Today’s Weather : Tomorrow’s Tides Tuesday, July 12, 1932 Prince Rupert—Overcast, fresh TP ia te aaa 8:10 a.m, 15.9 ft. southeast wind; eae “oe ~ a temperature, 62; sea choppy. ®, >, aM ae i ne NA en MMR 6) 7 cae OY ee Mace ke. MB ey eee, Pee a es ae a = Vol, XXIII., No. 160. &% rim a "" a ne ae perometer, 20; | ee" . “ee a x civs This Dominion Ready To Admit Many Goods Without ut Paying Duty Trade is Concerned—Identity of Articles Being Guarded as Secret OTTAWA, July 11:—Canada will meet the Imperial} economie conference with a list of more than eight thou- sand items which it is prepared to admit free of duty from) Empire countries, It is felt in government circles that, with such a list, Canada will be in a position to make a very substantial contribution to efforts to ow er taritt barriers | BUCKLEY TO seh the tame VANCOUVER being aoe a carefully Seaninah se- cret but it is known to contain it- Pulp Mill Promoter Reiterates Hope of Ultimate Success of Local | ' } ems which should have a far-reach- | | Undertaking ing effect upon Empire trade. PICNIC IS SUCCESSFUL Expre ing every confidence ol \ idte” sliccess “In thé profect ot | f hing a pulp mill at Prince Ru FP. L. Buckley, promoter of Outing Staged By Eagles Yesterday ect, safls by the Prince Ru One of Outstanding Events of I afternoon on his return Its Kind This Season iver after spending th et ree days in the city on fu Between 500 and 600 persons at- nization work in connec | tended the annual picnie of the lo- | the undertaking which was held | cal Eagles’ Lodge yesterday at Grassy Bay. The event proved the most outstanding of its kind so far this year. The weather was excellent and everyone in the} huge crowd had a very happy time Buckley will be leaving short mnection with to be back in about a month's i trip east in ¢ ct and expect nee Rupert as j indeed PICN IS | During the afternoon there was al full program of sports and races. | /One of the amusing events on the OY ABI Elere program was a baseball game} between the ladies and the men| oa h the former won 20 to 12 Varden provided in Singers’ Party of 55 Had Outing at Oona River Refreshments were abundance Cars were loaned to transport the Varden held picnickers out the highway by Al picnic yesterday a\ bert & McCaffery, S. C. Thomson, Porcher Island, and the out-|¢C, C, Ketchum, Glenn's Transfet Singer their Oona ' | Eight Thousand Items on Free List as Far as Empire |°"#?¢! % the 8. |the funeral service of 18-month old }Oddmund Hansen, |Mrs. | lost his life by drowning in an open Little Gildea. Hansen Buried |Many Friends of Family Attended Funeral of 18-Month Old Boy On Saturday Many friends of the family were present Saturday afternoon at the Undertakers for son of Mr. and Ed. Hansen, Alfred Street, who ditch last week Rev. P. M pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church, conducted the service and Peter Lien presided at the organ. Friends acted as pall- bearers There were a number of floral of | fe rings Fosse, Halibut t Landings | Summary American _ 500 pounds, 4c and | 2c to 5.7¢ and 2 eee 41,000 pounds, 4c and American Daily, 32,000;-and Reliance, 26,000; + Cold Storage, 4c and 2c. Attu, 28,000, and Frienuiy, 13,000, Atlin, 4c and 2c Yukon, 21,000, Booth, 4c and 2c Urania, 20,000, Royal, 4c and 2c ei Augusta, 18,000, Booth, 5.7¢ and — Rearin’ to go, is Ranger Rosie, taking part in Santa Monica's 2c a riding and roping rodeo. Cowgirl Smith is shown in an action Fee 10,000, Cold Storage, 5.5¢ shot during the wind-up of the spectacular show. ind 2c Hon. R. W. Bruhn’ Here To Inspect Situation In Respect To Workless Will Meet Members of City Council Tonight and Hopes to Make Statement Before Leaving—Confirms Statement Regarding Election | “My chief business in the city is to deal with the unem- public works in the Tolmie administration, who arrived in the city this morning on the Princess Charlotte. “T really = able to make a statement before I leave. Tonight I ex- Mpect to meet the members of the LOG SCALE si Mr. Bruhn said he planned to go The minister confirmed the an- aa that had been made by ' Last Alt! ogh 1932 to Date |in regard to the possibility of an el- Is Below 1931 jection. He said the matter had not Timber scaling in Prince Rupert ‘hing unforeseen happened, there forestry district for the month of| would be no election until after thé board feet, again exceeded the same | of course, there was always the pos- month last year, when the produc- |sibility of something happening. ‘ployment problem, ‘stated Hon. R. W. Bruhn, minister of /have nothing much I can say about it today but I hope to city council and discuss the situa- o Stewart on the forestry launch | IS HIGHER « look into matters pertaining to his department there. | | Total For June This Year Ahead of Hon R. H. Pooley at the week-end leven been discusse<. Uniess some- gene this year, totalling 11,665,021 | next session of the Legislature but, tion was 9,717,832 board feet, but,| due to a bad start, the aggregate for | 1932 to date has not yet come up to} the figure for last year. So far this year, log scaling in this district has Veteran Governor Thelma M., 8,000, Pacific, 5c and Charlotte, 6,000, and iPerce ss00, Screen Star Is Cold Storage, 5.4c and 2c i Recovering Now Sherman, 18,000, Pacific, zc Canadian Livingstone II, 22,000, Atlin, 4 and 2c Relief, 19,000, Cold Storage, 4c dc 10us % §.5¢ ai’d HOLLYWOOD, Duncan Ronaldo, July 11 screen star, is making following a ser- formed, and splendid recovery operation per Lost Breach-of-Promise Case eing favored with ideal wea-|. Smith, James Sturgeon and Ca- ondition proved a highly|sey’s Transfer. Good use was also er ible and memorable affair;made of George Frizzell’s power the fifty-five or so persons Who | cruiser Laura F I tpated in it. The halibut boat Thomas Clough, head of the Margaret I Capt. George Fritz, |jodge, was general convener for the was used to transport the picnick- picnic. Other committees were i to Porcher Island. The trip/made up as follows a %k three hours each way, depart- Sports—F. R. Hunter, A. MeDon ; ise being made from here at 7\ald, C. P. Perry and C. P. Balagno lock in the morning while re- Refreshments—Doug Frizzell, 5 irn was made at 10 p.m |Peacock, P. Gamula J. Brown, Paul Games were played and dancing | was enjoyed at Oona River, A t was also put on by'the Var entertainment community: in len Singers for the the people of the he school house. Everyone “whd vas at home turned out and the recital, apparently, proved very ac- ceptable to all The people of Oona River, as well as the pic- nickers, were provided with lce cream, PASSING OF } RAZOR MAN also King ©. Gillette ‘e Died Yesterday at! family were here aboard the steam- ‘John Ogenski, Pioneer Nelson ale tekos Huridred Estimated to ave | + His Country Home in California LOS ANGELES, Gillette, 77-year magnate, died near here yesterday. He had be en} two years and unconsc ious | July 11 old King C, lll for tor the past two week s. The funeral | Will take place in this city N+} ton safety razor) at his country home | |Baykin, Jerry Malm, J. M, Willing- W. Huston and A. Comadina | Reception—Wilitam Reid, P. Ro manek, H. Killin, L. Postuk, C. V Symes and J. F. Feasby ‘Finance and Publicity—Angelo Astori, F. Hemmons, RB, Peacock and | F. Ellison Transportation—G. A Fitzgerald, Henry Smith, L ton and Lee Dell Hebb, F. Brewer- STEAMSHIP COMPANY | HEAD IS HERE TODAY | A. F, Haines, vice-president and manager . of and Mrs, Haines and gener al / Steamship Co., jer Dorothy Alex: ander this morning lreturning to their home in Seattle latter making the round trip to Al-| laska VANCOUVER WHEAT July 11 50toe on the VANCOUVER was quoted at jexchange today " | the Pacific) | | | | jocal cher, husband of seem worried as he sits with Rolph, breach-of-promise David Hutton, Aimee Semple McPherson, who doesn't the evangelist’s son, at the case which he lost, FARMER KILLED Rancher, Loses Life Instantly When Hit By Tree NELSON, July 11:—When a cedar tree which had been uprooted by a gale fell upon him, John Ogenski, Wheat aged 75, pioneer Nelson dairy ran- killed on Sun-! was insterily ‘day afternoon FLOODS IN ROUMANIA : Perished in Balkan Country BUCHAREST, Roumania, July 11 j—There have been ithe Skeena River | fleet | after a three-weeks’ a price of twenty-seven and one- the canneries for sockeye salmon. The ;canners have now widespread |# had sued for | floods over Roumania during the|# past few days. It is estimated that |400 have perished, that 500 bridges | + have been washed out and thou- \sands of homes destroyed ~~ oe 1) We ay Vatay STRIKE IS NOW OVER Most of Skeena River Fishing Fleet Is Back at Work Today The salmon fishermen’s strike on the Skeena River was officially settled at noon today, it is learned in the city. The fishermen are now preparing to go to work. The Canadian Fish Co.'s can- nery at Haysport and the A. B. C, Packing Co. at North Pacific have closed down. It is expected that will be back at half cents being offered by average of boat # sensational case, hearing of # * which was in progress over two + The funeral # Gurvich will take place Tuesday Haynor Bros. Chapel interment at weeks, the most of| salmon fishing work today strike against offered to pay Is Again In Field | Seventy-Three Year Old George Hunt Seeks Eighth Term as Arizona Chief Executive reached a total of 24,158,348 board | feet as compared with 31,943,173) ‘Soard feet in the first six months of 1931. Following are figures for the log | scale per species in June this year jand last in this district: ; 1932 1931 PHOENIX, Ariz., July 11:—Gov- BF. BF. ernor George Hunt has ai.nounced Fir 9.032 710.479 that he will be a candidate for re- Cedar 345.533 1,060,735 election as chief executive of this Spruce 5.018.835 4,654,584| State. He is 73 years old and, if re- Hemlock 4.544.179 3.264.278 | elected, it would be his eighth term Balsam 1,746,359 661,273; 85 8overnor. Jackpine 5,181 a eae ae es Miscellanec’ is 1,083 1,284 Totals 11,665,021 9,717,832 Eight. Vous Old Lineal feet of poles and piling for Girl Died After June this year totalled 79,867 of! which 72,097 ‘was cedar and ad ° hemlock. Last year in June poles} B f IlIn and piling amounted to 91,235 lineal | rie ess feet all in cedar. Cordwood for this June totalled} The death oceurred at the Prindé 486 cords as compared with 206 | Rupe rt General Hospital on Satur- cords in June last year. jday afternoon following a brief ill- Hewn ties for June this year/ness of Muriel, eight-year old numbered 33,157, all of which were |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William jackpine, as compared with 52,407 | King, 976 Ambrose Avenue. Thé in June last year made up of 2,928 | child had been ill for only six days. hemlock and 49,479 jackpine. |} Funeral arrangements are in thé lthirty cents. Boats on the Skeena a —_— |hands of Haynor Bros., undertak- jlast night are reported to have ers, and interment will take place leaught from fifteen to two hun- GIRLS ARE Wednesday afternoon with Very jdred fish each. Rev. J. B. Gibson, dean of St. An- | On the Naas River the entire SELECTED“ “ Cathedral, officiating. ifleet is fishing with last night’s ie eats twenty-five fish per Lillian Palmer of Vanceav er Among | WEATHER REPORT Eight Canadians Who Will \e#e hee eeee eee eee Go to Olympiad Dead Tree Point—Raining, fresh i* '* 7 }southeast wind; barometer, 29.92; | MYRTLE ST, PIERRE @| HAMILTON, Ont,, July 11:—AS a) temperature, 54; sea smooth. \* WINS PROMISE suIT @| "sult: of the women’s Olympic) pine Island—Overcast, light es @| trials here Saturday, eight Cana- be orth northeast wind: sea model LOS ANGELES, July 11 + dian girls have been selected for), The jury awarded Miss Myrtle # the Olympics including Lillian Pal- |" oa Pierre $5,000 in her breach on “ eee net ee aon . of promise suit against David # ansouver may BO 80 nee Se F al N | stutton, husband of Aimee @|'5 Privately financed. uner otice * Semple McPherson, Angeles#| Jo oe oo. Bt ial usd ens Te > evangelis $8 re funeral of the lit - Scene ane ng a ie . Funeral Notice ter of Mr. and Mrs, William King, 976 Ambrose Ave, will take place ey the late Nick Wednesday afternoon at 2,30 from @| afternoon at 2:30 from the St. An- , Fairview Cemetery, Rev. J. B Gib- + eee eee ee 6 OO @ @ crew's Cathedral i json officiating 4 \ 7 ‘gh a on —— ae. 2. BE? gh. ‘ q,