onday. 4 July. 11;. 1932 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS The Cheapest fuel in town, big! ad slab wood $3.25. Albert & |ing a brief visit to the city, having tcOaftery Ltd. Phones 116 ano|arrived from the north on the ss. 7 ti| Prince George Saturday evening. re Ladies’ Weldrest Silk Hose, very | ine and sheer, at most popular/dent for Atlin district with head- rices in town, B. C, Clothiers. |Quarters at Anyox, arrived in the 160| city on the Prince George Satur- ntiainiaies }day eyening from the north. Ernest Love, after a week-end | ith isit to the city following a trip| Alex Duncan, formerly identified Vancouver, sailed last evening | with the International Electric Co. the Catala fer Stewart. "lat Stewart.and more recently with hala |the Premier mine, arrived in the Misses Victeria and Ruby Krike- | city on the Prince Robert Satur- ky left on “today’s train for Ed- one following a trip to his native jontan Where they will spénd a/home in Scotland and sailed last lid ay Visiting with relatives and | eens by the Catasa for Stewart lends The fire department had a call Ti ed AllD | | 4 o'clock "yesterday afternoon : Ir. ay ng he vicinity of McChymont Park | here @ Clearing fire had got out control. No damage was done Mother and Daughter Both Praise Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills For | Restoring Vigour H. Tipton | ge Etzeza and W { Telegraph Creek arrived in the| - “Being run- m the Princess Alice Satur Improvement en . wen y afternoon from the north end Came ie ae nd are registered at the Savoy my work; I tel : Quickly had no ambi- tion, and tack co could not There ‘were 117 passengers on sleep at night,” writes Mrs. Reu- ud the steamer Dorothy Alex- ben Ament, Grafton Ont. “I saw ee oc’! Which was in port thismorn- 40 advertisement for Dr. Wil- to liams’ Pink Pills. Trying two boxes, I got relief right’ away, so I kept on taking the Pills, and now vessel here I ng southbounc from Alaska eattle. Two persons disembarkea m the um able to do my work with pleasure, and T have no ailments There were 57 passengers aboard “ia V _ - rs. Ament is: “My de steamer Princess Charlotte ; agrees ms My daughter : wa i rundown. Every one vhich was in port this morning thought she was going into a de- hbound from Vancouver to cline. I gave her Dr. Williams’ kagway and other Alaska points. Pink Pills, and lL could see success es: ara s the veces} immediately ven passengers left the vessel Don’t allow yourself or your ere While ane went north aboard daughter to be robbed of health ' and vigour. Take Dr. Williams’ cae Pink Pills. They banish rundown . or nervous conditions by creating For a ; » > th can. 2 : sale Launch Gwen with can new red blood cells, which impart top and dingy, 4 h.p. Easthope! health and vitality. Get a supply ine with clutch, dition. Also tive-room ati m first-class at your druggist’s; in the new summer giass container—50e ttage at Galt Lakes, newly im-|* proved and painted, Will sell to- With a large list of tourist pas- ether or singly. Price $300.00. For sengers on board, Pacific Steam- articulars phone Yacht Club 259.| ship Co.'s liner Dorothy Alexander 159 Capt. A. W. Nickerson, arrived in paren port at 6:45 this morning from Making her first voyage of the ajaska and sailed at 10 a.m. for iska tourist season, C. P. R.| geatty mer Princess Chariotte,: Capt on Saintey, arrived in port at § C. T. Hearn, superintendent of «k this morning from Vancou- the Lakelse Lake ha tchary, who nd sailed a couple of hours) has been on a week's trip to Alice for Skagway and other nor- Arm in connection with the stock- ~ints whence she wil] re- ing of stream that district with ere Saturday afternoon trout fry, arrived in the city on bound. ‘The vessel had on the Prince George Saturday even- u good-sized list of passeng-' ing from the north and returmed ers most of whem were round! on afternoon's train to the tourists interior The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers heave Prince Rtupert for Vancouver P88, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PM Via Waypoints. arriving Vancouver, Thursday am TAS. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT : Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx ; Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas : River points, Sunday, 8 pm | Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at — PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY aecond A venue Phone 568, James Dunbar of Premier is pay-| John Anderson; ead snperinten- | THE DARZ HERD ’ Preserving Week D. Cavaligr and daughter, Miss va Cavalier, are sailing today on| UP-RIVER STKAWBERRIES Don't Miss Them the Prince Rupert for a trip to! Munro Bros. | Vancouver. Olier ene sated Saturday af- ternoon on the Princess Alice on Stanley Weltber arrived in the 4 business trip to Vancouver. city on ‘the Catala last evening from Vancouver and will pay 4) rs Ww. L. Coates sailed Satur- ten-day visit here with his brother| aay afternoon on the Princess Alive and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A.\tor a holiday visit to Victoria. G. Webber, MeBride Street. eee Dr. and Mrs. J P. Cade and fa-| ‘imily retumed to the city yester-; \day after a week's eruise down) ithe const in tae power cruiser) « (Bdac. Get your Bing cherries for pre- Bareld McBwen, CNR. district serving now. Price $3.00 per crate freight and passenger agent. re-|of 95 qbs. Watt's Grocery. Phone turned to the city on the Prince) ss 159 Rupert this morning after a brief belle week-end trip to Ketchikan on of-) Raiph Smith is leaving this mae business. week for Telkwa wnere he will pay , Banden |* visit with his brother, Thomas Miss Mary ©. Sim of neg P. Smith, while recovering frum Btreet School teaching staff sailed Baturday evening on the Prince|® Tevent serious illness with pneu- George for the south. Ghe will’ . spend the summer vacation wisit-; ine in Vancouver and Kamloops. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince , Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta- 2 ition, is sailing thie afternoon on Mrs. E. Kitchen, aho; ‘the Prince Rupert for Vancouver matried at Anyox an Friday; ; eS ay ,/On his return to the city in a Mr. and were last, were passengers aboard the! — : Prince Haiess Sebuslay encnine short time, he will be accompan- mag % ay ied by Mrs. Finn whv will take up going through on a honeymoon) | residence here. trip to Vancouver and elsewhere | in the south —— Se With sixty passengers on board Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rennie and| including five who disembarked son, who arrived in the city earl-| "ere, C.N.R. steamer Prince Ru- ier in the week from Port Clem-'Pert, Capt. Dan Donald, returned ents, sailed Gaturday evening on|‘ Port at 10:30 this morning fram the Prince George for Vancouver|*@tchikan and other northern whence they will proceed on a trip points and will sail at 4 o’clock to Toronto. | Cats afternoon for Ocean Falls, | Powell River and Vancouver. Miss Maude Boldt, ..N.. who kas signec form the staff of the Capt. Jennings, skipper of tne! Ketchikan salvage boat Akutan, | arrived in the city on the Darothy |T¢ Alexander this marning from the | Prince Rupert General Hospital north and sailed later im the marn-| Where she has held the position of ing by the Princess Charlotte on ‘operating room supervisor for the ;past two or three years, is sailing his ,eturn to Ketchikan BASri! this afternoon on the Prince Ru- Mr. and Mfrs. & ¥. Meith and |pert for Vancouver enroute to her child. after 2 trief velit to the |Home | in Brandon, Manitoba. city in the course of a holiday ae tmp to the coast, sailed on the Prince Rupert this afternoan for | Mail Schedule Vancouver whence they will pro-! ceed back to their | > in Kam- es ac » the 10me in For the Sect ts | Monday Wednesday and Satur- William McNeish, auditor for the | day 11:30 am. For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a werd per insertion with six insertions fer the price of four. Sy the mente Gis charge ts Mea epee. COR tale radid Marceni 6-tube, perfect condition, $14. Phone || JGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- Veinibadisien: Kalsomining Green 285. peen 285. ING LABORS ; ° er Maree eee Phane Red 802 (evenings) to and Painting ces than any mail onder house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone J. P. MOLLER At prices that will suit you = n- Gate Se Phone Red 918 ©. Rouse FOR BALE pair of adjustable o , . shatting hangers. Also giiven-| “@isomining, Palate we ized iron tank Apply Daily News. & Paperhanging DAIRIES tt FOR SALE—Gurney Oxford Range, McClarey Heater, Linoleums. By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES fer FRESH LOCAL MILK Very reasonable. Phone Red 514. 161 \From the East— Workmen's Compensation Board, ‘ who has been on a trip to various | Sunday, Thursday and friday, } s 11 p.m./ points in the north on official | aoe oy | business, was a passenger aboard | nee: Wednesday eee | the Prince George Saturday even- | nas Wreimiaaie -_ 2 ing going through from Stewart os to Vancouver | Monday 3 pm. Wednesday 8 a.m. With a fair-siaed list of passen-| rie oe . a geis, Union steamer Catala, Capt. 3 a “ 16 90.23 87 30 A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 7 - a av engilans scoothhy pam, o'clock last evening frem the south a 4 ancenyer— ton and sailec at 8 p.m. Anyox, Stew-| me ow - on pm | art and other aorthern points! oan ay ans et 4.M. ' Suits- whence she will return here to-| nas ay ; 11:30 = at / morning southbound " ee ON ee ee July 8, 11, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29... a.m.| G. A. Yardley, inspector of ous-| For “a8 and Anyox— . toms, Victoria,»who disembarked ae ns a ata | here from the steamer Prince : : 74 i |George Saturday evening after a/*?em Stewart and eas brief visit to Stewart, sailed this) ee ea ‘ ion morning on the Princess Louise for Skagway whence he will pro- ao Port ey cel ceed into the Yukon Territory on| m official duties | Pree Naas River and Pert Simpson | I Sais sitisner-— agi 11:30 a “~ William Crawford, chief grain| Fee oy PS a jimt inspector for the federal govern- uy ment, after a week's visit here on = Chartottes— i official duties in connection with a a ~~ San. the loading of the grain ship Fresno City at the local elevator, sailed by the Prince George Satur-| "Fem Alaska— * day night on his return to Van-| 2%@ly 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30 _. pm. “ouver, | July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25,29 .. a.m.} R. M. Winslow, manager of the canned salmon section of the Can- ; 2 adian Manufacturers’ Association “Build B. C. Payrolls and former purchasing ‘agent here for the Camadian Fish & Cold Flavor Storage Co., sailed by the Prince George Saturday evening on his Gets |return to Vancouver after a brief | visit here and to the Skeena River | jon Official business. ts | Announcements | Opportunity knocked, we heard, knew not how to open. Vacuum AIR DRIED SHINGLES Retain the cedar oil in the wood, affording extra and better pre- servation than kiln-dried shingles from which the essential oil has been evaporated. Our shihgles are made on Queen Charlotte Islands and, as a home product, deserve your preference. Shingle makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- pert, while Vancouver wages never come north, Support a home industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles, Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 5380 packing had improved dry foods. Its benefits, experts said, could not be extended te milk. Yet it was recognized that would milk be packed in vacuum the flavor would be improved immensely Hence it was a duty to try. Ex- periments were begun, and hap- pily a process discovered. Now Pacific Milk offers flavor at "I best. Pacific Milk | “100% B.C. Owmed and Ailk PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby Island, July 17 BOSTON CAFE Is Reopened Thoroughly Renovated Bright and Cheery Better Than Ever FOR SALE—18-ft. gas boat “Iama- Phone Red 608 or 953 WATCHMAKERS DOMINION DAIRY lane,” powered with Universal 6- | 8 amd Joes Re. Gears. Snap. Phone 3. 159 FOR SALE-—-Boy’s Tricycle (8-10 years) C:CM. in splendid condi-| tion. Can be seen at McRae Bros. | Ten dollars. 164 | 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Send Your Watch, Clock, | Jewellery and Optical | Repairs to A. E. IRELAND PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK - 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C : FOR SALE— Child's walnut crib Fresh from Bulkley Valley and mattress, voy’s tricycle, new, Thirty Years Practical Saperieni Farms Also Wilton rug. Very reasonable. Apply Suite 5, Besner Apart-| Assures Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES | fiela. 306 So Boylston Street, Los Angeles; California, U.S.A. ERRACE rhree Year Graduate Chiropractic OR we eee Sod | VALENTIN DAIRY MUST oa ee 7. give wed - - | Phone 657 or make me offer, for Double! | Frontage Lot 6, Block 32, Section SUMMER RESORTS ; a 5. Known as 721 Eighth Avenue, | CHIROPRACTIC — West. All Taxes Paid to August, Ua 1932. Write Ernest ‘W. Green-| When Coming to | Ww. C. Aspinall FOR RENT FOR RENT— Six- roomed Sense 260 9th Ave. East. 264 FURNISHED Rogms for rent near Post Office, 719 2nd Ave 160 | FOR RENT-—— Modern flat, Rane | Block. Apply Max Heilbraoner tf | FOR RENT— Clean well furnished | modern 2-room suite. Palmer} Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf! SPECIAL Cleaning & Pressing MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD For Your Picnic or Holiday Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 WITH US pen Evenings 6 Exchange Bik. To Greet You on Arrival ee We Meet All Trains | ‘TRANSFERS Special Rates For Picnic {7 cecere funuiee, Peak Ti: Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You | Anywhere at Any Time : At Moderate Rates SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent Beer bottles bought. SEAL COVE PRANSFER. Wood for Sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Blue 903. The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping Wood Terrace, B.C. | One Suit or One Dress $1.25 Made to order $23. 50 Phone Blue 909 Close to Mineral Baths and Lodge! and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. 5. PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the Lakelse Lake Shore : Apply — V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 Hotel Arrivals | } A. H. Benkendorf Next to Daily News Prince Rupert | DRY DOCK AND | SHIPYARD Hotel Central Limited Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street PRINTING Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tens Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers and John Logar, Prince Rupert OFFICE SUPRALIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 CENTRAL J. Weis, C.N.R.; Alex Siranovich for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding I 50-tan Derrick for Heavy Lifts ne Mews | or Burns. Scalds, Bites f olds, Ci hepped shin, Cuts, Bruises. etc. -* MADE_IN CANAQA Prices Reduced at — “THE DUNES” Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands In keeping with the spirit of the times, the rates for summer boarders at “The Dunes,” Tlell, have been reduced to $1.50 a day. The idea] summer resort. A home away from home. A place for the tired businessman to rest and where the children can play unmolested and without danger. No flies! No mosquitos! Miles of sandy beach, huge sand dunes, all the pleasures of the farm with fresh milk and plénty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables and home cooked meals. Trout and salmon fishing in Tiel! River. THE NEW SPECIAL RATES make it possible for anyone to pay a visit. Pere is cost per person: , Board and room for 10 oe $15 Return steamship fare wn ible’ a Care hire to amd from DOAMt oo. cccccocscscccssssssvssssssmenenen 2 Ge Ws ee AFG ants ciccdetiads-cideciasenbadanen $35 Children, half price. No extras Prince John leaves Prince Rupert July 8, 22, Aug. 5, 19. Write or Telegraph Madame Rajaut