7 Thursday, July 4, 1018. THT DAILY NEWS The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave., ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For the East. . . Telephone OS Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays1 k P nt 0:30 a. in. Thursday, July 4, 1018.; From the East. iE Sundays, Tuesdays- and Thurs. PUB! J days al D.30 p.m. RAINBOW RUMORS Tuesdays Tor...............Vancouver: 5 p.m. EVBiSitary Service Act, 1917. There was another i;umor last Wednesdays 7 a.in week that the dr dock was to start Thursdays .....10 p.m. up into bustling activity at dace, Si with the whistle blowing three From Vancouver Men 19 and 20 Years of Age. squares every day until the end of time. These rumors spring up Sundays 10 p.m. Harvest Leave. Wednesdays 10.30 a.m. and lazily stir public hopes like of Extreme Hardship. summer breezes on a Dutch windmill; Saturdays p.m Leave of Absence cn Ground then they scoop for themselves For Any ox: Procedure to obtain Leave of Absence. little graves in the accumulating Sundays ......10 p.i. dust on the drydock's Wednesdays 10 splendid machinery and are at p.m. rest. While all the world won Men Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age. ders. Wonders that, while the Tuesdays From Anyox: a.m It luis come to tho attention of tho Government tliat thcro is n widespread struggle of every allied country is Thursdays .....p.m impression that young men of nineteen years, and thoso who lccamc twenty for ships to win the war with nineteen from timo to who become since October 13, 1917, aa well as thoso may such a large and important in strumcht for their production HEATING PLANT INSTALLED For Port Simpson and Naas River time and who havo been or will bo called upon to register under tho Military should for yearpund years of this ON THE LAUNCH BELMONT points: Scrvico Act, aro to bo immediately called to tho colours. fierce struggle for ships still re Sundays 10 p.m This impression is quito incorrect. No dato lias yet been fixed for calling The big launch Belmont belong main idle. Never mind. "Long on has tho been brought before ing to Belmont Surf Inlet Mines, From Port Simpson and Naas upon such men to so report for duty, nor question Golconda's shore a diamond lay was in port the other day and River Points: tho Cabinet for decision. In view of tho need of labour on tho farm, it is most neglected," and somebody, some when here had a fine piece of Tuesdays .a.m. unlikely that consideration will bo given to tho matter until after tho harvest is after the discover day war this jewel of a long-neglected may work done, in tho installation of over, although of course tho Government's action must bo dctermuied primarily a hot water heating system. Once Queen Charlotte Islands: situation. tho shipbuilding plani Oh, lots of by military in a while when on tho water, it For Port Clements and incumbent men of tho strange things will happen after Massett, There is no further oblieation uion j'oung ages the war things never thought of does get cold a little, but here Upper Island points: above mentioned who havo registered or who do so hcrcafU-r, until they receive after the "Belmont" will bo able before. After the war wo may Saturdays 8 a.m. to face any kind of weather, with notice from tho Registrars, have (mank that word may) a resident member of parliament to equanimity, being Jilted in a man From Mnsset, Port Clements and Harvest Leave. ner in wnicu lew launcnes look after such things for al are. Upper Island points: though it has been a fashion,us,long A Harry Hanson coil has been Tuesdays .... ....... ... a.m. Somo enquiries havo been received as to tho possibility of granting harvest enough to bo become a precedent, filled up in the galley stove. This leave to such troops as may bo in tho country nt that time. No definite assurance for Prince flupcrt to insist upon has been made specially durable. For Skidegate, Queen Charlotte can bo given on this point as wlvantago must bo taken of ships as they of brass pipe which will last for City and Loner Island if at all electing a non-resident repre points: become available. On tho other hand, harvest leave will bo given sentative. many years. Itadiators of differ Wednesdays ......... ...8 p.m. ent sizes are placed where required possible. A GREAT SPY STORY throughout the vessel, and From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship. a steady heat is maintained. Besides City and Lower Island points: AT THE WESTHOLME this, there is a constant Saturdays p. m. It is desired that tho Regulations respecting lcavoof nbscncoin cascaofliard- There Is to be supply of hot water, available on ship should bo widely known and fully understood. Such leavo will bo granted a great spy story-displayed at the Westholme this board. Messrs. Steen and. Long- in two cases: (a) whero cxtremo hardship arises by reason of tho fact that tho evening. This is an English film will put in this heating system, man concerned is cither tho only eon capable of earning n livelihood, of a father and is the finst used in this country. which it would have been impos. killed or disabled on service or presently in scrvico overseas, or in training for It is exclusively controlled water able to jacket operate in with the stove the ordinary firebox. such service, or under treatment after returning from overseas; or tho only by arrangement with the Phillips remaining of two or more brothers capablo of earning a livelihood (the other Film Co., Molograph House, Upper PRESIDENT POINCARE brothers been killed disabled or TENDERS FOR COAL, B.C- brother or having or on scrvico, being presently St. Martin's Lane, London, W. C, The PRESENTS FLAG TO in Ecrvico overseas, or in training for overseas or under treatment after his or tale is a thrilling showing the machinations one,of enemy CZECHO-SLOVAKS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Uw their return from overseas); brothers married before 4th August, 1914, living in spies in the capital city of the Paris, July 3. The presenta ondtrsltned, )od endorsed "Tender for separate establishments and having a child or children not to bo counted, Empire. "London's Enemies" is tion of a flag to the Czecho-Slovak of Coal British for tin Columbia,"Dominion will Bulldior.ie recti ProTioce red by in determining tho fact that tho man is tho "only remaining son or brother a photoplay which brings home to regiment which is now fighting Win. Henderson, liesldcnt Artblleet, D (b) where cxtremo hardship arises by reason of exceptional circumstances such as the ordinary individual the seriousness with the Allies on the western partiocnt or Public Work for Canada al tho fact that tho man concerned is tho solo support of a widowed mother, an of the situation with Victoria, D. C, cntil it o'clock coon,' on front, was made by president Wednesday, July 3. 1911. for the supply invalid father or other helpless dependents. which the Allie3 confronted were Poincare of France, lie bestowed of coal ttt tbe Public Dulldinn tnrourb It is to be noted tliat in all there cases tho governing factor is not hardship, during the llrt of the years war, the tbc great praise upon fighting out Province of British Columbia. loss to tho individual concerned, but to others, that is. members of when enemy spies were secreted forces of the Szechs and Slovak, Combined specifications and form of or suffering in tender can be obtained at tbla offlcr, from his family or those depending him. many unsuspected places. who are fighting the common en upon ilw Resident Architect. Dominion RiUld There is an all-star and this cast, emy of freedom. lnrs, Victoria, and tbe Superintendent Du Procedure to obtain leave of absence. photoplay is one which will be minion Bulldtnr. Vancouver, B. C much appreciated. Then there ,is There was a wise Spear-woman Persons ttnderlnr are noUOed that ten A simple system for dealing with these cases has been adopted. Forms of ders will not be considered unless made the last chapter of the Billie lived in a shoe on the printed forms stippliad. and si rued application have been supplied to every Depot Battalion and an officer of each Burke serial which has been running For her many children she know with their actual sla-nalures. detailed is battalion lias been whoso duty it to give them immediate attention. for time All what to do: Eacb some tender past. must be accompanied liy those patrons of the Westholme Shu made them most happy with an accepted cheque on 1 chartered bank, Tho man concerned should on rciorting to his unit fttato that lie desirca to apply who have seen this great story Wrigley's for all payable to the order of tbe Minister of for leavo of absence on pno or more of tho grounds mentioned and his application will want to witness the final episode. It kept them in trim at a cost very toe Public amount Works,of tender.equal to 10 per cent of form will then be filled out and forwarded to Militia Headquarters, Ottawa. In small I By order, the meantime, if the caso appears meritorious, tho man will bo given provisional Department ft.of C.Public DESnOCIIERS,Works. leave of absence for thirty days fo tliat ho may return homo and continue his Ottawa, June Stb, 1911. JJ civil occupation while his caso is being finally disposed of. NAVIGABLE WATEH3 PROTECTION ACT Issued by Depahtment of Militia and Defence, (n. S. C Chapter III.) Department of Justice. THE BRITISH CANADIAN LUMBER mn. POBATlON. LIMITED hereby fives notice lhat It has under seeUon 7 of the said act deposited with tbe Minister or suMi Works at Ottawa and in tbe oflJre or the District ftcrlstrar or the Land netlitry Dstrlcl at rrlnce BuDert. B c Anrrn. Hon of the site and tbe plan cf wharf, W Two Questions Masset bulldlnrs,Inlet.etc.,Qrahim proposed lilmit to be In built Fmnl on Af Dirt Of Lot 113ft (Timber Llrn ultQ u. Getting Fair Deal in Buying and inci,Lot u.S810 u. Queen Charlotte Islands DIs a And take notice tbat trier th r.i. With so many low-priced lion of one month from the date of the nrsi puDiicsnon or tfcis inllce Toe British so-called anti-skids obtainable, Csnadlan Lumber Corporation, Limited will, under Section 1 of the nin Act ir,ni m is getting tbe City of Ottawa, for approval of the would that great host said site and plan and for leave to construct tbe said wharf, bulUinra, etc Dated Vancouver. U. C. this leth lv LA CASSE of motorists for pay more hi nay, iv is. THE BRITISH CANADIAN LI1MIIFR rrm l uiiATiu, limited, by tbelr atent. "Traction" Dunlop Tread E. A. Cleveland. Civil Entlneer and surveyor, Vancouver, B. a. if they could get its merits VAT Ell NOTICK elsewhere? TiVP vnnre(Use and Stortre)... WARB READ ......... ... SI llrpnt fr.p Unui Inl.i I Oirtliam Inland spruce and Odar Co. .Ltd.. Fill ias.nlaht - .4 -a : Also, would that other Co. Lid.. whoie tddreii li Hon Cmcnti, B. C , w;ll apply for a licence to uk and .... ... .. .. III. H n lt n Ir.1 1 a an.4 .a a.... LABELLED 18kjz. LOAF b..iv.,v w iiuic uiie-iiiiiiii large list of car owners buy feet of witer out or Coboe Creek, """ iiunrii, aim urilllj miO ID Under Food Board Licence Regulations No. " SPECIAL " ihuvu Th Hfirntra itiTvr,Ham nssMfi.a 1 1 1 iniei.I.. I... t.. .. ...... 5-1117 (00 yards from tbe mouth of said creek. if tires which somewhat Is altout one-ninth acre ft and It mil flood about o.9 acref or....land......Tba wtur n I II rfl,.r.J ...1. w iiiiii ius r.rrsiu 11 point near the darn, and will be used for resemble it in appsarar :e domestic and steam purposes upon.......tbe Also All Kinds of War Time Cakes TMl nntle ma iv.il.il n th. resembled it in on the Sih dty of May, Hl. A codv of B1 efficiency? F3! tnii inereto notice ana to and tbe an"Water applicttloa Act, ttu,"pursuint will clean and tasty; made by expert bakers In n sanitary shop er si Prince lluperl B. C. uy,ecnuiii V) 1110 syncilion JDIV be riled with tbe stld Water Recorder, or with iw Wl't'M Ul IMHr MIIUII. J'tTIIft' J -s- v s-fi MJ. j, WI 11)111 ,thirty days after the first appearance or nt thA first nuhlleatlnn nf ifiU nni 7. Insist the Label Junt 1, 1918. on Jg (gggg Jagiy Insist on the Label MABSET INLET LIJMBEH CO. LTD AEROPLANE SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUM Advertise In The Daily News 6IUHAM BEH COMPANY CO.,ISLAND LTD.LIMITED.HPRUCE AND CEDAR 0. II. Boulton, Atent