a bay it : of we t® Wie ae as te Sane PAGE FOUR WATERFRONT WHIFES Frank Inrig Starts New Well Known Local Salmon Troller Gassed— New Manager at Humpback Bay Cannery in Rivers Inlet— Frank Inrig, old time cannery operator of the River and well known at Port Essington where he was lo- vated in the early days, has a this season on Moses Inlet off Rivers Inlet. It is a one-line outfit with hand butchering and filling, a clincher, double- seamer and two retorts. Mr. in salmon canning for more thanx 25 years, was with the B. C. Pac-! kers for over 20 years and, under the name of the Standard Packing Co, Lid., he built cannery on Rivers Inlet which he sold to the Canadian Fishing Co. in | 1927. The local provincial police crui- | ser P. M. L. 8, with Staff Sergeant Alex MeNeill and other officers on board, is still at Rivers Inlet where it has been engaged in patrol du- ties for several weeks. There is no word as to when the vessel may be expected to return here. Pachena to Ketchikan ; Pacific Salvage Co.’s service boat Pachena, Capt. Charlie Larkin, re- turned to port on Tuesday after- noon of this week after a trip north in the course of which it took the Anyox baseball team to Ket- chikan for the Independence Dav celebration at the “First City.’’ The Pachena left for Anyox at midnigh Friday, picked up the smelter tow ball team Saturday, arrived at Ket- chikan Sunday, leaving there Mon day night and coming on home vi Anyox the next day. Happy Moore, well known loca salmon troller, is a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospita suffering from the effects of car- bon monoxide poisoning. Moore was running his boat Gudrum from here to Jap Inlet, Porcher Island Tuesday morning with the inten- tion of going salmon trolling, his boat being lashed alongside an- othey. Both craft were running anc the exhaust fumes from the other were blowing into Moore’s wheel- house. When nearing Porcher Isl- and, Moore was overcome by the fumes and collapsed. The man in the other boat, fortunately, saw his plight and rushed him back to town and hospital. Moore’s condi- tion is not serious. Salvage Princess Back Following a two weeks’ voyage to Vancouver for the purpose of tak- ing south two scowloads of box lumber from the Billmor Spruce Mills Ltd, sawmill at Porpoise Har- bor, Pacific Salvage Co.’s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt. Frank Ty- ler, returned to port on Tuesday night of this week. Coming north aboard the vessel were Capt. Paul Armour, local manager of the com- pany, and Mrs. Armour and daugh- ter, June, who attended the recent Rotary International convention in Seattle Suit has been instituted in Van- couver by Francis Millerd against the Goose Bay | Skeena a small cannery in operation Inrig, who has been engaged Creek in Massett Inlet where they /were marked a few years ago. The} ffsh were marked by removal of the| adipose fin. To recover the reward jit will be necessary to submit the scar where the fin was removed to- jgether with about twenty scales of | the side of the fish between the dorsal fin and the lateral line and ;report as to the date and place of capture and sex of the fish. EXECUTIVE wuINE-UP The Prince Rupert Baseball As- sociation executive announces the following impressive line-up for to- morrow’s game against the Inter- mediates: Farquhar, Moran, Windle, Kennedy, Scott, Rudderham, Love, Orme, Campbell, Cicconne, Macdon- ald. | TO PLAY OLD-TIMERS Mowe gerd The World’s Largest Cabin Lint Saturday, Rao Pity a at ey ~ Me io — ae ee belt St a; i , eran res Feature Starts at 7: ADMISSION ie With Conrad Nagel, Cartoon—“UGLY DUCKLING” “HELL DIVERS” Dorothy Jordan, July 9, 1 Friday & Saturday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 p.m, 15 & 9:15 l5e & 5i¢ SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:39 Feature Starts 2:45—L5c & 35¢ A WONDERFUL AIR SPECTACLE—NOT A WAR PICTURE WALLACE BEERY and CLARK GABLE in Marjorie Rambeau, Marie Prevost, Hitting the high spots of Fun, Romance and Thrills METRO NEWS 933 MONDAY & TUESDAY—“STRANGE CASE OF CLARA DEANE” Treen ee Ts LEAGUE IS Elks Defeat Empress 9 to 6 Last Night in Slow Game—Arseneau Made Fine Catch Elks won their fifth game in the last six starts in last evening’s baseball fixture with Empress by i score of 9 to 6 to even the league Line-up for Sunday’s ball game) yainst the “old-timers,” most of| 1ese being from the Young Em- ress: E. Johnson, P. Clanton, J. ‘ierce, J. Geddes, W. McLean, P henoski, E. Santerbane, E. Batt, {. Eckert. Fight Proposed NEW YORK, July 9: sharkey fight is the 1 alked of in fistic circles. Dempsey} 3 said to be considering a proposal | hat has been made him to take on iis former rival eer Baseball Standing $ A Dempsey- throw. | Totals 9 5/|the Chicago White Sox in both ends! Natio ; s . iting | jof a double-header. The Washing- SMOKED nal League Farquhar, who has been hitting EMPRESS— ABR H POA E}, ‘ bade ab : W. LL. Pect.jon all six lately, took a bad slump| Kenny 3b. $4411 tgn Senators sank further by los- Pittsburg 41 30 577) when he whiffed the ozone in his| Douglas 1b. 41271 pee nga the Cleveland Indians 30ston 42 34 583 four trips to the plate, striking out | | D. Stalker If, 40300 mS peepee se te thicago 40 34 1541 twice in the first inning. Barry did| winadle ss. 420010 TaneeeS $ Big League seores Philadelphia 39 41 .488|/the most effective stick-work for| Fong 2b. 4004 "Sm ai National League Brooklyn 37 39 .487/ the winners, collecting three safe-| walsh p. 311 0 3 09| Boston 6, St. Louis I St. Louis 35 37 .486) ties in four times at bat and scor-| p, Chenoski rf 400000) Brooklyn 15 Cincinnati 5. New York 33 38 .465/ing three runs. | Batt ef 3 002 9 o| New York 7, Pittsburg 8 Prepared Daily By Cincinnati 35. 49 417 The B . | Eckert c $1181 2I Philadelphia 4, Chicago 6. : Amefican League > a ee | American League ' Canadian Fi h & ( id Si ze ( Ltd New York 51 24 .680| ELKS— ABR H POA E) npotais 31 6 121 9 5| Cleveland 6, Washington 5, IS 0 lorage 0., . Philadelphia 46 32 .590}Farquhar ss. 40 0 2 2 3ipixs 5 “ys 9 | St. Louis 8, Boston 4. 1: _ Detroit 41 31 .570|Barry 1b. aa ® \ dep oe Wiad EO as SMTOls f New Taek f, Saye wUPERT, BAL bonne." * Ds ‘553 / A Mitchell c. 4 0 9 2 0| Summary—Stolen base, Barry 3 Chicago 4-2, Philadelphia 6-11, ashington at 36 Arseneau If. 3 10 1 0 o|A- Mitchell, Menzies, Skinner, Stone, | ea ee tee — ey = y 351 |Chenoski p. 44 234 pong ee pa te ott, ? Attend Olympiad | C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaid Don Finn, director of the Fi Boston 15 59 .203|Menzies 3b. €21 ass ies ar alls o a sh (2 ), ; ds SNUSLES, July 9:—Gover-| Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port! erles Experimental Station, . le aie ans ae 1) : enoski ); struck out by Walsh nor Roosevelt, the Democratic can-' at 3:45 yesterday afternoon from. been re-elected a member of - : |& chell 2b. 1 0 1} ( 9), Chenoski (9); hit by pitcher,|didate for the presidency, has an- the south and sailed at 10 p.m. on. Princ: Rupert Rotary Club f1 The potato contains 87 per cent) Skinner cf 2. D9; 3 0| Walsh; time of game, 1:35; umpires, | nounced that he will be present at her return to Vancouver and way-| which he resigned when he lef water. Stone rf. 2 0 1 0 0 O|Lambie and Stiles, : jthe big Olympic meeting here. points Prince Rupert a few years ago | standing. All teams have f ;Sational catch when he in foul territory | fly. Chenoski made a beautiful play | | when covering | roller to Barry in the fifth. He was! forced to fall right on his back as| sack to take the} ¥ he reached the now won ind lost. five games and with two }more games apiece to be played in the first half, it appears as though jthe Elks will cop as both of the} been weakened | onsiderably by injuries and play-| )ther teams have *rs leaving town. The irst stanza there was never much doubt as to the ultimate outcome. atest proposal | eorge Arseneau pulled off a sen-| went out| to tab Kenny’s! first on Stalker’s| NOW TIED . . : ad , ae Claimea to be the world’s largest cabin liner, the Champlain compl>ted her maiden voyagy to New York a few days ago. Escorted by tooting tugs’ and frenzied fire-boa‘s, she is shown making her way up the bay ‘GERMAN WINNER C. Buhtz Cibtared Honors in the Diamond Sculls at Henley HENLEY-ON-THAMES, Buhtz of Berl July 9 in easily won the classic Diamona Sculls here, de- feating his fellow countryman, Gergard Boetzelen, in the final over the historic Henley regatta course Of a mile and 550. yards in the slow time of nine minute and nineteen seconds, game lacked pep and with} Elks; taking a five-run lead in the BASEBALL R. B. A. Executive vs. Intermediate All-Stars SUNDAY, 2:30 Raby rf. P1040 OG z= CARDINALS fm DROP DOWN Brooklyn Moves Into Fifth Place in National League—Yankee Lead Further Reduced PITTSBURG, July 9 League leaders all yesterday, the Pittsburg Pirates taking a close decision, from: the New York Giants, the Boston Braves Winning an easy victory from the} world champion St. Louis Cardin- | ‘als and the Chicago Cubs downing the Phillies. The margin of leader- ship of the Pittsburg Pirates re-} mains at one and a half games over} the Boston Braves who, in turn, are| leading the Chicago Cubs by one National won their games| r Now is the time to buy tires! Prices are at the lowert levels in history. And in DOMINION Royals you get countless extra, trouble-free miles—because of their new, exclusive "Tempered Rubber" feature, S.E. Parker Ltd. DEALERS THE BIG SWINC IS TO TIRES game. The Brooklyn Dodgers, by means of a heavy slugging victory} over the cellar-dwelling Cincinnati | Reds, displaced the St. Louis Car-| dinals from fifth place In the American League, the New York Yankees won a close decis sion | from the Detroit Tigers but had | their margin of leadership ¢ut to six | ind a half games in view of the! Philadelphia Athletics’ conquest of “Rupert Brand” The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “TILLIE THE TOILER” the Fishermen's Co-operative Asso- ciation, It is understood that Mr. Millerd is suing for his salary when in the employ of the association as| its cannery manager. Although, according to the man- aging director, F. J. Kwapil, the United Pacific Fisheries, long ere this, was again to be engaged in the handling of Pacific Coast halibut, on a co-operative basis, nothing has lately been heard as to what progress, if any, Mr. Kwapil is mak- | ing with his organization on which| he spoke so optimistically when| here abuut six weeks ago. It is pre-| sumed that Mr. Kwapil has run up | against some difficulties, although | there is nothing to indicate that he| has abandoned his plans. | New Casunire Manager The Chatham Sound Fishing &| Packing Co,’s cannery at Hump- | back Bay, Porcher Island, is oper- ating under a new manager this season in the person of J. E. Cun- ningham who has been with the company since 1929. Mr. Cunning- ham is no stranger to the salmon canning industry on this coast, ! having been previously for three years at Port Edward cannery and later with the American Can Co Another old hand in the Skeena River fishery, Alex Sutherland, is now foreman at Porcher Island. The Biological Board of Canada is offering 25¢ apiece for reports on pink saimon which are expected to yeturn this year to McClinton, IS. CERTAINLY HARD “ON My |CLoTue Ty 4 he, a fa AV ~ } . s\ J ' owe \ res Svndicate. Ine. Great Britain rights reserved ' ee ee — 44 ecient ete ot VALE TERIA [ ~cU SHOULD ' \ee MORK Cave THIS ‘iS Fut NI UNDERSTAND) FPercrow HORN 1S Mac’s No Washing “me | HE , OUGHT ois To Be j Z HERE Nec vs | anaae / { tame } Lit COMING | Advertisement a - Leora Sores MAC BoveaLt HORN - THIS INVENTOR OF IS MiIstTeR MAC DOUGALL “THAT CLEANING AND PRESSES cr. OTHE S- Nieote, Toe, Creat Melthin rights reserved. =a = BS te ee \TS AW FOL "THE Way MAC RUINS HIS BRST SUITS TINKERING ON THE VALETRRIA Poor. &oy- He NERDS VVE GoT SUST “THE THING for MAC - WHAT A BARGAIN et, [ Ae wa) eee =e ee eee eins ORS TOMER —By Westover. A > “ER - HAVE Yyov “TRIED | , YOUR MACHINE i\\ A j 1 © i > ad BEEN SHOPPING YES, AND VE Got SOMBTHING For You HOLp STi. he MAC, or Be MAD