Thursday, August 6, 1018. THE DAILY NEWS. TRYING TO OPEN TAKU ROUTE INTO ATLIN COUNTRY Juneau Newspaper Quotes Letter of F. H. Mobley, M. P. P., In L.8.J Regard to Proposal. In connection with the trip PROCLAMATION A Good Sign north into his constituency of I rank II. Mobley. M. P. P.. the GEORGE THE FIFTH by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of following from the Alaska Dally Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the seas Umpire will prove of great Interest: King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India The "Traction" or "Special" "The following message to K. To all to whom these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise P. Pond from K. II. Mobley, Atlin concern Greeting. mark is on every pavement Representative to the Hrlllsh Columbia A Proclamation of Conditional Amnesty respecting men belonging to Legislature, indcatcs that Class 1, under the Military Service Act, 1917, who have disobeyed our Proclamation and road in portion action will oon be taken in road every bulldng from the head waters of of 13th October, 1917, or their orders to report for duty, or are of Canada. 1$ Either mark the Taku to Atlin Lake. deserters, or absent without leave from the Canadian Expeditionary Force. "Arrangements have been com WHEREAS, considerable numbers of men belonging the that all pleted whereby the District Engi to Class 1, under our Military Service Act, 1917, called is sign is sure neer, the mining engineer and out on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary-Force pos Ibly one of two members of for the defence of Canada under our proclamation well ahead. Hie Provincial Government will of 13th October, 1917, although they have thus visit Juneau en route lor'the Taku become by law soldiers enlisted in the Military Service river early in Depot?MUuter of Jostles August, arriving on of Canada, Your Garageman Stocks the C. P. It. steamer August 7. Wc uuak would be pleased to have and Have failed to report for duty as lawfully of absence, have failed to report at the expiry Punlop Tiro. other interested you required of them under the said Military of their leave or have become deserters us.' parties accompany Service Act and the regulations thereunder, from our Expeditionary Force, provided they A.86 'While efforts including new Order in Council duly report for duty on or before the. Twenty-fourth to the my interest passed on April 20 last, or have deserted, or Day of August, 1918. of Atlin people and Juneau In joooopooo: absented themselves without leave from our And we do hereby strictly warn and the project of opening the Taku route have Canadian Expeditionary Force. solemnly impress upon all such men and as extended over a period' AND it is represented that the very well those who employ, harbor, conceal or of years,' said K. P. Pond, no serious and unfortunate situation in which assist them in their disobedience, that if they serious consideration was given these men find themselves is due in many persist in their failure to report, absence or S. S. PRINCE RUPERT to Alaska the proposition until the cases . the fact that notwithstanding the desertion till the expiry of the last mentioned Territorial Itoad Commis information and warning contained in our day, thev will be pursued and punished with on sion commenced work last year, proclamation aforesaid they have misunderstood all the rigour and severity of the law, subject S.S. PRINCE GEORGE I jl have kept the Jiritish Columbia their duty or obligation or have been to the judgment of our courts-martial atll hnrf Hn infnrmail nt Hia rtt I I. .1 . . .! misled by the advice of ill-disposed, disloyal which will be convened to try such-cases, or Ibices mauu uu uie jiiUBKU euu oi seditious and, other and also or persons; competent tribunals, that 8AILIXO I the road, and the fact that Captain WHEREAS, we desire if possible to avoid those who employ, harbor, conceal or assist MONDAY 0 A. M. for Swanson Bay, Vancouver, Victoria I'..aI.I'Slron? has Droveri the river navi- the infliction of the heavy penalties which sueh men will be held strictly accountable as I. .t 1 1 1 i f and Seattle. Ijauir iu iicuuHiiicie. iiu 10 now the law imposes for the offences of which offenders and subject to the pains, penalties WEDNESDAY 12 Noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, building a light draft speed boat these soldiers have thus been guilty and to and forfeitures in that behalf by law pro-; and Skagway. (which will provide service on the afford them an opportunity within a limited vided for their said offence. Noon for Anyox. FRIDAY 12 Victoria river, at the very low stages of time to report and make their services available Provided, however, that nothing contained SATURDAY 9 A. M. for Ocean Falls, Vancouver, and Seattle. 'the water. in our Canadian Expeditionary Force in this our proclamation is intended to release 8. S. PRINCE JOHN and PRINCE ALBERT. uur excursions nave given as is by law their bounden duty and as is the men aforesaid from their obligation Alternating Weekly to Queen Charlotte Islands. 'people the opportunity to enjoy necessary for the defence of our Dominion to report for duty as soon as possible or to in a day scenic beauty that cannot of Canada. grant them immunity from arrest or detention TRAIN SERVICE be excelled by a trip down the Now know ye, that we in the exercise of in the meantime for the purpose of compelling riM'nm aiONOAV, wcdncsoav anl rniDir at ll:?0 ajn. for smitberi. j Yukon river. Our efforts to at our powers and of our good will and pleasure them to perform their military duty, Prior Oeorre. tdmonloo poloU and Wltnli tail tod r. makinr south. direct cottoeeUoot for all tract attention to the commercial in that behalf, do hereby proclaim and our intention being merely to force or remit 'advantages to be gained by the declare and cause to be published and made the penalties heretofore incurred for failure For Information and reservations apply to people of Juneau may be appreciated known that the penalties of the law will not to report, absence without leave or desertion O. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. in the near future when be imposed or exacted as against the men incurred by those men of the description City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 inure thoroughly presented by the who belong to Class 1 under our Military aforesaid who shall be in the proper discharge delegation representing the Atlin Service Act, 1917, and who have disobeyed of their military duties on or before district. It is up to the people of our proclamation aforesaid or who have received the said Twenty-fourth Day of August, 1918. Juneau to prove their recognition notice from any of our registrars or Of all of which our loving subjects and of the mutual advantage to be deputy registrars to report for duty on a all others whom these presents may concern derived by the opening of the day now past and have failed so to report,, are hereby required to take notice and gov Taku river route." or who having reported and obtained leave. ern themselves accordingly, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made' patent and the great seal of Canada DOROTHY DALTON to be hereunto affixed. I AT THE WESTHOLME WITNESS Our right trusty and enUrely beloved cousin and counsellor, Victor Christian William. Duke Lowest Rates to all Eastern, Points of Devonshire, Marquis of Hartington. Earl of Devonshire. Earl of Burlington, Baron Cavendish of Hardwicke, Baron Cavendish of Ketghley. Knight of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter, one via Steamer to Vancouver and the Those who like a night of love of our Most Honorable Privy Council. Knight G rand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Canadian Pacific Railway and romance will have their opportunity Michael and St George, Knight Grand Cross or Our Royal Victorian Order, Governor-Genera and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. tonight to see Dorothy Meals nnd Berth included on Steamer Dallon in picture at the West-holine At our Government House, in our City of Ottawa, this first day of August, in the year of our Lord. one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and In the ninth year or our reign. in "Love Letters." Miss FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Dalton is one of the stars of the By command. Paramount circuit and picture is. rniNCtSS ALICK mIU rrora Trlnrt JtupeM July lib, ib; AoruM Ird. nth, 'itut Hill. fans are looking for her plays Usdex-Setreiary of State. is. rmnctss sophia still rrum More ftor-ert July tJia. i7tn; Auruil reculariy. There is a color about ittb. and fit. 'them and a charm that is not obtainable is. rmicias mat aalli from PrUre Rupert July Tib, nib. IM, tub: in any other films, A juim lib. 1 1 lb. 1 1 lb, tod tun. j The reel of comedy which goes rOH OftANBT BAT AND ALICC ARM 'with the feature will round out IS. princess kat Mill from rrtnre ftupert July I Ilh. tvih. and tub; a Auruii ind, tin, Htb, IJnl and JOib. good program which will doubt Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager less prove attractive. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. Co nrr Fourth Slrr rnd Third Pr'nce Rupert. B.C. SHIPS FOR ALASKA Lipsett-Cunnifigham & Co. The Pacific Steamship Company !IrrB has transferred one passenger. LIMITED boat, the Admiral Schley, from the California run to the Southeastern FISHING. A CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE and Southwestern Alaska run. . Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories They have transferred the Goodrich, High Class Printing n freighter, from the Noun-tijidlc. Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage and have chartered the PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Iiovejoy, a freighter, for the sea-sou to operate in Southeastern Registered .Office: Prince Rupert Office: and Southwestern Alaska This 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 the Pacific Steamship will give Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 The Daily News Print Shop is equipped to do the Company live passenger boats and four freighters plying to and finest kinds,of printing at the most reasonable from Alaska. So far none of them prices. No job is too small to receive careful call here. W. 8. FALLIS attention and none too big for the shop to handle. Tom, Tom, the Spearman's son, W. S. Fallls, who has for j FRED STORK'S HARD WARE Stole a Wrigley box and away he number of years, with headquar runl tera in Winnipeg, been western Each slick he chewed his health manager of the Shenwin-Williains IIUSt.N'KKM AMI KOCI.Wi CAIUfei renewed Company of Canada, Limited, has Established 1908. And helped his appetite for foodl Just been appointed managing NOTU HKAIH AXH KXVKMH'KS Hut his father said "The boy is director of the company.. Mr. wise, Fallis will remove to Montreal at DISIMAY fOHTKIW AND IKIDC.KHH do it to advertise! his A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF SALMON TROLLING I let him once to lake up new duties on Since I quit my piping and bought tho first of September. GEAR AND SUPPLIES. HOOKIjKTH AND FOI.OKUS this store I Mr. Fallis has always been a I'm selling Wrlgley'a gum galorel' real citizen, and one of tho mov- CIKCL'IIW AND POSTAh NOTICIJS in the If To or BKEE.NA LASO DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ing,spintsl Winnipeg SHIP CHANDLERY, MARINE HARDWARE MAPLE LEAF I'UATKIINAI. HOCIBTV WOUK CASSIAR. when anything was afoot looking T.tkE notice thai Oranby Consolidated Ion an! the development of the PAINT FOR BOATS WJCKIIT HOOKS AND OIIICCKH Mlnlnr. Smelling fc i'ower Co., Limited, or city or the prosperity of the est- Anyoi. U. C. occupation mlnlnr and smelt- Inr Intend lo apply ror permission to ern Provinces. Always active In Irate the roilowlnr described latidt: philanthropic and patriotic move Commencing at a pout planted at tb merits, hn will he n creat loss to 8.W. corner or Lot Hit; Casslsr Dlitrlrlj tho oily, and his future progress FRED STORK'S HARD WARE .iithuf tlorlv 10 rhilns followllir The Daily News Print Shop hlrh waier mark, to the S.E. corner or Lot will be watched with deep interesl 8R tlienee eouth 10 chain to low water by his host of friends, mark! thence northmterly 40 chain fol-luwlnt SECOND AVENUE low water mark; thence north 10 Third Ave,, Prince Rupert chalm, to the rlace or beginning and containing Cock-a-dootllo djnil to acre more or lei. My dame has lost her gum, ORANBY CONSOLIDATED MINO SNELT-INO My MastorVgont) lo get her some, Mall Orders receive careful & prompt attention 8. II POWER)..Kred C0NPANY,nitchle, Arent.LIMITED. She'll he'all rlrht when he has Advertise In The Daily News Date, July th. tll. - come wilhWrigley'al