TUT DAILY NEWS a The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA For ths East. . Pubtithed Daily and Weoklr Mondays, Wednesdays andUat Guaranteed Largest CiicuUtlon urdays at 9:30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: From the East. Dally Neva Buildinsr. Third Avenue. Prinoo llipert. K.C. Tel. 98. Sundays, Tuesdays und Thursdays Tit ANCIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 c-nta per Inch at 5J0 p.m. Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver: Tuesdays & P.m. . DAILY EDITION. olizu Tuesday, April 30, 1918. Wednesdays 7 a.m Thursdays 10 p.m. THE FITNESS OF THINGS upheaval would be rather embarrassing From Vancouver HADE IN CANADA This promises to be a busy for our distinguished Sundays 10 p.m. It's the week In Prince Jlupert- Troub visitors. The weather, too. OMI OF ITS USISl Wednesdays 10.30 a.m. great war les are not the only things that is that which makes the gardener Foe making- toaa. Saturdays pjn. decline to come singly. Willi see visions, such as tin-pictures Foe MlMii lh. time sweetmeat. Foe cleaning- u1 UlnfOtMwa; the advent of the good weather on the seed packets, refHareeateea. For Anyoi: and the probable resumption of and dreams of what he would Fee removing nil nary ooetrw. Sundays 10 p.m.I the train seijvice. the dis like his garden to be, and this tlteto from olrolii pip pj4 sink. Wednesdays 10 p.m. -the benefit, the tinguished party composing is the time of year when every .truss suBiTiTtms Pleasure, the economy the International Fisheries day counts, so far as the crops From Anyox: LW.CIU.En COMPANY LIMITED of a 5c Package of commission will be here this are concerned. Tuesdays a.m.l week. The Hon. W. a Itedfleld. After the placidity of the last Thursdays p.m. WRIGLEVS the colleague of Mr. Justice few weeks, such a number of Hazen, is one of the distingu things coming all at once de closely and Mr. 'O'Connor, For Port Simpson and Haas River -has made It ished members of President mandiag attention, more orj therefore, was safe from direct points: the fa-vorlte Wilson's Cabinet. There have less, is inclined to make one. attack. Whether he has succumbed Sundays 10 p.m "met ration" been many of our notable especially who has little leisure, to Indirect fire may be of the Allied armies. the line question the fitness of ascertained later- At rale cousins from across any From Port Simpson and Nasal visiting in the West since their things. Which, however, docs the country has lost the services River Points: great nation Joined in the com-mon not alter the circumstances in of a fearless and efficient Tuesdays a.tn,l send It to your friend cause, but this is the first the slightest-tx v. prpteclor of the public interest. at the front: lime that one of the executive whose exposures of profiteer. Queen Charlotte Islands: chiefs responsible for the He-public's MR. O'CONNOR'S SUCCESSOR Ing and food hoarding have conduct of the war, has The Minister of Labor assures done a great amount of good. For Mastett, Port Clements and It's the handiest, been so far west in Canada-While Parliament that when a Victoria Times- Upper Islaud points: longest -lasting ajn.l re the occasion of his visit successor to Mr. O'Connor as Saturdays 8 here is not connected primarily! High Cost of Living Commis During a military church ser From Masset, 1'orl Clements and frcshment he can with war effort, it has arisen sioner has been named, it will 1 ma dikm a IfMliah m-aa Upper Island points: carry. from that closer comradeship be found that the public interest listening to the chaplain saying. lueua a.m.! of nations allied for that pur. has not been injured by the "Let them May the Huns sjj Moses pose. change. As to that it might be slew the Egyptians," when a re For Skidegate, Queen Charlotte CHEW IT AFTER The Hon. T. D. Pattullo is observed that the new Com cruit whispered to his companiont ...City and Lower Island points also expected to arrive In the missioner wm nave to De a "Say. Dill, the old bloke is a bit :;eUne,ff pjn. EUERV MEAL city on Wednesday. He will ad. mighty good man to reconcile off; don't 'e know it was Kitchener vt. Oueen Charlotte dress his constituents and all the public to the loss of Mr who swiped the Egyptians!" City sad Lower Island points: are invited in the Empress O'Connor- The public thus far Hys lander. baiuruays p. m.I The Flavour Thealije on Wednesday even, is not dissatisfied over the for. Mode Lasts The session of Parliament mer Commissioner's Advertise in the Daily News. ing- resignation, One, two it's good to chew. In Canada just closed has been a strenuous but suspicious. The correspondence Three, four they all want more, LAND REGISTRY ACT one and much important between Hon. Mr. Five, six it comes In sticks. (Becttoa SI sad 114.1 legislation has been put Crothers and Mr. O'Connor Seven, eight the flavor's great. through. There will be many which was submitted to Parliament, Nine, ten come again R Apptlctllos 5 94. till L tllt-l Illl-U matters of Interest to this while it left a lot to the tt-ilh.... Vr(l',l TAkl ffoncz UmI tppMcaUba bit bee I ' m "7 w " aude la rentier rrtok W. Hirt. of rrt&c I community which the minister imagination, suggested that the fowl Rupert. B. C, tl our la fee otxVr of lands will have to speak of. Commissioner's organization The Daily News delivered bylTti 81 trm Um Collector of U I And anyone who has heard Mr. was hampered by the interference arrier. 50 cents per month. cuj or rnae sopn. thenar ote um i Pattullo speak previously will of Mr. Crothers with tltk Uy or 3ottbbr, HIT, tad oa Tu I Sie Deed 414 tlod of September! realize that he is a speaker of the discipline of bis staff, one tUj eerUlal Cured in I til. or ALL AMD 8I.10CLAII tb no mean order . of the members of which, apparently Constipation parcel or tftet of Wad sad preau Miotic.I In addition to this, the campaign feeling confident of lytos sad belt la tat atr f mat His 78th Year with being carried on foi the the Minister's support, acting pert, nort prllcUrtjr Lnotrn sad de scribed tt Lou Mtta 7) sad Bfleea tlll.l support of the V M. C. A- work in a most insubordinate manner. I out Drugs lock tvelv (ID. Lot tl ll). Bkxi at the front will culminate on This we gather from the forte-eitbt (IK, sod Lou tblHr-Ureel Saturday, and will still further correspondence a s brought ii sad tkuir rr i. Biota 0117-001 help to distract the atteulon of down so far. There were other, Did xoa r know tor twrtoa bt (lli. til tm Section Urn I , Mia III. t4 irniDnU7 cared of Con up4 lion tTMi tr rcvvlrcd to roouit um cUUs of the citizens from the idle dry. communications which Mr. Ukior dnn of tar kladr Drvrt a I a u purcatwr iiaia si cut rrota tat dock, and the comparative ab Crothers declined to disclose-Now, to tfiit ,iitar tt too time, tin I u tine I dtio of tat terrlco of tau ooUr (bica sence of business where busy. the public is aware that roe tm Urrer duw-i tr aeceturr coUJ I m,r bo effKted tr puUicauoa la Um ness should be. certain big interests have had Um ItouLm becotae chronic Ifrtaco Jlupen Dolfjr ftwii. tad roar tl laiemti BtUtior Ii Um oaij ml tKttUmUua " ctiled U pptutm II of Um As if these were not sufficient. their knives out for Mr. O'Con for CuuuptUoa It keep Um Colon or I 'Lad herutry Acr wita tmnxtmesu. tad Clean-up Day is also nor for a long time, and that Lover iBiediae freo from tU I crams!i-1 10 Um folliav timet Utererrua.- booked for this week. A mere powerful pressure has been Uoo. Sooo um mien trfona Iti r I 4 deftolt of t ctvttt or eeruactM male always realizes the serj-iousness brpught to bear at Ottawa to mUr laatUoM enticed, tad ttero It ao!r " lBdeai ttiaf sled tefcr Um reru Nrtbcr titwbw. I Irtlloa tt obr of Um pertoa eeUUed uf domestic spring have him removed. And Ottawa Mr. A. McUtn. of Court r Lumber Ca.jaatler lock U 4M, tU ptrtcot so ttrted cleaning, and if this were carried knew that the public was rtrrj Sound, write : -I biro ben aouro, . . . tad umoo citaataf out on the same scale, the watching the situation very troobted vlUi CoatuptUoa for tat Ittt It tarourk or oader Una. tar til perooa or IS yetrt. tod coold aot ptti oat dty '-UXJ1D say laierett la Um Uad by rirtn wlUwat Ukiar medicine. I tuvt ated um " anrttUkred lattnuBet tad til "J. B. L. cttctdo" ttoet rttUor It tl u j I Proca cUiauat toy laureil k. tro. wit wooderfal reioll. win recces- lor deoceat bo titlo U aol fttiMere mead laaoer Um protuiont of tbU tbtU bt tar penoo to t It" Act, S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Dr Cbt. A. TrrreU of 5ew Tork. la- l'r er etloppto tad debtrred trwa eeoied aul perfected the "I. B. L. Cttctdtr I eettlnt P tar eltUa la or In retpect of for lateral BilUnr. blcb U todtr UmI1" ,,nJ so M toe ttieo, tad Um MiU sailing-Wednesday onlr etneteot meta of tccomDUifciat Um I lnr rtiter Um pertoa es tilled tn- detlred retull Dr. TrrreU bu poblltbed I r ,ucn mm m owner of Um Itad 9.00 ajn. for Swanson Bay and ta laterettiar book oa lateratl Bttalnr lM Ma Ior Vancouver. etUed "WhT Hia or Tcviiv Ii Dnlr it p.i I AXU WHEKZAS tDDUrtUbn btl beta ceaL Efficient.-' wMcn eta bo btd free for for t Ceruflctu of ladeftwlbM TlUt S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Um tikinr of Cyril H. Onne. Drsrrut, cor. M um tbott meaUooed Itadi. la Um atmt ird Are. tad m SL lit wUl aUo bel rrtoa w. ntn. Wednesday Midnight to Anyox. ptetied to tbow tad tiptela tbt -J. B. LI A3D WHERE A I oa larttUrtUsff Um Cttctde" to yoo. UUe It tppctrt Utl prior to Um ItU dtr Thursday Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, it October, toil tbe dtu oa bica um Victoria and Seattle. MINERAL ACT ttid Undt aero told for overdue utotl.l "With Fleece as White a. Snow' jss trs 13 n-uun4 tad aueued on- S. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. trt tt tuied below. Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. CERTIFICATE OT IMPROVEMENTS - I'L'RTHEn TAkE JIOTICC UMt tt UM I may wash your choice lli mbm Ubm I tbtU taect reruirtuoa la I YOU TRAIN SERVICE notice ipBrtutaco or tack tppuctuoa tnd Utue tl a fear as to the iruh it PUMDttr Moo!, W4a4y sad Stturfiy l I:IS t.m. for Smlllxri. -Pl rrtctioa- tad DtHr" iiinnllr'UBfl "d'ille Title to Um Mid Sunlight Soap. They m!i n.i i rom Prtato Orvrt. E4iaootoa tad Wloslprr. nuklof direct ceoacctknu for ail CUlm. filiate la Um rortitad Cial MialacUad 10 tu bta of rrtnk W. lurt ubWm tho tuh as clean and SHect-emcitiiv lii polou ttu tad soata. uiritioa or Ctwltr Dlitrtct. 1 7" taa proeecoio um r nicer pro Wbero loctted: Oa tbt etit iido or ceeaiaft to etubiltb roar cutm. if tor. day they were woven, and tLev v -H Cttetde Creek, It milet from Um betd orM UM "1J uaat, or ta prtreol tack pro. oft as the fleece on Jlary a lamb. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Port Und CtntL ipotea tcuon on my ptrt. TAEE 50TICE tbt I. J. Fred Ritchie DtUd St Um Ltod keUUr Offlce. Prlaeo all the nih and For information and reservations apply to Sunliglit save 1 (Free Miner'. CertMictie .Ho. 1171 G) tct,ut)rl B- l!u " dtr of Prbrutrr, City Ticket Office, C26 Third Avenue. PHONE 20 at u treat for Rrriotld Klor NtUL Free I v- doesn't do thofdiglitest injury to falwii I 'J-A Mtotr't Ceruflctu Ho. SII7-C. Iaund.1 MACLEOD. $.1,000 the aWm 4nT hit dtri from tbt dtio brrtof. to tpplri DUtrki Berutrtr of Title. guarantee jrocs to tnt Mioiof Reeordtr for t Certiflettt of I T0 Cujtoo. runco Re pert. B. O, adtillcrant or impurity. Ask for uuiiiJit latproreoienu. for tbt porpott of bbuinlst UMml 0WBr or Lou II tarf Block and you receive satisfaction. irowa una i or tat tbovt cuua. I- ruuu, tamootoa. All., ref Aad forUier Uke nolle tut iruon. bb lierea taa tuetted owner of Lot It. der tettloo It, nun be eaaunenced berorBkKk ia4 for ttu oa II tk dr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UM iMdtnee of tack Cerlldfiie or Irnprort M seplemner, till; V. Btrtabe, IIT SMBU. rowru at, rtacourtr, a, a, tttwied Dtiea IBI lltB pj of December A. D. I owner of Lou T tnd II, Block It, Sunli Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points IT. via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway STEEN & L0NGW1LL IS Meals and Berth included on Steamer I THE LNGiNErkm.mrjn SANITARY ANO HCATINO All grttcrra aril ENGINEERS anil rtvoiiiiuriul It FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE lMWlrS IMOiNB I Oil. i u. y t i ti.1t Aosnts for Soap IS. SOPHIA ttllt from Prtace Huperl April lad, Ilia, tird, Mty Ird, 141k. Meet Fe. McGLARY FURNACES Ilia, tad Jun ilk. i ori- S-4 la. fer 1-1 la, IS Meet Few or. IS. ROYAL MiU rrocn rrlaet Kaperl I ijo. April lib. I Ilk, tod HUL Ciu-a PLUMIINO I Lt la. r t-as Tbt tUrt MUlart tro tutjeci ta cbttet or ctactlltUoo miboti aoUot, Meet Fearer, and ta SHEET METAL WORKS Fof Further Information I'hone S, 834 Second Avenue. W. C. ORCHARD, General AgsnL Apply to Night phones 576 Co ner Fourth Street and Third Aronuo, Prince Rupert B.C. W. C WILLI3CR0FT nd Iilue 270 Daily News Prlncs The right work, at the right Advertise In The Rupsrt, D. 0, time, and at the right prioe. The Paper that gel Quick Result