract 3t lend end premises situate. belter for the country than they TbUUf"UWd Madai" (M. li.j ItlfttUod SCVlcH 1 1-AS S1S.00 OlSTtLLXRr BOTTUNaS 3 0 '.. spccUr KiceUeol old ryet oldeit today. MrlnUftb rrfruoo" 2.00 22.00 Waullri-y lunited are boitlmr; supply 2-28 22X0 If Amwb and IWCiM bt rartlauiellt 8aUM A atM, '-aiudian Club" 7. prU;oiriy turatn WalkeMj vary and "lees (III. An evidence of the way trac to ardKiary rvuod lwttl, is yeara iM; anuMia 28 22.00 U u a ei tors are being brought into the ry pifiann aumlard value 240 ZJM Imperiar H Irani Walker' 1XO iao "M6drroii"i Mttunuin txw" Saum ai MularUaiu . Warn' "Special'' 2.1 S is.oo country is Instanced by the fact ikiit, IB wrsuaary ruund bcllirt; tuual (,.: MWtiani A Woru' Ordinary ixs 17X0 ISM lAlny ' - ' the the Moltne Co. brought in twpuur and rtiiatl brand of sundard Joaepa Mtrtm'i no. SI 2.10 is.00 : tculrl nitty tmpurlcd t-2M 2SX0 It Oruiuary; full itreafUi and flavors h L iii a teciun w ajihi eoBUii in' tutm of thirteen carloads of tractors Joininia Walkrr t "Kilwarnuck ; rtd Ubtl; can until K.ld 2.00 20.00 OT Rjrd worth less than 11,100 each in the Iwl Im rr placed SAO SSXO AiOTt Wa fuaeantaa tlia dlatUlary Bottled Rye ajaatad Iton to hate bean touted at Um dletlllety aad la ha fa , tf iM trntr er ihu mum (wblch week btween March 2nd and prapriaiary. .taUaardlaary arana Saarantaa af caaad Wt BcoUM fuaranta Whlaky avarf Mianiaad aUuitfard la lha Canadlaa Oovtrnmant'a raaatiua elajna oa to quality ana afa iniM over In a eapaaie ar every Battle. March . IB. ta M aaaoiauiy Mniaa. Bauiad M ScaUaaa la AtttnniMl Baad, aipanad fan lha Ualtad SlnflSam la aaaaaaaaaaaXBJaaaaaaal RYE WHISaV BULK H MEM M MCiMm m taaaa, aiarad la CanMa la CanMlaa Oataramaai Mndad 1-0L Jus-. a She was newly married, and did aranata. Untiled Reaerve" Liqueur Itye SSX0 either Andraw Laitrra Sperial "O. V. O." In Im-(-ril YBrre seal.' yean olds very Iu and ipeclil . .atat t ilrscl lbrflt! not know a little bit about ual quiru. plrect UnporUDoo, blend 7X0 14 ii fcfu-i ! of mtiouu house.keeDing or shopping, and imamt qauauty. mi4ttul tatua .... 4X0 4AVO0; frtriM Slock" Special liqueur 7.7S t a nM toi nio wiort u riv- her first order "Black and Whila " BucMoan's tuott pup-ular tividerMm a WorU' rpeclal; standard all over M xwr n UM HWi tntlU4 she was giving very line la Um wurld, oodrrral turur and Canada S.00 w act ui Mta, Ul proci m MntK It was a crusher, but the grocer quality -ZS tlMi Coudcrtum ery line A Worn' -year-ld ipeclAl shipment; 7S I mr id4 Uwm cUUalni was a clever man, and was used BurMnan i "llrd 8I" -O0 00-00 lot. t Bearrani'e "WaterW sxo rvirr tiamauo't "Lilra special;" otM of Um Walker's Canadian Club sxo lux isikr item, mm mi pertooi laaH to all kinds of orders, and could norat vtutklaa anipprd; It Jar old; IIWiOf!.BaaaaB aaaaBaSBaaaTa We (aaraatee Mm aa aad qvallty of every fallon la lha interpret them easily. luuiud quasuiy SSS IZJbQ aMve tltl. fuU airetiftK aet leaa Uiaa AS Canadian r twrrW4 iBilmowt u4 ail Mlh brU f OaaaUM Old HraUxr Dl faOKiUA aevarnmant teat. i dokiif Mr laurail u im hm "I want two pounds of paralyt. Hoe S.00 SO.00 MI atUM Utl I MOt loUKIM ed sugar," she began. Watauoa 5o. IS -00 S0.00 MB 'F''aaaaBBSMM PLVSOUTH. LONDON DRV AND TOSJ Per SINS Per r lat pretitfcai of UUi Act, iuU t o. o. McCuontl'l OrkMy S.00 SOX0 'Yesm. Anything else? A ease eonMaU of It quart bottles. Bottle Caae i mm buk ao4 kbrr4 iruui klar Ofwtir. nlibeal yrada -2S SS-OO Mtea Plynxrutn SS SXSX0 l ai n uj :UUa lo er In rprl ! Two tins of condemned milk." Oordon'a liry Ss ssxo lloUoaya London sxo SO.00 I fed M SC4 var uih, uo inm ihiu 'sm.' SCOTCH WHIAAV BULA Dry Seiauo'a Loodoo Dry . . 2.7S 27X0 f Bui rrfU-' im praa auua -i lie set down pulverited sugar l-Oat iOW. Bond Al Co. Old Tom 2X0 2SXO kj tu MH u evacr of lb Un4 milk. Mndcnoo'l Old rrliU SUxk -Moanuin Pew;' condensed ' Uiel and l yvera aid; a4ubirdtr M uf Um Dtwat LbU RtStA3 iPOticau. Ml hW 'A bag of fresh salt, lto ww rultii niklaA uaporled lu UU CaHtntry SIA-SO 3 of 14 t ulfci TIU it is fresh.' Mc Ptarrxia'A tAlrs Cpeclal 1 0-00 No for Charge Kegs. Packages I k.: ,4 Uad. In Uv mm -Yes'm. What next' WMte llarM Onar A famoua old brand; liqueur 1SS0 I -cU V Hit later liumi -rerfecuuo." a very am old H1 "A pound of deaeeraled codflh" iwur iMky l-00 213 :a lirtiUftUar Um Tearewr HItUnd Crram; a faforiU. aUndard.. 1240 War Tax HVtn Uul prior M Um MU day He wrote gltbiy. -pesaicaieu -Hum of I artiameol" . llenderatai a Ux. lea or liatr i I lk tUl en Me. Ukt cod." jra 4d. very uairerat quaUly and faror 11X0 t.t t id for etarttua Laiaj). We Nothinir more, ina'am?" k ten Dm rrut74 w4 4 on- CASED OEMEVA OR HO LLANO OIN I a auW h: t have some nice horse radish just Per Per LA Till .1 JTItl. UmI al Um la." fie k'ujrper'a "Ancbor" Oeneva. larya sues BotUa Caae torn fBc-I rtiuirtiloa In -No," she said, -it would be of We Pay All Express Charges tr inMiiea in rase: moat ramou una in rt f- arhtlrAlWktt aaul laaua a Ibr World S.00 ssxo i : 1.-'ritt TIIM ( UM MM no use to us; we don't keep a i.t JJ i.'roat" Canadian Holland Gin. larre It bullies in rate; rovernmeot ant f rrtak Vf. lUrt Hbli horse." stamp 2.75 S0X0 ( ai i xcsia) Um ervt-tr crav Then the Rrocer sat down and J1 n feauL frrkur rlalaa If tfif. CA4EO AAAUUCA AND OEMEOAflA RUMS CASED PORT WINK fanned himself with a washboard. Per re Per Per M a4 Itaoa. tacAs la prt'ral pro- ButUe BotUe Cam although the temperature was ' " 7 pari. Herere Club XXX Jauialca, old and pur. Wier A Cev. I'l'orlo. Invalid Port, red label fi al Cat ja4 Raftitry OBlc. rrtac f reeling. "- . AA-OO ? ar uia 2S 32X0 a ei iin oar or rebruarr. k.a.iuar. tMint1eu;- Jauuka. faiuuu tine 2.7S 2 00 i'Jnce of Wales" Warre a Co. .... 2-00 20X0 Hit hutierlaua'f eaMrara Hiuu; nary upe .... a.y 24.VO M'a and sonunu "Four Lafle" California Salvation Army. -Quid BuOd IUM Old JauMICA (0r proof) Port: Litre Ruby 1.7S 17X0 . r MACLCOO. la larre leniwrul quart buiuei; very Dna 4.00 40.00 ap and Sonoma "Tbree Eatle" Callfor tt-"n luriitrar or TlUaa- -ooed Uuud' IL u. UM Dciucrara ivver proof ii.a rrt: hubr 1X0 1S.0O rnnr twtuea; purity and Gold Seal -Two Earle" CaUfornla Port; de- b admm. b. a. inirricl quirt 4 I'ubllc meetings, Tuesdays, 4X0 40 04 ii ious navor 1-25 12X0 rm i i ii wt ai aiLwk alrencui K UeniertrA Rum (over proof. l Elmo" Concord Port . 1.00 sxo ta ratu tttanooto. A1U. r- Thursdays and Saturdays at p. Ruberuoa'a oval qeirte SXO SS.04 orders for tbree, six or twelve bottles may be assorted aianaMt ahi fsf !Al ft. ii. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Xante data old I'lanutUva 2X0 22X0 varieties of Port or Sberry. CASED SHERRT WINK "f"" llfl V llrintM. til iAUAICA AND DEAtERARA RUMS BULK. Rya Olorosa- one S2X0 S2S.00 Snrflul .nformallon regarding! t-OaL .ar ;a and Sonoma "four tula" California ' am BSb piwa la. the products of Gold Seal Ltd, old ianulea htm; over proof, soveruiuenl AA. fiberry; dry 2.00 20.00 SXO apa and Soooma "Tare Earles" CaJirornia St who have been using our columns uu.ii and rareat poatOiM to obtains splendid leslt Sberry: pale i.TS 1S00 Tine Itrmerara Jtou; over proof, covenuuenl Q(4d Seal "Two Eatle" CattrortUA Sherry; lately for advertising may be Had daik nay rviaj eirvUeot - 14X0 "UUd, ruld color 1X0 14X0 from Mr. H. U. Hoss. of the Em lure Jaiuaua luini; lioraca Uark; over proof: 14X0 ...... Seeds! ium Seeds! i ery PORT AND SHERRY WINE press Hotel. Bee him first. tr. IL B. old Uetuerara .Navy Hums IT over proof .. 1S.7B 15.00 1-OaL Jur. ttoe Jamaira Hum; Loudon UKks proof slrencUl 'Toffs Imperial Ruby; very old vtnure) S12.00 .kwncrera Hums lundard une. proof streufUi; extra 1S.00 Sclera Amonuilado V. S. O. P." An exquisite old MINERAL ACT lue tioiare wtne of pronounced and pleasant character 10-00 -A apa and Sonoma "Four Eatle" California Port . . SXO IfcMWn, F.rr,', and Sta.U CASED BRAND V ;..:d Seal -Two tarle" California Sberry SXO CERTtriCATft Of ISUtVOnaIIIT Per Per oold Seal "Two Earle" California Port B.00 "t0 Ctrtten and Fletd Bottle Catv Sapa and Sonoma old Earle Brand port SXO pa and Sononia Old Eatle Slurry SXO It bottteA. MOTtoa A caae cuUtUU ol St Elmo Premier Port 2X0 Label Wry Oold seal TBrea u. -Hold rtiiMn ,nd Worm Dtt. -k.i rnfUiaa as A Daily" Mlorral eld Ctnac Ol ei.ilWnt flavor WXO 28-00 Clainu altuala la UM ronUa4 Caaal Ntoiaf Tbree btar Oold Label 2-29 22X0 puuiua of Cnr txtuut .wiTrrt LttraSHulXJ.X-dUbel....J-00 30-00 40.00 OUR OUARANTEE AND WHAT IT MEANS. Ortln brre alar Locuae And Kill rd. Wtxra loctlaJj Oa um tan w Sad wid 1 xxx- il tan d or) Urn oval We suaranlee to deliver your erdere far liquor, J'Wi outtrr RfluUtor. Caict4 cmk. II taO qoarla. faM Cofoac 37X0 true ta bread, lull eeuat te case, of full etrenatli. rriUn4 CamL aa noted at apeelAa saaranteea Mlew, pore aa ta TAkK OTI IMI 1. I. Tr COONAO BRANDT BULK Quality. Vaur order will be Ailed Jaal aa oarefolly Pfaa-pUi Allanaaa to. rra Mlorrt CrllflcM No. I41I-C.I At! f and rigidly aa lhouh yen were aelectlas aad K.rtuVl AUDI KaUl. Fr vnnure cofiue i-o tr Mukow xxxx the aooda the amlnlns aver eooaler. lAWnd, s Conar, . S. O. P UHwr-A CarunrAU o, IIII'C, I B. HUhard XXX brandy 11.00 la cemparlnf our prltea remembee Old Orkaey m dspjrt Feed Co. tlitjc. .-cur ui.i..from n.mnl.r Um dw for brof.A OrtiQctM w Of oold ial old Ma' in itoak a. o?n" OO. Whlaky al S30 per caae at 20 U.P., bottled In Canada 11 of obttinloi i?.M7atca.taola"rraaB Csa Imported dlrael from rH . o. n., luiprotrnMBU. for Um purpota VrSil W e aet stotk or ah-r Celltoeala, M.UH or acarcM wmsbT Dewar'a SpecUl Scetcli at Sts per cms at IS U. P, s Crumn OraBl or SraMy. VaaaavneTff Milled la Scotland, la Ml worth 914.00 per caae . . . .....k.. i..a .KAilra IMI Atllon. BB' Caaaaiaa ,1.1 " - 11X0 per MlUe at 40 U. P. Milled la Ceeada IIUKI tl. Bul U eonimDt. tutan CASED RVK WHISKT aoust at taavraa Um lUAnr of ueh Cruntii oi iBnrv.- RMBtA. . K Bottle Cae .NOTlv On all above brands deduct on orders LlUONCWILL pAlrd this 14 lb 6t of DtrtauMr. a. u. rat eousUls of It quart bottle. ,,Thi Hve" Vina years old. ror when all goods are shipped at one time only: It IT. T.v trVrs standard on Um Western a Market. Three bottles or more 15o each bottle. "RITARY AND MrATmn MINERAL ACT Sbour:.,- Six bottles or more 26o each bottle. ENGINEERS T Hie" SUM 'round oldi sanM HP Twelve bottles or more Case price net, no cenTincATf or isiraourri t TtbVvV, orduury DolUoss deduction. (One kind or assorted) 9nta for loiTica ..u. ... .......II .n.l fJltMIl" MIOMAl UUI JAUIIA. IIIUAtA IB UH' . . WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. PUJMBINQ uk.u iA..i.i, aim a. 1 mi MB wtrra must be accompanied by remittance in Post Ollice or Kxpresa Money Order or Cash In Registered Letter. iiiiiiv m tmm r a- KM orders and trun IM baad of AUt. inn. And AMOl list or further information write tori full price httT AICTAI ... mil. tmm llva Baach. For v.l v .nrirv th.l laatla W, rAUBOT. E ROSS, Empress Hotel, Prince Rupert. G. A. SWEET, Prince Rupert. Bec,,nl I .... v t..--. ...iia.ala Na. I II 1 1 C At Ki v "K Avenue. . . v. ...iu..a.-..m uiaint and n ,1 noi inaa rmi.tMPi i m uo. inuaa i - GOLD SEAL LIMITED "Ml llM MrH ' llittts Ui..Ji alelv rfivi frum Um) ow Irr.f. lo Apply la Um Mlnlnf R REGINA rB" PHoe. Water Vancouver, B.C. i ror a crtincAis of nnproow. CALGARY 137 Street, purpoi of obtAlnlac a Cxub Orifll o I Arh Af iha ttrwvttaa. la ImA. ItJBlClllBl FOfI AJIU L'UTIitlV TAkK flOTICK wai - undrr Bacllon II null M eonunmtw. UA1LY News fare im tuna of tnth CtrUntiw f " 1 V aaaaf IprvvtiiMnia.