PAGE TWO PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS. Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue + Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES eee ity delivety, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance, per week ... 10¢ By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period .......... 3.0 By mai) to al) other parts of British Columbia, ‘the British Em- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year .... By mail to all other countries, per year pit ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, Per WOId ................ccccecceeccesseeeeeee ‘02 Local readers, per insertion, per lime 20200. S. oe 96,00 9,00 CUBS NEAR TOP AGAIN Chicagy Renews > te Threat For Nationa! League Leadership— Cardinals Move Up | CHICAGO, July —Chicago Cubs renewed their el as Na- tianal League pennant contenders by defeating the Boston Braves in both week-end games at Wrigley Field here. The Cubs are once again in second place, one game ahead of the Braves and two and a half games behind the Pittsburg Pirates who won over the Brooklyn Robins THE DAILY NEWS TENNIS FINALS Cc. N. R. Recreation Association Tournament is Completed Pleasant weather and ‘brilliant sunshine smiled upon the vartici- pants in the finals of the Canadian National Recreation Association Tennis Club which were run to completion on Sunday, the strong sunshine alternately annoying or pleasing the players and onlookers as it beamed down into the eyes af the competitors—or encouraged the visitors to lounge about and thor- favourite i more quickly sold on its merits. Free “Chantecler” papers with every package. OGDEN’S Monday, July 11 19 A Prime Favourite Men who “‘roll their own’ have made Ogden's fine cut cigarette tobacco a it makes better cigarettes this brand has always cigarette Legal notices, each insertion, per agate ]ime ........cccscccesseeoeeen _. Jp at Pittsburg yesterday after losing a eapeg the ae Ft | N c Cc U T Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Vacate Dita e = vibe 43 tL per a “3 sis Alle hoo . ; . Louis Cardinals, losing once ding up to these als Mrs our e know PPRETERs notes 08 mpptinatian, the Phillies at Sportsmen’s Field J. H. Horton eliminated Mrs. J. A. Ogden’s cut plug. CIGARETT E T OB A cco Advertising and Circulation Telephone ......................88 on Saturday and winning twice Teng in the Jadies’ singles with a| Editor and Reporters’ Yelephone ........ oe yesterday, advanced from sixth score of 6-1, 6-2, while on Saturday, s ™ ee ee Ieee 5, v7 Member of Audit Bureau of Circ ulations lace to fourth in the league stand- afternoon Mrs. W. N. Currie and ° p ing. the Phillies dropping from Mrs. F. A. Rogers inflicted a defeat! MAX ANI ase a a : "soap fourth into sixth place behind the | of 6-3, 6-4 on Mrs. F. 8S. Walton and ao ALLY EDITION waiggesigan. Monday, July 11, 1932 Brooklyn Robins Mrs. J. H. Horton to enable them to 2 New York Yankees, after winning enter the finals in that event KINGFISH 3 MUST ALL BENEFIT Seem ee ae a Finals Results . 2 i 58 roe i 2 me UNEFIT Tigers Saturday, opened a series at Mrs. J. H. Horton won the ladies’! Negotiations ‘Ope pened to Bring a on tly 12 34 553 Scott Breaks Up Game in Figg af Yankee Stadium with the St. Louis ... ; muah eaeah ery hogs } ‘ ae . ith Triple, Driving in Mor “ . , ‘ : ‘ di . A singles event from Mrs. W. N. Cur- Heavyweights ‘Together on nade 42 538 With Triple, vang kn Moray B.C, Nicholas, managing director of the Victoria Times Browns and lost both ends of @ 14. tne present holder of the Chal- Labor Day rg 4 37 7 es With Winning Run when addressing the Ad Men in convention at Vancouver, ee The shan aoe 'S lenge Cup, for the year 1932, with a ination | Repoklys 38 40 487 “eee ° ° ar 7s : rTaAmMes er > a- - * * " ‘ | ' > . > " halla ' stated: “Prosperity can only come to one individual when delta eatin cae yt Z # score of 3-6, 6-0, 6-2 CHICAGO, July 11:—Negotiations | pp ijace iphia 40 48 482 The much heralded challeg ° ” : oa . » e tics F é ; ; ‘ o n ith ~on ie o , ’ executive of { it cqmes to all.” That js the spirit of the times. It is what | ugrest with Cleveland Indians yes- __." “He men's doubles J.B. Horton /have been opened with a view Winew York Sa. Ga Ag7 | ne Hotes She Seecutive of he vas Te i GR GRE | learec : ee adil Ce rw 2" and W.P. McIntosh were successful! natching Max Schmeling, until re- | -),,, ti 38 49 «4.437 Prince Rupert Baseball Associatia the vast majority of people are coming to recognize. terdey after splitting = dowle- in eliminating Messrs. W. and R ntly world’s heavyweight boxing wor sd and an all-star aggregation fmm i ’ ; é Messrs. W. at | 3 y wo Ss! ywels ae fae: all-star ¢ ion ini The people who think and talk that way are not “Reds.” header on Saturday with the Chi- qoney with a score of 6-3, 6-4. 6-2) h impion, and King Levinsky for a : < oionene ten dl g71 ihe Intermediate Baseball Leage '! They are the hard working, clear thinking section of the “a = Se aq Mr. Horton thereby etaining the! out here on Labor Day Sah assis 48 389g WAS Played yesterday afternoon, te . community, who have come to a realization that the old 3 ena challenge cup, held jointly by him- a eres aap aes ‘ Executive coming out winners bys : wen ; as follows: ; iach eihctes anes: Detroit SS: ae ‘ han ' ; way of carrying on for the benefit of the few only must self and M. Watson, for another MERCHAN'SS’ LINE-UP Cleveland 43 86 B44 rer ¢ ged age Marana ae i . ’ ° ° ° e ~ 7 © 7. ear juantietaie : , p or seven innings but at & ”) come to an end soon. Nations are becoming interdependent SATURDAY SCORES ye etss, W. N. Currie and Mra. F.a,| Merchants’ line-up for tomorrow | Washington Sh Be more was tied thrve-s 8 s+s . oe : . 5. Irrie a 1 7 's i F . ‘ 4 l : at 3 LAIPle-ail. if and so are communities and individuals. National deague Rogers recaptured the ladies’ dou- |‘! sht’s Stuart Shield football game e Louis - so the last half of the eighth, Joe Scott if It is also true that a great many people still find it hard Pa ~; oe. , bles challenge cup for another sea-| * 22nounced as follows: G. Laidler; aseee ? - 4 seek baceeenin Gor Sue Runt . ° : ade é ; ‘ 8 shell « accher: G eu ‘ : J . » af “ i! to believe that there is any real change in the general out- rn"yon 4. ce son fram Mrs. J. A. Teng and Miss| *. Mitehell and Vaecher; G. Hill, a./ "0 - : laid the willow on one of Batts | look of the people and that very soon, when conditions be-| Boston 2, Chicago 5 ; Elsie Davis, 6-3, 6-1. This cup was ere a ie eae its: eats ane amt. See oa a jw: 4 ; ; , 5 Ea at 4 . Rape > an : ' ; not played for last year but has/ "©" eNOS, PONE 2 _ ney into the ether which was go i; gin to improve, we shall forget all those things. They are ellie - ome pa lag pret -eieand BR Ey -tiile Telia et Morn, @ fodlish people and have not been keeping pace with mod- hag ' , > ces etias coe i eal very rieh and the very poor Is much too great and that) pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 7 weeating the cup ier hat event | -rguson July 28—Canadian Legion ws. | x oe poe steps will have to be taken, and that right soon, to have’ Chicago 4, Boston 0 from 4. M. Morton and Mrs. W - ws Regiment re one i - game - oo a ; > b, sid it last s 1, W | finishec owever, Chenoski ' + this spread lessened. dntiteen het on ee. a oy ORReM, wis} H, Marshall ef Anyox arrived in August 2—Merchants vs. Home ms oe on ees — ‘ 3 y, - ) - 7 ae 2 sours ———___— . : a ett a ; the city on the Prince George Sa- Oil ; ; ; : : si . N at } St. Louis 10-8, New York 9-7. Refreshments were served under turday evening from the smélter Total points on the 12-game ser-| "ben Eckert Jaid om one Wilh a a8 DISTRIBUTION AT FAULT Detroit 7-2, Boston 5-13. the capable administration of Mrs town anc is a guest at the Savoy ies will determine possession of the} \° Rie. ae alee So Aa ¢ ape! | Washington 13, Chicago 3. Percy Raynor ‘and, altogether, both Hotel Toglighed a ’ + me for he roar ; base, however, and was put ou ut The system of distribution seems to be at fault. During; Pb!/adelphia 18, Cleveland 17. fams and visitors agreed in voting - : The Executive managed to bl ms , Cae inals a © ate succes “= down the Intermediates in the # ; the past three years there has been too much food in the lenin aie Sie One SERED ane gt pgs go Sage ‘ ‘vy with the result that tl -odueer das t be some satisfaction was expressed at alf of the eighth an en country " It the resu . 1a Ne PTOGueer es Ne ‘ ent NO INTERMEDIATE GAME the general all around distribution made his big drive to win the @ able to receive enough for his product to enable him to old of the honors in the various events “Age is What Counts” The Box Score live decently. On the other hand there have been thousands Owing to other week-end activi- Umpires R. Gammon, F. § | Intermediates ABR H PObt of people who have been unable to secure sufficient food ties, the Intermediate League base- Walton, F. M. Davis and J. A. Teng ; . > 1% | 4) we - hn A R : {Geddes 8b Sari and what they did receive has been lar gely asa largesse ball game, scheduled for Saturday assisted by capable linesmen, hap- |Jabnuson cf orc o4 ich ' ‘ far ablie Ty ‘li afternoon, was called off dled the games. F. M. Davis and F | McLean if ee 4. oe which put them under ob igation. These men were willing 4 Menece aloes bit Bante DEM yee.) gst RU a [Clanton 2b a obs ak , and even anxious to work under reasonable conditions. the tennis committee responsible [Unger ss 311018 4 We hear much talk about a business government. What for the affair APPETIZING AND INVIGORATING | Cisenoski rf ery 9 0% bs ve a government that will depart somewhat from BASEBALL Eckert ¢ g219 ; | : . rer | Bat : i : the old fashioned business methods and deal with modern : iil nent ON ee el ae bes ik 7 wt bon -MPRESS vs. S. O. C NTERME ? BASEBALL s advertisem n § ree : problems in a modern way. The old time businessman, RMP REDE se. 8. @: C. INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL = | ‘his a v splayea by Liquor ] f f hi If | —_— | Centrol Board or by the Government | - whose aim in life was to amass a fortune for himself anc ] T “ §:45 July 18—Young Elks vs. Young| of British Columbia | Totals BO 9 7225 his family, i is out of date, Lesa ‘ Sons of Canada. : | ®xecutive ABR H POA 'Farquhar cf 3 SSS —_— ———— Saas TS = = = — a | . — ~~ |Moran p a 313% 4 | “TILLIE THE TOILER” The Big Smok eee: | | ig Smoke —By Rodsaie |windle « grits )/Kennedy 2b eBwi¢s |Rudderham ss 30003 sabe ham ‘ 7 | NOW WEVE GOT To THERE You GO- WHAT We fr \T WON'T Be LONG CAN'T You JUST SEE THE a . $e 0 a 'GURE OUT A DISPLAY REALLY WANT 1S SOMETHING NOW - LOOK AT “THESE SMOKE ROLLING OUT OF } |Campbell 3b 80 0f i 1 © OOTH a7 SENSATIONAL TO MAKE A BIG PLANS FOR The FUTURE THE CHIMNEysS 7 ena Orme rf 1000? - : \ SPL § hin “ae a ae ' 4 Ciccone rf 20001 ra NE WANT \ ff Cyrcy Aw aext-li lo HEY \ kg ae € f eres Seu wvew || | ses Totals. Oe TS 1 a ae A t des! Bes j |Seott; struck out by Moran @ |Batt (9); double play, Moran “ 4 Kennedy to Scott; passed bas L Eckert (3), Windle (1); umpire, ¥ Mer | Lambie ee | BIG SIX STANDING | . Mac Knows to His Regret oun a i Lambie (S.) ...9 29 10 12 4 {Farquhar (Bl) 9 34,8 13 # , eee a ‘Nelson (Em) 7 39 4 11 # (THis FELLOW HORN, VE SUST HAD THE GRANDEST CIA, MAC™ Mite. HOwn “THE BEST THinG THaT | * Menzies (El) 7 28 6 10 # THE PROMOTER, 1S LUNCH, AT “THE CASINO 1S) & WONDER. @vy DORS 18 To Promote Windle (Em.) 10°37 12 13 # CERTAINLY PUTTING | PROMCTER . Bury ®. 8 32 10 1! 34 ; THE VALETERIA OVER .? sn A Boi SAYS | Ce. ee a, Ze You tetera reaorert Ose: i # The following is the scale? @ of charges made for reaciné * i S ‘ * notices, 4 “ — * Marriage and Engagement * | # announcement $2. ; \* Birth Notices 50c * * \ it Funeral Notices $1 ? \® Cards of Thanks, $2 . i . + Funeral Flowers 10c. PY > = + name \ Wee ° : at © 19AL King Beoturee Sy mdigate dnc. Greet Britein rights comrade + ° = * : P+eeeeeeeaeert