Wednesday, August 7, 1018. THE DAILY HEWS. RED CROSS NEWS NOTES Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsctt, Manager Edward Cunningham, Vice-President V ' The colleclfon for the French Triday in the lied Cross hut. i 'Hed Cross on France's Day rea-j fn Hie report of the winners at' Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. llzed the sum of $1,38.08. Of the sate on July 12, Dr. Large this I'rlnce Hupert raised slightly wan given as the winner of thol LIMITED jmore than half. Port Essington cushion. This should be Mrs. E.I ,did remarkably well with almost Large. Dr. McNeill was also FISHING d CA'-ifitf.Y EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE 'half as much as was raised here. 'given as the winner of a plant. Steamship 8upplle, Oas Engines and Accessories The detailed results follow: This should have been Dan Mc-Tag Fish Netting Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Day lrince Rupert $713.71 Weill. Also In the report of the Port Essington 62.10 sales of July 26", Miss Mayers PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. " " Seal Cove 02.10'gave a' fern dish won by Mr. The Traction or "Special" Alice Ann 88.70 :Keilli, and the diamond Ting given Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: Smilhers 50.00 by Maurice Currie was won by 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 mark is on every pavement Ilazelton 59.10 Miss Pollard. i Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Sandspil, Q.C.I., Capt. Oil. At the last executive meeting and road in portion bert 31.15 of the society it was decided to every Skidcgale, A. J. Gordon.. 5.00 send 200 Christmas stockings Terrace 45.00 filled with useful articles to the of Canada. Either mark men's hospital as per a request Total 11,378.51 received from the head office. is the sure sign that all is Kxpcnscs. Mrs. Baker was appointed con. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Advertising and Tags.., 30.43 venor, assisted by Mrs. Peters. well ahead. The poster? appearing in the Net Total $1,348.08 windows of the hut were received Established 1908. The crew of the Tillemook are from Martin Craig who is thank Your Garageman Stocks thanked for a ilnnnllnn nf 9 1(1 n. fnr hia Vlnri intnroaf through the purser, J. 8. Killeen.l The sale last Friday realized Dunlop Tires. Mry. Ddwling and Mrs. Homer.$72. The donors and winners are ft FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING will have charge of the sale on as follows. GEAR AND SUPPLIES. A.86 O.0n ARTICLE WtXXED Mr. Starr Whole Halibut S.J. Evans jQQGGaaaa mpppflpoaae Unknown , Sack of Sugar Airs. Tippens 6HIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF J. A. Kirkpatrick Men's Boots J. N. Sinclair Mrs. W. Harper Boudoir Cap Evelyn Vickers PAINT FOR BOATS Miss Ida Itoberts Fern Dish Mrs. J. Campbell Wenlholme Theatre Co Sack of Flour H. F. McLeod S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Miss Oleeson Picture Mr. Finnle ort Mrs. Pakruon CcntrePiece Mrs. J. Mcllae Mr. Beckwith Hand-knit Socks J. N. Sinclair FRED STORK'S HARDWARE S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Table Supply Co Box of Fruit Mr-s. Reed Mrs. Smart Tin of Baking Powder W. J. Whalen SAIIJ.NO J. S. Carmichael Tin of Chocolate D. W. Yelf SECOND AVENUE MONDAY 9 A.M. for Swanaon Bay, Vancouver, Victoria Mr. Willis Canned Cream E. C. Gibbons and Seattle. WEDNESDAY 12 Neon for Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau, and Skagwar. DR. LARGE SPEAKS presented with her diploma, and FRIDAY 12 Noon for An vox. will have a short vacation before Advertise In The Daily News SATURDAY 9 A.M. for Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria AT ESSINGTON ON pursuing her profession. and Seattle. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. THE WAR PROBLEMS Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. TRAIN SERVICE He Reviews the Gallant Deeds of ruttnrtr honoav, Wednesday and midav i ii jo lo, for snuitri. The Past and Expresses Determination Prior Ororre. Edmooioo sod WlonJjr. rail In r direct cooDrriloot for til to Fight to polott tut and south. The End. For Information and reservations apply to I'urt Essington, August 7. O. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. LS.) The meeting to commemorate the City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 fouijth anniversary of the entry of tins country into the war was PROCLAMATION held in Cunningham's Halt on Sunday with Rev. A. E. Price presiding. GEORGE THE FIFTH by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of An inspiring address who was Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the seas given by Dr. II. V. Large, re-minded CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY his hearers that many dif- I King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India iicumi's r i... 1.iiuu.1 1 uccii r iutra. ...I nuu f 1. i To all to whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise courage and doubtless many others concern Greeting. Lowest Rales to all Eastern Points were ahead. They were met A Proclamation of Conditional Amnesty respecting men belonging to via Steamrr to Vancouver and the however to slate that they would Canadian Paslfi: Railway continuo the war, even though it Class 1, under the Military Service Act, 1917, who have disobeyed our Proclamation lasted fon forty years, until world of 13th October, 1917, or their orders to report for duty, or are Meals and Berth included on Steamer freedom and peace be established. deserters, or absent without leave from the Canadian Expeditionary Force. "We think with gratitude and WHEREAS, considerable numbers of men belonging FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE pride tonight of those who have i to Class 1, under our Military Service Act. 1917, called all to for righteous- j fight given up out active service in Canadian Expeditionary ss. rumens alici miu from mix Jul on our nu(ri tin, tUi; Auni Jrd. nan. truth and freedom," said the ; Illh. end JUL ' Force for the defence of Canada under our proclamation I. P-ltlNCItS SOPHIA MIU from Fltnre nifert July Ulh. ITU). Avium speaker. "Many of these have lives of 13th October, 1917, although they have thus lOih. ami tlUL fallen. They gave their r1A become by law soldiers enlisted in the Military Service SS. PRINCISS MAV III from 1'rtnr ftuperl July lib. Illh. fill tllb: willingly and wo honor them. We Dtputy Mlauter of JiuUoa of Canada, Auiuil 4th. Illh. IIUi( irxl tllb. do not wish to call them back.1 Cauda. POH ORANBV BAY AKO ALICI ARM The deeds of our gallant dead are Have failed to report for duty as law- of absence, have failed to report at the ex- IS. FMKCCSS MAV 1U rem rnnr liupert Jsly If(U. Itlb, and tttt; written, penned with blood on lue fully required of them under the said Military piry of their leave or have become deserters Avrvfi tad, em, ttih, fird and jnih. records of history." Service Act and the regulations thereunder, from our Expeditionary Force, provided they Many interesting facts of the including new Order in Council duly report for duty on or before the Twenty-fourth W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL past four; years of the war were passed on April 20 last, or have deserted, or Day of August, 1918. the dis absented themselves without leave from our And we do hereby strictly warn ana " including touched nr Pcurth Street rnd Th'rd . Prnr Rupert. X upon, appointment in Russia's failure C anadian Expeditionary Force. solemnly" impress upon all such men and as to out her promises, and the j AND it is represented that the very well those who employ, harbor, conceal or carry encouragement which the. serious and unfortunate situation in which assist them in their disobedience, that if they great Stales has brought to the ' these men find themselves is due in many persist in their failure to report, absence or United cases the fact that notwithstanding the desertion till the expiry of the last mentioned Allies by throwing In her lot with) information and warning contained in our day, they will be pursued and punished with us. "Her brave troops are now proclamation aforesaid they have misunderstood all the rigour and severity of the law, subject High fighting aide by side with our boys their duty or obligation or have been to the judgment of our courts-martial Class Printing at tho front and for this we must : misled by the advice of ill-disposed, disloyal which will be convened to try such cases, or thank Ood." j seditious and, other competent tribunals, and also that or persons; The speaker; closed his address "WHEREAS, we desire if possible to avoid those who employ, harbor, conceal or assist a? by reminding tho audienco that the infliction of the heavy penalties which such men will be held strictly accountable as tho German Ambassador in Lon-I the law imposes for the offences of which offenders and subject to the pains, penalties The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the don in Germany and Krupp both of the said great that firm not.j afford these soldiers them an have opportunity thus been within guilty a limited and to and forfeitures for their said in that offence.behalf by law provided finest kinds of printing at the most reasonable upon Dritaln but upon the Ger- time to report and make their services available Provided, however', that nothing contained man Emperor lies the blame for in our Canadian Expeditionary Force in this our proclamation is intended to release prices. No job is too small to receive careful this war. as is by law their bounden duty and as is the men aforesaid from their obligation Rev. W II. Pierce led In prayer; for the defence of our Dominion to report for duty as soon as possible or to attention and none too big .far the shop to handle. and vocal solos were ijonderod by necessary of Canada. grant them immunity from arrest or detention Dr. Large, Mrs. V. Aldous and Now know ye, that we In Jhe exercise of in the meantime for the purpose of compelling Mrs. McMillan. The collection them to their military duty, our powers and of our pood will and pleasure perforin amounted to $37. in that, behalf, do hereby proclaim and our intention being merely to force or remit lll'HIMCSH AM) SOCIAL C.UMM the heretofore incurred for failure who declare and cause to be published and made penalties Miss J. K. Tallander, graduated known that the penalties of the law will not to report, absence without leave or desertion IIKADS AMI KNVKMiPKH Hazelton NOTI2 last week at the be imposed or exacted as against the men incurred by those men of the description Hospital, arrived In tho city last aforesaid who shall be in the discharge DISPLAY POSTICUS AND DOIKIKKX who belong to Class 1 under our Military proper visit for a few days, evening on a Service Act, 1917, and whb have disobeyed of their military duties on or before IKOKI,KTS AND FOI.DKUH Having completed tho course at our proclamation aforesaid or who have received the said Twenty-fourth Day of August, 1918. the hospital. Miss Tallander was notice from any of our registrars or Of all of which our loving subjects and ClUCl'LAltS AND IIWT.lh NOTICKS BkFE.NA LAND niSTIUCT PISTIUCT OP deputy registrars to report for duty on a all others whom these presents may concern CASSIAH. day now past and have failed so to report, are hereby required to take notice and gov FltATKllNAL KOC1KTY WOHK or who having reported and obtained leave ern themselves accordingly. TAKE notice that Oranbr Consolidated 'in testimony whereof we have, caused thess our letters to be mads patent and the treat seal of Canada HKCKIIT HOOKS AND OIIICOKH viminr Smrlilnr k Power Co.. Limited, of be hereunto affixed. and smell-Inr to mlnint Anyot, D. C. occupation intend to apply for permUalon to WITNESS Our rlht trustr and entirely beloved'cousin and counsellor, Victor Christian William, Duka lrae the followlnr detcrlbed landt: of Devonshire, Marquis of Hartlneton. Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Hurllnglon, Baron Cuvendlah r.,nunnrinr si a nuit rlinlrd at the of llardwlcke, Uaron Cavendish of KeUhley. Knlfht of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter, one S.W. corner or Lot ISSf, Cailar Dlirlct of our Most Honorable rrlvy Council, Knlsht Orand Cross of Our Most Distlncutshed Order of Paint thence aoulhweaterly 40 chains rollowlnr Michael and St. George, Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order, Governor.Qeneral and The Daily News Print Shop high water mark, to the, S.E. corner of Lot Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. tat ,)..n ..mi ill 10 rhitm to low water At our Government House. In'our City of Ottawa, this first day of August. In the year of our Lord, markj thence northeasterly 40 chains fol- one thousand nlno hundred and eighteen, ana in m nimu yw 01 our mm. lowlni low water msrici menco norm i Third Ave., Prince Rupert chains, to the place of berlnnlnf and containing By command. t 40 acres mora or less. 0IU.N11Y CONSOLIDATED NIMMQ SMELT- Mail Ordera receive careful & prompt attention II f, Fred nitchle, Aren. Usder-Seereury ot Ft. Date, July 6th. It II.