Thursday, July a, 1018. THT DAILY NEWS RESULTS OF PUBLIC LAND HEGISTHY ACTi SYNOPSIS OF CONSTANT' PAH SCHOOLS EXAMINATION LAND ACT AMENDMENT (Sections it and 134.) S. S. PRINCE RUPERT BORDEN STREET SCHOOL lie Application JSo. Slll l i.rf8'n!pt''n now confined to eurreyed DIVISION X-MIss TAki: NOTICE that application bai oeen KecorJa only.will be granted coverlnv only HFffl EATING TlnRley, ln-cipal. maae la retliter John E. Bert of ketcnikan, land suitable for agricultural purpmea Alaska, aa owner In fee under a Taa Sale and whlfih H non-timber land. I artnershlp pre-mptfona abolished, S. S. PR1N Promoted from Junior Fourth Deed from the Collector of lb City of out parties of not mora than four may I'rlnre l.upert. bearlor date the J I lb day arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with The au entrance uiaas in order of or noternber. It tT. of ALL AJID SI.10U Joint residence, but each matin njes Tortures of Dyspepsia .mum;it . rt t .. . ' 1 eary improvementa on respective clalma. MONDAY 9 A.M. for Swanson Bay, Vancouver, Victoria oigno i-aii lirlckson, land Irene that certain parcel or tract of I re-emptors must occupy claims tor and Seattle. Corrected Carter, Ithona Saunders, Lee Gordon, ana pretnltea altuale. lytns and beinr nve years and make Improvementa to by "Frolt-a-tlves" tbe Municipality of tbe City of Prince Hu Tlue of Sis per acre. Including clearing WEDNESDAY 12 Noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Dorothy Nunan, Jack Thoinp. I and cultivation of at least 6 acres, be-for?,. arid Skagway. B. and & pen, c, more particularly known """ Croirn Grant. 8t. Maktm's, N.1J. on, draco Leek, Willie Martin, described aa Lota tblrty-elrbt (IS), and where i -emptor In occupation not FRIDAY 12 Noon to Anyox. " " " "For two I sufTored tortures Evelyn Macdonald, Annie iDiriy nine See less than t ears, and baa madeyroror-tlonate years, Kellie, (tt)t Block thirty (JO). Improvements, he may, because SATURDAY 9 A.M. for Ocean Tails, Vancouver, Victoria from Severe Dyspeptia. I had t.or,na me, Howard Frizzell, Gordon "on eirbt (S), Map til. You are re of Ill-health or other cause, fea granted and Seattle. after quired to corneal tbe clam of tbe tai Intermediate certincate of improvement constant paint rating; pains llulgcr. and transfer his claim. purchaser within it daya from tbe date S. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE Itecorda without ALBERT. down the slilcs and back and Kolls permanent residence of ; Honor or the service or tbls notice (wnlcb may may be Issued provided applicant makes horribto hitter stuff often came up P"of)clcncy Signc Krickson. be effected by publlc&tion In tbe Dally Improvements to extent f aoo per an Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. nnm and records same each Failure year. In my mouth, Dt'liorlineiil Irene Carter. news, and your attention la called to sec to make Improvements or record TRAIN SERVICE nun J of the "Land Drrlstry Act wltb same will operate as forfeiture. Title I tried doctors, but they did not Punctuality and lleeularllv amendment!, and to tbe followlnr ei tract cannot be obtained on the claims In rassenxer atCKDAV, WEONEBBAr and FfttDAr st 11 SO ajo. tor Smlibers, help mo Hut as soon as I started Dorothy Macdbnald. Lee Oordon. mererrom: less than I years, with Improvementa of Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all 110 Includlnr ter acre. S acres cleared taking 'I'ruit-a-ilpet', I began to Jack Thompson. end in default of a car eat or certificate and cultivated, and residence of at points east and south. Improve and this medicine, mads ui iia pftiaeni belnr Hied before the rrsla least 2 years. Promoted from Spninr Thir.i tratlon 1're-em hold In Crown Grant i,. as fiwnir nr IhA rur.m ntltlf1 nn. ptor may of fruit Juices, relieved me when Junior Fourth: der such Ui aalc. all nra.ina a aerrrd record another pre-emption, IX he requires For information and reservations apply to everything' elso failed." Jack Thompson. with noUce and tboae claiming land In conjunction with bis Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. farm, without actual occupation, Uyrja Harvey, Dorothy throurh or unit,, tlum n1 all rwraina provided MU3. HUDSON MAKHIMANK. Macdonald, ..auiiiiiK .ur nur.ii in in i.iui nv viriiii statutory Improvements made and City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Marjorlo residence maintained Crown granted Carter. Hobert Smith. of on any unretlslered lnnrumnt. and all 00c.a box,0 for 12.00, trial site 2.e. land. Clarence MacMIIIan. KJizabplli peraens clalminr any Interest In tbe land Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding- 20 At all dealers or sent postpaid by by descent Imwc title ta not reartsured acres, may be leased aa homesttes; Fruit Limited, oiutra. Itosn, Miriam Lando. Jack Kellie. under the provisions of this Act, shall be title to be obtained after fulfilling- residential a-tlves Sidney Anderson, Chrlsliia Mc- .r -,.t rwvnn ana aebarred rrom set-tins and Improvement conditions. up any claim to or In rerpect of tbe For sraxlna and Industrial purposes, Lcnnan. Tony Uuchlnicli. Flsle land so sold for tales, and the Heartatrar areas exceeding (40 acres may be leased shall register the person entitled under by one person or company. CANADIAN Johnson. Ilupert Morrow. urn ui sale aa owner of the land so PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. PACIFIC RAILWAY sold STEEN & LONG WILL Itocommcnded fur laaes. Kverell Leek. The scope of this Act is enlarged to A.iD WHEREAS ariDllcallon baa been uoruou Include ali persons Joining and servinc Kerr, Ileilly Vierick. made for a Ceruncate of Indefeaalble Title wlth tils Majesty's Forces. The time Lowest Rates all within whlsh the heirs or devisees of a to Eastern Points DIVISION to SANITArt . ni) IIEATINO XI, To Senior; Third tbe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name deceased for pre-emptor may apply Header. (Second term). or John E. Berr. ttUe under this Act Is extended from via Steamer to Vancouver and the EI71INEER3 AXD WHEREAS on InvesUraUne; tbe title one rear from the death of sucb person, Canadian Pacific Teddy Tile, Elizabeth Currie, t appeara that prior to tbe tztb day of aa formerly, until one year after the Railway conclusion of tbe present war. This Itussell Hulger, Thelrna Smith, lelober, 1SI6 (tbe date on which tbe said privilege is also made retroactive. Meals and Berth included AoenU for binds MC on Steamer Malsu Hara, Frances Hownews, ere for overdue laiea). you TOWN8ITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT McCLARY FURNACES Ezra re the aiwssed ouer tbereof. ACT. Lando, Chester Clapp, Ailecn r L'RTHEJi TAKE K0T1CE that It tbe Provision Is made for tbe grant to Patmore, Lillian Nickerson, Palsy same time 1 aball effect registration In persons noraing uncompleted Agreements FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE to Purchase from the Crown of PLUMBING Peyton, Peter Hlack, Itulh Nunan. pursuance of aueb application and Issue such proportion of the land. If divisible, Itcubcn Jacobsen. a Certificate of Indtfeailble TlUe to tbe as the payments already made wili SB. sophia sails from Prince Rupert May 3rd. 14th, nth; June ath, tatti tald lands In tbe name of John E. Berr, cover in proportion to the sale price of and SSth. To Junior Third Header (second the whole parcel. Two or more neraons SHEET METAL WORKS nnieaa yno laae and pfOKCBU tbs proper fc!M!p"r such Agreements may group term'. Dimery Johnson, Hariiara proceedln6 to establish your claim. If their interests and apply for m proportionate S8.PRINCESS ALICE galls for Vancouver June S Ind and July Sth. Pboue 5, 834 Second Avenue. allotment lolntlr. If It la nf Peyton, Mlenhach Lihcro any, to tbe said lands, or to prevent such Hlaauw, considered advisable to divide the bind SB. PRINCESS SSAV salla for Vancouver May Sth. ism, ism. and Night phones 87fl proposed action tb; Itasso-Dcrl, Edith on my parL covered by an application for a proportionate and Blue 270 Leek. .Nerina DATED al tbe Land Registry Office, allotment, an allotment of land june zna. sin, 15 in, ura ana sou. Dlaauw. of equal value selected from 'rtnee Rupert. B. CL, this S7ih day of available Crown lands in the kocallty be The right work, at the right To Junior Third Header (first ecember. A. D. IJI7. made. These allotments are conditional may time, and at the right price). H. P. MACLEOD, upon payment of all taxes due the term). Janet Clark, Huth Dulton Crown or to any municipality. The W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL District iletiatrar of Titles, Cecil riabta of oersons to whom the trar. Morrison, Hetty Arney. fo Walter McLaren, chaser from the Crown has agreed to Honor Holls. Itampa, tdabo. sell are also protected. The decision of Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Pr'nca Rupert. B.C. the Minister of Lands In respect to the Proficiency Teddy Tile. adjustment of a proportionate allotment MINERAL ACT is nnaL Tbe lime icr making application Seeds! Seeds! Deportment Elizabeth Currie, for these allotments Is limited to me Hi aay or stay, nil. An v annllca- Punctuality and Hegularity Certiorate of Improvements. tlon made after this date will not be ArMMty Chester Clapp. considered. These allotments apply to av town lota and lands of tbe Crown sold at We handle DIVISION XII. Miss It. McLeod, HOHCE. at public auction. tJ) Jennie's, Ferry's and 8teele Teacher. Jr, Second to Sr. Third -ntipcrt," "Scranton." "Oem.'' and eial For Government Information Agent amlv or to anr to Travln. jtsorre" Mineral aatma, altuate In tbe CITY TAXI Brlggs Oaf-den and Field Yashi Hara, Lizzie McFadden, a. R NADEN. I I Skeeata Minlsr Division of Coast District. Deputy Minister of Lands, Seeds. Hobert Kellie. Edward Yager. Alice Where located: Al k"1nltaa, Skeena - Victoria. D. C t Fertilizers and Worm Destroyer. Ennyn, Ilruno liao-Ilert, Kay Hlver. TAKE NOTICE that Alex. M. Manaon. Salvation Army. Willie Alice Ennyn, Wrathall. Frte Miners Certificate So. t4ttS-C aet- Hay, Oraln and Mill Feed. Spencer. Norma Hogers, Mabel mr as agent for tbe B. C Salt Works, Public Mrlntyre. Le Hoy Thomas. Calh. l.oniu-d. Tree Miner's Certificate Ko. 14,- meetings, Tuesdays, FOR HIRE Pratt's Poultry Regulator. t: c. latend slaty daya from tfc date liursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. rine Irvine. Henry Heilbronner, Phone 453 Chicken Feed a specialty. . hemr, to apply tc tbe Mining Recorder Sundays at 7:30 p. m. DAY AND NIGHT Hester, Hlack, Vera Shockley, Gor for a Certificate of Iniprovemrnta, for tbe Stall Orsers Premptl- Alteaasd U. don Vierick, Muriel Lindsay, purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of tbe Advertise In the Daily News. above claim. Kfyvshi Ennyn, Clifford Cameron And tuttber u'.e notice that acuon. un Prince Rupert Feed Co. First Header to Second Reader: drr section SS. mutt be commenced before Beatrice Cash, Isa Hara, Agnes tbe Issuance of sucb Certiorate of Iin rtw ss. P. O. Be I Ml prorcments. Iverson, Thomas Clark, irank Dated th Hlb day of May. A. D. ISIS. Morrison, Theltna Dunn, Nick Chenoski, May Martin, Ella Sleen, MI3EJUL ACT. Abraham Hoffman, CtRTIIlCATE OF IMPROVEME.1T3. Harry Hanson's Oral floss, William Jabour: Hannah Lando, JOTICE PATENTED Huby Duggan, Everett Thomas. Stark reaction Mineral Claim, altuate la Grow Your Honor noil. the ktna Mining Division of Casslar Dla Fast Heating Proficiency Yoshi Hara. irtcl. Where located: Seven mllea from Ooom Bay, on tbe northwest branch of Deportment Beatrice Cash. FVJs Creek. Hot Water Coil Punctuality and Hegularity TAK E NOTICE I Oct I, Wm. T. kergto. r.M.L. .to. 4? C acting aa agent for Ennyu. and Kay Alice Spencer Ueorge Rudge, F. M. L. .No. IJ. and Wm. Own CmU MS.Cs ttl connected up complete DIVISION XIII. Promoted from R. Lord. r. M. L. .No. IStSI C, and for Vegetables sod guaranteed for mm rrr 1 si Primer to 2nd Primer. myself. Intend, slaty days from tbe date Orders wilt be received st uui Entrrar Isaakstn. May Clark, hereof, to apply to tbe Mining Recordet price Bp to BUr 15 Atf that tf for a Certincate of Improvementa, for tbe PRICK WILL OO UP. At the preset)! Hosalie Doijs Duggan. AUu En- purpose of obtaining a Crown Oram of the of material, Johnson. Kalliryn And further Uke notice that price at, your nvu. Arthur above claim. plumber for s price to make an Johnstone. Hernice Hoss. Adelaine a-i too, under section st, must be com-menced CITY people this year must help to grow their own food. ordinary CotL ctmattl it up and Dumont. Lillian Ivarsen, Doris before tbe Issuance of sucb Cer pound of vegetables that can be produced in home guarantee II for cm rear. ao4 see uflcate of Improvements. thro romps. price! sod Jadrc far Hunn, Dorothy Patmore, Lewis Dated this tOUl day of April, A. D. ISIS gardens or vacant lots will be a positive addition to the rourself. atmore, Nellie rraser. supply of food. Moreover the cultivation of land in city, town IOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Ai all between berttofore the other eiisung plumbers agreements From 2nd Primer to 1st Head and village will leave market gardeners and fanners free to grow and myself bare eaplred. I hereby ersHarold Macdonald, Irjtne Mc- NoUee is hereby given that tbe reserve wheat and other supplies for export. revoke any prrmtta to anyoee to ntyr.e. Mary Oalliion, wiuiam listing on that portion of Lot 141S make and Install iiiren Charlotte District, surveyed and i etrepting hatmene ITIIS A LONQWILL same, atmore. Alida Ivarsen. nowu aa Lot SStO by reason of a notice It may be that the only contribution which you can make towards relieving during; my absence Will positively Hulger. Phyllis Harvey. Margaret appearing In tbe British Columbia Oaxetle the dire food needs of our Allies will be a vegetable garden. If 200,000 families proteeuts Infringements. Mackay, Ernest Perry, Jacu uf December ST. ItOT, la said cancelled Lot J8I0 for in Canada would cultivate a garden of this kind it would mean a very important the purpose of leasing .'rathall, Nellie Oirvlcli, t-ugene addition to our food supply. Ouren Charlotte District, to tbe British aggregate HARRY HANSON Dutton. Canadian Lumber Corporation Limited for THE SUM PLUMBER Receiving Class to 1st Primer: saw mill purposes. In Montreal vegetables to the -value of $100,000 were grown on vacant lota Kayaco Ennyu, Gordon Parkin. O.Deputy It. KADEW,Minuter or Unas, last year. Calgary had over 1,100 lots under cultivation, covering an area rank Tabeuu, Annie Muny. eparimrnt of Landa, Victoria, B. C I4tb of 200 acres. Splendid results were achieved in other cities. nrv Lnwrence. Elizabeth ttsn, May. ISIS. J-xs BANK OF Hobert Irvine. Frederick Cameron, MINERAL ACT There is even greater necessity for war gardens this year. Tremendous In nhort Macartney. IrcdencK terest in the movement is reported from all parts of the Dominion. Are you British North America Dorothy IWiomai, Douglas Macdonald. Certificate of Improvementa . a member of a vacant lot organization ? If none exists in your community Ernest Stfles. Albert Stiles. help to organize one. Statement to tbe Dominion Oovern-merit Jnbour. Emily Jabour. Winnirred NOTI0E (Condensed) slat January, Uunn. Doris Leek. -LOl'ISE" Mineral Clalam, altuate In the Home garden and vacant lot cultivation is really needed and may truly be 111. Honor Holls. Portland Canal Mining Division of Caaalar considered a patriotic service. LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIO Harold Macdonald. District. Where located: On American Proficiency Nouta in arculaUon . . Mtf.UO cmk. about 4 mllea from Ita mouth. Drpoelts U.7JI.I.I Deportment Hosalie Duggan. TAkE .NOTICE that I. Robert Stewart, Ous to other Banka .. s$4,TS Punctuality and Regularity Free Mlner'a Certincate .No. JJO-C, Intend, Organized Efforts Will Ollll Payable (Accept- Atsu Ennyu. , amy days rrom tbe date hereof, to ancea by London office) apply to the Mltilng Recorder for a Certincate I.HS.I4I of Improvements, for tbe purpose Best Results HECOIIDISO DJVISJ0-DISTI'.ICT LAMD Bring Acceptances under Letters SkEESA Or COAST, RANOK THREE ll of obtaining a Crown t'fant of the above of Credit (ss per rlaira. contra) 1,111.401 Orardon. And further take notice that action, under ih.i iiAanir section SS must be commenced before Decide here and now to have a war By growing your own vegetables itMOB.m of n.lnlni.Sanu Inlenda Monica,to apply Caiirornia,for permmion the Issue of sucb Certincate of Improvements. garden. Persuade your neighbours you can not only perform a patriotic ASSETS. to do the same. All the tools necessary duty, you can also help to control of March, it 18. this 15th day Cash sod In DnkU.UC.16 Dated in band hUb-aer Deposit with Oovern-men! CunuMncinr at a po.1 planted norlhel al .corner are a spade, rake and hoe. The the high cost of living. oja Mots Circulation of mark me at Uland,the Mlrem.Laredo Sound. Pror- MINERAL ACT cost of seeds is a trifle. Grow only Write to your Provincial ' Department SIMM inee or uniuu --- standard vegetables such as potatoes, of Agriculture for pamphlets Deposit In Central Oold of the aa d Certincate or Improvements. Reserve I.ITO.OOO aloof the weaterly abore line . beans, peas, beets, carrots, parsnips, on gardening and any additional Uland to lb aouiuweai curu JHQTICE. onions and lettuce. information. and Municipal hundred Oovo'timent, of nine ... . a OUlance I .1 lll.l. Im t and otber Securities II.IBI.IIO luty chBlns. more or Ims. ivortn oiar Minrrsi umu. n tw ev..n Minlnr Division of Casslar District. Call and Bbori Loans . . T.eil.447 aouibern abore tin " railerly alonif the Where located: About IS mllea up the CANADA FOOD BOARD Current Loans snd Discounts laland to tbe "!f Tnd klttault Hlver from Alice Arm. snd other Assets lreof. 18.410.140 a di.ianc. Ji tup notice that I. Lewla W. Patmore. Free Mlner'a Certincate No. US!-C aa Llabimtea or Cu Homers agent for Outtaf Pearson. Free Miner's under Letters of Hue of im"'"". V:... . diitauce of CerUncate No. Sts-C Intend, auty daya Credit (ss contrs) 1,111.404 - per aa.u 'corner of M io from the date nereot, Bank rrsmlses I.40M0I inin. neeorHer tar a Certincate of Im. "fVfMiJsyovj pVovemenH. for i'nc purpoae or obtaining Chairman ITI.4lf.44S a Crown Orant or the above claim. And runner take notlco that action, under section Si, must be commenced before Ihe Issue 6f such ceruncaio oi iwts- SUBSCRIBE FOR mora or '.,.-,;,. oiiAYDOJC. menu. . . .... ' A S-B"" DATED Uill Utn oay or May, a.v, ivis. BnsBuajsr' . f ria u'. s-i'ruu fiij m i 'CJ The Daily News June Tin.