The Da ily News IX NO. 12 VOL rnmcE mjiw, n.o, mommy, jink 3. igis. PHIHK F1VK UKNT BATTLE FRO SOI UNDKEDflDLE FRONT SECOND BATTLE OF MARNE REACHES BIG PROPORTIONSSUBS OFF NEW JERSEY SAMMIES BECOME FACTOR PEOPLE TO BE TOLD (G.T.P. TREBLE THEIR THE SECOND BATTLE OF MARNE HOW TO REGISTER! FREIGHT HANDLING IN BIG BATTLE OF NATIONS Full Detail of Procuring Manpower OUTFIT AT WHARF IS FOUGHT ON A WIDE FRONT Census Will liCRICANS PUT GERMAN DIVISION OUT OF AOTION FOR A Bo QWtn. On account of the p ever-increas MONTH GENERAL BRIQE8, HEAD OF MILITARY WIS-8ION, BATTLE RAQE8 ON A HUNDRED MILE FRONTTHE FRENCH ANNOUNCES THAT AMERICAN inlaw ing quantity of freight which is! HOLD CENTRE ENEMY HURLED BACK AT SOISSONS HELP IS NEEDED a, June 1. Preparation being handled through this port, AND CHAUDON VIER2Y RECAPTURED for the registration by Canada's and which consists in largo part FROM THE ENEMY U Tso Dally .law.) registration board of the man and of aeroplane spruce coming from wiihingUm June 3. "Ameri- woman power throughout cspmUI i Tb. own .., back towards THE LATEST BULLETIN the Do the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Cr,iso river, recap-London, ttu U have become a vital minion on Saturday, June 22, are 0. T. P. have been June 3 The second turing Chaudon and Vfeny. On (a ui Uic great battle now IS VERY OPTIMISTIC proceeding apaee. As every IlriU increase their handling compelled battle of the Marne was being the right flank the opposing nr- r'ance. and it it pos-ji. h subject over the age of 10 fought today over a front of armies were struggling along a The present accommodation is full stretch of highway which (bat they max bold the simi is tim oiiy .years is required to register it is for something like three million nearly a hundred miles, extending runs from Nernull northeastward m:r between victory and do Flash The Allies have Hie 'estimated vlhat the feet of lumber per month- Im along a rough triangle from towards Itheims, the latter city tal T: .3 it wm that General Hermans stopped everywhere now 'registrations will be in the neigh- provements are now In progress ivoyon to Chateau Thierry to although surrounded on all sides Bridfes ii is head of a special and reinforcements are eomlng up'rhood of 5,000,000, and the task which when completed will en Itheims. The French were holding save the south, was still defended able the company to handle some the centre along a thirteen-mile by the British. t- the United Stales, in great numbers to of taking it will t:t...:i strengthen be a colossal one. sector the ten million feet in that period on north bank of Slight British Advance. isard up fie relation of the the line. The general headauar. The Canada Itirif ml Inn I(nan) The new electric cranes are be the Marne from Chateau Theirry London, June 3 We advanced ifl-zg forces of Uncle Bam now ters are giving dispatches to the is making every effort to secure ing installed on the old coal dock. to Venull- On the left bank between our line in the Aveluy Wood in a i r-ir.ct 1 the big onslaught of public which are very reasiuriug. the service of volunteers in con. which has been rebuilt, and other Koyon and Boissons the successful local attack, taking ii ucrmans General Bridges The French have just recently nection with taking the registration. two steam hoists, one of four tons battle was raging with varying thirty prisoners from the enemy. KrllOill taillra I hfr.ilrtwAi.I Snd the other fortunes. Between Soissons and of twelve ton capacity, uunng me nionm or .May our tuCiicjiSing the renewal of the launched a eouuler-atlaek on,the country are counted upon for will operate immediately to Chateau Thierry the French by a prisoners totalled eleven hundred ifjBi!: At , ami in... thai tniilat.. nf meir iruni anu as a result eao- assistance. Alrurlr nn.i series of brilliant ' - -.- j a unmon the east. These, with the "heavy counler-at-land.fifty-eight, including twenty-tacks M wnsrxs gave vent to tbo tued some ground and a largo labor organizations have respond hoists available at the drydock have thrust the nermanslniaer6r!lcers. itoo opinion. number of prisoners, together ed splendidly to -the request for wharf, will enable to handle some Americans Score. with war material- assistance, and now nearly 800,-000 ten million feet of lumber monthly MUST NOW CARRY SUBMARINES THREATENING Wila llo American Army in members of fraternal societies and should the production from MARRIAGE LICENSE ONITED STATES' COAST8 tetrdy June ii. An entire Oer-ua Paris, June 3. On the wing are being appealed to. the Islands increase to a greater iiv.i.. n consisting of twelve between Itheims and Chateau On the Sunday before registra extent, further arrangements will Starting last Saturday the regulations ISpccUl to Tb Daily Bora.) .uur.j men was actually put Thierry the enemy is held, while tion Hay It is proposed to have a be made to cope with it. by which men of military An Atlantic Port, June 3. That s; 1.on ror over month between Soissons and the Marne message on registration delivered More mills are yet to come into age. who are thought to be of the Germans have again succeed, krzf the battle for Contingy. iH0 French fmitk vnr Milt II it in I'tn..). ft- operation on the islands, and dur- ed in eluding the patrol around .. . ., . military age, must ---- "viu i. I l. i h i carry papers ...A .1 rlallilll ha a lllal haan 1 m w miir uciug iuiiucmuk me summer vtcaiurr, me iuk the British Isles is evidenced by ix 2e4 ia information brought victorious. for using the moving picture gins operations will be speeded to show why they are being exempted the fact that their submarines are u iir fcnersl headquarters from theatres to acquaint residents up to meet with the demand for from military service or again operating with some success H-&le sources. Two regiments MARKED DEVEOPMENT with their duties in connection(aeroplanes, that they are not of military age, in the waters adjacent to the f'i tacmy were practically an- with the registration. - will go into effect. Married men Atlantic- coast- During .the. lasL u..iled in Ihe tremendous altnnk IN LUMBER BUSINESS A pamphlet of instructions to I FRANCE AGAIN AFTER under 35 and who have been ex few days submarines have been the Americans launched deputy registrars and their as- "JOHN BARLEYCORN emoted for that raon mni ra-. operating on the ew Jersey sea- i3t tbo village. The remain- aKt.mla Ima liMn I hv Ilia marriage licenses or other ire-,boar,, aild have Macll a " Pf ( I uu Km ilJwi.tnn unifiuii viit;u I.imu-.1 "mm. t.o nonius irom uaiejcanajj, lustration Hoard One srfUi to lb Duly nw. futable proof of their marriage. inneen ve,s during the last held in reserve was terribly llirere will 1 secured in the Irov- of its paragraphs sUtes that,I l'arls. June 3.A decree has Men over mllitarv a-. hn aini'two days. The American patrol nt cp and mutilated in fierce Inee of lirllish Columbia every isubjeel to the approval of thelbeen iued today by the French retail a youthful annfaranp ihi ials on this coast have hastened st: attacks or by means ofjinontli sufficient spruce loge for registrar. The board would sane-larmy authorities categorically would lead the military author!-!10 lhe "cene and il 19 Pted lo u ?lly artillery fire which the production of aeroplanes to tmn plans to open up schools on I forbidding the selling or the con lies to be Havk lhat lhv wr .successiuiiy cope wim tne mon- ;5 ith such accuracy upon eaeh evening during the week pre-1 sumption of all alcoholic drink eligible for service, must carry Biers before long. the'maximum meet demand of the w io. ceding registration day, the regis-l in the war xone. The penalties some proof of their age, such as Imperial authorities made to the tration of employees in the prem-for the non-observance of this are a nirtn certificate. FRENCH AND BRITISH Tll II NOW THE Hon. T. 1). 1'attullo, Minister of ises upon which they are employ-1 heavy, and it is intimated that Proof of their exemption from OFFICIAL REPORTS GERMANS SEE IT linds, some six months ago. ed, the opening of booths ml violations of this order will be service must be carried by all For obvious reasons it is deem eharge of volunteer workers, at I strictly punished other classes of men of whom the (Sptcut U Tb DtUy .".) PUI lc Tfca Daily ntwl) lodge meetings, meetings of wo military authorities, from their London. June 3, Ilaig reports, ed Inadvisable to mention the OF OLD TIMERS "Except for artillery activity fc'tiii. June 3. A French- men's institutes, and other simlONE appearance, may have doubts. on i&riaafi-.i, - monthly spruce output, but it may lar gatherings where the onpor-l DIES IN TORONTO The onus of proof rests with both sides in the different sectors into uijJl our uj hands enormous near Fers ci-fell be said that by the end of July tunllyswould be presented of ef he man not in uniform, and un there is nothing to report from Tsrdenois The military the difference between log recovery fecting the registration of large I Tho friends of Allan Johnson less carry this with the British front." aup-Ukeo numbers of people at a minimum I received the sad news of his death them after Saturday they may expect Paris, June 3. The French were of such magni- then and six months ogo that it expenditure of time and labor." by pneumonia In the military to be arrested by the Dominion troops in a counter attack to the would be difficult will be approximately as thirty to hospital, Toronto. Allan was one and military police as be. west of the Neuilly front recaptured ' In addition a IU vsiiniaie to all oi meir one- ITALY IS PREPARING of the.real old timers In the Oml- ing evaders under the Military bill 1C3 In this region, according 'r Uouand this, over Activity in the lumbering busi FOR ENEMY ATTACK neca district .and was most favor Service Act. to the French official vehicles were cap- ness during the past year is reflected ably known. Many will remem statement issued today. Ti' War Office in luanlno- thalr in the iuoreased number of ISpMi; M Tlx bally .Vvt. . ber him as one of the sturdy OUR IRON AND STEEL IU!i-mMi r .t . .J .------. logs scaled throughout the province London. June 3. According to hockey players of the llaxelton RESOURCES ATTRACT The Hon. E. D. Barrow, the new nn.)lhRr v. lur me uay contains the total having risen from the latest dispatches received inltwim in the season of 1012-13 At MUCH PUBLICITY minister of agriculture, is ex thai things tho announce-i 1,280,000,000 feet III 1010 to !.- this olty from the general staff the time of his demise he was pected to pay a visit to the Omi. Iresti on a front of our aU 17,000,000 reet last year. Here headquarter of the Italian army.lsorving in the Iloyal Flying Corps "Iron and Steel, a Montreal neca country when on vthe 11th ' by our progress has been the increase amounts to the sat Ihey are preparing to meet the on-1 and wus given a full military publication, writes appreciatively of June he will open the first sale troops." isfactory llgure of twenty-eight slaught of the enemy when thejfuneral Prior to Joining the ber-drive. of the campaign instituted In this of pure bred slock at Houston. and a half per cent. Striking ini- which is anticipated, begins.lvlco, he was in the employ of the province for the development of Mr. Barrow was very much interested t'IT'TiniiW-'-""vtu for juitca uk lima nroveinent is also found in the The Austrlans are continuing!lomlnion Government Telegraphs the iron resources on the coast in his visit to this part of t$. ' home require-133 figures given fur the forest rev their nreiMirations for an often-1 and stationed at Fifth Cabin. Concluding an article on the re the province when he came here enue for the province, amounting sive on a big scale and are drawing cent visit of a British Columbia last fall to the Telkwa barbeque during the year 1017 tiifX.MU.170 their reinforcements from WILL THE MARNE BE reputation to Ottawa in connec In company with the late premier. and representing an inorease over the various Hasteru theatres of THE DECISIVE POINT? tion with the matter the publica The account of the race be- "NIGHTS cent. In iIik wur From Itoumnnia and the Hon OF PYTHIAS 1016 of eighteen per says: tw-ecn the Princess Bophia'and the l'arls. Juno 3. The Germans the Ukraine, the troons are being cluded in the total sum is rrom the available accumu Princess May from Vancouver to are continuing to their now pour Siwna Lodge No. 45. llgure of f 800.000 paid as royulty withdrawn, while even Turkish lated uata, there seems every Alert Bay their last trip has on A" breaks tmrrn. iir looked for in the con- divisions in the theatre of wnr which reason to consider that the members and vlslt-" on cut logs, a figure pros given rise to considerable acrinw around the Marne. Immense brothers are requested all previous records and which ml nuibiliiation which is taking S. . a . num a,, pects of such an undertaking, so The claims to have "May" nny. liters or men anu vast quantities 10 tlnd this evening. exceeds the 1010 collection! by ",U..i... l.. ...... .. ..II far as they are affected by a sup won by a mile and a hafr, and was U I Mill IlltllVI llll III Ull KIIIU" UllT "ak of Knight less than sixty per cent. ply of raw materials, seems quite will be being hastily brought forward to tied up and discharging when the THEATRE AT THE WESTHOLME satisfactory, and it is n with Social and May Be Banner Year. highly prob Sophia pulled in to the lock use in tno present uuensive. "ance afterwards. While It is yet too early to able that tho near future will see will be treated to There exists no doubt In the Th.ntr aoers works F. for actively employed prospects E. the upon WKRMIO, speculate upon 07-plece dinner minds of thoe at General Head. sets; fancy at the nearly hulf completed a presentation this evening tho production of Iron arid sled. '"nrellor.Commnnder. the year now the the china, cups and saucers at 20 which critics quarters as to efforts of per pro- the Hon. T. 1. 1'attullo Westholmc If the united efforts of the ener of the best produo- Germans to make this a decisive cent reduction, for next ten days a looks hopefully for 10 1 8 to be u nounce one getkj ami enthusiastic men inter banner year in the lumbering history Hons of Art Craft Features. Mary battle, aJ and a will 1L make. II their It ei- ested in this matter can control at Tile's. 133 IWckford. who is always a favorite i prone enort on ine mbmm wiser In view of .. . success, ins! success will be the of the province. In.-., i.. il.- or ..l For Nsw Wellington Coal and the increasingly Incessant demand With disrerilUIR audiences, IS secuimuu in im uwt-wwro wii" final wofti to be wrU-ten about the WESTHOLME advantage. The Aiwn which wey sn in 'lr Lumber of all dimensions. for spruce for Hie manufacture- here good manufatiwe of iron and steel hone 118. this branch prod i HeHisfl Columbia." of aeroplanes MNDAY si i I ...,IJK Taa iAut. tttAajaj ni issStma ust.saW AND TUESDAY will add wy and IS well naiancea wm an of the forest Industry Uiaiy hum nJ aai MBttaJ ttig Hie mra that makes one wan in expecnw FHHt ARRIVALS vory materially U In tUa sWr, Uisqr pm4 at MY PICKFORD for until the last part Is filmed, Depa'iienl the revenue of lswe ale a loaast tarty-tve tllMMMw est management I follow boats Lumber for the The fPhs arrived nM the year 101H. comedy In ttn to olssi . Bkeima Mtue are Ue good UMr weekend: Carruthers, UTTLEPRNCE8S building of wooden "bios it i-hoped very regular Gaielle. wfc la un- aloas. IBO.Wfl; Tom mn4 Al, will still be In deiunnd for the 25,000; Hay. QA2ETTE In be placed in onod. Tlw sit-e W well wm Ho. 1, ll.MM; N. and 8 7 oonlracts yet and -Ws a ese- K Minnie Y FOR QUALITY the present balanced ,eo0f. Ed. 2.000; British Columbia yard, aaaaWSataSMS. OS S IHVasi Um 11 .atH aBjathfat MatBlTa'tval and 8-lW ACTIO COMtDY outlook In i..n ittM frsa o"JIbp ST VBBBV- MPsSJ reat, t,W; Tatoosh. 20,000; """"IllOn I Jinmow hat hopeless pftM m .p. pl SKA AWafc - Ml ,, aM the Siren wil " Ohlldren 15o. regard to labor and strikes notwithstanding. festiviaMik lbs, of Mlmon, MT WR1K 1 ftn,,,,,,