Thursday, July 11, toi8 G.H.Arnold BEECHA1WS Loca Veuw .Voes j PILLS fa m rruit NOTARY PUBLIC Mr. Mitchell Albert retuijned to I the city this morning from Van. mrickly help to strengthen corner. FOR 8ALE the digestion,stimulate the . Judge Young is expected to arrive liver, regulate the bowels back I in again the city on Lots 11 and Block 10, 12, 20, and improve the health Saturday. Section 6, Hays Cove Circle. by wotiuHg with natu"3. THE most litalthful, vhoKiomi, This It close to the Drydock and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Irwin of confection that fi would ba a very convenient dwelllnr LartartSaJa f ut Matfdaa la lb VfmU. dsllhtful eriU Ite for anyone worklnr there. hUcnrprhn. la fcwxaa,25. Skidegate, arrived back in the can buy. PRICE $1,260 city from the Islands last night. Drtt of trvat for Viddita. Cood fr For the three lots. Short Good assortment of pipes at The Prince Albert arrived in the rrown-upa. too. Cat leu and ch terms can be arranged Gil's. If early hours this morning from mora California Fruit Cum, on of tha Dance at Rink Thursday, July Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte popular ADAMS brand. 11. at 10 p.m. sharp. 160 Islands. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Prominently 4Ulrd lit i Take a trip to the salt lakes on Chris lierg was fined $50.50 by AOAMS fia .-.) TWTTI fUVTTI CUM Magistrate Carss in the police Stf?p3 Mtfjtjk (ha launch Alia TV Pna I lpilVpul fWW P. n. Boat House for salt lakes ?.our u,rni.nS for breach of "The Daily News" every hour commencing 10 a. m.l the Prohibition Act. ADAMS on Sundays and 2p.m. on Wed- ..r;.IPov.. Mi.nn vvhn i. ,...,- Sam. nesdays- On Other week days two L,ng I CLASSIFIED ADS. a ,umber camp near pacofl Round trip Sundays, 35c, week WANTED. days, 50c. Launches, rowboals, acrosg lo lhe Qucen Charlolle9. ana canoes tor uire ai uu units. WA.VTED Painters and ptperhmrerJ. Gov't. Wharf, phone Red 391. P. "Bob" Jamieson. w ho used to I Acorn Sim Company. tr R. Boat House. tf keep the hotel at Stewart, is in town again. He has large mining LAND REGISTRY ACT. WANTED Waitress. Hotel Prince nupert. interests in the upper country. WAITED Chambermaid and bousetnaid (Sections J 6 and Hi.) J which claim his attention. "The Inlander." tie Re -Application Mo. l l : TAkE .OTICE that applicaUon hai been .ngus AicLeoa was nnea WAN TED Ctrl Tor kitchen work, The In made to register John E. Berr of Vetcnlkan. "H.irnpv" Johnson. D. lander Mess.' lit with the alternative of two months iinlnin Alaska, as owner In fee under a Tax Saiei, : .7 Tit ? ' V Deed rrom the Collector of the city of imprisonment: at the police court!8. Q, is expected to arrive here WAITED Boy for Machine Shop Akerber UAt for the arole V" Trade Mar Thompson A. Co. if rrince Rupert, bearinr date the ism day this morning for failing to com tomorrow (Friday) morning on -Ytiur They're Sold by of November, hi 7. or all and siMJU- p.y with iho regulations unden,tbe a visit. He will be here only for Family Grocer. WAITED Two younr ladles as bouse AJiu ma crrtaiu jjarvri w tract vi iuiu i .i irin. .h ,n , Military Service Act. He failed a shorjL time, having to return maids. Apply to natron. Prince nuperi General Hospital, tf the Municipality or the oty or Prtnce Ru-to come up for medical examina south the following morning. pert, B. C more particularly known audi Hon. WASTED A reoeral servant. Wares fSS described as Lots tnlriy-ejrnt (38), and WATER NOTICE per month. Electric washing and cockier. iDiny-mne (i cioci tnirty (ioi, sx-- ,r v iioll (Use and Slorare). Apply Mrs. L. W. raunore. tr Quired to content the claim of the taxlent of the Surf Inlet Mines, ac TAKE NOTICE thai Ocotre IL Boulton. whose address Is Port Clements, B. C, FOn SALE purchaser withiu is days from the date Icompanied by Mr. Gear, the chief will apply for a llrence- lo ute and use All Pure cr the sernce or via tsotice (wnicn may mineraloirisl for the Tonanah i oao nikni and to atora SO.SO0 rattans They're FOR SALE CABIN Beat, suitable for troll be effected by publication In tbe Dallylr, . . r. !...j.r lf mater out of an unnamed eirrk Uth tor. Buffalo . "euiiou. company, arrneu in town now l northerly ana orams into swwari engine. Good condiUon. Can .News, and your attention Is called to be seen at Swanson's Boat Mouse. I Si Hon 36 of the "Land Dranstry Act" with yesterday afternoon from trie IUv Unul Inlet. Tbe storare dam win be located al a amendments, and to the folio wing extract I north, where they had been ex. point about too yards from the mouth. All Wholesome FOR SALE 19-foot row boat. Stronrly therefrom: lon,innf. nm n,.nu.i. Tbe rapacity of the ra.iervolr lo be errs led bunt; suitable for small enrlne. Apply rA in A tilt .f . .n.a f r w ...tM I.I Is about ae.oeo ration and It win nood box 1S6 Dally Kews office or phone of lis nendena belnr fllMl before lhe rerls. abost o.OS acres of land. Tbe water will Black It J. S iranon as owner or tne person enuuea un-1 consiaule r.vans, OI InO 1TO be near diverted tbe dam from and will tbe stream be a ted al for a swam,point ROYAL STANDARD RfC FLOUR with nouce. .... and those ciaiminrl vinrial police, brought a craxy purposes open the land described a ttleckj ROYAL STANDARD OATMEAL lh4m and all lri2nHmAn 31. Lot 7ie. ihrviiirh nr iinir rrtLfnt i i .Kiin. a.aH. I . .....,.lv",""'u,"'t a J 1 m.t. nOIICT m MM rwuljut m thm aTMin.! ! ROYAL STANDARD ROLLED OATS of any unreristered Instrument, and all I from Port EssinKton. He had I on lh day of May. tlia A oepy W ROYAL STANDARD YELLOW CORNMEAL SSl JaX.FSL.toJi!! been examined by Dr. Large there. SS. FvTfiF?a under the or this Act. shUl be sflnp hta nnonp nelinni hurl emiiail I be filed at Ue OITlca 0 lt water nrcero ror ever estopped and debarred from set-1. . .-7 , . . . vp si PrtiM-e RuDert U. C Housewives ere using these pleasing cereal products as tior ud any claim to or In respect of tbclnim to De appreiienaea. L.IIOW Objections lo tbe application may be land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar I filed with tbe said Water Recorder, or wild Wheat Hour SubsMUitet for the best of reasons They hall n-rutr the nirann tntltUd underl10 ,UUJ cn tbe Comptroller or water nignis. rarua- 1 sucb ux rale as owner of U land o I trying to kill him roenl Bulldlnrs. Victoria, B. C. within ' give unqualified satisfaction and mean true wartime thirty days after the nrsl appraranea on NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. iQiu i or lues. economy. this notire In a local newspaper. Tbe dale ! Tf5 SSL of the first publication of this notice Is, SOTICE Is hereby given that the reserve 0 for rd beet"? Jane I. IMS. existlnr ta the above-mentioned lands, in tbe name Captain George PethlCk, Of 0. H. BOCLTO.t. Applicant a on certain portions of Lou Two I hundred and five (105) and Two hundred of Joan e. Berr. I Victoria, and one of Prince Ru-I and elrht (108), Range Three (S, Coast akd whereas on lnvesuraung the tiue pert'9 0idest of old timers. He t that prior to the tSth day of District, surveyed and known as Lots appears was one of tbe earliest citizens I 18 IS date which the said Eleven hundred and Ofty-nlne (1IS9), Jctober, (tbe on Eleven hundred and sixty-one diet) and lands were sold for overdue taxes), youinere, and is now wmn me rorce? Eleven hundred and sixty-two (I let), by were the assessed owner thereof. in France. He has been fortunate reason or a notice appearing In the British FURTHER TAKE .NOTICE that It thelD r , t, j i.i J Columbia Gazette of 7th December. 1807, friends here will be glad to! of such appiicauon and issue many pursuance is cancelled In order that a sale of said Lou Eleven hundred and Orty-nlne (tl'S), a Certificate of Indefeasible Tide to the I know of his well being. Eleven hundred and sixty-one (1161) and said lands In tbe name or John E. Berr,I Grow Your Eleven hundred and sixty-two (11 61). unless you Uke and prosecute the proper I HOTEL ARRIVALS lianre Three (J), Coast District, may be proceedings to establish your claim, lfl made to the Pacific Mills Limited. any, to the said lands, or to prevent such I DATED at Victoria, British Columbia, proposed action on my part. Hotel Prince Rupert E. Daniel, this 15th day of June, A. D. It 18. SIS G. R. JUDEX. rlnce Rupert h. O. thU 17th tUy of lululuui aucuuvcr,t Deputy Minister of Lands. lecember, A. D. 1917. Campbell Henderson, Vancouver; Own H. F. MACLEOD, M. A. McDowell, Vancouver; A. Vv". Vegetables MISERAL ACT District Registrar or Title.. to Walter McLaren, McLean, Victoria; A. IJ. Hoyle.l Certificate of Improvements. Nampa, idabo. Vancouver; E. W. Raw son, Van-I couver; M. h. Merriman, New- KOTICE. MINERAL ACT. York; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Heney people this year must help to grow their own food. North Star Mineral Claim situate In lhe CITY and M. Ekeena Mining Division or dasslar District. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. son, Seattle; Bolden, Spo pound of vegetables that can be produced in home kane; A. II. Hush, Spokane; P.I Where located: About 18 miles up tbe gardens vacant lots will be or a positive addition to the Jvltzauit River from Alice Ann. McFarlane, Vancouver; E. J. Lyon, TAKE KOTICE that I, Lewis W. Patmore, Cariboo Fraction NOTICE.Mineral Claim, situate Prince George; C. S. Cradock, supply of food. Moreover the cultivation of land in dty. town Free agent Miner's for Certificate No. HM8-C. as In the Stwm Mlnlnr mvfalnn r Taaalar Vancouver; M. AlberL City; Mrs. and village will leave market gardeners and farmers free to grow Cjusur Pearson, Free Miner's blstrlcL Where located: At the bead of Certificate Tfo. SS4S-C intend, sixty darslin,. tm i- ci,. unin. m.i . Linnell, Vancouver; Mr. and wheat and other supplies for export. from the date hereof, to apply to tbe TAKE KOTICE that I, J. E. Stark, owner Mrs. !L S. Irwin, Skidegate; J. IJ. Mining Recorder ror the ror purpose a Certificate or obtaining of Improvements, or the above claim. Free Miner's Certificate Dudden, City; John Crawford, It may be that the only contribution which you can make towards relieving a Crown Oram or the above claim. date No. 14174,hereof, Intend,to apply sixty to tbe days Mlnlnr rrom Recorder the Vancouver; Percy Le Mare, Queen the dire food needs of our Allies will be a vegetable tardea. If 200,000 lamUica And further Uke notice that action, under for a Certificate of Improvemenu, Charlotte City. in Canada would cultivate a enrden of this kind it rould mean a very important section 85, must be commenced before ror tbe purpose of obtaining a Crown aggregate addition to our food supply. the Issue or such Certificate or Improvements. Grant or the above claim. And rurtber Uke notice that action, under DATED this 15th day or May, A.D. 1918. be In Montreal vegetables to the value of $100,000 section 85, must commenced be were grown on vacant iota ': fore tbe Issuance or such Certificate of Hotel Prince Rupert last year. Calgary had over 1,100 lots under cultivation, covering an area Improvements. of 200 acres. Splendid results were achieved in other cities. Dated this 5th day of July, A. I). 1.18 V.I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY 2 OB ssv.ropolltan Bldg Vaneouvtr. EUROPEAN PLAN There is even greater necessity for war gardens this year. Tremendous Interest $1.50 per day and up. in the movement is reported from all parts of the Dominion. Are you Day Phone, Seymour 4481, Wight Phone, Fairmont SOU. QUEENS HOTEL b member of a vacant lot organization ? If none exists in your community . FIRST-CLASS CAFE belp to organize one. Haad Office, 312 Hlbben-Bona Bldg. FIRST CLASS ROOMS A La Carte. Victoria. B. C, Phons 8412. Hot and Cold vater. Home garden and vacant lot cultivation is really needed and may truly be considered a patriotic service. 60c par Night, and $3 par VVaak. How Will You Protect Organized Efforts Will Q. C. WALKER DENTISTRY Your Wife PIANO TUNER Phone Blue 88S - - P, O. Boa 2S4 and the children should you Bring Best Results Reference: Any Music Teacher ar OA-OWN and emrM vvong fall ill or lose your employment Musician In Prince Rupert. PKOIALTT ? Have you money in Decide here end to have DR. J, S. BROWN the Bank to tide the family now a war By growing your own vegetables garden. Persuade your neighbours you can not only perform DENTCtT over until you are "on your a patriotic SUBSCRIBE FOR Onlaat amlUi BlttK, Thlr ata .eet" again ? to do the same. All the tools necessary duty, you can also help to control PHoaa B4 are a spade, rake and hoe. The the high cost of living. The Daily News Every married man should cost of seeds is a trifle. Grow only Write to Provincial in your Department ooen an account nur standard vegetables such at potatoes, of Agriculture Savings Department and put for pamphlets beans, beets, by a part of his earnings every nips, onions peai,and lettuce.carrots, par pn information.gardening and any additional week or month. Such a sum, earning ioterest,will ba CITY TAXI Seven Passenger a welcome protect ion lor the family. CANADA FOOD BOARD Cadillac A with Saviors one dollar,Account may b opened THE BANK OF British North America FOR HIRE 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Chairman Phone 453 DAY AND NIGHT CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S78100, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH w W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager