3 ORME'8 LIMITED l Far Quio rmuIU ,5 CimlU Druggist! The Daily News u Phones P. O. Box 82 and 1680 200 THEDalVnEw m OL. IX, NO. 179. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.; FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1918. PRICK FIVE CENTS UNS FLEE PRECIPITATELY McKILANj 1AM, rAKI In AUVAWLt Al IHfc MittiUN ,AI,lhNI I KlV! ANN WHKK M r rlPJIi AN AKERBERG,THOMSON CO. DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICANS TAKE PART IN TO BUILD NEW WHARF PORT BY THE G.T.P. ALLIES ADVANCED NORTH AT AND MACHINE SHOP Many Thousands Spent on the Old YESTERDAY'S BIG BATTLE j Coal Dock, Making It Avall- ' SOISSONS-RHEIMS SALIENT Order-ln-Councll Giving Permls-, able for Aeroplane AT THE SOISSONS SALIENT ' slon Passed by tho Govern- Spruce Shipments. I ment at Ottawa. ... mnenurM TAIfrN IN TtAin.MIL r mruAAim t I The development of the waterfront ARMIES OF CROWN PRINCE PUSHED BACK BY ALLIED FORCES WILL BE OF MUCH BENEFIT by the O. T. P. in connection MOVEMENT LINE STRAIGHTENED ON BANK OF AND CONSIDERABLE GROUND TAKEN IN TO FISHERMEN AND THE willi the increasing traffic which OURCQ RIVER SEVERAL , FIERCE FIGHTING TOWNS CAPTURED MOSQUITO FLEET is coming through this porj, lias been going on steadily and quietly Paris, August 2,-In battles fhoin the extending region im- Tfca secretary of the l'rivy . . . . time little fpr some past. Though I f I I f-r f i l 1 at - nor u 1 1 ir 1 1 u i J..., n i iiiimii t"ii in ibuiiui o vitriv .u uiui v-aj l cniri u i t " ho Marnc front,. according. . to an omclal despatch. Hi? allied Council At..!...,.has ti communicated. r. T,.,with. ua8. been. . said... about it .u,e old and southwest of",k last named 7 norinw?fl on 01 upper"e-en-raraenois portion of tho i i I n i 1 1 r - - M. ,in."'., Z" n.;'," r "a ?cA" la, I Wade of the salient running ten miles eastward from Neiles to lie till lilt? uuuill nvoriu iiu, J tut? buhcii wiftrn unu uuiiii-id Z Z. . , .. aru "as Deeu em,re,y reuul aHU Villen Tardenois and with St. O ernme as the southern blade, the t -i.... & .... I ,1.a. .llltn II.... w.ll. f v..v-uu .U1 c.u..DO,u.. iu nileu WIin moaern appliances ior mii,,,! nPItliM i,nv nni.P,i hnrt ihn nrm.oa r h r.na-n Bnin. BriHrmn S l"8 anuun OI ",e evex-increas- The ,,,0 important gain has been made on the upper wesleim ixorui oi trie imrcii unci mu iii-iiLii unu f;iuu iruui's uiuio on Lot 1,i r, has ing .hipmenta of aeroplane spruce lpoUll ot u,e V southeast of Fere. The villages of Cirges and Munitre been granted. Some time enemy from positions in im region ui I'lcwsaier iiuiiu ana me -e, wnicn are arriving nere. cnieuy .were taken wiln a manoeuvre August 2-The American troops capturing Die heights north I-ranee and I-landers the artillery Akerberg, Thomson & Co.. imm me uueen oiianoue isiauus. uhfri, niao. m.o ntrmin, at iim struck again last night al the apex Grand Rozoy. ' Duy on uo 8,tJC8' secured from the Provincial Gov- insieaa oi Being me aesemea ena mouth of the salient at St. Gemme of the allied advance on the lower ernment a twenty-year lease of 0f the waterfront, as it was two - in a precarious position, brought portion of the Soissons-IUieims Northwest of Few. the entire I aiiln nf ihn Kniann-lMilma .ili this lot, and now that the Do- or three years ago. this particular w n, ,nP nt iBir salient, storming the heights between iinw or tiio lino, where u lurnru . .,. minion Government has approved doCk ig of the busiest the now one Wood. The fringes of the salient Serenges and Sergie. They onir me norinern nan oi me mnn h aiii,i n uenon . the plans submitted, they will wcek through. from lne forest of jjoneliirny east gained their objectives. The advance tl 1. t. . i I ..J- J . soon commence their building: Scowload after scowload of ported that bodies of Germans has been relatively cut down four. was made possible by an ft k l ti lt 1 1 1 f iiiin n rn iri i nun wpp, fleeing precipitately north, uiSiauu. sawn spruce nave oeen tanaea miles. allied attack in the sector directly - ii i i t.. Lot 1 is located right against jhere to be loaded on cars fori A CIV IIHUCIHIC9 tlllU ward along the road leading from Drove Out Germans. east of the Americans, which . t I llio east end or the Provincial shipment east, almost I.ancey. which lies about midway and any In today's fighting the allied cleared out a small Gerjnan flnvcrnmpnl u-linrf. Tliprn in n'ti ih. r between Bolssons and Fere-en-Tardenois. pocket. pile wharf upon the lot at pres-'raay be seen-in the Prince Ilupert .ophSA?, S Washington, August 2 Just iousljr po- which Thomson ,bf ent. Akerberg A'rds. Tanks played an important part iUons 688,6 what part the Americans played in In The Oer Co. will have lorn down, and a Modern bl?e the battle has not ii mnuiui a idi iufl yesterday's successes. Spared "eh Thursday's yet The bad wuatlicr wliicli lias dc mans resisted stubbornly but new wharf, with condyle piers Thc 0. T. ,,. ha3 no ex- f been manifested, but doubtless ft . It. IL. Tl.Isf.k able erected. When the new wharf is nae in ruing up this wharf in ttZTtt im. CrJlt viui iiimrni siii inn iiriiiHii everywhere the allies were to ..f.ti of they were in the midst of the fray. mmniMA.i n. mnehin .hnn will' . r. m and Cramille. The general ad i.a ...t t-m ii. pres quick and efficient handling of vance was about two miles and Launch Alice B. for the Salt ent location on the bill. They al- lifts most important spruce. They . iGISTRATION WILL ready have a flno large floalfor v0 installed two nm electric 600 psoner. are reported to havg Lakes leaves Prince Rupert Boat-house the accommodation of small boats een laKetu - " every'hoUrfcohmiencing ,10 ' 'derricks, and a steam one. Tliree EXCEED 300,000 IN SPECIAL SERVICE AT lying up. The "gridiron" will be '8COw8 can be unloaded at one 1 Americans In FlghL o'clock on Sundays. Round v- trip BRITISH COLUMBIA WESTHOLME ALL ARE SUNDAY INVITED put in on the Side of the wharf Uime, and thirty cars can be load-? American Armies- in France, 50 cents. tf next the Present Steps, and Will!H vtrv lu-nlv.fnnr hnnra. " Victory for the Allies! be some 100 feet long by 30 feet) jf neej ic by the adjusting of SEVENTY-FIVE PER wide, and it will accommodate ibe gears, tho speed of these elec- Lloyd Georgo recogniies practically any of the present iric cranes can be increased. AEROPLANE ACTIVITY CENT OF SPRUCE IS that back of all the forces fishing vessels, when repairs be- do CONTINUES UNABATED Driven by a dynamo, they away UlIllfUIB AUV.tVU 1 I1UII IIIU SjVU of Empire or nations the low the watcrline are required, j wttti the necessity of a boiler with SHIPPED FROM HERE most potent are the moral It is expected that the new con- a furnaco to bo stoked. Spur Peris, Aug. 2. There-is k ii n i si..inn mini i ..wit uiu 1..iiti ....II and spiritual forces, lie structlon work will commence tracks have been laid upon the no let up in the aeroplane . Mills at Masset Will Soon Be 111 iiii.uiiu AAA iiihi 1-k. rt.a im LUIIIIIIUIG I 1 has called onj'arliaincnl this fall, and when the plans arewjiarf enabling each derrick to warfare on the British Full Blast Labor to attend worship on Aug. Running Thomson &'ioad front. Raids continuous completed, Akcrgerg, two cars or more simul- are Is Short. the letters from (ho outside I in order that they may Co., Ltd., expect to have unrivalled taneously, and these spurs are so and much destruction Supply itrirts have'been sorted and dc-. co-operate with the spiritual facilities for the quick and efllci- !arronKed that the loaded cars to German factories and iverrd, and the figures compiled. powers which can win ent handling df all boat and en- can be removed without slopping communications resulted. "Seventy-five per cent of the Iluriird, South Vancouver and victory. gine repair work. With their ; lno loading operations, Yesterday the airplanes spruce cut in northern British Columbia In the ame spirit Mayor is shipped through Prfnce has! their machine shop penetrated the icioria are mo oiuy riuings oi business, Moro Improvements, enemy . . . ,. T. McClymont asks all the Rupert, and eighty per cent of all M 1 f 1- - been growing larger.! country as far as Duren in iti p i'ipii in iiiiiiii uiiii-ii aiiun aa gradually The T. P. has further ar-and i.i mril v iif u-mnnn relitirnnf . churches and people to on their moving to their per- rangcments al present impending, Rhenish Prussia and the the spruce cut throughout the his is cxpiamcu so inr as uur- meet for worship on Sunday rnanenl location oa Lot 1, tbey Alterations and improvements are allies dropped bombs uu province of British Columbia 111.II i 4IIIU i CUUill. UIIVVU VI UIU at 8 p. m. In tho Wcst-holmo will have a machine shop second being carried out on other por-to the factories there with comes from Hie yueen cnanoiie ..ASt aI l fnl llinl Ifia Theatre for n real none on the coast, both for tions of the waterfront which will good results. A second Islands." That statement wtis community ocknowledge-mcnt convenience of location nnd com. 'enable thc to handle all plane formation attacked made this morning by an official icii lit uiu mujuruy ui iubcb ick-i company stered at Vancouver: city booths; of God nnd our need pleleness of equipment. the increase of trafflo offering, the railway shops a t who, knows what he is saying. there of tho Divine. It At the present time are 1 1 r I ti rr Ii rtt i ria nf f ti n(r nninlnv. without causing any congestion. Treves. sx mills at Masset, one of which, AUSTRIA'S CLAIMS From what is being done, and will ill . . . .. i it . the Buckley mill, has not yet mi iiip i a riff ui rniritiriiiinn in liiiv Im nr-nnmnllsllPrl this Slimmer, . mJ ..-., ..-'--.v. ' rnmmenopil tn cut. The mill London,. August 2. According i, .i,ir,i ttmi fha n T P. nro I IS V Vlt su aaw - ' jowTied by the Graham Island bout 100 Vonfonvpriles who REBELLION to the claims of Vienna Hie Austrian seeing lo it thai the essential MANY PRISONERS TAKEN UKRAINE has been Co. ;SprMce & Cedar op- . ...... . .... ... .. .1. i i i; I troops in Albania have compelled needs of Prince Rupert as a rail LARGE the Italians to givo up a terminus not being ne-' nM TUT MADAM? EBiWr erating only about three weeks HAS ASSUMED road are UW lilt alAtHL rrvUnl and has not yet got into its swing. of te considerable portiou piected. of these mills will be run-London, hem. PROPORTIONS ALREADY ground won in lno receni nguiing. jBoth August 2. An official ning full blast in a few weeks and Following are tho registration SURPRISE ATTACKS clnlamanl Inst crivpn mil. snva lhnt will turn nut mnrft lumber than figures of the eleven ridings now People Rising Against central GERMANS IN HOLLAND Paris, August 2. Germans this tho number of German prisoner the others put together. That will in hand; Powers German Advance rumored morning attacked the French P- captured on the Marne front and materially increase the amount Mtlrt Frmatri Expected In North, London, Aug. 2. It is Kuehl- sitions in the region of Bpy. in champagne between July 15th that is shipped through this port. IMirrtrO 10,114 Il.tIS thai Foreign Minister von , . . . :irlluo 7.IVS ern Russia. souinwesi oi iiueiiii3. uouimv , ninnbPP(i 33.100.1 "Labor is the serious nroDIem" IS.OfA and former unanceuor lieu - ' mo Alhernl H.TH Ml man repulsed, says the OfUCial 'sa fl.ia nfflAifil "In nrHof tn ert k rati iujt Kit! ..t.tti. . S.TSt London. August 2. There is mann-llollwcg havo appeared in ol.nmnn, .n M.mr carried CONDUCTS SERVICES AT 'out tho sprjice, labor must be onailllU II.J B IM I ft lilll.. 1 .o I ItlA HftP- Holland. This may possibly caniout a number of surprise attacks PORT ESSINQTON SUNDAY available. In the United States iminfir City ind Kcueiui renewal of tho German peace "J" n'n Meuse Lower Frtff lo.sss .o mnn Invaders In Northern nPI,iinn villi n on the right bank of the nil Mmsft whn are at work on Koolrmy Wrtt lO.BIff T.7 and so open has this become that UULIWll v letter of Lord Lnns- without obtaining any advantage. , ne. A,fred K 1rice of Metla-'spruce production are under Gov-The Vim urrr Cm I re 41,111 l.S07 a German offensive Is expectcu new open French Inflicted losses.on the kaU rowed oyef frQm the indian 'ernment orders Just like the sol-enemy ViQcourrr Viri.rU South 13.73 4.6t4 11.710 1.479 there in the near future. Thc downo. andcaptiitpnbioi ,asl eveninp and went dier3i cepl that they are paid Yil tP.JIO 7.4 Finnish population is said to Do AT THE "INLANDER" to Port Fsinglon on the train the regular wages of lumbermen, Intensely hostile to the Huns nnd FIRE today. He expects to be present j "The men who are employed in Ladyfmltlr Wellington Coal re in thft Tkralno a rising ngainst Last evening around six o'clock at tho commemorative service at the spruce industry are doing duces voup fual bill and alves tho Central Powers has assumed alarm of fire was rung in to Port Kssington tomorrow evening their best to keep up the supply, tltfactlon. Phono 15. ,P. R. larso proportions. It is Impos on tho llro hall from Second Avenue. w hen Dr. Large will be the speak, but there are not enough of them M-oai Do. sible lo tell Just how rar mo uk-raine was quickly on tho A.F. & A.M. er. Ho will also conduct a ser-'and from time to time the Gov-, Tho big engine revolution has spread and when it wns found thai vice at Ussington on Sunday even. 'ernment is taking of those al-ing. whnt are its chances of success. scene, from tho chimney alighting All Resident and Sojourning 'ready hero lo fill the ranks in General dissatisfaction with Ibe spares the shingle roof, had set Masons aro requested to I Kveryono knows Mr, Price, His France." Lumber Germans however is likoly to have (ho "Inlander"on Boarding Houso on nttond the Publio Meeting to constituency extends to points a rnr-rcacliing effect unless n Second Avenue nllght. Tho prompt bo held in tho Wostholme thirty-two miles from headquarters. Iron glovo is able to quell tho disturbances arrival of the firemen prevented Theatre on Sunday evening, He conducts services at the llefore you purjohaso boforo they becomo too tho blnio from spreading. A hole August -1th, nt 8 p.m., to 'saw mills and other points sws 8PRUCE LUMBER widespread. wns burnt in the roof, though, before commemorate tho fourth anniversary 'throughout the district and is Bet our prloes on dimension . A Bi S ft?4Q the light was put out by tho of tho war. welcomed wherever he goes. and shlplap. NEWADVR-- ( apparatus. Tho excite- K, H. MORTIMER, ALBERT A MoCAFFERY, Pnrls. Aug. 2.--N0W i.auium.imnin'mAni fnr n few minutes llireaten Seo. Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58 Saturday specials'in Children's FOR QUALITY Limited. about E. V. LING, white canvas button boots; $2.25 by it Just l,eriCdnover"a parl'cd to extend, as was Agents for weno reP?.rl??..clufn. 'the meal-hour. The damage, how. Seo. Tyeo Lodge No. 60. values for 91.85, at the Family SERVICE AND SATISFACTION ha llo, Prince Rupert Lumber Co. nf .the Rhcims 'ever; was vory sligbt. Shoo Store. 170 Food Board Licence No. 10.73(0. front loto today,