ORMES ChtmlHt A LIMITED Drugglilf ADVERTISE The daily IN Phones p. 0. Box 82 and 1680 200 The Daily News Fop Qulek RmuIu IX. NO. 18. VOL. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST5 8, lOitf. BRITAIN'S FINE RECORD SIX AND A QUARTER MILLION MEN RAISED, MOSTLY VOLUNTEERS ITEADYPRESSUREON LINE NEW HOTEL BEING BUILT BRITAIN HAS RECRUITED AT SEAL COVE FOR MILL ANYOX IN RACE BY BRITISH AND FRENCH; FOR CARNIVAL QUEEN A new hotel foi; the purpose of : 6,250,009 MEN, EXCLUSIVE accommodating employees is be-' Word ban just been re BOTH MAKE SMALL CAINS Ing erected by the Prince Rupert ceived that the hustling OV OVERSEAS Lumber Comnnnv at Si-nl nnv. town of Anyox has placed DOMINIONS ll is a two-storey building and j a candidate in the field for AMERICANS AND FRENCH CROSS THE VESLE RIVER EAST OP will have about thirty rooms. J. Queen of the Carnival to BRAI8NE BRITISH MOVE FORWARD OVER W. Poller is the architect. i;4 be held hern during the LLOYD GEORGE GIVES IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT FIGURES SHOWING FIVE-MILE FRONT TO DEPTH OF One of the difficulties new ar- '; exhibition. They also state MEN RAISED INDIA MILLION AND QUARTER THOUSAND YARDS rivals in the city find is the sc-! that they shall defend the AND OTHER DOMINIONS HAVE CON. TRIBUTED A curing of houses. Every avail-', Cup now in their possession MILLION London, August 8. British iroops over a front of nearly five able building seems to be in use : in a free for all boat Mies fiavo pushed their lino forward to a depth of n thousand yards and yet there is demand for more. race, so that all those London, August 8. Speaking in the British House of Common between the- La we ami the Horencc river. Counter-attack have When the shipyard starts f desiring to enter this race yesterday Lloyd Oeorge staled that since 1914 there has been recruited opera- in Great Britain alone, including both the keen made ny me wcrynans niong me iiraye-uornic itoad and were lion there will'liave lo be a irreat should communicate immediately army and navy, ieimlsed. This is in the neighborhood of Amiens. deal more building done both in with the chairman no less a numbei; than 6,250,000 men and most of these w ere"volunteers. W Berlin, August 8. .North of the Homme the Herman yesterday tte way of boarding houses and ' of the sports com. The Dominions have contributed tftnlured nearly two hundred additional British prisoners. The 1,000.000 annroximatelv. while private dwellings. The new hoteh mitlee, Mr. Hen Self. India lias already raised 1,250,000. ' British counter-attack south of the Hraye-Corble Road have broken Snl fjlV.. fit ic ill) t (.oinnlr... . I town before the Herman linen. - - ' r. i ' If America were lo call lo the colors the same number of men ill Hie way of building arlivilies. V in proportion to the population it would mean that she "would have Pari. August 8. American and French troops have crossed the in the field the Immense of east of Uraisne and held three army 15,000,000 men. iVf lc mr positions, notwithstanding f Good assortment .of pipes at Ladyjmlth Wellington Coal re- Washington, August 8. General March told the Senate Military attacks ine ucrmnns. .ortn of furious counter ny imclms me Oil's. If i ucos your fuel bill and gWes .committee that the War today Department plans to have "rench pushed hack the German line more than four bundled yard. an atjny atlsfacllon. Phone 15. . . n.'of approximately five million men raised as soon as possible. (il l it at Wallace's. 1 86 Coal Co. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL GERMANY MAY G. T.P.WILL SUPPLY I cnD Tucrrr nr datam run liicri ur onuvn BRITISH LAND TROOPS IN RUSSIA SHORTAGE OF ICE DRIVING ALL ICE AVAILABLE til Took Slab of Prime No. 1 From Wl END SEPTEMBER British t coup have "BUSINESS AWAY FROM CITY Hold of 8. 8. Prince Oeorge landed in Russia. At Archangel Yesterday. on the north a force WITH FLEET Fish'Packing Houses Will be Kept Going to Handle the Fish :of British and French are 8EVERAL CAUSES CONTRIBUTE TO PRESENT SCARCITY; SUGGESTED Yesterday afternoon Captain Arriving Dally-None advancing along the line SOLUTIONS OF DIFFICULTY; MEETING lirtjves of the Pacific Stevedoring; of railway, moving in the DISCUSSES WHOLE QUESTION AT LENGTH .eaders Realixe -That They Must foe 8mall Boats. I'ompany noticed,that E. J,, Wcb-i direction of Pctrorad.,-U 'AND LETStfl bdME LIGHT Do Something to Keep Up er. one of the longshoremen. dawn on Saturday, Aug. Morale of tha A further conference was held joining on me rrince ueorgc 3, British troops landed at In the course of a tedious and somewhat involved conference of People. this morning of the parties directly hiring loading operations, had Vladivostok. the fisheries and transportation interests in the city yesterday interested in the present rcoine suddenly auucicu witii afternoon some light was shed on an intricate problem. Summed, Paris, Aug. 8. German papers shortage of ice for the Ashing iinbonpo .i. On being removed up the situation eems lo be that there is a decided shortage of ice which usually reflect the feeling vessels. A statement was put in lo the unarx omco tue mans in thss season as a result of which the independent boats ar?3 unable i of the populace to a large extent, by 11. McCall, generjal superintendent tention of apparently bringing ( put to sea. Just how great (he shortage is could not very well seem very despondent over the of the G. T. P, showing borne the bacon was apparent, as IMPORT CATTLE be ascertained, but it was estimated at something like 1,200 tons a present situation. They see no that the railway company had e had a 22-lh. slab of prjme month for the busy season. There are twenty-flve boats at present hope of the war ending in the supplies of ice at the following imoked hidden under his slicker.' lied up as a result of the' shortage. Fisheries; IL C. .Nuuan, of the Dear future and say that there is places: i Inch had caused his sudden INTO OMINECA mostly the smaller boats belong- Atlin Fisheries: John Megher. nothing but sacrifice ahead of Prince Rupert 550 tons. (outness. The police were sent; ing U independent owners.N 'representing the Halibut Fisheries them during the coming year. Pacific 425 tons. r and the man nnd the bacon Cause of Shortage. ;l'nion; H. McCall and G. A. Mc- Germany realizes that she must Smithers 500 tons. l .ortrd to the notice office. where ocrviij. ui rieg on rninii nu. The cause of Ihe shortage was Nicholl. of the Grand Trunk Pa- do something soon to raise the Endako 600 tons. o .- iiiai uaruu ui fi men wns laiu.it. t.n.. r-i. r-t 1.1. ndmittej to have been the failure ciflc Railway, and T. H.Johnston, spirits of the people. With that Fallis (purchased) .... 400 tons. fins morning the accused was ar inaKos ciion necessary. .f the Hoolh Fisheries to put up manager of the Canadian Fish & end in view an order has been u led before Magistrate Carss I any ice at Lake Kathlyn, owing, 't old St6rage Co., Ltd. There were issued by the Chief German Ad- Total 2,475 tons. the police court, nnd was mid. ALEX. MANSON TRYING Mr. Cash alletred. to the nmmise also one or two of the independent miralty btau in which Admiral Against this the company would iiif rd f.tr trial. The bacon he TO ARRANGE MATTER of the Cold Storage Company to owner present. bcherr is said lo express the wish require for their own use some and he found under a tarpaulin provide sufficient ice. for their Mr, Johnson, who was called of the fleet to attack the British 1,100 tons. si tne hold of the ship, nnd not purposes; tue cliange or manage on lo speak first, explained that naval, forces. Royal Fish Co 175 tons. I'Mig In any package, thought he Northern British Columbia wjll ment at the cold storage plant al iarlv in the snrinK they loaded ud ' The rumor becomes daily more Atlin Fisheries 525 fons. Slight as well have (t as let it go probably come lo the aid of Ihe Ketchikan resulting in failure towilh ice until they had from 2,000 persistent tnai i-ieia Marsnat von Booth Fisheries ' 450 tons. to waste. It was a tempting piece soulh nnd possibly of the prairie provide a surplus stock, and the ,to 2,500 tons in stock. From May Hlndenburg and General Luden- Pacific Fisheries 300 tons. it bacon, loo. Theft from n ship provinces by feeding their cattle rebuilding of the plant nt Sitka in 1st the reserve fell until today aoru win sime a Dig mow on uie in a mucn more serious offence during the time of scarcity. Hon the spring prevented their pro- they had only nine tons on hand western iroav wuu ine oujeci oi Total 2,550 tons. than theft on land. It is an in- K. D. Harrow is at the present iding any reserve. ' and Ihero were three boats wait- maintaining meir prestige ana Tffis leaves a shortage of 75 lictnhle ofTence. rendering the time travelling through southern It was shown (hat the Gold ing to put to sea as well as sev- stimulating the depressed morale tons, not including the shrinkage In-used liable lo riMirlriMi v.-nrs B. C. investigating conditions of Storage plant at Seal Cove was eral cars being loaded with fish at home. A blow against the due to moving the ice from these Biipnsnnment. British fnpnt in conjunction with arious places. It was decided liestock with n view to relieving producing ust the same amount which would require ice to pack. the situation. Pasturage is very usual and dial Ihey were sell- The situation had become tense the German fleet is said to be that the fish packing houses be MILL STARTS CUTTING scarce almost everywhere, accord ug any surplus they might have only during the last few weeks, contemplated. kept going with the ice available lug to reports, nnd something will lo the independent boats. This Besides the lack of ice they were until the end of September, when The Prince Ilupert Lumber have to be done urplus was very small however delayed somewhat in shipping by HEAT UNBEARABLE the Cold Stotjige Company will be B'-ompany s mill started up this On Ihe nralries loo there is nd for the month of August it shortage of sawdust and lack of AT MANY POINTS in n better position to supply Ihe limrniflB With nhnitt nvnnfv mnn great, scarcity of feed and nanch was estimated by Manager Jahn- cars. . requirements. ! niployed. They are not yet run. era are selling off their slock at son to bo only about one hundred - There wer?3 boats here recently Washington, August 8. Eight Meantime, the fishing boats pilng full blast, as it lakes some prices running about 25 per cent tons. that had never been hero before people died in St. Louis yesterday will have to procure their sup )iltle time lo get everything In l.clow normal values. Superintendent McCall of the so far as ho remembered. The? ,a tne result of extreme heat. plies wherever they can, either plmpc In n new mill. They are Mex. Manson. M. P. P.. of this (1. T. P. staled that his slock was came this way because or tne Scores sleep in the parks because from other ports, or from the B'Oweve' already cutting snruee city, who is thoroughly ramlllur felting very small nnd that it shortage at other places. ti,e houses are unbearable. glaciers. It is hard work, how r the Imperial .Munitions Ilonrd. wilh Ihe central farming district would last only a few weeks, of- ; Shortage at Ketchikan. j j0th n Washington and Balti ever, culling ice from the west from here, recently proposed peria).ly if he was to supply the Mr. INunan explained tits posi- mory the thermometer reached glacietp, and if salt water gets on In the Minister (hat slock should boats as well as Iho dealers. lion. 'Ihero was a shortage at i0q in ihe shade on Tuesday. The it, causes it to melt rapidly; besides Tho Remedy. hetciilKan and even wtien mere which, it is too far from be purchased on the prairies and heal was almost intolerable. WESTHOLME fed on tho luxuriant grnsses that The only .remedy. for the short- was ice to .be. got at lhat place it, the fishing grounds for the smaller ' i .t.i n it.. i - ;l i i i - boats to for supplies. TONIGHT ONLY abound in Omincca district. The age seemcu to no inui uu ino was iinpossiuiu iu ki-i iruuspui iu- ( SWEPT BY HURRICANE go this are unusually larger boats should use sen ice, lion to Prince Ilupert. The cold Inquiries are being made as to crops year the supplies in sight at other in um stiimurr vi uu n irii iimu mm ui v DOROTHY DALTON mat soma moijHHr it will j deal of Charles and great Louisiana Au heavy a . .. ... .. . i i i r., i n. i i m n it ' ' ports on the coast to tide over IN is not im migni go iu i - m.i u.u.icu uUlllul .,n go In wnsle if slock . 8. Several persons were killed "LOVE 12.... ll.nl nllinH. n. ..1.1 n..Alnn ,1 HIIIAlt Noll I... fl.lt. ll these two coming months, and LETTERS" that gllllllllt'O, JIIIU UlUk "ll'llO IUUIU liri'MHH iu iiiuui .if... ,lnna nf ,lnll. nf replies ..rv-ll. Mr. Barr' ported. . . . ....... . . .. w. uvmui t '"M I" A i 11 r.i i mn !..!..... 1.. other the flvc-parl Pnrnnimint Fea-Itire of get ice ni ixeicuiKon. ii.eio inuu so.u oou ions or u e. un.irni iu dama the fishing centres on his first duty Is to the fanners done yes. fun of love and romnnce British 'Columbia nnd as there Is also bo a surplus nt the local wen y tons day. He advised terdoy at Lake ChJ,e Pacific will be advised us to the shortage of ice existing here. and a he will coiu storage which nium u m iu um muiw inui mmuiu om. n Hlmrlncn in Ihe south M when the cities were the independent bonts. Next year servo their small stock for the COMEDY thoroughly Investigate before ar 8weD Dy hurricane each denier would have to look dealers and that the boats should 8lx Reels In All. musing for tho Importation. outcome fler his own needs. There was go to Ketchikan, Juneau, bitka Lumber Just what will be the is not but there is every sunlly plenty of ice floating near.'or tho glnciers for their ice. Hach! HUNS SANK LIGHTSHIP sure, will be etersberg. but this year thoii should rustle for himself Just as1 cattlo reason (o think Hint Washington, August, 8. Dia Before purchase would be ns none without going in too no nao to no. you brought In. Beef cattle No mond Shoals Lightship off Cape SPRUCE LUMBER there Is glacier for it. Conspiracy. tho most successful ns for dairy Those Present. 11 was suggested Hint MiApn Halteras was shelled and sunk bv get our prices on dimension at present no provision Mayor McClymont presided and might bo a conspiracy to put upj submarine late yesterday after. and shlplap. lierds. Lnler wnen ii t ' I . i'npinM ,,, ,Ma ,imvvn wna noon. The crew readied shore ALBERT A McCAFFERY, .lo rv mine I'ouni us v......v i- r - 3 list now if cows nro gathering. There wero also not to bo.tr-ue. All were anxious.safely. . Limited. FOR QUALITY cared numbers It will ent W. J. Cash, of the Booth to supply tho loo and were pro-l Agents for SERVICE imported in ni n i .lui.i.l.i... il.l.,.,,..., rkvlilinvii.......... viding nil they possibly could.j Smart American models In Prince Rupert Lumber Co. AND SATISFACTION i.i ill. nneo nuiui u ir isiicnvoi bo necessary 1 1 ' i (Continued on Page Six. jOueen Quality shoes Wallace's.