7 1 10 i JUL 1 0 1918 j THE Daily NEWS 4 VOL. IX. NO. ICO. PMNCE n'UPERT, B.C., TIIUHSDAY, JULY U, 1018. PH1CU FIVE CENt i 1L)J CilFlEIT OF fiCTOEY GERMAN DISCIPLINE BREAKS DOWN-KERENSKY'S PLAN TO MAKE RUSSIA FIGHT KERENSKY WOULD HAVE ALLIES BONAR LAW CAN HOLD j GEN. FOCH LIKELY TO DISCIPLINE IN GERMAN ARMY OUT NO HOPE OF AN SURPRISE GERMANS BY INTERVENE TO SAVE RUSSIA IMMEDIATE PEACE A POWERFUL THRUST INCREASINGLY HARD TO KEEP WOULD REACH AGREEMENT WITH ALL PARTIES IN RUSSIA TO London. July 10. The coming London, July 10. The recent (Special to Tb Dally Clew..) rtnar T-ntinaLE PRESS AQAINST ALLEGES THE COMMON SOVIET FNTMV jGennan blow on the western successful Allied thrusts in local THE KING AND QUEEN i With the British Armies in VIENNA front will not be less dangerous actions on the western front have 'France, July 11,- "Discipline, WILL JOIN GERMANY np npf ntirit pnr a nr.nop jlhan the preceding ones, co-j failed to draw from the enemy a. Ur DELlllUlTI 1X1 AlttUjd "which is the keystone of our army, tspttUI to Tbe Dallj .".) Sidcrable lime having been em. resumpti oi in; strung uueu-1 CHANNEL BY AEROPLANE 18 8r,iouf 8hakeQ " G1 Paris. July The Parlia SUPREME COURT WILL !ployed in preparation for, it, llut've movement. Germany a of- ivon commander of the March "21, is; . begun it Uiee"sivc' on i -? u'ltl r i j mentary Commlllec - on - ncuon I is comforting to know that i inot com nnH lhft nppm!inf, Go to Enaland to Attend Celebra-,3eco"u a"ny nuius t A Invnn DECIDE VALIDITY OF men responsible for the command .... nn, ,r.Alplril. i tlon of Silver Wedding of 'lines astride the Somme, cast of vg ni'irut i.'AMunMt Mi v a fnrtnor It 1 1 ft il I It fl EXEMPTION ORDER l of the Allied armies are confident'aiiy viUl point. Another strong! King George and Queen Amiens, thus begins his most recent .Miilea who explained iho aitua- :of the result, said F t. Hon. An- effort, probably greater than anyi Mary In London. ordr of'the day, insisting drew Donar Law, Chancellor .of vet made this year, has been that full punishment be dealt out Legal Decision at Calgary and awaited by the Allies for several spcUS 10 Tl,e Dl'" 1,WV Montreal the Exchequer, at a dinner to the Xlbert lo unrul' aPrit8 Question Legality weeks. General Foch has em- London. July 11,-King n MAinltiff In fin nirrni- of Government's Order delegates lo the Parliamentary IJelgiumi ,le says: "l cannot Permit com ployed the last week or more sue-'and Queen Elizabeth of In Council. Commercial conference. cessfuliy by improving his posi-!nave arrived in England from;mandef8 to lake uPn themselves "11 is impossible lo foresee Ihc lions al various points along Hie!Fr?ince u wa$ iearned today that,lo shield fflcers, under ofllcers regard to finding oul I Do (Stwrui in TIm Dally !(.) future," he said, "but I do believe i main front, Uritish, French and , . . .. . . and men guilty of breaches of best i-Jfh means or pulling Husala situation Ollawa, respecting July 11, the The validity entire that the fateful hour of this war American,more than taking 5,000 valuable prisoners ground ,plane, navmg ZZr to .U tand'clplln. and the military reEu-and again on a full active fooling. Ho is upon us, and if in another three from the enemy. celebration of the silver an- lalions, or infiict upon them des- suggested Immediate Intervention certain exemptions from military months our enemies have won no Galns Held niversary oi me weaaing oi mng criminary penalties oi too miia a is before the strategic objective, then their 'George and Queen Mary 'nature." Before this few the Allies In order that the,"" coming su- Australian and Americen forces only a by . .. Iiiromn mutt I)teilnnii crivpn campaign will have failed, and'it are holding strongly the recent U 'days, von Maritz issued another common struggle against the will, I hope, be a decisive failure" said: "Cases' of soldiers gains south of the Somme and GOVERNMENT SECURES which cenlral empires may be continued. !havo Germany's Blunders. orders been a?arnl the govern-Mr. Hie j-rencn nre improving me 'openly refusing lo obey Franklin lloulllon, prcsl-1 menl, and their power to pass any The (iermans possessed the ground recently taken north of EXPERT TO ORGANISE are increasing to an alarming ex-"tent." dent of the committee, thanked!sue)? oiler-in-councll being thus most perfect military machine the Aisne. The strongest enemy Kerr n ky and said it was the wish questioned, ha brought the mai that ever but existed,he believed said that the Chancellor, when artillery Arc is being directed ITS GRAZING POLICY ler lo a bead. against other sectors than these, of all parties to continue considering the history of the war was writ VANCOUVER STREET of and southwest namely, Ypres Victoria, July1 10. The announcement llussia as one of the l, .1 would be seen Ihat Germany lhe Abne is made by the Hon. RAILWAY STRIKE MORE . LLOYD GEORGE naj maue greater military wis. - allies. F nrnbabiv wili con T. D. Pallullo, Minister of Lands, Soviet Threat. CONFIDENT THAN EVER He! lo harass the enemy in to the effect that Thomas P. Mc- STILL CONTINUES nwiini'pii iiii Htinmnrine wanare.i . i.- . . . . ...... Amsterdam, July M. The declaration ; minor operations, out me utnci Kenzie nas neen appointea oy inei had lhe. which brought Uniled,.s he,d by some miUry obser- provincial Government to the (Special to The Daily .lews.) that the Soviet Govern, srrti u Tb ttr kw Diaies iuuj wio .1 that he might surprise the p08t 0f Grazing CommissioneB! Vnn(,nm.. Jlllv Hvothinir menl of ftussla would ally itself London. July 11 Premier ufd S u. SVS' c6TT ,bT 85!ilnn?ann r the province. The'creatio with Germany in case of any Lloyd George, speaking at a din- ol f()rce al y bnch under tne jurl8. .,., r ... nn m pxneciea. wnerever iiic . i . . ucnuno ,;i.i..ua.uM. House oi commons i i - i. ..- - Antrlo-Jnpauese intervention in nei; in Hie I K,. power is increasiMg uuu ins -,iicHon oi me uepanmem. 01 itt.w'i.t here,has Igiven in honor of Mr. J. lUJowett.ker.nan soldier had planted and aeda, force8 pre. parouant td VlB Govern- Sl ap- llussia is contained In a Moscow- surfa'ce" tliis f rWl.iril hn iii more confident f too the name of Om "' "1. the mt dominate over opposing 8er-'meny8 alrendy Pronounced policy . . I .. .ll.n.ljili tt.Inl..! In M ' . . .... lo.iilipil for fenerations The are still out. i"'u " victory than ever, ue saia: .'ne h vices on the enemy side. !n tha jn connection with the complete Vienna newspaper. This paper af the latest reasons of this con-quots Mr. Uonar L.aw saia ne irem-t. . t n-i,!.!, airnien alone organization of the .yrAiinc-lands . i i n.ii- ,.m,i,i.. hv''- : : " " : r.nurRMMFMT WILL BE the concluding sentence of fiiionce is the impression made III I III L 11 1 II Ik It 1 1 11 1. V..V. "'" liave accounted for 195 German of British Columbia. It ia g an " the dispatch as follows: "If Hie upon me by American troops I ben the position of tne Allies , .um nriv innr timir .. .u ir i f- ASKED to tare uveh . ... . i ti..A.n a I .til nr I tin wnf..... THE PATRIOTIC FUND Japanese and English should oc- ,nw Q France. They are superb, alter uussia wciiv v'liv w. - own failed to return. encc held in Kamloops last month) cupy Russian territory, the Soviet both regards material and train-Government but for the help of tne uniieu will Immediately join ng, and the way they have boijie Slates. He had not despaired of R(JH STRIKE MADE IN T?lL Montreal, July 10Legis,ation Germany." Ilifuiselves in bailie." llussia. which was me u mrem, riirns ihkf niSTniCT a-. ivui in a delirium. It was impossible. ' ..r . , .s mIia .ernment to take over tne L-ana i from hour lo hour lo tell what the: Yancouver. July 10.Word 3 Zmb piolic Fund and to fur- YON HINTZ TO SUCCEED ; WILL RAISE STOCK future might bring in Russia. ' mes from lhe noRlh of a dis- ,r nn fT.nl occasion Mr. Mc-in,sn. from the genera revenues ON STEPHENS ISLAND The Chancellor concluded: "I rmprv whjCh. in all probability. Va,ta ,Vn. in nllpndance and of Parliament, the funds nunerio YON KUEHLMANN AS ! supplied only by public and private ..f no imiiieuiuic iiu,- i""-..viii result in another new mining ,v nm Men ns to the success FOREIGN MINISTER Thpre is no rad to it, I fear, ex- diglrict being put on u,e map of Uial hau auended, organized accept subscriptions, will bo introduced out the other next session of Parliament. The reporjl given the rugged road tlirougn.BrUish CoiUInbia. The location lioh in tho United States, at the day that Captain L. It. W. lleavis victory. It would be fatal to tne Qf Ujo new discovery is 20 miles Leading Grazing Expert, (Sprml lo Tt Dslly 5twt had lost hi launch -n Hie way up world and lo the Germans them- east of j,urn9 Lake station on the, Tjie CommrSsioner is recog- This decision was arrjved at by London, July 11-Tho resignation here from Vancouver turns out to selves if they should not ue laugiit Grand Trunk pacino railway, in IlUcd as the leading expert on the General Executive of the Patriotic of Foreign Minister Knchl-mann be incorrect. Captain Deavis was, the lesson that war does nol pay. ... goulhern part of the IJabine nrciical crazing matters on the Fund at a general meeting the Kaiser's foreign storm-slaye! for nine held recently in Ottawa. All members as however, J. " range, and the discoverers arji American continent and his labors minister is regarded hero a n and his tw'o launches, the agreed that the greatly Increasing days, AN APPEAL FOR THE u Howleyand Charles An,derson. in Washington, Oregon and had of the past two taxation This view-is and tho "Mayflower" pan.nerman victory. "Zena" Mr. Ilowley. who is an experienced ern Idaho i,avo revolutionized the strengthened by the report that to spend that time In Illenkinsop RhU LKUjD IM lW rnAWPC rKAnlfc mine operator as well as prospec- Pnazing conditions in those sec- years, the enhanced cost of living von llinti will succeed Kuehlmann Day owing lo weather conditions. lor. has already had the property tions Qj tj,e Republic. Mr. Mc- and numerous other calls upon as he Is not only close lo thw Captain llenvis arrived safely in spirit r tho'examined by C. J. Haggerly, a Kenzie is a New Zealander and private wealth incident lathe war, , with both launches The unconquerable would make it unfair to call upon Kaiser but is n friend and up-porleij Prince Ilupert California mining engineer, and shown egaged ihc oihcuvuii has been was uy of Admiral von TirplU and and cxprots lo go over to Stephens women of France the few his report, when shown, to Mr. A. Forestry Board for the organiza- the publio for contributions to past of this in manv ways during Fund, and that tho the Admiral Bchroedcr. the leaders of Island towards tho end '. ,in n.flir uf- Erskine Smith, of this city, eaus- nn nf r.mEO I lands in the States. Patriotic the Pelgian annexationists. How. week, A quantity of livestock has years. -v .... .i;nui in iv ZZ7" ... i.k. Government should be asked in without asking ca tunc. hjs many years in wo rciuuno on" nmi iii ''carry vote all tho supplies re ever, it is considered hero that n already nrrived here for him. con-slsting Now almost exhausted, an option for $75,000 to purchase the soulh have resulted in the future lo minister is of ponies and cattle. His for help. quired for the fund... pan-Herman foreign tliev anneal to us across the seas me proper, uuu esiahlisiimeni oi me most sub- not to dangorous lo the Aljies as intention is to go in for raising and the blood-soaked fields of boat north for a private eamlna- ceSsful systems and .he Is" now Coal and one of the Kuehlmann type, who sheep, pigs and poultry on Hyphens r ..... win vmi denv tlon. -If his yiews coincide with ,,! bv the American Forestry For New Wellington masks of conquest Island, which lies north of naitio iui "-i r- -v'i. ,. hi ,viir Triis :., .m .1. lr Lumber of all dimensions. Germany's plan ir. uoara to conimuo nuuai; ut give iimi iioln vou can so easily ...... 116. of west hon continual tricky 'Porchor Island, almost ....r w iki nn An dm nlll 1 lrftVV-4T IllRn .. . ! -1 1L. ...,,..l nf Iho under n next Saturday? i uu uinuu - tnis province ut tuo icnuwi peace offensive, thus Riving lh DlB&r- to work at once. Provincial Government. Allied pacifists debating material. Lieutenant Herbert w. uvm, PRESIDENT WILSON WILL Two claims were Jocateu, nnu The newspapers hew devote N. Il will also locaio on wm STAND BEHIHO iiusaiM named the Silver Fox and Exten- rngtjm fiW0 considerable spaco lo the discussion Island close to Captain ucavis. sion. There ais several parallel lllUKt rKtWtil UAino Lumber of von liintt's history. Ho Is arter the war is over. The ttinterj-bury. chaplain (Sreclil lo The Dally .") u Sfif KT'vSir:;1 ON THE WESTERN FRONT of the to the Archbishop , generally characterised as July 11. Tho En wu w Washington. Before you purchase most notorious master of intrigue Iho Iev. W. Hoyd, has ad- through Uieir other veins not yet discovered.1 SPRUCE LUMBER governments, ) service. ana u i - tente The main lead is from three to! . siciai to tm puiy land, In the German diplomatic Joining Washington, are . ...... m liAiiia embassies in July 11.---The trench get our prices on dimension been Paris. n "' of oir fM in wiiiih. nnd has lion of pulling up advised or the views and ahlplap. fully now continued their; gains Ladysmllh Wellington Coal ro-t'uees there also. Administration partially opened up by naturo, a, troops have Heavls has Just tho Washington.. .. nf pnrrvin.t pabV iinvini? iit out i section of and in.their latest advance have ALBERT A McCAFFERY, fuel bill and gives Cnplnin i i rvmnna your 15. .P. n. from Australia, where be as to ie uvsv '"lu"" the lead for a depth of 50 feet ar.d succeeded in occupying Le Grille Limited. to stlsf action. Phons Wilson s piougf President Suvored ship 16 Ilia Frend oul n lMicrih nf 200. Mr. Uaggerty farm. Their progress nas carrieu Agents for n Coal Oo. government, and may have to R "stand iieniiiu iui9i. carefully sampled this section, them as far as the outskirts of Prince Rupert Lumber Co. sea ngaln m pepi'.-''" NOTICE and obtained assays running from Longpont, and they have also to 40 to 130 ounces of silver, and penetrated the northern sector of WESTHOLME FAMOUS BRITISH FLYER meeting of citizens will be from 10 to to pen cent. lead. .Corey. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED chnmber at Bulgarians weary held In tho council 11. It is report- London, July TONIGHT ONLY Friday. July U. FISH ARRIVALS ,o city Ifair on o.i ihni the Bulgarians are war sws GERALDINE FAP.RAR McCud- l fi p.m. lo hear Mr. J. W. Gibson, this and that nn Italian blow-morning . r i . 1 1 Afnior representative of Tho Flamingo was in port weary XX provincial with 2,000 lbs. halibut: along lhe north front of Salonika "Tho Woman God Forgot" lhe Canada Food onr. Fo'sler, Cnrruthers, 80,-'would bring about notable mili-nnnr 90,000. K rrl nirrurular prortuf tliv Willi deal.with food conservation, will sou Amine n in nnn: Alliance, larv results. Tho Teutonic allies FOR QUALITY In Is an the mn rut as iptrfl and as this jon of Arc." problems, 7:o6o: Cuygeon. 0.000: Ks. 3,000; in Macedonia are savagelyottack- SERVICE AND SATISFACTION niirimportant subject and the Entente lines, hut have Chatham, 3,000; Aslor, 1,500, ,ing attend, OAIITTK Ronllemen are urged to back. Food Board Licence No. 10,7340. driven Mayor, Ingersoll, 3,500 lbs. been Adults, 8Se Children 1Be. i T. McCLYMONT. rirt ihw 7lS0 8wnd, ills. const