Thursday, August 8, 1018. THE DAILY NEWS. CONSTANT PAIN THIRD CONVENTION OF VANCOUVER MILL AFTER EATING Big Staff Enjoys Talks on Bu. nets Subjects Promotions Announced at Dinner. The Tortures of Dyspepsia Tlie third nnnunl convention of Corrected by "Fruit-a-iiyes" tlio hxeculive and staff of the St. Mian', N.II. Vancouver Milling Company, Ltd., was nciu Baiurday at the Terminal "For two years, I suffered tortures City. The Vancouver Hotel was the scene of the big business - II. alil anil lurk an,I gathering which closed with a ti.i. t.lHir itiiff nftan iam nn theatre party. Hegret was expressed I my jnouili. at the nbsence of Hobcrt 1 tried doctors, hut they did not McKcc, the popular assistant Lip roe Hut is soon u I started general manager who f in Now Ilincr vniim i'iTi i nczan to York on Company business. fcrirore. and this...medicine, made The convention was opened by u gf fruit juices, reliered mo wiiea J. E. Hall, general manngcr, who Irrrything ele 'ailed." in well-selected terms outlined ! MIW. HUDSON' MAilSIIUANK. the progress of the company dur iOc. a box,6 for 2.S0,trial slto 23c. ing the past year. Mr. Hall was i all dealers or sent postpaid by followed by L. A. Walker who has fruit s-tires Limited, Ottawa. Just been chosen assistant to Mr Mchee in the Foreign department. MINERAL ACT Mr. Walkcrs subject was The Ideal Hranch Manager." 0. II fcertlflcata of Improvements Fleming addressed the convention on "The City Salesman," while NOTIOK Mr. Whitney dicused "Hales . ... , 1 I SM.I.n. llll.l. in IM fii.iwh Minvrai uaiaiui ph.. - manshlp." A. A. noen, uie company's ri wnera locawui w . . . . 1 1.a rum 1 1 a mjulth chemist, gave an interesting talk rr mnTirr ihtt f. naberl Stewart, on "War Substitutes" which was s uri certincaie fo. v. . thoroughly enjoyed. A. L. Callopy, head of the company's advertising iof improemenu, lor job vuryw agency, uuures&ed wic convention SJjLL INCREASING Dint s crown unm i " nil "Uur Ailvertliinc Inl IpIa r v r.1 1 a rurihrr like notice that anion, w r"" .ww"-m - fAM I ft-lcitAl In rr Inlifi In Imtf ta-aw. t 1 thlt fltli Jr of Mtreh, Mil 8upei'islon'Hesolved: That over the Uranches Head Ofilcc and The ever increasing demand for "Staff Beverages" 8YN0P8I8 OF I Agencies Is preferable to Independent aF.J AMhNUMbN I I was won by operation."Mr. Foreman Tlio who debate fook is evidence that its superiority is recognized by mplion now oonnnad to urrtjr4 the negative. only,.. HI k m.lMl MWtflil. AfllV After an afternoon of sports. auitahla for an-lcultural turpuae which la non-liraber iana. I the convention was again ad. discriminating users partla rtnaraliln of not ir-amnilona mora than iMuhM,four mar Idrcssed by J. E. Hall on "Kco- nomio Conditions," after which innnmn.nii on iiaxtvt.iit. cwira. the convention "closed with a I ran and maka tmtwwamanta to theatre party. HAVE YOU USED IT IN cultiralton or at lout a aerta, tf YOUR HOME? r crown...urant. SPHAGNUM MOSS fin, '.HIF4W W.I-IIWH W itim 'Mr. anil haa mid. nrtmor Better Order a Dozen or a Case from Your Dealer TODAY 'Sphagnum Moss for the wounded at the front from Prince DO IT NOW! Hupert, D. C," is the label on the - car load that is going forward to nq rccorua paroa wmKn to mak lmiirotniiH or rwtl Toronto. Everyone is familiar with the manner in which the Red man a rnin. wim imiqv.iitpii. v. txr acta. HxUadur aeraa clrJ Cross Society under Judge Young. cultivated, and raaldenr of at the president, organized the bee 'rtSra to gather the moss and then what land In conrunciwn wiin aw strenuous work was the drying ;.,rmrXtro?d.,?.83 and packing. Now it is all away tnc maintained on Crown tTantad and doubtless will use prove very Vaaflr m mm nmrv.TM Ml IM. DOl Bill I Ull'. v ful for the binding up of wound iSPARKLlNG mi Ua IMH4 aa noenaaiiea; to i. . jialnad aftr fulflUlrs real-lal and other purposes at the front. ua lmDTOTartiont (ondlttoRa. aicaaauia Ilf in wnmw vm r .EMFTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. NECTAR of Purest Apples, blended into a drink of ud an Mnoni mninf ana Mmni rare deliciousness and flavor; clear as crystal, sparkling like champagne, sweet as orchards in full un4r ihU Art m xtnl4 from bloom, and fragrant with the mellowness of selected MOTICS Of CANCtXLATIOFI Of RESERVE. ripe fruit. Try a glass of Applestaff today; order OQ ao a case for the home. ACT Morice It brrcby tUta itui tlx rtunt rtllUPf i4i rttUlo portion of UiU T APPLE8TAFF EVERYWHERE. butuirrd a ad Oft) and two bundrrd proportion of lb Und. if dlTUiW. Dd irbl ttll, Utatt "Torre it). Cot ht iiavmanla av 1 4 v mayta tawill Lot IMtljirt, urtrjrd and known llnrn bundrrd and nrijr-nlne (IISI. whoU c-utL Two or mor twraiu Lrtn nuodrrd aod lttr-one (11(1) and ioitrt and apply for a propor Lirvrn bundrrd and lUIr lao (list), br Hichest brew of good cheer and health; essence rraudi of nullcr 10 lb nnutii arprarinr 1907, of golden grains, rendered Jnla a matchless beverage Culuicbll Cairtle of Uln Drcrtnbrr. u ranrrllrd In ordtr Ibal a or aald for and old invigorating, stimulating UAl TSIUa AltWIsWI frnm awa aKta young snappy, ljtt t:inrn bundrrd and fifiy ninr (Hilt. ... ak Tkaa. - Ii.I I.In iMi feundtad and Ittr-onc (tllli and to body and nerves, Lifestaff is foamy, tarmnt of all Uim Attm ih . Ktrvm buiHtird and alilr-two (111 Iianrr Thrr (J). Coatl Dlttrlrt, ruay l crtarny, golden yellow, with a taste that says "Come - " - " 9mm ao;rvni w mud lo In I'arlfle Mill Urnlird. ,, . - r. :v". mum taip;wvivpi DTEI at Vlrtorta. BrllUh ColumbU, again!" In popular priced bottles. . iivwiiiwiHi.S 1PJV auvimini 1 IU IIIJ Uil filb dajr of June, A, D. ISIS. Sll : : LIFESTAFF EVERYWHERE. lima for makta anplica O. R. JIADE.'f. for thaa allot mnn c umltad to I t dr of War nil Anr appllra Depotjr Mlnltlrp of Und. .rnaoo anr IhU data will not ba TIMBER SALE X1391. ' Good old fashioned Bock brtw, mere tasty and (.oTtrnmont AB.nt"mix or to anr to iTOTin 8rald irndtrs UI b rrcrlTrd by tba Minotrr f lands not latrr than noon on creamy than ever; rich and dark of color, foaming Diuty Mlnlater ft Landa, be IJrd dr of AusuiL 1 0 1 1, for tbc pur- Vietcria. B. C tbaie of LKinca X lltl. lo cut MtO.000 with spirit and life, Bockstaff is the "Hit of the rrt of Slruc. Crdir. Saltim and llfio Town" wherever- it has been introduced. It is the MithK- Lot 130, RRY HANSON'S ork on an arra adjolnlnr ton Channel, flanr 1, Coal Dlilrlet. pleasing, snappy drink you have been waiting for, PATENTED Tu it) years will be allowed for r moval of timber. with an alter taste that makes you smack your lips Fast Heating rurthrr particular of tbo Chief roretirr, I'lrturlt, 0, C, or Plitrlct Forctier, Prlnc with Joy. nuneri. B. C. a.i BOCKSTAFF EVERYWHERE Ot Water Coil - aw'i ISkEEMA LAO HECOHDINQ DIVISIOM blSTIUCT OF COAST, IIAN0K THREE (S) - ..w..w luaranirca an nuiDeciau lor pno uu cuu jrar. TAVE .NOTICE that Aleiander Oraydon, We are pleased to announce that we have been named distributors of "staff- Beverages for Northern 'Turn lip lo will M U IS rtrtlvrd AfUr that at tbli th lot mtnlnr,sanlt Intend apply California,for permlttlon ocrupation to rtrltlsh Columbia, for the Hemrlch's Staff Products Company, of Seattle. We are supplying Cafes, refreshment " Irtte lb followlnr detcrlbed land: .' ui ao mairnti.up. At hi the rrr-your Coninirnrlnt at pott pltnied tl in in places, hotels, restaurants, grocers, and uther dealers as rapidly as possible. Please Phons the undersigned if Iwitrr the (itreme northweil cor mark at -''I-i iUr will, ronnrri nrira in II mi un and in ner of Price liland. Urrdo Sound, rrov you can't .get Applestaff, Llfcstafl or BoekstafJ; we wllL see that your order is promptly filled. , ,or ODa yrr. ana ir ince of rirlllih Columbia, thence toum .upar price and Judto rar al(ur the wetterly shore line of the ld Itland lo the toutbwett corner or tne ia III brrtlaror ailnlna arrra. Island, a dUtance of nine hundred anJ na mv iteS) chain, more or let, thence oinrr piumorri id e pirra, i nercor Iciitcrly along the louthern thore line ot vok u7 prrmni la invona to the tald Itland to the soutneaii corner iiiiiiu im airrptinr thereof, a illittnce of two hundrea nu F. G. DAWSON, Limited TIEN or ie, llPlna . . A LONHUILL" eUhty (110) rain, more eatterly thore northerly and followlm the UaWPIIIak 1-ai Hue of the said Itland to mo uww-j corner of the tald Itland. a j'linc Distributers harry hanson nine hundred and ilxly 0 cbalni. mos License No. 142 tk3 bum plumber or ietti thence vetterly alons the north,e S'.tT'' V ri Prince Rupert, B.C. j,. Phone 77 and 72 Wand erly thore line of the taU point of commencement, that It ! ...... .k. ..m ii and. dltiance ADVERTISE IN of two hundred and el.blT t tblln' r let. ..,., e Daily News June 7th, tl.