Ifftl DAILY RftWI THE WESTHOLME i' I,mIs Willi it AT Rid the Skin nid in iWorinina; Hill Loal hem ii !l .Yots.j) A lory of the grnt iiuLiIik-be li. a of disfiguring blemish by qukkly rrt)wl tniiilt at f Ink' fail id H It ill t i purifying the blood,improvlnff the elr Westhnlmo Thwilre under l cuUticn,and regulating the habiu with The Adair I.O.D.K. !.r . UKT : Chapter,. tit If of "I'lilgln Island." Meaner i !) .! i i dance is du Easter Monday, Ibiir t.w n init.iilnjjr v 1 of remarkable beauty forms put BtECHAM'S a of this film, where wood !. kiilja f il .' nmi MHrr.i bulk 26c Peanut llulter in pr laValaaw Mlln baBlWrwiinl ronsidirnblp d' IsW nl i Mr in n aa lb. this week end. Table Supply- fnp Ihn mrollnir nf two alith dar- bower. Th1l III mi puis Easter Cards and novelties for Ing spirits as John Cran ford, plaji- part comedy, eall II a . v I I aw.I la.' Ms 1 tkolf ta.nml nml tUiin I 00(1 atAntlftli. Officii is ' '. Wynne, played by Miss Allison, n comedy. rlppllnjnd . m Mi Si rrwaata.Aar MmRcIm aa.aaaai.ZSa.la the WerU. Tho train from the Hast due lioth of these young pimple r nlng. This progrnntme tin this evening Is reported to be on secret agents of the Customs For. one. time. Vife and in pursuit of their duties. 4sxaxafcaB sBWfc they meet with many strange ml- At the gale of Homo m G H. Arnold Winesap Apples in craltts s. ventures. The Canntllun-Unlt.-.l for lhe lied CrMs Society ..o Hal Black Twogs, per box $2.25. Table .states ,orjer js n,e sceno of this unlay, whleli the Vimy Uidg- aawwwwwwwwwwwwwww NOTARY PUBLIC Supply. 3 play which Is one which will an- Knlltlng Club will eondurt In lh. 'I"1"' B" those who love ndven- lied Cross Hut on Third Avenue Knights of Pylliias will hold a , nman(.- onil n.n- i.f. t.,i,,n . vnn.nllr uin social Dance on April 8. Invila. Then lherc ,8 ,,, 1Jurke gne g,v, ,pfea demonstration of We Sell Ileal Estate. . , lions Only. "P nnnonp. In IIia iltlli ilillnlAr nf HiA .lUn. V, write Fire and Marine. great serial which Is running,? . Bala- Violin Lessons. Wm. Insurance. 'Gloria's nomance." In this epis- - : zLfjiy s gno. Terms moderate. Phone j We hate Apartments, Stores, Green lfi7. g'oile, she is seen wearing her won-derful Houses, and Ofllces for cloth.of-sller robe In the V. I. PRIVS.TI OITtCTIVf SOtNCT -h. wr nt Ml.- V8lh..ln ilent, and Want More. The only fishing vessel to nr. .vision scenes, and a vision of de. to Metrapelltaa BUt-t Vanre. 9 We Deal in Mortgage Loans. rive in port today is the Vesln I'Bni sue is. r.ven tt inls De a Day Phone. Seymour 441. We Sell Timber Limits. with 2,000 lbs. halibut. serial, it Is one which can be Mtht Phone, ralrroonl till A HOT BATH THE ... (picked up any time, owing to the We do Conveyancing. .full synopsis of the previous reels Hd Offlta, Sit Nlhn.Ba !. We have a complele line of MINUTE YOU Vlcteela, B. Phaa MIS. WANT fresh vegetables and green stuff given each week. IT H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. arriving for Easter trade. Phone 1 "' '"'me ! Table Supply. TWO LITTLE IMPS AT a ft !"ng I'i ter ... WESTHOLME TOMORROW tlU The Princess May left this! ' ! lull ! , morning for the south, while the W .l , .-,(, Tomorrow evening, there will Phan. 157 ' i in i in if, "The Daily News" Princess Sophia is expected to be an an comedy 8now nl lhe vv.-s( b-i'.datir. . j..,-, f arriv from Vancouver tomorrow holme Theatre.The attraction will jos. r. riLiosj hnw murh hi. ti n anernoon. ii, ,- t Vrt lint a I Amm the five iii iti iiv CLASSIFIED ADS. i v. ajv j j is ii ps n l c FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR n-iw. - ii- and seven year old stars nt their A lio uciicini a'Ciiwij uuu in DECORATIONS There have been play nl.L.IInn .ttl.l. nl lh.... 11...I f many bisiiuiiwn... . n.tw at ' .. .. ...M ...I, WANTED. , i aiiu oiui n a nutiui n 11 Harry Hanson lice win ue upeu iuinuriu, uuuu enfants terrible" and this play Friday, from 9 till 10 a.m. only, Acorn Co. ter . Sign b.,, PARTY with Salmon Seining outfit wants tonight shows them at the best, to hear from party with Urenre In rood the day being a public holiday. or worst. The two kids are shown '' I .."-nte. location. Apply Bos 119, Dally Newt office. tf ai ih r.nimt,r r-nnri v.ir.!v ti In lhe care of their Uncle nil. FOR SIONS 11 ONE 489 r 0 MX JM before Judge Engle al a hoie- ThT tnrt ,n lo Young, Harry WASTED. Boat In rood condition, 40-10 feet; luiUble for halibut tuning. Apply pleaded guilty to having stolen a 1 t .-- Box IIS, Daily ?ew Offlre. watch valued al $60 from the store of Messrs. Bulger and Denlke WANTED Younr ledie wlihlnr W take on t three year eourae In nuralor.. .Write Saturday night. Lady Superintendent Prior nnperl General Hospital, for application fnrrai The Prince John will leave to and farther Information. $9 morrow afternoon at 2 p.m. for WENTED TO IiE.NT. Sli or wren roomed the southern parts of Queen Charlotte ill "BMri"fi bonte, r)o in. Wltn garden preferred. Islands. She will leave again ' Apply H. E. Ron. Empreil Hotel U on Sunday evening" for Port Clements WANTED. General St it ant. 113 a month. and Masset. Mr. Guttteln, Sixth and Tallow st tf The Troubles never come singly. Income War Tax Act FOUND and this Mr. J. C. Brady, principal FOUMD. Pair f the High School, is finding out. ; Forms of Eyerlaatea. Owner may giving particulars income for the year 1917, have them at Dally Newa otnre for rett Mrs. Brady has been confined to of thla advertisement. 71 the house for the past week, and must be filled in and filed on or before the 31st March, 1918 FOH SALE. ' last evening. Just before the High1 School Concert, his youngest child ' Section 4 of the Act provides that all persons resident or ordinarily resident In Canada, shall pay a tax upon TOR SALE. S Breeding pen of prlie had the misfortune to break its' income exceeding $1500 in the case of those single and widows and widowers without dependent children, an1 upon err white I and Lerhorni,elrhl Ik in consUttng per pen.of IIS.M one cock per arm. Tne a rays win be applied ' income exceeding $3000 In the case of all other persons. It also provides that all Corporations and Joint S: k pen. Also Cypher' Incubator, 117 capacity to the injury today to discover Companies, no nutter how created, shall pay the normal tax upon income exceeding $3000. 1 10. -Apply and Cypher S. NeQulUIn,brooder. 7 caparlty.O.T.P. exactly what is the matter. j The Forms provided by the Department of Finance to be filled In with particulars of the 1917 income of aH those Tyee, 71 whose incomes are liable under the Act, and by Trustees, Corporations and Joint Stock Companies, with ir.i -us-tion required of them, may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation and from the Postmasters st FOR RENT all leading centres. TOR remainder B.C RE.1T.About under Four two culUTaUon.acre acre ranch In tmall For at Remo,parti fruit;-oilari, Forms to obtain and Special Features to observe apply to P. O'Brien. Ameabory Individuals Get Form T 1 to give particulars of their own incomes. In stating Dividends received, give tt SUtlon. O.T.P B.C. if 8ALE OF GOVERNMENT LAUNCH. amount from each Company, listing Canadian and foreign Companies separately. Fill In paces 1. 2 and Jul. LOST Do not mark on page 4. LOST returned toldler The following sample answers, (printed In italics) to questions asked on pages 2 and 3 of Form T 1, will help rro wrll watch. will Tenders be received al the Finder return Dally Mew omce. Liberal f to nil in correctly your copies of the Form. office of the District Engineer,; reward. 7J PAGE . DESCRIPTION OF INCOME. , EXEMPTIONS AND PA J Prince Rupert, up to and includ-' DEDUCTIONS d ROSS INCOME DERIVED FROM ing March 31st, 1918, for the ! ' pur- 1. Salaries and wage AW AMOUNT CLAIMED FOR E. E SHOCKLEY chase of the government Launch I' RSnd vo"ltit-taU v A .'I'; ; Delation. On Sf B04int (nUnJ), (BrtVi 1 - r "Wakesia" complete, with engine f Real ft coo . On BawVprneaf. kuU-itt (Succeaaor to I. L. Hlcaty). and other equipment as it now . Buaineaa.trade,commerce or sale or dealinx In prop- StV7iL,.. whether real 1 erty, or peraonaL rtoo tttiiw. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER stands. Launch can be seen al S. Farmlnc (Horticulture, dairyinc or other braache.) - cbar6ed off within the year I Swanson's Boat House, Govern AViw , 16. Allowance far eihauttion of ottoes and well. . .V - S" J-V.VV 7i 17. Caoibuiiona actual paid to the Patriotic ail v.'-- 'A Store and Office Fixtures, ment Wharf, Prince Rupert, j 7. Dividend (A). Canadian Cvporaittnt Caoatbaa Red Cro Fund and other asrroead War Sash, Door, and Mouldings, The successful tender must bet Standard TranifvrtaHtH Company 'uadi Patriotic and Canadian Rti Cr. . Oak and Hardwoods of all prepared to pay cash down and ; piuCl iV::.:-'.' " 11"" y.i" . I ,8 In,CTr Pd on monks borrowed and uaed In the kinds. take immediate possession. Prov. Govt. Pub. Wks. Dept. h'tvYifkTtadint Company 1 'fTt X1 ""Wpsl Uuts on property We Specialize In Hardwood Albany Toot Company. Ut 4 ' Ut.,ft ,hf I'TT Boat Rib. Sash, Prince Rupert .Intereat on note, mortfagea, bant dVpoait. !nd . i Ctntral Xtuntipl Taw , ic Doors, ate. securitle other than reported In item 7 20. Intereat from Dominion of Canada;Dond. laaued Jnttrtil on JJerttaiu , jf lj eirmpt from Irecocnc Tax j. Hr Plata and Sheet Qlass and FOR YOUR NEW SUITS fPvi7;yVvVAiV" ' SI. Othcrcm.focdediKtiorimu,tbepeanedlndcta.l - efjonti Paint Co. Lid Buiint,$OptraHtJiptnt4t..r.X -' dazing. See x? Uunutpal Dtbentura, Town of JdidtaU. it , Ritaiti (riatint torfallan). f Corner Frasar and 6th 8U. B. FiducUriea, (Incoroe received from fuordiana, trual Steve King tee, executor, dminiaUator. agents receiver or 9J. Total Exemption and Deduction PHONE QREEN 260 Prompt Cleaning A Pressing peraon. artkig In a fiduciary opadty) 2J. Amount paid under Uuainew Profits War Tai Art. ) ' rewjeeeewe,j,P. O. BOX 158 Phone Oreen 418. 10. IalUef t W Durmon 3U WT-Sono. . franchiaea and other legalized privilege. . . .V S'ont ' hrrebr certify that the forrgcing return contala " an 11. Intereat from Dominion of Canada Uonda, laaued J"1!'!1? ,ut"Dt of all Incornt received by me during tNe ef exempt frwn Income Tax flfioo ' which the return la made. 13. Other source not enumerated above Data ,i f ' U"k' H IntmU in Shaw Ua,dwa,t Company Partner. Fishermen Notice! 13. Total Incoma , iie'94'1 yro- Signature Jtn Brrvn. CarpmtUns and Jalnt Stock Companies. Ue Form , ,, The Cold Storage Fertilizer and Oil Plant at Pacofl is givint particular, of Income. Alto attach a ftnancW sMeneaZ ftt? "nt Cnd dari" l9lJ ,0 ' Under Deduction, ahow In detail amount paid to Patriotic if, tmouat' now in operation and will operate all the year round. The Fund and Canadian Red Croaa or other approved War Fund. m nail lav Default In Ming return render the peraon or (,' company will buy all marketable fish and will also buy Dog r . UUe on aummary conviction to a penalty of ce hJ 1 Kll Sl?k ? "U,e!nd A'" 0rtC hkh the default continue. Any peeaon n s Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (equivalent lo about five cts. f.,''P Tit' M Pfticular.of income from all tstement In any wformationVeMuirri 1 iM xZZJZT. rJZXLX W d?"iU 'I" MinUter of Finance shall ie"le oaummewvirt n . . per fish). Bait will be provided free and all supplies can filled Jty not e.tat. exceeding ten thouaand dollars or to six montha ba purchased at the Company's store at reasonable prices. EmpUyars murt used Form T4 ta."c W" to give rum., end amount, of .T1 af lhe Special facilities are provided for gas boats and fishermen tK?U5' HT othtf wrattai Paid to .U orm and 61. thVthe, m with thl iZSJSS ( T--' f bringing their gas boats will be allowed 125 for expenses aggrrgats to IIOW or over. ft!, th other two, with the Commlaaioner of Taxation, Xl of trip to Pacofl. The plant Is located in the heart Crtw.tlari Uits af Shar.hold.rs-On Form T5 FT corporations of the fishing grounds and dug fish can be caught in great shall give a aUUment of all bonueca, and divWend paid toBik7.. , f01 b obtaiied from the Diatrict Inittori of Taiatioa numbers all the year round. Coins to Pacofl If you wish to fcom the Poatmaatcr. at all leading cent.. snake money every day fishing. Pottat must lo paid on all Uttttt T . ri. and doiuxunti lorvardtd by mail UtpartVltllt 01 rtlMMU to Iniputor 0 Taxation. ConO International Chemical Co., Ltd OlIUM. Pacofl, Queen Cha lotto Islands. A. O. Wccandlass, Mo.son. B.nK.Bu.,dlnB, V.neouv.r, B. C. XnZr Co.umb.r" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,j T.ItUon foP provln0.of British, I slPallraau -vwt jg