saturday, July9, 1982 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS D., Cameron sailed last night on; Steamer “Prineess Alice is due the Cardetea ‘for Vancouver, Among passengers going south jast night ,on:+the,Cardena was C ‘Horner of this city. o'clock. E. Love. of Stewart was-a passen- ger arriving here this morning on sities the 'Prinee ‘Robert. The cheapest fuel in town, »i¢ gee oad slab wood $3.25. Albert &| Fred ‘Wesch returned today on MeCaffery ‘Lid., Phones 116 ang | ‘he Prinee, Robert! from. a brief bus- 117, ti mess visit, to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rennie of L.O.B-A. picnic ‘Tuesday, July 42) Port «Clements, who . arrived this Cars leave Metropole’ Hall and’ Rid- week nn the.Prince Jobn leave on ley Home at 11 o'clock, Adults 25¢., the’ Prince George tonight for Van- children 10¢ couver enroute to Toronto. Miss Margaret Beattie Union - steamer ‘Cardena, ‘Capt _ Prince "webn ‘lest Ernest \Georgeson, .arrived .in , pert 9:45 idast night from the south left on night for Queen Charlotte: City where she «vill vwisit wwith her \father. "| train (fer va iholiday visit °to iLéke this afternoon southbound at fom: | caste Ae | .|__ Miss \Meneer, ;primeipal of Baia Smithers for a holiday visit. Mrs. ‘Joe Jaek \left on today's | Kathiyn. Sched! is .a guest in Wanconver! Mrs. }R. .L. Winslew. | Mrs. J. OW. (Gibson \togk passage | last might con the iPrineess -Adel- | aide ‘for: Ocean iFalls. ‘ | M. Cesgardens of «Queen :Char- |lotte Islands deft Jast :night.on thee | Adelaide for Vancouver. Mrs..“A. (G. \MeDonald and two | children leave tonight .on ‘the oss; | Prinee(Geopge |for Vietoria. | Norman Watt and daughter left | last night on the Prince John for }@ holiday at “Ehe, Dunes”, Tiell. Miss E, M. Barle left:today for], —— (FOR SALE ‘Por:rent,'tor sale and all other small advertisements ‘in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents »&yword \per insertion »with six insertions for the price of foug. By the month the eharge is 25c a No advertisement taken fer jess than 5@c. on HELP WANTED PAPERHANGING Monday—~ss.'Pr. Rupert 4: pan, ‘Tuesday—ss.:\Catala ..:1:80 ,pam. @OR Sale radio wéarconi |6-tube, Wed —ss.\Pr. Robert 9am; sv a @M. Phone \Friday—ss.'Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. | Fealaiindsectatden iliiabenetiitignaielitinhienentmnnn Ss..Cardena ...... ~~ ene 3PECIAL—-Goodyear ‘ lower ‘Saturday—ss./Pr..George ."7\pam!| lily, Capt last night bound for Tlell on holi- \day bent. Sale Lakes fares reduced 20%, | |Adults 40c., children, 15¢. “23” jleaves Salvage float on the hour: )H Hanson. 159 5 Norman Freeman of the Interna- | tional Fisheries Commission staff, | left last night on the Princess Ade- jlaide for Butedale | Mrs..D. M. Lewis and three chil- 'dren left today for Montreal where thy will board the Steamer Leti- tia on July 15 for Liverpool. They plan to visit in Birmingham. Word has been received from years) ‘C.C.M. in splendid condi- tion.Can be seen at McRae Bros. Ten aGollars. 164, MUST SELL.—Who will give $150) or make me .offer, for Double Frontage Lot 6,.Block 32, Section | 5.:Known as 721 Eighth Avenue, West. All Taxes Paid to August, 1932. Write Ernest W. Green- fiela..306 So Boylston Street, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Satur— ss, Pr. Robert 11:30 am July 8—ss. Prin. Louise am,! July 11—ss. Prin. Charlotte aim July .15—ss. Prin., Alice . a.m.) July 18—ss. Prin. Louise aim July 22—ss. Pxin..Charlotte a.m July 25—-ss. Prin. Alice July 29—ss.. Prin. Louise am For Naas.River and, Port Simpson-~ Sunday—ss. Cataia 8 pm From Naas River & Port Simpson-- Tuesday—ss. Catala 11; For Stewart ami Anyox— Quéen Charlotte City that it is ‘hoped that Ed Unger, who is in | hospital there, may be able to 52V€ |} From QOeean Fall [his leg. ‘It had been expected that: amputation would be necessary '! John R.“Morgan of the J..R Mor- | gan Logging Company left last from his company. Mr. Morgan says the logging ‘season will be a | short one this year (Continued from ‘Page .1) | »«PASSING.OF MRS.:(RENNER | } } Mrs. A. Christinson, “Mr. and Mrs. | Newbour, G. D. Beattie and fam-| and Mrs. Haan, Mr. and| | Mrs, Carmichal, Betty Rudge, Car- i}, michal Girls and Edna Beaven, ‘From -Alaska— |Mr. 4na Mrs. Beaven, Allison Log- jging Co., Mrs. I. Thompson, Jim/} Service, ‘Mrs. ‘Nelson, Mr. and Mrs |J. Anderson, Fairbairn Girls, Mrs. | |Dwyer and ‘jiolet ‘Sigmund, Mr. | ;and Mrs. Schiller, «Charlie Harty, Mr..and Mrs. A. Cooke, Barry, ame) and Mrs. Bruce, Dr. and Mrs. Char- |ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jolliffee. | From Skidegate: Mr..airl Mrs. .E.| Stevens, Margaret Stevens, Mr. and) }Mrs, ’G. ‘Pitt-Turner, Mr. and Mrs.| |A. Gorden, Mr. and .Mrs. Scharf-| fee, Mrs. A.’'Russ, ‘Mr. and Mrs. C,) | Macintyre, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mac- jintyre, Mr. ana .Mrs. )\Mr. and Mrs. .H. Young, .Mr. and| /Mrs.'\B. Munroe, Mrs. De Bucy and) +E. Rictardson, Tell; Mr. and Mrs. Kitson, Sandspit; Mr. and Mrs;| Schafer, ‘S. E' Harbor; Mr. and| )Mrs..G. Fass, S. E. Harbor. A. Jones,} Finances of Hungary to Be Probed } LONDON, July 9:—The British government is to send a committee of experts to Hungary to investi- gate public finances of that na- tion which is heavily obligated to Great Britain. | PerrreTrrTTTTT Ty) per” Martin, hero of the 1931 # World .Series, will be off the # spresent line-up of the world # champion St.Louis Cardinals # ifor at least two weeks asia re- # sult of an aecident, when .he # fell ;and broke a bone in his # right arm in a game. + ° eeeneeneeeneee 24 Wor quick retorns (ry # \Want } Supreme aud county courts, "Patience Now Than 4 ene PRIVATE ‘Kindergartens pay. Ad-| Friday—ss.,Pr..George FOR RENT Sunday—ss. Catala 8 p.m.) _ J Prem ‘Stewart and Anyox— ‘FOR RENT— Six-roomed Hous 2— | Tuesday—ss.Catala ....11°30 a.m.| 969 9th Ave. East. 264 Satur.—ss. Prin. George 6 p.m. . seinet be For‘Ocean Falis— FURNISHED Rooms for rent near, Monday—ss. Pr. Rupert ... 4 pm.| (Post Office, 719 and Ave. 1160 Phone Red 918 C. Romse WANTED lawn: mower. Will pay up fe gpiys enki to $5.00 for good used machine. DAIRIES Apply Daily News. tf 'For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $140 PERSONAL vice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute Winnipeg. | ! PAINTERS — PASTEURIZED MILK ' IS SAFE MILK \IGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- _—_—— seth i ‘Fresh from Bulkley Valley Phone ‘Red $02 (evenings) to Farms J.P. MOLLER — for — | VALENTIN DAIRY Kalsomining, Painting Phone 657 arene CHIROPRACTIC | W. C. Aspinall By Day or Contract RTASONABLE CHARGES Friday—ss./Prin: Adelaide 10)™ |FoOR RENT— Clean well furnished Satur.—ss. Pr..George 7P.m.| modern 2-room suite. Wed.—ss."Pr..George ..11:30 a.m. otis Friday—ss. Pr. 5 5 , - city. Speaking of Miss ‘Erskine the|timber buyer ‘from Vancouver whd From:Queen Charlotte Islands— Cleaning. ; resstnaz The children adore} ysyally ‘takes the high grade logs July 20—ss. Pr. John a.m. bor Queen Charlotte Islands— | July 8and 22 One Suit or One Dress $3.25 ss. Pr John .10,p.m. , for Por Alaska— Wed.—ss. Pr. George Satur.—ss. Pr. Robert 3 p.m. July 8—ss. Prin. Louise am | July 11—ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m Phone Blue 909 July 15—ss. Prin. Alice am. } July 18—ss. Prin. Louise am : ; 1 July 22—ss. Prin. Charlotte a.m A. H. Benkendort ! July 25—ss. Prin. Alice a.m. Next to Daily News July 29—ss. Prin. Louise a.m. Monday.—ss. Pr.:Rupert ... 7 aan. Wed.—ss. Pr. Rebert 7 am. ‘ \o i July 9—ss. Prin. Alice mm. BOSTON CARE July 13—ass..Prin. Louise p.m. i July 16—ss. Prin. Charlotte p.m. July 20—ss..Prin. Alice pm. ] R d July 23—ss. Prin. Louise p.m. $ eopene July 27—ss. Prin. Charlette pam. July 30—ss. Prin. Aliee pm.j| Thoreughly Renovated from Skeena River— : . Friday—ts. Cardena pm Bright and Cheerv Better Than Ewes Harry MeLeod, registrar of the! left} today for. Topley, from which point he will proceed to Babine Lake for a holiday, trout fishing being his chief objective Hotel Centrai Limited Covenient ‘to business J\strict, homelike, beautiful harbor views. reasonable. Spacie /« sample rooms. tas Eagles’ Picnic, Grassy Bay, July mates 1). a Hotel Central Lid. sien pew -s Picnic, ‘Dighy First. Avenue & Seventh Fti me Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Watch Repairing ‘Requires Much More Twenty Years Ago ‘Twenty years.ago:men carved big watehes and ladies .carried watcres as largeas the men use nowadays. It wassure a snap re- pairing then compared ‘to the Operating three Dry Dewks patienee -required jin repairing Total capaeity 20,000 wns the small bracelet watches of Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Weed VY sels Sawmill and Mining “Machinery teday. It is even mere tedious right mow when ‘the repair de- partiaent has to get the ;prices down | .o ‘fit the present day: poc- \ket book, ‘however, \it is appar- Repaired and Overauled ently appreciated as our repair department is ‘kept just ‘fairly Iren and Brass Cartiar busy. *Bleetric and Acety’ .. We¥ling | Ib main DW Max Heilbroner—. je \ eler 50-ton\Derrickifer Neavy Bits AGNAESOMEN bie wed rer ome! WATCHMAKERS | Apartments. Phone Red 444 CG eect ee eeecneinnendlpeanmeeeS Ss. -Prineess “Adelaide p.m 3_pan.|Suits—Made to order $23 50 Assures Absolute Satisfaction at a ; i When Coming to } eo ce | Prices Reduced Board and jroom for 10 days $15 ! | Return steamship fare 1 sake | Dare isd: Sd and rom BORE ...ncrrccsessre-ssrrnscensdeotiecsnine 2 t BNE FD BD GAYE vcscecisrsre~orssissahiacss svincvigeliniatannalee $35 | Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 ‘ Send Your Watch, Clock, (ein'teeiaes aed Bik. Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND | 324 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C | CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177: Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer bottles bought. TRANSFERS _ ‘“hirty Years Practical Experience SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Bine 903. OUR NEW LOW PRICES | WILL SURPRISE YOU | ! _ SUMMER RESORTS Th AUCTIONEER Packing -- Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me ‘GEO. J, PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 Manure For Sale | i No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard || Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD | WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Pienie Parties to Lakeélse ‘Lake ; We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates ‘ SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge Apply — V. Seucie, Terrace, B.C, ! PRINTING OFFICE SUPPDIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 — at — “THE DUNES” Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In ;keeping with the spirit of the times, the rates for summer boarders at “The Dunes,” Tlell. have been reduced to $1.50 a day. | The idea) summer resort. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. No flies! No mosquitos! Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dunes, all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tiel! River, THE NEW SPECIAL RATES 4 make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Here is cost per person: Children, half price. No extras Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug, 5, 19. Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut \ t+ >.