m Wednesday,. July 10, 10 tf THT DAILY NEWS A The Daily News 1 MAIL SCHEDULE usmri eve THE LEADING NCVSPAPCR IN NORTHERN ORITISH CO .UMIM For tho East. Published Daily and Weekly Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays ' ?4 Guaranteed Largest Citculat'on at 9:30 a. m. From the East. HEAD OFFICE: Suudays. Tuesdays and Fridays Daily NevBuildins. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. at 1;50 p.m. TRANSIENT "DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cants per inch. For Vancouver: Contract Ratea on application. Tuesdays p.m. Saturdays a.m. DAILY EDITION. uui Wednesday, July 10, 1918. Mondays . a.m. From Vancouver THE TARRINQTON CASE tho successors of the first parly Sundays ..I0 P.- A soldier's widow In Toronlo finds what ho has failed to get Wednesdays 10.30 a.m. has been left with eight children In this instance, several years Fridays 9 a.m. under thirteen years of age, and ago, the O.T. I spent consider-nn mo. nf snnnnrt exceot her able money in prosnccUng for For Anyox: J The own labor. The country In whose coal in this Telkwa region, with Mae Sundas n.r...l0 p.m. Bervice her husband enlisted at a view of supplying their own ro-Ilia f- Marsh Fridays , 0 a.m. universal hn it inn in it of Hip war tails her quirements, primarily. The coal it owes her. nothing. Thomas Tar- was known to be there, and tho From Anyox: military rington went overseas in May. G. T. P. engineers were only a Tuesdays a.m, foot two out, from hitting tho GoUwyn Picture i915, was gassed in February, or Saturdays a.m, i91C, and upon returning to the seam they wanted. In the course service trenches after treatment con- or the development oi me Asnman At tho Westholme Tonight. For Port Simpson and Naas River traded bronchitis and pneumonia, property, owing to a small land points: gum which led' to his honorable dis- slide, the seam which could not CONSUMERS WANT Sundays 10 p.m. charge. While working in To-be found then became exposed. REPRESENTATION ON ronlo he was taken ill on April The Q. T. P. gave up their efforts, CANADA FOOD BOARD From Port Simpson and Naas 13, 1918, and died on.April 20. and that which they could not find River Points: A Soldier's offering to his The Hoard of Pension Commls- will now prove of value to the new Winnipeg, July 8. At a great Tuesdays a.m. slonera rejects his widow's claims owners mass meeting held here, a Strong sweetheart Is naturally the on the ground that his death was I The same thing happened at ly-worded resolution, calling for Ouecn Charlotte Islands: not attributable to service. There'what promises to become one of reconstruction of the Canada For Masselt, Port Clements and sweetmeat that gave him is her word that he suffered dally the biggest mines at Stewart. One Food Board was passed unani Upper Island points: most refreshment and greatest from the lingering effects of gas. 'outfit spent thousands of dollars mously. The chief changes desired Saturdays . 8 a jii In such a case might not the 'in development wonk, and gave it are that consumers should enjoyment when on duty. benefit of the doubt go to the up, eventually, when the next man have equal representation on the From Massel, Port. Clements and widow and her eight children 'who comes along finds ore only a board with manufacturers and re-tailers, Island Upper points: without opening the door to 'few feet further in. and also that the board abuses? Former soldiers un-wounded There is a time for everything, have fuller powers than at present Tuesdays a. in The Flavour Lasts fn the war, are drawing and the man ho knows when to constituted. 'or Skldegale, Queen Charlotte large pensions for organic complaints quit, and also when to keep on The meeting was called under City and Lower Island points: said to have been induced going is he who wins out. the joint auspices of the Con Wednesdays . 0 by service, but they are still able sumers' Protective Association, p.m to perform other duties. But for RAINBOW RUMORS the Next of Kin, Great War Veterans' From SkldVgalt. Ouewn CliurloKe the widow Tarr.ington and her and Army and Navy Veter Cily and Lower Island points: eight fatherless bairns not a ans' Auxiliaries, P. E. L., the Non-j Saturdays p. m centl They say Partisan League, the Provincial A scheme of mothers' pensions That the patients in the hos-from W. C. T. U and the Women's For Skagway and the Yukon. would meet the case of this poor pital are already suffering Civic League. Mondays a. in woman, but denied by the Pensions the excessive noise coming from Board she can only look the direction of Hays Creek. Advertise in the Daily News. From Skagway and Yukon. forward to a hopeless struggle Saturdays ... a. in with poverty, and probably a That the constant rat-at-at-at MINERAL ACT heart-breaking separation from of the pneumatic rivetting tools Advertise in the Daily News. the children whom she cannot used in rivetting the steel plates Certificate of Improvements maintain unless society comes to in the construction of the ships WATEIl NOTICE her relief. No country with a is preventlg the patients from NOTICE (Use and Storage). "LOUISE' Mineral Claiam, situate In Ue conscience dismiss sleeping o' nights. can so any rortland Canal Mining Dlrlilon of Caislar deserving woman, let alone the DUlrie t Where located: On American TAkK NOTICE that George!!. Sou I tori. at a rent for Mattel inlet LuruLer Oi i.td . widow of a man who risked his That the removal of the hos Creek, about i ml let from III mouth. Graham Island f pruce and Cedar Co., Ltd.. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE life and may have shortened it in pital building to the extremity of rree TAKE Miner"!MOT1CE Certificate that I.So.Robert lilo-Q",Stewart,Intend, Co.xiu Ltd..nrrupune whose spruce address ana It Port iatr Clements,LumDer defence of the nation. It is not Section Two is contemplated. B. C will ipMt for a Urrnr la iwt sixty dayi from the date bereor. to use 30,000 gallons and to store one-ninth FOH CANNERYMEN just or Christian that Mrs. Ttar-rjington apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate acre feel of water out or Conoe Creek, We liave added to our stock m( vttUe nud pipes a coinpleU should be left To carry That the Steel Company has or Improvement!, for the purpose whlcfunows norterly. and drsttu Into the isiotin Hirer. Masset mieL line of llubtwr Iielling at right prices. of obtaining Crown Orant or the above her burden unaided. The War been granted Section Nine by the The tort re dam will be located at aboul claim. 100 yards from the mouth of said rrrrk FOn FISHERMEN Veterans' Association will do well G.T.P. for the construction of And further take notice that action, under The rapacity or the reservoir t be created to continue to press her case on bunkhouses and cottages for their section It mud be commenced before is about one-ninth acre feel and It will A complete stook ut the best god Hint tnonry can buy fat flood about 0.30 acres of land. The the Issue of inch Certificate of water trolllrier Spring Hrass. and llronie. the attention of the Ottawa authorities. thousands of workmen. ItuproTe-menu. ill be diverted from the stream at a ir point nrar the dam. and will be used for FOn THE WATERFnONT cGlobe. Dated ibis I stb day of March. It IS. domestic and steam purposes upon the That every second house owner land aotcrtlM-d as Lot 74. Black 33 The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat ANOTHER'S GAIN in Sections 7 and 8 is contemplat MKXRAL ACT en This tb Ittn notice day wa of May,potted HIS.on the A enpy(round ot paint "F.LO0LAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. The discovery of another six-foot ing putting on another story. ims nouce ana an application pursasni FOR EVERYONE and nil." Certificate of Improvement. thereto to the "Water Act. win seam of coal in the property be filed at the omre of the Water Recorder A Hue stock of Hardware. tlurny's Oxford flove. of the Telkwa Collieries is another That the above rumors are entirely at Prince Rupert B. C. NOTICE. Objrcllons to the application may be Wo Sell Nothing Out The DssL one of the things which has hap- without foundation and are "Rupert. "Scranton." "Gem," and Sled with the aald Water Recorder, or with lb Comptroller of Water Hi gnu. Parliament pened so often in mining, when strictly untrue. 'George" Mineral Claim, annate In the fBulldlnrt, Victoria, B. C. within Skeena Mining Division or Coait DIstflcL thirty days after the Drst appearance or Where located: At KwlnlUa, Skeeca this notice In local newspaiwr. The date FRED STORK'S HARDWARE j River. ut the nrst publication ot this notice Is ;une !. 1918. TAKE NOTICE that Alex. M. Manson MASSET ISLET LUMBER CO. LTD. Free Miner Certificate No. I1J9J C. acting AEROPLANE SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER S. S. PRINCE RUPERT at agent for the B. C Salt Works, CO, LID. Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. M,-3I7-C. GRAHAM ISLAND BPRUCL AND CEDAR COMPANY UNITED. Advertise in "The News" OR Intend sixty days from the date O. II. Boulton. Agent. Daily hereor, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the GEORGE S. S. PRINCE purpose of obtaining a crown Orant of the bore claim. 3S xxaa SAILING And further Uko notice that action, un der section 8t, mutt be commenced before MONDAY 9 A.M. for Swanson Bay, Vancouver, Victoria tne issuance of such Certificate of Im and Seattle. provements. WEDNESDAY 12 Noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Paled lb UJIth day of May, A. D. tilt. FRIDAY and 12 Skagway.Noon for Anyox. 40TICC OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Getting a Fair Deal in Buying SATURDAY 9 A. M. for Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria Notice is bereby glvea that the revrve and Seattle. lining on that portion or Lot ini. 8. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. )ueen Charlotte District, surveyed and Charlotte Islands. nown as Lot JSI0 by reason or notice Alternating every ten days to Queen is appearing In the British Columbia Oaivtte getting TRAIN SERVICE or December 17. 1107. Is cancelled tar Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY t 11:30 a.m. for Smltbers, the purpose or leasing said Lot JII0. Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connecUons for aU Queen Charlotte District, to the British point! east and south. Canadian Lumber Corporation Limited for LA CASSE saw mm purposes. For iuformation and reservations apply to O. R. NADEN, Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Deputy Minister or Lands. epartment or Lands, Victoria, n. C, I lib City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 May, it. j.It DIVERSION WATER NOTICE AND USE. WAR BREAD tf TAKE NOTICE that John M. MieMlllan. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY uose aaarets is IS57 nelson street, Van couver, will apply ror licence to take and use so miners' Inches of water out of uaat Creek, which flows north and drains Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points into Lagoon Bay, Moresby Island, about S LABELLED 18-oz. LOAF Vancouver and the miles from Sewcll Inlet via Steamer to ine wster win d diverted from the Under Food Board Regulations Licence No. 5-1117 Canadian Pacific Railway tream at point about one-quarter or a mile from Its mouth, and will be used for Meals and Berth included on Steamer miscellaneous purposes, L e. for cannery. innuaing incidental thereto, water for domestic power and boiler for cannery FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE purpose upon lite land described as application ror lease by i. McLsrty Mae-MUlsn. Also All Kinds of War St PRINCESS ALICE till from Prince Rupert July etn, totb; August 3rd, Time Cakes 17 Hi. nd 3 lit. This notice was posted on the ground SS. PRINCESS SOPHIA Mill from Prince Rupert July I3lb, 7tb; August on the JOth day of June. 1911, A- copy of clean and tasty; made by expert bakers In a sanitary shop 10 tli, and Klb. inn uouce ana an application purauant SS, 'PRINCESS MAV tall from Prime Rupert July Tin, 1 4 in, int. jimj thereto and to the "Water Act, ills'" will Auruit stb, 11th, s lb, and fttn. be filed in the office or the Water Recorder I rime nupert. FOR CRANBV BAY AND AUCE ARM SS, PRINCESS MAY 1U from Prince Rupert July lltn, lth, and tb; Objections to the application mar be Died with the said Water Recorder AuruM nd, tin, teib, 33rd and 30 lb. ment the Comptroller Buildings,of Victoria,Water Rights B, C , or Parlia wliLin with Insist en the Label The La Casse Bakery lnsist n he im W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. thirty days after the Crst appesrance or this notice In local newspsper. Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prfoce lluiMrt. D.C. McLARTY MACMILLAN, Applicant. The date of the first publication or this notice Is July Cth. lilt. a