T1IL DAILY NEWS. Thursday. Augut 8, ion . WATER NOTICE BIG SAIitiON PACK VSK AND STplUOE. Oncounec of jcdrtfo-ffeaiV" WHEAT FLOUR AT AUSKAIf POINTS nrtrr that Tbe GunbT Con fitnfl5Jcak.cbopcr oiidaid Mifanr. Sroeiunr nd rower Co.,1 will again take Its abcutlomod place In all Canadian homes fcf. frimt3 Estimated That Something Like .l.tuMt.u whoe wtM aaaress rfy ' jnj.l'ore one of these days; .In the meantime- patriotic women are roast-' 800,000 Cases Had been Put .u mit iMad reet and to store J.100 asked to lengthen the life oftha available supply. Up By August 1st. am reet cf water est of Isasc Creek which Hows southerly drattJ into luservaiory SUBSTITUTES mile toutbessl of the north- A collation of the figures of the .... .iwui i-i slortre- Involve little hardship when you employ Itll. Tbe fsnroi crfrfdAy tytidt of or a saving m chit r Lei 4l4We' year of- pack of a part of the canneries of laa will be locstrd at the natural ouiiei WHITE CORN FLOUR IAWVW ob13 nun 2 daily -trm fcr tie T6.5 00.000 the Northern Division of South- retervoir.r carwy u be Ute mated The is capacity about J10O or sere toe YEI4-Q W CORN MEAL Jsdikn 3J u-iHicsofKXJ.COO praads of vahabl? eastern Alaska indicates that the wi ii wm flood about Its acres of RYE FLOUR pounds of weal, animal food. 'total canned salmon pack of the and. Tbe ter wlU t diverted from OATMEAL .IM..m mi a mi ni about i-s nine norin- idistrict on August 1 approximated aii or tbe aonbeait corner or ut iu ROLLED OATS uwl for miscellaneous pnr mj mii t and the best part ,800,000 cases, .Bon tbe lasd described SS Lot SSI. 'of the season 'is still ahead. This tui Mtstw was Ported on tbe rrosnd Use These Cereals In Your Eakfng J Ja 5Mis SrringrepKSzr.H the no tlte I Tib day or July. till, a copy jis over the record an improvement T IMS notice and an application pursuant Ask' for Them aUYour Qrocer's, I pack of last year, merete tsdutM -Water Act. Itll," will e steers cf avew dtscd . 1 i The following is the record as be Bled M the otnee or tne water He Mnbr at Prtore Repert. B. C. i fas as could be gathered and it libiM-uuaii to tbe ano II ration may be ROYAL STANDARD MILLS ;is the nearest complete list thus Bleu with tbe said Water eeerder or with far published: the Conptrotler or Water Rirnts. rarlia-saret Miliars of the famous Battdmrs, Vtetorta. B. C within Excursion Inlet, Astoria and UMttr day arter tbe first appearance of "ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR" Puget Sound Company, 40,000 tag not tre in a local newspaper. 6AANBT CONSOLIDATED MININ0. SMELT cases t Tbdd -'Packing Company, ISO k POWER CO.. LTD., AppJIeailt. 9,000; Hood nay. Hidden Inlet Br J Fred Ritchie, A rent. .Company, 20,000; Chatham, 51,- Tbe date of tbe Brat publlcaUoo of this ;000: Pyramid Packing Company. Mitre is Slth JuIV. Itll. Alt WATER NOTICE tSitka, 12,000; Tenakee Fisheries USE AND STORAGE. St. James Hotel .Company. 32,000; Iloonah Packing WATER NOTICE TAKE NOTICE thai Cranky CoatoUdeted Company. 00.000? Auk Day, Mlnlnr. Smellinr 4 rower Co.. Lid., whose (LATE -QUIIHI-) 1 18,000; Taku Harbor. 70.000; (Use and 5 tors re). sddress Is 7IS Oranvllle 8L. Vancouver. FIRST CLASS ROOMS-Hot llfawk 87.000; Port Althorp, TAKE NOTICE that Oeorr II. B-mi I Urn, B. Cw wUI apply for a licence to take and and Cold Water ft L vowyii - iih j' vvivj vm. - Inlet. wlMse address u rort Ocmeott, B. C oua ofi3il?wa!cruf crtry dar fnon XUguXjyg Petersburg, 52,000; Scow will apply for a licence to ute and use e it MMi -feel and to store tt.fee 52,000; railoDS and of Clearwater toe per Nlfht, ead SS see w. 1.000 to alore 10,00 rtlons arr feet of wsler out Creek, pail or reduce I Keif coRSmpiOKOfiaot by lius axovnt Day. 10.000; Tee Harbor, 26,000; or water out of an unnamed creek wnlcb wbkn Sows sootbweslerly and drains Into hor rcvU to for fix fulir.zal ration- flows aad drains into At win f Sivc otp prc-ndc: northerly mile Gambler Bay, 62,000; Juneau and Bar. Masse! Inlet. kiuault luver. about SI from Alice 'Douglas canneries about 10,000. The storar dam will be Iocs led at a Ann. lOO. OOO Canadtan Soldiers'. point tbo til too yards from the moutb. I ne storare-data will be located at twl DENTISTRY canneries Is J these The totals of Tbe capacity or the reservoir to be created lei of Clearwater Lake. The capacity of i621,000 cases; is about se.OOS rallons and tl will flood la 1 Ute reservoir lo be created! about f .M r tbul 0 0 acre of land. Tbe water will J The Funter; Day cannery of the be diverted from the stream at a point acre fret, and II wlU Pood aboal IM acres orncE iiol'm- Packing Company, one near the dm and win tm esed ror steam of land. Tb water will to diverted rmen a.m. U ttt ItSO awm. u 1:80 . jThllnget purposes upon tbe laad described as Block the stream at a point stxrnt I miles north-easterly '' "A Dollar is tie Bank is ; ' i 'of the always1 successful four-line sa.This mii notice 19. wss potted oa tne rrouna rrom X W. Cor. L. and win OR. J. S, BROWN" JUST CAMOUFLAGE canneries, should add 90,000 to n tbe tttb day or Mar. tots. A copy or be used for power purposes upon the land Dirrrtarr- Worth Two in Promise" ' this total, and the Lynn Cannl. this notice and an appHrallon pursoanl described as Lots tot. 470, Iff. ttt. tit. will Omei t-nlth Bleel, TMc 4im(( thereto and to tbe "Water Act. itll," to 414 l1l lt. and iic. A, nit, In a recent Issue of the Wai; Pillar Hay, Red Bluff Bay, Idaho be filed at the orace or tbe Water Recorder fneee 444. otner eoanprUtnr the mine and smeltery you have a Inlet, find other canneries not Included at I'rlnce Rupert O. C Garden Ilullelin are directions (injections io ine sppucaiion oimj im of Anyoi. 0. C. WHEN Savings how to water a garden with a in the list should bring m-d with tbe said or Water Water Recorder,Rirnts, or rarlla-bhI wttft This notice wai filled on the rround you do not hose. What Foolishnes.il the grand total well .above the ibw Comptroller Bulldlnrs. Victoria. B. C. within on the I7lh day or July. Itll. A npy have to ask favours '800,000 mark. Uilrty days after the Bnl appearance or or this notice and an appllraUon pursuant STEEN & L0NGW1LL a i none in a sorai newspaper, ine aaie thereto and lo tbe "Water Act, Itll." wtU or 'court refusals when you When it is notified that cabinet t the erst publication of this notice II be. filed In the bate or Water Itecordtr require ready cash. A Savings ministers are to visit a locality Machinists' Local 207 will wet una I, !!.O S. BOULTON, Applicant. ai Prince Rupert, B. C. SAfllTAR. mnO HEATIN0 Account in The Bank of one of the first questions that tonight at 9 o'clock at Carpenters Objections to tbe application may t British North America makes WATER NOTICE Bled with the said Water Recorder or with ErrOINEERS flash across the mind is "what do Hall. It tbe Comptroller or Water Mists, ParBs-menl you independent of promises. we want?" There have been (L'se and StortyeT. Bulldlor. Victoria, B. C. wltblo The money is. yours ready times when it would have been WATER NOTICE thirty days after the Ortt appearance el Afjsnts for when you need it protected DIVEBSION AND USE. TAkK NOTICE that Oeorre IL Bonlton. this notice In local newspaper. better to have buttoned the pock s asvnt ror Matsel Inlet Lumber Co.. Ltd.. McCLARY FURNACES against loss saf e from fire and Oraliam Island Spruce aud Cedar Co.. Ltd., 0RVNBY CONSOUDATCD MI.HIN0. SMELTING theft and earning interest at ets tight and murmum: "What TAKE NOTICE that John M. MsOIllUn. lad Aeroplane spruce and cedar Lumber k TOWER CO. LTD.. ApplleanL are they going to take?" whose address Is IIS7 Nelson Street, Van Co. Ltd.. whose address is rort Clements. At E. E. Campbell A real PLUMBinO highest current rates. . B. t., will apply Mr a licence to take and couver, will apply for a licence to take and Tbe dale of the first publication of I nil use 90.000 rsllona and to store oiie-niaib and Deposit of JI. sod upward en Most of the moss has been sent nie so miners' Inches of water out or sere reet or water out or Co he Creek, notice la tih Aurutt, Itll. received on Striata accounts. from Prince Rupert. Let Daas Creek, which hows north and drains which flows norierly, and drsuts Into the Per J. Fred Ritchie. SHEET METAL WORKS away Yskoun River. Mssset Inlet. Into Larooo Bay, Moresby Island, about S THE BANK OF the ship contracts come and the miles from fit'.' lu.'et. Tne flora se dam win be located at about Phone 6. 831 Second Aienut. on yards from the mouth or said creek. MINERAL ACT British North Amerlct last bit will disappear. Tbe water ttCI ft uiverted from the TL capacity of the reservoir to ttt created Night phouts 570 stream at s point about one-quarter or a Is about one-ninth acre feel and It will Certificate of Improvements, and Ulue 270 noi about o.to acres of land. Tne water MINERAL ACT. mile from Us month, and will'be- used for n Y HA IIS I BUSINESS. miscellaneous purposes, L e. for cannery. point will be near diverted the dsm.from and tbe will stream be used at ror a Th right work, at the right CAPITAL AND SUB PLUS. Inetudinr Incidental thereto, water ' for demesne and steam purposes upon tbe NOTICE. time, and al th right prise. CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS. domestic power and boUeior cannery una ueseriDea as loi 74, uiock is. . "Rupert, ' "Scranton." "Gem." and PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH the land decrtbed as This notice wss posted on the rround Mineral purpose upon application on the to Hi dsy or Mir. ttts. A copy or 'Oeorre Clsims. situate in the W.J. HOT1CE. rot" lease by J. Mctsrty Mac-Mllian. this notice and an application pnrsuenl Skeena Ninmr Division of Cmsi District SKFtTN. LAND DISTTUCT l.'lltWCT M SMITHERS,Manager Cariboo Fraction Mineral Claim, situate tberete and to the "Water Act. lilt." will Where located: Al "KwlnlUa. 8 keen VVCEN CltARLfiTTE IJLANOl la tbe keens Mlulnj Dlrlsion of Casslar This notice was-posted on' the- rraucd be Sted t the office or tbe Water Recorder River. at Prince B. C. MINERAL ACT District. Where located: At the bead or on tbe tOlh dsy of June, tttl. A copy of Objections llupert to the application may be TAKE NOTICE tilt A lei. M. Minson TAE NOTICE that t. John McUrty a Alice Arm In tbe Skeena Mlnlnr Division. Ibis notice and a a- appllcatko pursuant Med with tbe said Water Recorder, or with rree Miner's Certincale Ne. Ilftl-C set-Inr mlllaa, of Vancouver. B. C. 4r??pst Certificate of Improvements. TAKE NOTICE that I, 1. E. Stark, owner thereto and to the "Water Act, H." will the Comptroller or Water Klrhtt, parliament as arent ror the B. C Salt Works, rannerymaa. Intends to apply fir rca' of the above claim. Free Miller's Certificate be filed In the office of lh Water Recorder thirty days Bulldlnrs,after Victoria.the Brat 0. C within of Limited, Free Miner' Certificate No. II,-t7-C, Sintt td lease the followlor described la JtOTICE. No. it 1 74, Intend, sixty days from tbe at Prince Rupert, "f this' nolle in a local newspaper.appearance The date Intend slit; days from tbvdate Commenrisr tl a post plaaied daw hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder objections to tbe application may be or tbe first pubUcation of this notice Is bereor. to apply to the Mlnlnr Recorder south shore or Larona Bay. Mcreicy I north Star Mineral situate la tbe Claim, for a Certificate of Improvements, filed with tbe said Water Recorder or with June I, IBIS. lor CertlOcale or Improvements, for the land, aJMrji one mile from Its tc3 Skeena,Where Mlnlor located:Division About of II Casslar miles District.op the for tbe purpose of obtatninr Crown the Comptroller of Water RJtnts, Parliament 7MsS$ET AEIU1PLANB lLET SPRt'CE LUVDFn AND CO.CEDAIi LTD.LUMBER purpose of obulnloT.aXrowo.Grant of the Ifcence south 1 rbalas. lb ore writ M Kltzault Hlver from Alice Arm. Grant of tbe above claim. Bulldlnrs, Victoria, B, C, within CO., LTD. above claim. chains, tbenee north to chains, lbi And further take notice that action, un-der thirty days arter tbe first appearance -or GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND CEDAR And further take notice thai action, un eailerty alonr the shore line to t TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W. Paunore, section 85, mutt be commenced before this not.'re In a local newspaper. COMPANY LIMITED. der section tt, mull be commenced before neumenermenL eontalnlnr It tt4 ttt Free Miner's Certificate No. lim-C. as tbe Issuance or such Certificate or J. MfLAnTV 0. II. Boutton. A rent aren't MACMILLAN, Applicant. tbe Issuance or such CcrtUrate of Im or leas. for Guitar rearson. Free Miner's Improvements. The date or the first pobncition or this provement. JOHN MeLAMTY MI.CMTLL.tN. Certificate from the So.dale 354S-C,hereof,Intend,to apply slsty to days the Dated this Stb day or July A. D. 1918 notice Is July ftth. Kilt. AC ' Advertise in the Daily News. Dated th 1st I lb day or Msy. A. D. It IS Dsled June totb itlt. Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Im provements,i Crown Grant for of the the j-urpose above claim.of obtalnln JUIIII 1 INI . Mil llll . Illl . HffPWHlM And further take notice that action, un der section Si, must be commenced before tbe Issue of sucb Certificate of Jryprove- mniti,DATED tbls t lib day of Mar. AD. 1011 aBasaT3 Jfsmfcrfd assav SKEE.tA LA.VD DISTniCTDt6TMCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS; TAKE NOTICE that Horace John Brad bury, jt Prince Iluprrt, B. C., occupation PER clerk, intends to apply for permission to lease the following: described lands. l Comnienclnr at post planted about one and (' half mjies from the mouth'of Lareon Bay In tbe north arm of Selwyn Inlet Moreshy Island, Q. C Islands; thence wesl PACKAGE SO chains, thence south 10 chains, thence J 10 chains more or less to beach, thence Hons beach to point of commencement. In eludinr all foreshore between bljn and low water; eontalnlnr 40 acres more or less HOIIACE JOHN BRADBURY Dated June 17, II8, SO WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. IHH TAKE NOTICE that I, Andrew Sostad, agent for Martin Woldsofi, wbose addfeen Is 444 Peyton uidg., Spokane, Washington U, S., will ap ply for a licence to take and use loo jkaWwaWW aLViaiar aWW saLLiBla cubic feet of water out of Cascade PBBs BBrr BBB BBBB iBBBBJB aw4rV'faTaTatBsaBV' Creek, which flows southerly and drain into Maplo Bay, about where BBBBBV' BBHilBsjBBBv BBB awawta BBHaBlriBwJaT tbo wharf of tbe Outsider Mines is situated. Tbe water will be diverted from tbo itream at a point about 6,500 ft. from Maple Day. and. will be used for mining purposes upon the Outsider Group of mines, described as 1j. C64, L. C65, U 666. h. 567, NAVY CU U. BC8, h. 569. L. 680. U. C81. This notice was posted on the ground on Lto 27th day of June, IS 18. A copy of this notice' and an application pursuant thereto and tr tbo "Water Act. X914." will be Me,I in the office of the Water Recorder CIGARETTES at I'rlnce Rupert, 11 C, Objections to De application may be tiled with the eald Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Righns. Parliament Ilulldlngs, Vic. toria, II. C within thirty days after a tbe local first newspaper.appearanco of'tbls notice In BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET MARTIN WOLbHON. Applicant, Ry Andrew Sostal, Agent. ThO date of the flrst'publlcatlon of this notice U Julr 25th( 1918, llll . Advertise In the Dally News. mi-.-mi . Mi.ytTTT