It... IS G. H. Arnold Local News Notes J ROTARY PUBLIC- Mr. A. D. Carter of Oceanic Is in the city. FOR SALE Special discounts for (en days at Tile's- 133 Lets 10, 11, and 12, Block Mr- Hal Peck sailed on the 20, Section 8. Venture Saturday for Xamu. We can. sell these three Draperies and novelty curtains level lota on Hays Cove 20 per cent off at Tile's. 18 Circle, for Mr. Geo. McNichol sailed on li e $1,600 Cash. Princess May last evening for southern points. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Parlor tables, easy chairs, and rpekers at special big reductions at Tile's. 133 Mr W. S. Sargent of New Hat. i idlon, was among the arrivals on "The Daily News" last night's train. Mrs- M. L. McKinnon was among CLASSIFIED ADS. the outgoing passengers on the train this morning. VVANTE0. For the next ten days, big re ductions on iron beds, springs. WASTED Woman to do housework, till and mattresses al O. L. TUe's. Ambrose, pbooe BUck JM (III) WASTED Al Swensoo Bijr. rlrl or woman Retail .Clerks. Election of of cspatle Ukc chart of srosn boute nJ ficers on Monday night, in the rock for nurrled coup) employed durtnt Carpenters' liall at eight o'clock u dr- weres lit io us. wni Mrs. Cm j, luwa Bay, Immediately. sharp. 128 FOR SALE Our friends at the "hello" ofDce 4 are very busy these days with two ron SALE Household furniture. Pbooe operators on the sick list and one Red S7. It away on vacation. $20000 REW ARD! roil SALE Cm boat. l by 10; tl b. p.. 4-cycle cosine. To be seen tl Cow Bay.' Miss Nellie McDonald of the 11. FIRST CLASS SIXTT-FTVE FOOT MOTOR &. w allace Company a staff, Is THIS PICTURE HAS NO TITLE boat. licensed for forty passenrera. making a good recovery after cheap Welrh Scale. It. having been confined to her bed FOR SALE Four-roomed bouse and lot IS foribout three weeks. For the Best Title for This Picture we are Offering the Following Prizes: la Block II. Section I. Enquire Mary a. Trice, Ketchikan. AUtka. U Everything was quiet around First Prize, $100.06 Second Prize. $50.C0 Third Prize, $30.00 rOR SALE Al lest than government price. the city hall this morning. A few- Fourth Prize. $15.00 Fifth Prize, $5.00 tutrter-seclloo In Balkier Valley. Sett cases ror tne ponce court are , to Land Settlement midinr. Welsh held over tbe holiday and will Scales. It come up on tbe morrow. CONDITIONS FOR SALE Weanllnr plrt froca pedtcreed 1 Write yovr answer on a ptsln shei of paper wMa yoor rearr aaawor to Mr L. U Berry, rare ef l&klas-d 4 Berkshire boar and trade sows! ittif Mr. II- O. Crewe of the Provin nam and adAtesat the bottom of the pe, wrtie acta-iavs Slewe. Water fkreot Ts neoavir. SI C. who ate tbe cwaa for d-llrry moot tbe lit May. T to cial Government offices, and a re eiso or yor answer will t dvjuei;a4. Cora poor's Asnas an tase eoty. Ik. sm smtl nay tetirr to weeks old. Price o.e eacb F.O.B turnel soldier, left last evening i Tear answer nwst contain not more Usaa twelve wards. Tureaitav aa Uses i tisai ilSMta Is Telkwa, B.C. Order early and rrt Brl Um thaa twelve words. on the Princess May for Vancouver. hml may contain choice FTudbomme a flsber, P.O. bot -Yowr aaswor awl bo la beloro J HtK ae rbts S IMroitTANT. Go to aatd war a ten-eeiit Mr. Crewe will yoar groeery be probably ft. Telkwa. B. C tf foltuaw cleeee a June IHh . paekase of Cowan's gewreme Cborla4e. owl eat neatly l. - -. away for some two or three weeks the colored Alepta Laf from Use poeaace aad sM St to T .Tsar answer aeo4 sol ooatata ike wards, "Oswaa's yoair answer If n fall to pen tae Maple Leaf so jWor Shtswoene Cheoalato." ualewt row wM la aoe SL The train for the east this fere answer your title for the ptature wtll bo ahaaoaliaoil. I Tle Oowaa Coattar Ltasited reooros tbe ttgM as be tbe V.L PRIVATE DETECTI VI MENCT noon had five carloada of Paclflo 4 Onty one answer Is aMewed for ery Mawte Usof easts sed. ate Jadcee la tbte e--mptiiiue aad SJtear aeaSaVaa aa to EOS SletreaollUa Vaitcoetse. fish for the Eastern market. Guess la other wards. U you enetoee sbroo Alaplo Ix-aswa frayn MM wifcxero w ! U, flu: Day phone, Seymour lilt. that our toilers of the deep are three packages raw arc entitled to three aaewesa tar the Thw erkiui ac w.u 'o pvU.shrd r a ptsaers abraach- Jllrnt rbooe. Fairmont Itls. have mmt BriUmk CunbU diUte- ts SSM two weeks la J si doing their bit to maintain the best Utle to the picture, or as snaay aaawcrs aa yM t Ibis Maple Leaves enctoeod. year. Hu4 once, 312 Hlsa-Bsas Blef. supply of food for the rather de Victoria. B. 0. Ptteos S41Z. pleted market. IN CONCLUSION READ THIS The many friends of "Jimmy Thomas were pleased to see blai Do not forret this fact, that if yon do act wla a r OWANS have the Cooking Chocolate. WeH what prise yvti now. step from tbe train last evening are you satcc to do with It? Hero la what ta do: Wait HOTE "Jimmy" is looking fine and Ct QUEENS for a few daya and every persoa who sends in aa answer and is in the best of spirits. to this eompoUtloa. eoalostaa a Maple Leaf from tbe SUPREME Apart from a recent attack of FIRST CLASS ROOMS packaso of Supremo Chocolate, wUl receive free a measles, be has enjoyed the best Hot and Co 1 d Water. beautifully Illustrated Ractpo Hook. )st oS tbe preea. f health. He erpects to be in hundred reetpee for Supremo Chocolate CHOCOLATE SO Pr NifM, and SJ pee Week. J tbe city for about ten days. containing- one and rerfocUoa Cocoa. When yoa get Uis book yoa A couple of Prince Rupert's will know what to make and how to use this special For Coolunq Purposes,Unsweetened. Harry Hanson's prominent citizens and company unsweetened Cockier Chocolate. Itemember the name. enjoyed tbe atmosphere across This CoaiprUUua le lUciaatveJy for British Oalambta. DC! PATENTED tbe barbor on Saturday evening, Everything was fine and all tbe Fast Heating experiences of camping out were enjoyed with some disadvantages Hot Water Coil Let it be known that it was not due to tbe popular engine trouble. Costs all connected tip complete but oh, those awful rocks. Block twelve if Lot twelve (Iti. Block and rnarantecd tor toe year. furty-eirbt Ml), and Lou tblrty-tnree Orders (St) and thirty four (ID. Block nrtyooe will be received at this price up to SUr IS After that tne Anglers might have good rea (II). all In Section first (It. Map fit. tSSKTJUl PRICE WILL SO UP. At tbe pre, son to feel jealous as they noted ou art required to cootett the claim of ent of 2m ut purchaser within SI days from the price material, ak your the assortment of tbe speckled dale of tbe tsrvlce of this notice which plumber for a price to ike ir an beauties which Ed. gtilwell, Geo. may be effected by pabUcsUoa la the ordinary CAM. connect 11 aad tuarantre It for one year, and cp see Bryant and Harry Lipsett carried Prince Rupert bally flews . and your at-ten then eompsre prices and jodte for with them as they left the train Una I. called U section IS of the Fair Deal in Tourselt. last evening. They reported that Larvd Brtialry Art" with amendment, and Getting a Buying As aU heretofore ciUliuc a tree the fish were biting nicely and to the follow u eitrtct therefrom: meats between tbe other pltmibert sod la default of a caveat or certificate snd myseU bsve expired. 1 bereby everything favorable for a good of lie pendens beinr Bled before the rerls revoke any permits to anyone to day's catch, "any of tbe'old time trstloa as owner of the person ecu tied make and uuuil tame ctrepunr fishermen ander socb tat tale, all persons so seeaed this are endeavoring STEEN A LOMOWILL wttb notice. . . and those cislnvjar Is getting turlnr my absence WIO posiuvely morning to go on strike or else throe Sb or ander them, SM all persons prosecute Infrlnremeats. quit work in order to take advan eiauninr any interest la the Isad by virtue tage of the fishing season. of any unrerurWred Inttrumet and all HARRY HANSON persons claimlnr any lute ret I u, M Mod LA CASSE TME BUM PLUMBER by descent whose Utle Is hoi li.i.-rro In a letter received last evening under tbe provisions or this Act, siiall be from Pie. Bid Keith, the informa ror sver estopped sod debarred lluta tion is given that he is well and settler up any claim to or la respect ol the land so sold for and uies. the Aettt-Ttr "A Defer Ib tbe Bank i working hard. Pte. Reith notices tball retlater the person entitled un a great change in the Cld Country der such tat sale at owner of the Isad Wertk Two in" since he was there. lie notes par so sold for tatet." ticularly the enormous increase ASD VSHEhCAS appiicai.a bat been WAR BREAD made for a Certiorate of lodef wlble Title you have a in prices of food due to the to the above-mentioned lands. In the name w substantial Savings shortage which they are expert. of frank W. Mart. Account, you do not encing keenly now. The drafl in AJfD WHEREAS on Invesllrttlnr tbe have to ask favours which he went overseas were still title it tpprsrs that prior to tbe Iftn day of October. I Pit (tbe dais on wblrb tbe LABELLED 18-oz. LOAF or court refusals when you in the "segregation area," but aid lands were sold for overdue tatrs). require ready cash. A Savings hoped to soon be transferred to you were tbe re elite red and atsessed own Under Food Board Regulations Licence No. 5-1117 Account in The Dank of regular training quarters where ers ss titled below. British North America makes they were promised some hard runniES TAkr otict tut at iz sine lime I thtll effect rtrtsiritloa In independent of you promises. work to them for prepare a con-tfst ourtutnee of tucb tpplicttioo and litue t The money is yours ready with the Prussian. Ortiflctte of Indefensible Title to tbe stld when you need it protected landa In tbe Mine of frank W. Hart unleas gainst loss safe from fire and LAND REOI8TRY ACT you Isks snd prosecute lbs proper pru- Also Al! Kinds of War Time Calces theft and earning interest at (Sections II and III.) edinfs to establltb your claim. If any. highest to tbe said lands, or to prevent such pro current rates. posed action on my part clean and tasty; made bakers in a sanitary shop by Deposits of $1. and upwards art Re Application No. III! I. Ollt-I, SUM. Dated at tbe Land furttlrr OlOce. Prince expert received on Savings accounts. TAKE NOTICE tin I application bat been hupert, B. C . this I lib dsy of rrbrusrr. THE BANK OF made to truster frank W. Hart, or Prince 0, llll. Rupert. B, C, as owner In tee under four M. f. MACLEOD. BrJfefc Nertk Ttl Stl Deeda from tbe Collector or tbe District Krrtttrar of Tltlet. Anerics City of Prince hupert, bearlnr date tbe To f. W. Cltysoa. r-rlnce Hupert B. c. II lb day of Novcuiixr, hit, and one Tat ssscsssd owner of U-ti It snd II 55! TS YEANS IN BUSINESS. Sale Deed dated Had day of September I, Claries risulU, Edmonton. Alls.,Block ree insist cn the Label The La Casse Bakery CAPITAL AND BUM PLUS. tTHOt. ISIS, of ALL AND SIN0ULAH thai certain Ittered and assessed owner of Lot n. parcel or tract or land and premises situate, Block II, and sold for tatet on I its day PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH lylnr and beinr in tbe City or Prince Hubert, of September, ISltj V. Straube. IT more particularly known and de-scribed Powell su Vancouver, B. C W.J.SMITH attessed ERS,Manager as Lou seven (T) and Ofieea III), owner of Lots T and 11. Block It.